Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

YOf course you don't. I don't fit into your little Regressive bubble.
My stand on the issues is in the link at the end of the second line of my sig..

You mean the link to a post from April of 2017? LOL! So, how does that prove anything? It doesn't establish you've held those beliefs for any period of time. In fact, it kinda looks like, based on your posting history and search, you invented those positions for the purpose of the thread, not that you came to them organically.

You do realize that we can search you previous posts, right?

You people are partially responsible for this man being in the White House. But you're too full of yourselves to admit it..

Oh, I absolutely agree that coddling and pandering to the Conservative base is why we have Trump today. I've been saying for the longest time that we should write the Trump voters off, and that we don't need them to win. Alabama's election this month proved it; liberals don't need to pander to whiny Conservative nobodies to win elections, all liberals need to do is turn out their base.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Considering I'm neither, I consider that as a personal attack
Going now employ your slow down software on me now?


Reported you.

If I did anything, it would be taking advantage of my position as mod.

and I wont' do that
YOf course you don't. I don't fit into your little Regressive bubble.
My stand on the issues is in the link at the end of the second line of my sig..

You mean the link to a post from April of 2017? LOL! So, how does that prove anything? It doesn't establish you've held those beliefs for any period of time. In fact, it kinda looks like, based on your posting history and search, you invented those positions for the purpose of the thread, not that you came to them organically.

You do realize that we can search you previous posts, right?

You people are partially responsible for this man being in the White House. But you're too full of yourselves to admit it..

Oh, I absolutely agree that coddling and pandering to the Conservative base is why we have Trump today. I've been saying for the longest time that we should write the Trump voters off, and that we don't need them to win. Alabama's election this month proved it; liberals don't need to pander to whiny Conservative nobodies to win elections, all liberals need to do is turn out their base.
Sure, search my previous posts, thanks.

And when you find you're wrong, I know you won't have the balls to admit it. Because you're a liar and a coward.

Go. Search. Let's go.
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Considering I'm neither, I consider that as a personal attack
Going now employ your slow down software on me now?


Reported you.

If I did anything, it would be taking advantage of my position as mod.

and I wont' do that
Yeah because you have so much integrity. Lmao

Have you read the trump cult’s personal Daily attacks ?
Yet they’re here EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Having a mod staff full of deplorables makes it happen
YOf course you don't. I don't fit into your little Regressive bubble.
My stand on the issues is in the link at the end of the second line of my sig..

You mean the link to a post from April of 2017? LOL! So, how does that prove anything? It doesn't establish you've held those beliefs for any period of time. In fact, it kinda looks like, based on your posting history and search, you invented those positions for the purpose of the thread, not that you came to them organically.

You do realize that we can search you previous posts, right?

You people are partially responsible for this man being in the White House. But you're too full of yourselves to admit it..

Oh, I absolutely agree that coddling and pandering to the Conservative base is why we have Trump today. I've been saying for the longest time that we should write the Trump voters off, and that we don't need them to win. Alabama's election this month proved it; liberals don't need to pander to whiny Conservative nobodies to win elections, all liberals need to do is turn out their base.
Sure, search my previous posts, thanks.

And when you find you're wrong, I know you won't have the balls to admit it. Because you're a liar and a coward.

Go. Search. Let's go.
Still waiting for you to show just one time you criticized any of the hundreds of racist comments by the Trump cult.
I’ll await your documentation.
YOf course you don't. I don't fit into your little Regressive bubble.
My stand on the issues is in the link at the end of the second line of my sig..

You mean the link to a post from April of 2017? LOL! So, how does that prove anything? It doesn't establish you've held those beliefs for any period of time. In fact, it kinda looks like, based on your posting history and search, you invented those positions for the purpose of the thread, not that you came to them organically.

You do realize that we can search you previous posts, right?

You people are partially responsible for this man being in the White House. But you're too full of yourselves to admit it..

Oh, I absolutely agree that coddling and pandering to the Conservative base is why we have Trump today. I've been saying for the longest time that we should write the Trump voters off, and that we don't need them to win. Alabama's election this month proved it; liberals don't need to pander to whiny Conservative nobodies to win elections, all liberals need to do is turn out their base.
Sure, search my previous posts, thanks.

And when you find you're wrong, I know you won't have the balls to admit it. Because you're a liar and a coward.

Go. Search. Let's go.
Still waiting for you to show just one time you criticized any of the hundreds of racist comments by the Trump cult.
I’ll await your documentation.
Of course. Avoidance & Deflection. Thanks.

