Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

yes, the rich pay taxes. the poor pay zero. the middle class got the bush/Obama cuts and they will get the trump cuts..

Your argument is mental masturbation, and here's how:

You complain about the inequitable tax burden, but that inequity is the result of you cutting taxes in the 1980's. So you cut taxes, which resulted in half paying no federal income tax, and your solution to solve the inequitable tax burden is to...cut taxes.

That's a circle jerk of rhetoric, and you're voluntarily eating the cracker.

Obama continued the majority of the Bush tax cuts--------------which you idiots at the time claimed would destroy the economy.

No, what we said was that tax cuts for the rich would destroy the economy, and they did just that. So Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich expire, and you all were dead wrong about what would happen if he did.

So since you were dead wrong in 2012, why the fuck would you be right about the same subject today?

And this Trump Tax Cut isn't a tax cut for the middle class because the middle class ends up paying more taxes by 2027.
yes, the rich pay taxes. the poor pay zero. the middle class got the bush/Obama cuts and they will get the trump cuts..

Your argument is mental masturbation, and here's how:

You complain about the inequitable tax burden, but that inequity is the result of you cutting taxes in the 1980's. So you cut taxes, which resulted in half paying no federal income tax, and your solution to solve the inequitable tax burden is to...cut taxes.

That's a circle jerk of rhetoric, and you're voluntarily eating the cracker.

Obama continued the majority of the Bush tax cuts--------------which you idiots at the time claimed would destroy the economy.

No, what we said was that tax cuts for the rich would destroy the economy, and they did just that. So Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich expire, and you all were dead wrong about what would happen if he did.

So since you were dead wrong in 2012, why the fuck would you be right about the same subject today?

And this Trump Tax Cut isn't a tax cut for the middle class because the middle class ends up paying more taxes by 2027.

only if whoever is president in 2027 allows that to happen. In the meantime everyone will have more spendable income and your 401K will grow like never before.
Well, find yourself a nice right winger who will call you a commie, and then you two can go back and forth for a while, seeing which one of you can compare the other to Hitler more frequently..

Who said anything about Hitler? I just called the right-wing policies you support fascist because they are fascist. No hyperbole necessary. And when someone calls me a "commie", I don't then go posture to the board that I'm not going to read or form a cogent response. That's the act of fascist cowards like you. I don't ignore anyone because ignoring leads to ignorance. So go ahead and call me a "commie", I'll just come right back at you with a barrage of facts and quotes that prove you're just a reactionary piece of shit who labels people "commie" in order to gaslight their posts so you don't have to deal with them.

What a fucking collection of cowards and ingrates on the right.
yes, the rich pay taxes. the poor pay zero. the middle class got the bush/Obama cuts and they will get the trump cuts..

Your argument is mental masturbation, and here's how:

You complain about the inequitable tax burden, but that inequity is the result of you cutting taxes in the 1980's. So you cut taxes, which resulted in half paying no federal income tax, and your solution to solve the inequitable tax burden is to...cut taxes.

That's a circle jerk of rhetoric, and you're voluntarily eating the cracker.

Obama continued the majority of the Bush tax cuts--------------which you idiots at the time claimed would destroy the economy.

No, what we said was that tax cuts for the rich would destroy the economy, and they did just that. So Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich expire, and you all were dead wrong about what would happen if he did.

So since you were dead wrong in 2012, why the fuck would you be right about the same subject today?

And this Trump Tax Cut isn't a tax cut for the middle class because the middle class ends up paying more taxes by 2027.

and the GDP growth during the 8 Obama years was-----------------------------------------? His/your policies did not work, and never will
Well, find yourself a nice right winger who will call you a commie, and then you two can go back and forth for a while, seeing which one of you can compare the other to Hitler more frequently..

Who said anything about Hitler? I just called the right-wing policies you support fascist because they are fascist. No hyperbole necessary. And when someone calls me a "commie", I don't then go posture to the board that I'm not going to read or form a cogent response. That's the act of fascist cowards like you. I don't ignore anyone because ignoring leads to ignorance. So go ahead and call me a "commie", I'll just come right back at you with a barrage of facts and quotes that prove you're just a reactionary piece of shit who labels people "commie" in order to gaslight their posts so you don't have to deal with them.

What a fucking collection of cowards and ingrates on the right.
Now I'm a fascist.

Too funny.

Just another example of why I no longer try to communicate with zealots.
I have no doubt that, in your mind, it is not. So we're good.

So you make a claim, then refisuse to defend the claim you made, and posture that you're somehow above it even though you're responding to it.

