Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

And Trump is in the same situation today. Obabble did a lot of damage to the military that needs to be undone. Mattis is off to a great start.

Damage how so? Catching Osama bin Laden? Getting us out of Iraq?
Yeah, the "Clinton" economic boom started when Bush was still President. Though the Deep State lied about it.

LOL! No, the economic boom didn't happen until after Clinton raised taxes in 1993. You might be too young to remember, but there was a recession from 1990-91 and a collapse of the S&L's.
And Trump is in the same situation today. Obabble did a lot of damage to the military that needs to be undone. Mattis is off to a great start.

Damage how so? Catching Osama bin Laden? Getting us out of Iraq?

Obabble lost the war in Iraq that was had already been nearly won by Bush. Benghazi - nuff said there. Libya now has slave markets in which captured Africans are being sold. Taking out Kaddafi has worked out real well if you're a RACIST.
Though the Deep State lied about it.

it's important to note the use of "Deep State" here by a poster whose profile was created during the exact time Putin's trolls were in full swing, spamming US message boards and social media with Russian propaganda.

So is it a coincidence that you just happened to appear on the scene right in that window, posting the very things, memes, and arguments Russian trolls were caught posting across social media? I don't believe in coincidences.
Obabble lost the war in Iraq that was had already been nearly won by Bush.

Nearly won, how? What's that measurement? How can you tell that Bush "nearly" won the war? Bush is the one who signed the SOFA with Iraq that committed us to withdrawal. So why did he sign that agreement?

Benghazi - nuff said there.

7 different investigations and $30M didn't uncover shit. Nothing you said about Benghazi turned out to be true, and everything Obama and Clinton said about it did turn out to be true.

AND WHAT OF THE FOUR MARINES KILLED IN NIGER? No investigations there, why?

Libya now has slave markets in which captured Africans are being sold. Taking out Kaddafi has worked out real well if you're a RACIST.

Libya had slave markets before Khaddafi was deposed, you fucking lying piece of shit. Human trafficking was one of the things Khaddafi was known for! Secondly, you're the ones who simultaneously embraced and condemned Khaddafi. Wondering why you thought it was OK for Khaddafi to stay in power, yet not OK for Saddam.
The funniest part here is that you clearly don't know my politics, but your standard zealous anger is amusing..

Here's what I know about you:

You have crippling insecurities, so much so that you have to take to anonymous message boards on the internet to feel better about your insecurities. You posture and preen that, despite any evidence or facts or data, those attacking your slap-dash, crackerjack, juvenile beliefs are the unreasonable ones, and that by ignoring them you somehow come out looking better. So it's all about you, and how you feel about things. And that is entitlement. Unearned entitlement because you put in no effort to have the positions you have; you didn't bother to do any research, you don't trust in the institutions like the press and education and science to tell you what's true and what isn't, and your posts largely are devoid of any sourced links or credible data. You just exist in this space to look down on those who put in the effort to actually know what they're talking about. And it's not just you; most right-wing losers do this. Then they pretend to be above the fray by feigning independence, yet somehow always seem to come down on the side of the racist, fascist authoritarian conmen and charlatans. So you're repping yourself as an independent that coincidentally finds himself on the side of the right-wing in most every argument, so you try to then say that you're representative of independents and that by citing facts, I'm somehow driving them away.

It's the psychology of an abuser, is what it is.
Holy crap, I'm sure that's all very interesting.

I hope you feel a little better now.
Holy crap, I'm sure that's all very interesting.I hope you feel a little better now..

I feel fine. Unlike you, I don't need to go on anonymous message boards to feel better about myself.

What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act out on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
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Holy crap, I'm sure that's all very interesting.I hope you feel a little better now..

I feel fine. Unlike you, I don't need to go on anonymous message boards to feel better about myself.

What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
Holy crap, I'm sure that's all very interesting.I hope you feel a little better now..

I feel fine. Unlike you, I don't need to go on anonymous message boards to feel better about myself.

What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.
Holy crap, I'm sure that's all very interesting.I hope you feel a little better now..

I feel fine. Unlike you, I don't need to go on anonymous message boards to feel better about myself.

What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

And yet here you are! Go figure.
Holy crap, I'm sure that's all very interesting.I hope you feel a little better now..

I feel fine. Unlike you, I don't need to go on anonymous message boards to feel better about myself.

What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

And yet here you are! Go figure.
I love laughing at you racists and white supremacists.
I feel fine. Unlike you, I don't need to go on anonymous message boards to feel better about myself.

What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

And yet here you are! Go figure.
I love laughing at you racists and white supremacists.

Then you must be sorely disappointed as most of us here are neither of those things.
What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

And yet here you are! Go figure.
I love laughing at you racists and white supremacists.

Then you must be sorely disappointed as most of us here are neither of those things.
All that matters is that they call you one, regardless of whether there is any evidence. They're desperate to put folks on the defensive. It's as natural as breathing to the Regressive Left.
What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act out on anonymous message boards.h wait.

I'm not the one admitting to trolling on message boards...that's you doing that. Nearly everything I post is sourced with verifiable data from credible, non-partisan sources.

You are incapable of doing the same. Because you're a garbage person.
What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act out on anonymous message boards.h wait.

I'm not the one admitting to trolling on message boards...that's you doing that. Nearly everything I post is sourced with verifiable data from credible, non-partisan sources.

You are incapable of doing the same.

In the immortal words of TMN: You ar a LAIR!
Holy crap, I'm sure that's all very interesting.I hope you feel a little better now..

I feel fine. Unlike you, I don't need to go on anonymous message boards to feel better about myself.

What a relief to discover that you have reached the point of acceptance of your mediocrity and no longer feel the need to act on on anonymous message boards.

Oh wait.
Ya gotta love this place!
If you love a place infiltrated by racists, white supremacists and neonazis.

Which are you?

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