Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Future of Energy | Renewable Energy | Solar | Wind | Geothermal

And this last year we've gotten further and further behind other industrial nations in the alternative energy sweepstakes.
There's a hundred times more jobs in alternative energy than coal.
So why has this fraudulent president pushed coal?
He owes a lot to the swamp that helped elect him.

Our worst fears are being realized with this president.

There's a hundred times more jobs in alternative energy than coal.

You're right, alternative energy jobs are low productivity.
5 of the Fastest Growing Jobs in Clean Energy

You’re 0- this thread

Wind Turbine Technician

Adding 25,000 new jobs last year, the U.S. wind industry now boasts 102,000 workers. Wind turbine technician isn’t just one of the fastest growing jobs in clean energy – it’s the single fastest growing occupation in America. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the sector will grow 108% by 2024.

Solar Installer

The solar industry added more than 73,000 jobs in 2016 – a 25% increase over 2015. In fact, it’s estimated that one out of every 50 new jobs created nationally came from solar.

This growth has sparked an array of opportunities for many professionals – even in fields such as real estate and sales. The core of the industry and the technology’s growth continues to be solar installers, who help set up and maintain the panels that are increasingly appearing on rooftops.

Clean Car Engineer

More alternative fuel vehicles are hitting the streets – and so are opportunities related to sustainable transportation. Today more than 259,000 Americans work with these vehicles, including cars and trucks running on electricity, hydrogen, and other alternative fuels, such as natural gas.

The growing demand for cars that both save money and create less pollution has driven a need for skilled engineers. DOE has set out to help strengthen the next generation of clean car engineers through a range of competitions like EcoCAR 3, which challenges teams of university students to apply their creativity and technical chops for designing energy-efficient, high performance vehicles.

And this is the short list

Fast growing, low productivity. Awesome!!!
Future of Energy | Renewable Energy | Solar | Wind | Geothermal

And this last year we've gotten further and further behind other industrial nations in the alternative energy sweepstakes.
There's a hundred times more jobs in alternative energy than coal.
So why has this fraudulent president pushed coal?
He owes a lot to the swamp that helped elect him.

Our worst fears are being realized with this president.

There's a hundred times more jobs in alternative energy than coal.

You're right, alternative energy jobs are low productivity.
5 of the Fastest Growing Jobs in Clean Energy

You’re 0- this thread

Wind Turbine Technician

Adding 25,000 new jobs last year, the U.S. wind industry now boasts 102,000 workers. Wind turbine technician isn’t just one of the fastest growing jobs in clean energy – it’s the single fastest growing occupation in America. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the sector will grow 108% by 2024.

Solar Installer

The solar industry added more than 73,000 jobs in 2016 – a 25% increase over 2015. In fact, it’s estimated that one out of every 50 new jobs created nationally came from solar.

This growth has sparked an array of opportunities for many professionals – even in fields such as real estate and sales. The core of the industry and the technology’s growth continues to be solar installers, who help set up and maintain the panels that are increasingly appearing on rooftops.

Clean Car Engineer

More alternative fuel vehicles are hitting the streets – and so are opportunities related to sustainable transportation. Today more than 259,000 Americans work with these vehicles, including cars and trucks running on electricity, hydrogen, and other alternative fuels, such as natural gas.

The growing demand for cars that both save money and create less pollution has driven a need for skilled engineers. DOE has set out to help strengthen the next generation of clean car engineers through a range of competitions like EcoCAR 3, which challenges teams of university students to apply their creativity and technical chops for designing energy-efficient, high performance vehicles.

And this is the short list

Fast growing, low productivity. Awesome!!!

YOf course you don't. I don't fit into your little Regressive bubble.
My stand on the issues is in the link at the end of the second line of my sig..

You mean the link to a post from April of 2017? LOL! So, how does that prove anything? It doesn't establish you've held those beliefs for any period of time. In fact, it kinda looks like, based on your posting history and search, you invented those positions for the purpose of the thread, not that you came to them organically.