You're a liar and a coward, and you just proved it.

If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Considering I'm neither, I consider that as a personal attack
Going now employ your slow down software on me now?


Reported you.

If I did anything, it would be taking advantage of my position as mod.

and I wont' do that
“‘I reported you.”
I bet you were a snitch in grade school.
Probably used that in your resume to get the job here.
Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Considering I'm neither, I consider that as a personal attack
Going now employ your slow down software on me now?


Reported you.

If I did anything, it would be taking advantage of my position as mod.

and I wont' do that
Yeah because you have so much integrity. Lmao

Have you read the trump cult’s personal Daily attacks ?
Yet they’re here EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Having a mod staff full of deplorables makes it happen
When they're reported, or if I see them, I take action on them.

Doesn't matter which side of the fence they are on.
YOf course you don't. I don't fit into your little Regressive bubble.
My stand on the issues is in the link at the end of the second line of my sig..

You mean the link to a post from April of 2017? LOL! So, how does that prove anything? It doesn't establish you've held those beliefs for any period of time. In fact, it kinda looks like, based on your posting history and search, you invented those positions for the purpose of the thread, not that you came to them organically.

You do realize that we can search you previous posts, right?

You people are partially responsible for this man being in the White House. But you're too full of yourselves to admit it..

Oh, I absolutely agree that coddling and pandering to the Conservative base is why we have Trump today. I've been saying for the longest time that we should write the Trump voters off, and that we don't need them to win. Alabama's election this month proved it; liberals don't need to pander to whiny Conservative nobodies to win elections, all liberals need to do is turn out their base.
Sure, search my previous posts, thanks.

And when you find you're wrong, I know you won't have the balls to admit it. Because you're a liar and a coward.

Go. Search. Let's go.
Still waiting for you to show just one time you criticized any of the hundreds of racist comments by the Trump cult.
I’ll await your documentation.
Of course. Avoidance & Deflection. Thanks.

You're a liar and a coward, and you just proved it.

Listen to the real coward insist he’s not a racist but can’t come up with even one example of him calling out the daily racist comments by DEPLORABLES.
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Considering I'm neither, I consider that as a personal attack
Going now employ your slow down software on me now?


Reported you.

If I did anything, it would be taking advantage of my position as mod.

and I wont' do that
Yeah because you have so much integrity. Lmao

Have you read the trump cult’s personal Daily attacks ?
Yet they’re here EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Having a mod staff full of deplorables makes it happen
When they're reported, or if I see them, I take action on them.

Doesn't matter which side of the fence they are on.
Yeah right that’s why the biggest offenders are here EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Growth at 4%, unemployment still heading down, the stock market is up, the largest retail season ever recorded, rules and regs getting repealed, tax cuts in the future, wages are up, consumer confidence is up.

What a terrible year! LOL!
These Regressives are showing us how nasty, hateful, cowardly and dishonest they can be.

This is a freakin' clinic.
Says the guy who has yet to counter any of the virulent racist comments made by the Trump cult.
Considering I'm neither, I consider that as a personal attack
Going now employ your slow down software on me now?


Reported you.

If I did anything, it would be taking advantage of my position as mod.

and I wont' do that
Yeah because you have so much integrity. Lmao

Have you read the trump cult’s personal Daily attacks ?
Yet they’re here EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Having a mod staff full of deplorables makes it happen
When they're reported, or if I see them, I take action on them.

Doesn't matter which side of the fence they are on.
Yeah right that’s why the biggest offenders are here EVERY SINGLE DAY.
like you?
These Regressives are showing us how nasty, hateful, cowardly and dishonest they can be.

This is a freakin' clinic.
Says the guy who has yet to counter any of the virulent racist comments made by the Trump cult.
Use search, coward.

The word "racist" means something to me, coming from a mixed race family. You use it as a bludgeon to troll people.

You're less than a coward.
Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.

You are a Triple Dog LAIR!
He's just another Regressive.

When in doubt, scream RACIST.

Dilute that important word into mud.

When everything is RACIST, nothing is.

Just sayin'.
And that's the problem. The Regressives, like those we see here, have taken a terribly important word and turned it into a fucking punchline for political advantage.

They don't give two shits about honesty or healing.
So how many trump supporters have you criticized for making overt racist comments?

Let me guess.

Do you still beat your dog?
Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared

I don't think butthurt cream strong enough to ease your pain has even been invented yet.

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