Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Wow Will, I didn't know you were a racist and white supremacist.

Holy crap, for Reasonable (I'm assuming the screen name is ironic) to level such a serious charge, I'll bet he has a veritable TREASURE TROVE of your posts saying that whites are superior to minorities.

Because he'd NEVER LIE about such an important thing.

SHAME on you!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that message board members who frequently and persistently accuse anonymous people on the interwebs of being RACISTS are in reality virulent racists themselves.
Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.

You are a Triple Dog LAIR!
What’s a lair?

Trump: I love my uneducated base.
Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Wow Will, I didn't know you were a racist and white supremacist.

Holy crap, for Reasonable (I'm assuming the screen name is ironic) to level such a serious charge, I'll bet he has a veritable TREASURE TROVE of your posts saying that whites are superior to minorities.

Because he'd NEVER LIE about such an important thing.

SHAME on you!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that message board members who frequently and persistently accuse anonymous people on the interwebs of being RACISTS are in reality virulent racists themselves.
Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.

You are a Triple Dog LAIR!
He's just another Regressive.

When in doubt, scream RACIST.

Dilute that important word into mud.
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Wow Will, I didn't know you were a racist and white supremacist.

Holy crap, for Reasonable (I'm assuming the screen name is ironic) to level such a serious charge, I'll bet he has a veritable TREASURE TROVE of your posts saying that whites are superior to minorities.

Because he'd NEVER LIE about such an important thing.

SHAME on you!
Bottom feeder has zero comprehension skills.
Not surprising you don’t know the difference between laughing at racists like you and being one.
Holy crap!

I'm a racist TOO?

Yikes, someone better tell my family and extended family, there's not a full-blooded cracker among us.

Please, so that I may adequately serve my penance, please provide some examples of my racist remarks so that I may share them with my family and incur their wrath.

Thank you.
I see reading comprehension isn’t your forte.
Take 2.

I said,”Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.”
Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Wow Will, I didn't know you were a racist and white supremacist.

Holy crap, for Reasonable (I'm assuming the screen name is ironic) to level such a serious charge, I'll bet he has a veritable TREASURE TROVE of your posts saying that whites are superior to minorities.

Because he'd NEVER LIE about such an important thing.

SHAME on you!
Bottom feeder has zero comprehension skills.
Not surprising you don’t know the difference between laughing at racists like you and being one.
Holy crap!

I'm a racist TOO?

Yikes, someone better tell my family and extended family, there's not a full-blooded cracker among us.

Please, so that I may adequately serve my penance, please provide some examples of my racist remarks so that I may share them with my family and incur their wrath.

Thank you.
I see reading comprehension isn’t your forte.
Take 2.

Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.
You said I'm a racist.

Prove it.

And I voted for Hillary.

Let's go.
The renewable energy job market is exploding despite our backward president still living in the Stone Age about climate change.


Solarcity *snicker*
Sungevity *snicker*

for starters.

Wind Turbine Technician

Adding 25,000 new jobs last year, the U.S. wind industry now boasts 102,000 workers. Wind turbine technician isn’t just one of the fastest growing jobs in clean energy – it’s the single fastest growing occupation in America. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the sector will grow 108% by 2024.

That’s for permitting me to embarrass your dumb ass.

I'll call your drivel and provide cogent information instead. The only reason those jobs exist is extreme amounts of taxpayer provided corporate welfare.

For the past 23 years, the federal government has subsidized wind power with tens of billions of taxpayer dollars through the Production Tax Credit (PTC). What do we have to show for it? Wind energy only supplied 1.6 percent of total U.S. energy in 2014. Now the Department of Energy wants to reach a ridiculous goal of 20 percent wind energy by 2030. The fledgling wind industry has no hope of reaching that goal on its own, and the government wants to stick the American taxpayer with the bill to sustain an industry that can't sustain itself.

The PTC was originally intended to give the wind industry the kickstart it needed to be self-sufficient. But, despite wind energy's 23-year reliance on fiscal training wheels, the Obama administration now wants to make the PTC permanent. Let that sink in a little bit. The government is considering the creation of an endless welfare system for big wind companies...

What do we have to show for government subsidies of wind power?
And I voted for Hillary..