You do realize that we can search you previous posts, right?

You people are partially responsible for this man being in the White House. But you're too full of yourselves to admit it..

Oh, I absolutely agree that coddling and pandering to the Conservative base is why we have Trump today. I've been saying for the longest time that we should write the Trump voters off, and that we don't need them to win. Alabama's election this month proved it; liberals don't need to pander to whiny Conservative nobodies to win elections, all liberals need to do is turn out their base.
Sure, search my previous posts, thanks.

And when you find you're wrong, I know you won't have the balls to admit it. Because you're a liar and a coward.

Go. Search. Let's go.
Still waiting for you to show just one time you criticized any of the hundreds of racist comments by the Trump cult.
I’ll await your documentation.

You can search the board yourself, bub. Nobody here is obligated to be your interweb research assistant. Nor is anyone required to prove his innocence to you.

SRSLY, you have some sort of Styrofoam gawd complex, donchya?
The most prevalent response is to quite watching football. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Which didn't seem to work, either. Because Trumpanzees like to think they're more important, significant, and remarkable than they truly are.

NFL's ratings declined 10-11% year over year
TV's ratings declined 15% year over year

But keep telling yourselves you have influence...
The most prevalent response is to quite watching football. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Which didn't seem to work, either. Because Trumpanzees like to think they're more important, significant, and remarkable than they truly are.

NFL's ratings declined 10-11% year over year
TV's ratings declined 15% year over year

But keep telling yourselves you have influence...

It's working quite fine. People who don't want to watch football don't. Those who do want to watch football do. I'm perfectly copacetic with this situation.

See, I don't feel the need to have a temper tantrum if other people don't want to do the things I prefer. I just want them to leave me alone to pursue my own path. We'd all be better off if you loons adopted a similar attitude, but your FEELZ won't let you.
It's working quite fine. People who don't want to watch football don't. Those who do want to watch football do. I'm perfectly copacetic with this situation.

And yet, the mere mention of a black guy kneeling during the National Anthem sends you all into such hysterics. Funny how that works, isn't it?

See, I don't feel the need to have a temper tantrum if other people don't want to do the things I prefer. I just want them to leave me alone to pursue my own path. We'd all be better off if you loons adopted a similar attitude, but your FEELZ won't let you.

Your temper tantrum manifests itself in projection and ignorance.
It's working quite fine. People who don't want to watch football don't. Those who do want to watch football do. I'm perfectly copacetic with this situation.

And yet, the mere mention of a black guy kneeling during the National Anthem sends you all into such hysterics. Funny how that works, isn't it?

See, I don't feel the need to have a temper tantrum if other people don't want to do the things I prefer. I just want them to leave me alone to pursue my own path. We'd all be better off if you loons adopted a similar attitude, but your FEELZ won't let you.

Your temper tantrum manifests itself in projection and ignorance.

As an expert on myself, I can most affirmatively say that I have not had one moment of hysteria over Kaperpimpleneck's tacky behavior. I do what any civilized person who objects to his behavior would do: ignore him.
As an expert on myself, I can most affirmatively say that I have not had one moment of hysteria over Kaperpimpleneck's tacky behavior. I do what any civilized person who objects to his behavior would do: ignore him.

Nope. Ignoring something isn't what civilized people do, it's what ignorant people do. You can't spell ignorance without ignore!

By ignoring Kaepernick's message, you prove your ignorance to the subject of which he's raising awareness and starting a discussion. You're saying you don't even want to have that discussion...and why? Because of your feelings. Such a fucking snowflake.
As an expert on myself, I can most affirmatively say that I have not had one moment of hysteria over Kaperpimpleneck's tacky behavior. I do what any civilized person who objects to his behavior would do: ignore him.

Nope. Ignoring something isn't what civilized people do, it's what ignorant people do. You can't spell ignorance without ignore!

Oh jeebus. I bet you freak out at the word niggardly.

