Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

protectionist, don't think you are here to add profound thoughts.

You are here for grins and giggles, nothing more.
Try some substance, not accusations. Calling people names and lying constantly is all you contribute. The country clearly feels differently than you say it does. You people tried to talk your way through the 2016 election and it failed miserably. Didn't it?
Obama is a jihadist, who colluded with Baghdadi (ISIS). After setting the stage for the Fort Hood attack, and purging FBI and Pentagon manuals of anti-jihad words, he pulled US troops out of Iraq, paving the way for ISIS to move in.

ISIS was already there, they were called Ba'athists. And you're the ones who spent $30B arming and training the New Iraqi Army that dropped their weapons and ran away from ISIS coming through Syria.

In fact, ISIS is entirely of your creation:

1. You invaded Iraq with no plan for occupation, destabilizing the region
2. You disbanded the Iraqi Army
3. You criminalized the Ba'athists
4. You supported pro-Iranian Maliki who cleansed Sunnis and Ba'athists out of Iraq and into Syria
5. You spent $30B arming and training a New Iraqi Army that dropped its weapons for ISIS to pick up
6. You opposed the Arab Spring, and supported Assad when he cracked down on those protesters.

But this is all Obama's fault...for Obama should have had the foresight to physically stop Bush from invading Iraq 5 years before Obama was elected President. LOL! Fuck you. Eat shit.

Then, in collusion with Baghdadi, he gave ISIS the green light to invade and massacre. The ISIS convoys traveled on open, desert roads where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none.

Incorrect. Obama launched more airstrikes against ISIS than Bush did against Saddam. In fact, Obama dropped about 24,000 bombs on ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Also, in 2017 US military special forces went to work helping Kurds and Iraq military, retaking cities that had fallen to ISIS during the Obama neglect/collusion years.

Sorry dumbass, but those Special Forces were already there doing that before Trump was even a candidate.
1. A small part of ISIS was already there, and they were not the Bathists. They were known as Al Qaeda in Iraq and were political decendants of Al Zarqawi (assassinated in 2006). Another small part of ISIS was already in Iraq, and were mostly children whom ISIS recruited. Both of these were relatively small and insignificant compared to the ISIS forces that (AS I SAID) traveled from Syria.

The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

2. The Iraqis who dropped their weapons and ran, did so because of the Obama supported Shiite govt in Iraq, under Malaki. The Iraqi soldiers were Sunnis (as was ISIS) Get it ?

3. The region WAS stablized, with many cities (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc) liberated from the jihadists. It was after Obama's 2011 withdrawl of US troops, that these formerly liberated cities fell to ISIS. (and because of that withdrawl)

4. Of course we oppose the Arab Spring. It was a Muslim Brotherhood engineered project, that even took power in Egypt, and was supported by US Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Obama and Hillary Clinton.

5. Nice try, Bush-basher, but this is about jihadist-Obama and US patriot Trump.

6. Are you nuts ? EVERYBODY knows airstrikes were "pinpricks" as Air Force ex- LT General MacInerney and ex Army 4 star general Jack Keane called them. The were few or none. Who do you think THESE GUYS
are ? Teenagers cruising to pick up girls ? >


If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ? Is there a doctor in the house ? :rolleyes:

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing'

US Generals on Iraq: Obama Must Do More Than 'Pinprick' Airstrikes

The Pinprick President

U.S. won’t provide airstrikes for Iraqi offensive against Islamic State: Pentagon
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No. Because I don't judge patriotism by how rigidly one stands for an anthem.
You are foolishly defining yourself as a traitor to the USA. The national anthem is much more than a song. It represents the USA itself, and hundreds of thousands of military people who died in wars to protect your narrowminded butt. without them you wouldn't be here now, ad certainly not spouting off freely on a political computer board.

It, and the flag, represents not only those thousands who sacrificed their lives in World War II, but also those who died in wars more recently, fighting the international jihad, who would chop your hear off in a blink of any eye.
So you have no problem with people (of any race) kneeling during the national anthem ?

No. Because I don't judge patriotism by how rigidly one stands for an anthem.

rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus.

If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.
protectionist, don't think you are here to add profound thoughts.

You are here for grins and giggles, nothing more.
See Post # 722 for "profound thoughts" Also, Post 716 (link)

As always, no charge for the tutoring, Mr information-deprived liberal. :biggrin:
rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus.

If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.
Plenty of other countries available for him to go to >> North Korea, Haiti, Cuba, Syria. Bon Voyage.
rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus.

If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.
Plenty of other countries available for him to go to >> North Korea, Haiti, Cuba, Syria. Bon Voyage.

right, any of those socialist utopias would gladly accept more idiots to grovel at the feet of their almighty leaders.
rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus.

If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.
Plenty of other countries available for him to go to >> North Korea, Haiti, Cuba, Syria. Bon Voyage.
right wing jealousy of mono-culturalism?
rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus. If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.

The USA isn't obligated to force people to stand for anthems either. If you think patriotism is measured by how tall you stand for a fucking song, then you're the one who isn't a patriot.
The recent of actions of government officials, in defense of the Political Class against the outsider Trump, has been lending more and more credibility to the idea of the Deep State as an active entity.

No, it's just Russian propaganda intended to gaslight the findings of Mueller's probe, which is going to conclude Trump not only accepted help from Russia, but lied about it.

The example I was referring to, ie the underreporting of economic growth during the final phases of the campaign, was all done by career government officials.

Who just happened to undermine Bush's odds of winning by reporting false data to the voters, that did not get "corrected" until after the election.

Your crazy talk is irrelevant in light of that issue. Try to be less crazy.
It is when the fucking commies are trying to take over the world.

So deficit spending is OK in some cases, not OK in others. Got it.

D'uh. Of course.

And what is OK for you is entirely subjective and arbitrary.

The poor state of the US military coming out of Vietnam and Carter, is not a subjective opinion. It is historical fact.

The need for defense against the Soviet Union, during the 80s, is also backed up by documented history.
rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus. If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.

The USA isn't obligated to force people to stand for anthems either. If you think patriotism is measured by how tall you stand for a fucking song, then you're the one who isn't a patriot.

The kneelers stood for God Save the Queen when they were in England. Why?

To show respect to their hosts.

They kneeled during the US anthem to show disrespect to America and Americans.

rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus. If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.

The USA isn't obligated to force people to stand for anthems either. If you think patriotism is measured by how tall you stand for a fucking song, then you're the one who isn't a patriot.

The kneelers stood for God Save the Queen when they were in England. Why?

To show respect to their hosts.

They kneeled during the US anthem to show disrespect to America and Americans.

they are fellow Americans. We have a First Amendment, not monoculturalism. Why compete with North Korea, on that front?
rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus. If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.

The USA isn't obligated to force people to stand for anthems either. If you think patriotism is measured by how tall you stand for a fucking song, then you're the one who isn't a patriot.

The kneelers stood for God Save the Queen when they were in England. Why?

To show respect to their hosts.

They kneeled during the US anthem to show disrespect to America and Americans.

they are fellow Americans. We have a First Amendment, not monoculturalism. Why compete with North Korea, on that front?

I'm not calling them on being different.

I'm calling them on being disrespectful to America and Americans.

I was very clear on that.

Your post was idiotic.

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