Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

your posts in this thread do not constitute civil debate.

Being a Russian troll doesn't constitute civil debate either. So maybe shut the fuck up.

ok asshole, tell us exactly what Russia did that changed the outcome of the election. Where did they do it? Which votes were affected? How many? Which states?
The fact they attempted it is the problem, not how successful or not was the effort. If I shoot at you and miss does not excuse me from the effect of the full force of the law.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.


"shovel ready"
"will save the average family $2500 per year"
"increasing the debt is a failure of leadership"
And Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012.

that is simply not true.
Yup, it is. Derp posted it in several threads.

I posted the facts. He posted left wing bullshit.
your posts in this thread do not constitute civil debate.

Being a Russian troll doesn't constitute civil debate either. So maybe shut the fuck up.

ok asshole, tell us exactly what Russia did that changed the outcome of the election. Where did they do it? Which votes were affected? How many? Which states?
The fact they attempted it is the problem, not how successful or not was the effort. If I shoot at you and miss does not excuse me from the effect of the full force of the law.

OK, what did they "attempt"? What exactly are you claiming they did or tried to do?
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.


"shovel ready"
"will save the average family $2500 per year"
"increasing the debt is a failure of leadership"
And Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012.

that is simply not true.
Yup, it is. Derp posted it in several threads.

I posted the facts. He posted left wing bullshit.
He posted the facts, and you posted Fake Alt Right Media nonsense. Or ask questions about things you already posted.

"shovel ready"
"will save the average family $2500 per year"
"increasing the debt is a failure of leadership"
And Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012.

that is simply not true.
Yup, it is. Derp posted it in several threads.

I posted the facts. He posted left wing bullshit.
He posted the facts, and you posted Fake Alt Right Media nonsense.

Obama attempted to influence the Israeli election. Are you mad about that? Or is it ok when dems do it? just trying to calibrate your bullshit.
The bullshit is all yours, Redfish. We are talking about Russia interfering with our elections, and quite possibly with Trump campaign staffer help.
It's horrifying that you object to someone exercising her freedom to opt out of a voluntary activity. But it's not surprising.

You're opting out of the discussion of police brutality because you don't want to have to confront the misconceptions you have. The reason is obvious; your ego could not handle it. So you run away like a coward instead, but at least your precious feelings are in tact and you're not discomforted! So....yay?

You are not at all amusing, and that's the most distressing aspect of your presence here.

You're just a baby, someone who needs to have their personal comfort cared for at every turn because you think you're entitled to it. Well guess what? You're not entitled to your comfort. In fact, you're not entitled to anything, even your opinion. Entitlements are earned, and you haven't earned shit.

^^^ Specious poppycock, blather, and nonsense ^^^
It's horrifying that you object to someone exercising her freedom to opt out of a voluntary activity. But it's not surprising.

You're opting out of the discussion of police brutality because you don't want to have to confront the misconceptions you have. The reason is obvious; your ego could not handle it. So you run away like a coward instead, but at least your precious feelings are in tact and you're not discomforted! So....yay?

You are not at all amusing, and that's the most distressing aspect of your presence here.

You're just a baby, someone who needs to have their personal comfort cared for at every turn because you think you're entitled to it. Well guess what? You're not entitled to your comfort. In fact, you're not entitled to anything, even your opinion. Entitlements are earned, and you haven't earned shit.

^^^ Specious poppycock, blather, and nonsense ^^^
^^^ Specious poppycock, blather, and nonsense ^^^

and those are his good points.

Though the Deep State lied about it.

it's important to note the use of "Deep State" here by a poster whose profile was created during the exact time Putin's trolls were in full swing, spamming US message boards and social media with Russian propaganda.

So is it a coincidence that you just happened to appear on the scene right in that window, posting the very things, memes, and arguments Russian trolls were caught posting across social media? I don't believe in coincidences.

The recent of actions of government officials, in defense of the Political Class against the outsider Trump, has been lending more and more credibility to the idea of the Deep State as an active entity.

My point about the "error" in the initial reporting on the economy in the final stages of the campaign is retroactive in light of those actions.

Less and less of a benefit of a doubt can be given to liberals as their "errors" more and more always seem to go in one direction.
Yeah, let's see: In Trump's first year:

* We made more progress against ISIS than we did in the previous three years under Obama because we ditched Obama's bizarre rules of engagement.

* The stock market has smashed all records.

* Job creation has increased.

* People are no longer taxed for choosing not to buy a product for their own body (health insurance).

* A historic tax cut bill has been passed, a bill that gives the biggest rate cuts to the middle class.