In Civil Society, shunning people one finds to be objectionable is perfectly Civilized. It doesn't require government action or obligate anyone else to participate. It is a persona choice. Of course that horrifies you.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.


"shovel ready"
"will save the average family $2500 per year"
"increasing the debt is a failure of leadership"
And Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012.

that is simply not true.
In Civil Society, shunning people one finds to be objectionable is perfectly Civilized..

According to no one but you. You're here arguing in defense of ignorance. What a disappointment. In Civil Society, we discuss problems and issues people have. You don't even want to do that. The reason is obvious; you're too emotionally fragile to confront your misconceptions.

It doesn't require government action or obligate anyone else to participate. It is a persona choice. Of course that horrifies you.

What horrifies me is that you defend your own ignorance for the sake of your personal comfort. And that is bullshit entitlement to its most exaggerated degree.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.
where do you get this BS? do your handlers send you talking point lies every morning?
What I wrote is true, and that you dislike it means nothing.

wrong, from your left wing friends at CNN

So as usual, you're obfuscating the truth by using outdated articles. That link is from August 2017, it's December 2017 and we have 4 additional months of job data to examine. Doing so shows Trump's created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama created in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, and barely 2012.

you claimed that obozo created more, you lied. end of story.
In Civil Society, shunning people one finds to be objectionable is perfectly Civilized..

According to no one but you. You're here arguing in defense of ignorance. What a disappointment. In Civil Society, we discuss problems and issues people have. You don't even want to do that. The reason is obvious; you're too emotionally fragile to confront your misconceptions.

It doesn't require government action or obligate anyone else to participate. It is a persona choice. Of course that horrifies you.

What horrifies me is that you defend your own ignorance for the sake of your personal comfort. And that is bullshit entitlement to its most exaggerated degree.

It's horrifying that you object to someone exercising her freedom to opt out of a voluntary activity. But it's not surprising.

And now, toodles.

You are not at all amusing, and that's the most distressing aspect of your presence here.
In Civil Society, shunning people one finds to be objectionable is perfectly Civilized..

According to no one but you. You're here arguing in defense of ignorance. What a disappointment. In Civil Society, we discuss problems and issues people have. You don't even want to do that. The reason is obvious; you're too emotionally fragile to confront your misconceptions.

It doesn't require government action or obligate anyone else to participate. It is a persona choice. Of course that horrifies you.

What horrifies me is that you defend your own ignorance for the sake of your personal comfort. And that is bullshit entitlement to its most exaggerated degree.

your posts in this thread do not constitute civil debate.
you claimed that obozo created more, you lied. end of story.

So now your Russia is really showing...

I said that Trump's created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama did in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, and barely 2012.

You can lie about whatever you want, we can go back at the thread and see that Trump has created the fewest jobs since 2012.
It's horrifying that you object to someone exercising her freedom to opt out of a voluntary activity. But it's not surprising.

You're opting out of the discussion of police brutality because you don't want to have to confront the misconceptions you have. The reason is obvious; your ego could not handle it. So you run away like a coward instead, but at least your precious feelings are in tact and you're not discomforted! So....yay?

You are not at all amusing, and that's the most distressing aspect of your presence here.

You're just a baby, someone who needs to have their personal comfort cared for at every turn because you think you're entitled to it. Well guess what? You're not entitled to your comfort. In fact, you're not entitled to anything, even your opinion. Entitlements are earned, and you haven't earned shit.
you claimed that obozo created more, you lied. end of story.

So now your Russia is really showing...

I said that Trump's created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama did in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, and barely 2012.

You can lie about whatever you want, we can go back at the thread and see that Trump has created the fewest jobs since 2012.

depends on who is producing the stats. BTW, Russia had nothing to do with Hillary losing. She lost because the American people saw her as an old, angry, corrupt, lying bitch. She lost because of who and what she is, nothing more.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.


"shovel ready"
"will save the average family $2500 per year"
"increasing the debt is a failure of leadership"
And Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012.

that is simply not true.
Yup, it is. Derp posted it in several threads.

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