Don't believe you. Not something you can even prove. Which begs the quesiton; why volunteer just that specific piece of information? Obviously because you're just employing Active Measures.
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Wow Will, I didn't know you were a racist and white supremacist.

Holy crap, for Reasonable (I'm assuming the screen name is ironic) to level such a serious charge, I'll bet he has a veritable TREASURE TROVE of your posts saying that whites are superior to minorities.

Because he'd NEVER LIE about such an important thing.

SHAME on you!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that message board members who frequently and persistently accuse anonymous people on the interwebs of being RACISTS are in reality virulent racists themselves.
Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.

You are a Triple Dog LAIR!
He's just another Regressive.

When in doubt, scream RACIST.

Dilute that important word into mud.

When everything is RACIST, nothing is.

Just sayin'.
Interesting how all the trump cultists who claim they’re not racist never call out the ones making overt racist comments.

Birds of a feather.
And I voted for Hillary..

Don't believe you. Not something you can even prove. Which begs the quesiton; why volunteer just that specific piece of information? Obviously because you're just employing Active Measures.
Of course you don't. I don't fit into your little Regressive bubble.

My stand on the issues is in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

You people are partially responsible for this man being in the White House. But you're too full of yourselves to admit it.
Wow Will, I didn't know you were a racist and white supremacist.

Holy crap, for Reasonable (I'm assuming the screen name is ironic) to level such a serious charge, I'll bet he has a veritable TREASURE TROVE of your posts saying that whites are superior to minorities.

Because he'd NEVER LIE about such an important thing.

SHAME on you!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that message board members who frequently and persistently accuse anonymous people on the interwebs of being RACISTS are in reality virulent racists themselves.
Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.

You are a Triple Dog LAIR!
He's just another Regressive.

When in doubt, scream RACIST.

Dilute that important word into mud.

When everything is RACIST, nothing is.

Just sayin'.
And that's the problem. The Regressives, like those we see here, have taken a terribly important word and turned it into a fucking punchline for political advantage.

They don't give two shits about honesty or healing.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that message board members who frequently and persistently accuse anonymous people on the interwebs of being RACISTS are in reality virulent racists themselves.
Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.

You are a Triple Dog LAIR!
He's just another Regressive.

When in doubt, scream RACIST.

Dilute that important word into mud.

When everything is RACIST, nothing is.

Just sayin'.
And that's the problem. The Regressives, like those we see here, have taken a terribly important word and turned it into a fucking punchline for political advantage.

They don't give two shits about honesty or healing.

It's all about their FEELZ.
I feel fine. Unlike you, I don't need to go on anonymous message boards to feel better about myself.

What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Considering I'm neither, I consider that as a personal attack
It is a truth universally acknowledged that message board members who frequently and persistently accuse anonymous people on the interwebs of being RACISTS are in reality virulent racists themselves.
Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.

You are a Triple Dog LAIR!
He's just another Regressive.

When in doubt, scream RACIST.

Dilute that important word into mud.

When everything is RACIST, nothing is.

Just sayin'.
And that's the problem. The Regressives, like those we see here, have taken a terribly important word and turned it into a fucking punchline for political advantage.

They don't give two shits about honesty or healing.
So how many trump supporters have you criticized for making overt racist comments?

Let me guess.
What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at racists and white supremacists like you.
Considering I'm neither, I consider that as a personal attack
Going now employ your slow down software on me now?
Every single person on this board who makes racist comments are trump supporters.
Every single one.
Talk to Steve McRacist, Bripat, Snouter, Miketx and other’s for further details.

You are a Triple Dog LAIR!
He's just another Regressive.

When in doubt, scream RACIST.

Dilute that important word into mud.

When everything is RACIST, nothing is.

Just sayin'.
And that's the problem. The Regressives, like those we see here, have taken a terribly important word and turned it into a fucking punchline for political advantage.

They don't give two shits about honesty or healing.
So how many trump supporters have you criticized for making overt racist comments?

Let me guess.
Still waiting on proof that I'm a racist. Come on, I wanna show my family.

Let's go. Trying to put me on the defensive with deflection won't work.

Come on, coward.

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