* E-verify is operational again (Obama had nullified it with executive orders so that it was inoperable even though it was still technically the law).

* The number of illegals crossing the border has been cut dramatically.

* Federal regulations have been slashed and a new rule instituted that requires a reduction in regulations every time a new regulation is created.

* Lockheed Martin's over-budget, overdue F-35 program has been forced to charge the government less money for future work.

* The American Embassy in Israel is finally being moved to Jerusalem.

* Business confidence is at a 10-year high.

* The EPA has been caged and is no longer harassing the energy industry with frivolous, draconian regulations and regulatory interpretations.

* The coal industry has been resurrected and is growing again, after Obama nearly destroyed it.

Yeah, what a terrible first year!
These Regressives are showing us how nasty, hateful, cowardly and dishonest they can be.

This is a freakin' clinic.
Says the guy who has yet to counter any of the virulent racist comments made by the Trump cult.
Use search, coward.

The word "racist" means something to me, coming from a mixed race family. You use it as a bludgeon to troll people.

You're less than a coward.

If anyone on here after several years and thousands upon thousands of posts and thousands of threads can remember where any one post is, or what thread it is under, would be absolutely the best memory in the world. The stupidity and unreasonableness of some people is unbelievable, can’t believe some people are that stupid.
Yeah, let's see: In Trump's first year:

* We made more progress against ISIS than we did in the previous three years under Obama because we ditched Obama's bizarre rules of engagement.

* The stock market has smashed all records.

* Job creation has increased.

* People are no longer taxed for choosing not to buy a product for their own body (health insurance).

* A historic tax cut bill has been passed, a bill that gives the biggest rate cuts to the middle class.

* E-verify is operational again (Obama had nullified it with executive orders so that it was inoperable even though it was still technically the law).

* The number of illegals crossing the border has been cut dramatically.

* Federal regulations have been slashed and a new rule instituted that requires a reduction in regulations every time a new regulation is created.

* Lockheed Martin's over-budget, overdue F-35 program has been forced to charge the government less money for future work.

* The American Embassy in Israel is finally being moved to Jerusalem.

* Business confidence is at a 10-year high.

* The EPA has been caged and is no longer harassing the energy industry with frivolous, draconian regulations and regulatory interpretations.

* The coal industry has been resurrected and is growing again, after Obama nearly destroyed it.

Yeah, what a terrible first year!

Give it a rest, the left nuts don’t care, they just want to bitch and moan. They are a bent as the right nuts who complained about Obama non-stop. They are pathetic losers.
These Regressives are showing us how nasty, hateful, cowardly and dishonest they can be.

This is a freakin' clinic.
Says the guy who has yet to counter any of the virulent racist comments made by the Trump cult.
Use search, coward.

The word "racist" means something to me, coming from a mixed race family. You use it as a bludgeon to troll people.

You're less than a coward.

If anyone on here after several years and thousands upon thousands of posts and thousands of threads can remember where any one post is, or what thread it is under, would be absolutely the best memory in the world. The stupidity and unreasonableness of some people is unbelievable, can’t believe some people are that stupid.
It's not stupidity, though. It's dishonesty and cowardice. If you look back at that ugly conversation, he pulled "racism" out of thin air, just trying to put me on the defensive.

That's what Regressives do to deflect and avoid. But they don't get away with it any more.
‘Trump and his enablers have waged a relentless war against truth in an attempt to delegitimize any and all critical voices. He wields the epithet “fake news” as a cudgel against inconvenient facts and those who report them. Can a democracy function without a commonly accepted chronicle of events and encyclopedia of knowledge? We are conducting a dangerous experiment to find out.’ ibid

It's a dangerous experiment being conducted against the will of a majority of the American people.
I might agree that Trump over uses the term fake news and perhaps does use it in a knee jerk fashion.

However it is not entirely without merit either.

The mainstream media has been dominated by liberals and left wingers for decades now and have not acted as " chroniclers for events " . Instead they have at best spun the news to present it in a light positive to their own views and at worst manufactured it.

Trump has simply been calling them out on this and they need to be. The media needs to be held to a harsh and unforgiving standard just as the government need to be held to such a standard and the media has failed for a long time.

The attitude seems to be that they are a fourth branch of government and unimpeachable. Neither is true.
Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared

You are spinning.

He described people on both sides as fine people which is true and some on both sides as not so good which is also true.

He was correct.
The recent of actions of government officials, in defense of the Political Class against the outsider Trump, has been lending more and more credibility to the idea of the Deep State as an active entity.

No, it's just Russian propaganda intended to gaslight the findings of Mueller's probe, which is going to conclude Trump not only accepted help from Russia, but lied about it.

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