For fuck's sake, dude, just change your screen ID to "INEEDATTENTION"
Well, find yourself a nice right winger who will call you a commie, and then you two can go back and forth for a while, seeing which one of you can compare the other to Hitler more frequently..

Who said anything about Hitler? I just called the right-wing policies you support fascist because they are fascist. No hyperbole necessary. And when someone calls me a "commie", I don't then go posture to the board that I'm not going to read or form a cogent response. That's the act of fascist cowards like you. I don't ignore anyone because ignoring leads to ignorance. So go ahead and call me a "commie", I'll just come right back at you with a barrage of facts and quotes that prove you're just a reactionary piece of shit who labels people "commie" in order to gaslight their posts so you don't have to deal with them.

What a fucking collection of cowards and ingrates on the right.

spoken like a true ignorant arrogant hater. People like you are the reason this country is so divided and f--ked up.
only if whoever is president in 2027 allows that to happen. In the meantime everyone will have more spendable income and your 401K will grow like never before.

LOL! So it's incumbent on others to clean up the mess you created?

Well, find yourself a nice right winger who will call you a commie, and then you two can go back and forth for a while, seeing which one of you can compare the other to Hitler more frequently..

Who said anything about Hitler? I just called the right-wing policies you support fascist because they are fascist. No hyperbole necessary. And when someone calls me a "commie", I don't then go posture to the board that I'm not going to read or form a cogent response. That's the act of fascist cowards like you. I don't ignore anyone because ignoring leads to ignorance. So go ahead and call me a "commie", I'll just come right back at you with a barrage of facts and quotes that prove you're just a reactionary piece of shit who labels people "commie" in order to gaslight their posts so you don't have to deal with them.

What a fucking collection of cowards and ingrates on the right.

spoken like a true ignorant arrogant hater. People like you are the reason this country is so divided and f--ked up.
What, you didn't know I'm a fascist?

Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.
where do you get this BS? do your handlers send you talking point lies every morning?
What I wrote is true, and that you dislike it means nothing.
The Democrat response to the tax cuts is going to be "Oh ho you like It now, but just wait until 2027." Is that about it?
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.
where do you get this BS? do your handlers send you talking point lies every morning?
What I wrote is true, and that you dislike it means nothing.

wrong, from your left wing friends at CNN
and the GDP growth during the 8 Obama years was-----------------------------------------? His/your policies did not work, and never will

Obama's GDP growth was nearly the same GDP growth we had during Bush. Only:
  • Obama created 11.7 million private sector jobs, while Bush lost 460,000
  • Obama reduced the deficit by 2/3, while Bush erased a surplus and produced 4 record deficits
  • Obama grew the stock market from 7,949 -and falling- to 19,732 and rising, while Bush collapsed the market
  • Obama grew wages after 8 years, while wages during Bush declined after 8 years
  • Obama lowered the uninsured rate to the lowest level ever, while Bush rose the rate to its highest level ever
Now think of how great recovery could have been if Conservatives didn't deny recovery was necessary, didn't deny the state of the economy in 2008 (Conservaties said, at the time, that "the fundamentals of the economy are sound"), and didn't make obstructing Obama and tarnishing his legacy their main goal.

Our policies have a track record of success...all your policies leave behind are depressions (Great Depression), recessions (1982-3, 1990-1, 2001, 2007-9), and bailouts (S&L bailout largest taxpayer-funded bailout until TARP).
The Democrat response to the tax cuts is going to be "Oh ho you like It now, but just wait until 2027." Is that about it?
The dem response will be,” We’re with the American people that understand how the middle class got screwed.”
spoken like a true ignorant arrogant hater. People like you are the reason this country is so divided and f--ked up.

No, you and your racist, Russian trollish ways are why this country is divided; because you've planted the seeds of mistrust in institutions like science, the press, and education, because your warped belief system doesn't conform to those institutions. So rather than admit your belief system is flawed, you've convinced yourself (or were convinced, which is more likely) that you cannot trust in the institutions that certify reality, choosing to form your own alternative reality where advocating for fascist policies isn't fascist, where the ambiguous "free market" solves all problems, where minorities mooch off your hard work (LOL!), and where your positions are infallible despite no empirical evidence of their viability or success.

Fuck, you losers just had your fellow Republicans in Kansas repeal trickle-down tax cuts because they didn't deliver on any of the promises made of them. The same kind of trickle-down tax cuts you support on the national level. Since they didn't work in Kansas, what the fuck makes you think they'll work nationally??????? Because of your dogmatic belief system.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.


"shovel ready"
"will save the average family $2500 per year"
"increasing the debt is a failure of leadership"
And Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012.

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