Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Right at one of his golf courses. He can't escape the resistance.

I saw it live liar. No one said Hillary is " too stupid."
But this is what I expect from atrump cult member. To lie thru your teeth.

You are sort of correct, while comey didn't use the word "stupid" he did use the word "unsophisticated", which means the same thing in that context.
Of course I'm correct. Not SORT of correct. And unsophisticated is NOT a synonym for stupid. You lose all around.
Bottom line no charges brought against Hillary... meanwhile Trump WAS under a criminal investigation at the time which Comey never told th public about.

In that context it absolutely IS. Learn English.
No one in their right mind would ever consider unsophisticated the same as stupid.
You're not in your right mind.
Meanwhile Trump doesn't even know how to use a computer. He has aides print out memoirs for him.
I'm sorry man, supporting this incompetent, racist, misogynistic pig does not make you look good one bit.

Here's a free English class for you. Read and learn something. I highlighted the relevant words for you. You can review their further meaning, most of which mean STUPID.

  1. lacking refined worldly knowledge or tastes.
    synonyms: unworldly, naive, unrefined, simple, innocent, ignorant, green, immature, callow, inexperienced, childlike, artless, guileless, ingenuous, natural, unaffected, unassuming, unpretentious; More
    • not complicated or highly developed; basic.
      "unsophisticated computer software"
      synonyms: simple, crude, low-tech, basic, rudimentary, primitive, rough and ready, homespun, bush-league; More

    • not artificial.
      "the village has remained unspoiled and unsophisticated"

unsophisticated - Google Search
Yet Hillary is 1000 times smarter than your incompetent boob in the White House.
He hasn't learned a goddamn thing and doesn't want to learn. But you'd rather run to a dictionary instead of calling out your bogus president.
You are sort of correct, while comey didn't use the word "stupid" he did use the word "unsophisticated", which means the same thing in that context.
Of course I'm correct. Not SORT of correct. And unsophisticated is NOT a synonym for stupid. You lose all around.
Bottom line no charges brought against Hillary... meanwhile Trump WAS under a criminal investigation at the time which Comey never told th public about.

In that context it absolutely IS. Learn English.
No one in their right mind would ever consider unsophisticated the same as stupid.
You're not in your right mind.
Meanwhile Trump doesn't even know how to use a computer. He has aides print out memoirs for him.
I'm sorry man, supporting this incompetent, racist, misogynistic pig does not make you look good one bit.

Here's a free English class for you. Read and learn something. I highlighted the relevant words for you. You can review their further meaning, most of which mean STUPID.

  1. lacking refined worldly knowledge or tastes.
    synonyms: unworldly, naive, unrefined, simple, innocent, ignorant, green, immature, callow, inexperienced, childlike, artless, guileless, ingenuous, natural, unaffected, unassuming, unpretentious; More
    • not complicated or highly developed; basic.
      "unsophisticated computer software"
      synonyms: simple, crude, low-tech, basic, rudimentary, primitive, rough and ready, homespun, bush-league; More

    • not artificial.
      "the village has remained unspoiled and unsophisticated"

unsophisticated - Google Search
Yet Hillary is 1000 times smarter than your incompetent boob in the White House.
He hasn't learned a goddamn thing and doesn't want to learn. But you'd rather run to a dictionary instead of calling out your bogus president.

If she were so smart she would have won the election dumbass. She didn't so her incompetence, and her stupid, ignorant nature were well exposed.
Last edited:
Of course I'm correct. Not SORT of correct. And unsophisticated is NOT a synonym for stupid. You lose all around.
Bottom line no charges brought against Hillary... meanwhile Trump WAS under a criminal investigation at the time which Comey never told th public about.

In that context it absolutely IS. Learn English.
No one in their right mind would ever consider unsophisticated the same as stupid.
You're not in your right mind.
Meanwhile Trump doesn't even know how to use a computer. He has aides print out memoirs for him.
I'm sorry man, supporting this incompetent, racist, misogynistic pig does not make you look good one bit.

Here's a free English class for you. Read and learn something. I highlighted the relevant words for you. You can review their further meaning, most of which mean STUPID.

  1. lacking refined worldly knowledge or tastes.
    synonyms: unworldly, naive, unrefined, simple, innocent, ignorant, green, immature, callow, inexperienced, childlike, artless, guileless, ingenuous, natural, unaffected, unassuming, unpretentious; More
    • not complicated or highly developed; basic.
      "unsophisticated computer software"
      synonyms: simple, crude, low-tech, basic, rudimentary, primitive, rough and ready, homespun, bush-league; More

    • not artificial.
      "the village has remained unspoiled and unsophisticated"

unsophisticated - Google Search
Yet Hillary is 1000 times smarter than your incompetent boob in the White House.
He hasn't learned a goddamn thing and doesn't want to learn. But you'd rather run to a dictionary instead of calling out your bogus president.

If she were so smart she would have won the election dumbass. She didn't so her competence, and her stupid, ignorant nature were well exposed.
Everyone knows Hillary was well in the lead until Comey came out saying she was under investigation WHEN SHE WASNT. Her lead quickly evaporated.
Comey also didn't tell the country Trump was under a federal investigation.
Two factors that put a racist incompetent demented fraud inthe White House.
Just think You voted for that.
Ha haha
Improving economy? Quarterly economic growth is nearly identical to Obama's last two years.
Less regulations and more freedom that resulted in the fewest number of jobs created since 2012
Defeat of ISIS? Trump didn't change one single iota of Obama's ISIS strategy. Not one.

;ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp llllllllllllllllll'[phyuj


Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 228,000 in November, and the unemployment rate
was unchanged at 4.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment
continued to trend up in professional and business services, manufacturing, and health care.


Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama is personally responsible for the 30 Seals killed in Afganistan along with all our other fatalities and injuries. His traitorous Rules of Engagement cost them their lives. The 30 Seals killed were part of a mission to take out a Taliban leader. In accordance with Obama's Rules of Engagement, they were not allowed to launch a pre-mission attack. There was also an attack plane circling above but it wasn't allowed to engage the Taliban on the ground.

President Trump has drastically changed the rules and now forces on the ground can and do make decisions for what they need. The changes he has made have also reduced the size of the ISIS Caliphate by 90% from when he took office and the former ISIS capital Raqqa is no longer under ISIS control.

I'm curious if you are intentionally this uninformed or does it come naturally?
Why would we do that? Congress hasn’t passed anything to do with regulations since obummer. That would be silly to have congress do that

This just proves how stupid you are. Congress passed dozens of bills repealing regulations.

Congress Is Using A 1996 Law To Repeal Some Obama Regulations

Republicans Are Using An Obscure Law To Repeal Some Obama-Era Regulations. ... President Trump and congressional Republicans are having some success with one of their oft-stated goals — rolling back federal regulations approved during the Obama administration.

REGULATIONS aren't law, silly person. They are rules placed by the various government agency's. They are not laws. Those can only be enacted by Congress. You need to take a high school civics class.
If it can put me in jail or cost me thousands of dollars, it's a law. It may not be legitimate law, but it's law nevertheless. It's one of the things wrong with our government. Congress delegated the law making function to unelected bureaucrats - something the Constitution doesn't allow.
It is enjoyable seeing the utter desperation coming from the Progressives.

Most certainly it vividly exhibits that they are brutally aware that President Trump is doing a stellar job. If he wasn't, they wouldn't be so scared.
horseshit. pure unadulterated horseshit.

It's in the tax bill, dude. The cuts literally expire in 2025, and then the rate goes up by 2027. Something like 80-90 million workers will be paying more in taxes by 2027 than they do now, while the wealthy pay much less.

how the fuck do you know what the tax rate will be in 2025? Can you see the future 8 years out? .


Even if you are correct, so what? When people make more their taxes usually go up.

The bill you're defending but haven't bothered to read because you're too fucking lazy. The bill's got a sunset provision for this "tax cut" that expires in 2025, and then the rates go up. So you're here arguing that it's somehow a good thing for the middle class to end up paying more in taxes (with fewer benefits because the tax bill also forces PayGo cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security that Trump waived for 2018, but can't for 2019).

And you argue that because you're a fucking idiot, or a Russian troll paid to argue nonsense.

the Bush tax cuts expired, but Obama continued them. Its very likely that whoever is president in 2025 will also continue them.

But we understand, you hate Trump and will denigrate everything that he does, even if it helps you personally. Nothing matters to idiots like you except party. Really stupid.
Redfish is easily rebutted by Antontoo, me, and others. He probably thinks Obama was not born in Hawaii as well.

LOL, that's funny coming from the leader of the left wing clown brigade. I don't give a flying crap where obozo the Kenyan messiah was born. I also don't give a shit that you and your buddy antontoo don't know that the media and the dems have been lying to you.

I fully understand the definition of a recession that you fools keep putting up, and I understand that the stats support that definition. BUT, where you miss the boat is when you claim that those negative quarters hurt the country, the economy, or the population in general.

Call the 08 economy whatever makes you feel good. It was not that bad, in fact, for most it was pretty good.
Yeah, it was the bad, and fucks who deny the pain that a good portion went through are not worth the time of day. Step off.

It was not a "great" recession. Those things happen normally as markets fluctuate and legislatures enact stupid laws.

What specifically happened to you personally in the 08 timeframe that was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad?
Future of Energy | Renewable Energy | Solar | Wind | Geothermal

And this last year we've gotten further and further behind other industrial nations in the alternative energy sweepstakes.
There's a hundred times more jobs in alternative energy than coal.
So why has this fraudulent president pushed coal?
He owes a lot to the swamp that helped elect him.

Our worst fears are being realized with this president.

when alternative energy sources are financially viable the free market will make them available to everyone and the people that make them financially viable will become very rich very fast.

solar, wind, and others cannot compete with traditional energy sources, until they do we must allow humanity to use what we have in order to survive.
In that context it absolutely IS. Learn English.
No one in their right mind would ever consider unsophisticated the same as stupid.
You're not in your right mind.
Meanwhile Trump doesn't even know how to use a computer. He has aides print out memoirs for him.
I'm sorry man, supporting this incompetent, racist, misogynistic pig does not make you look good one bit.

Here's a free English class for you. Read and learn something. I highlighted the relevant words for you. You can review their further meaning, most of which mean STUPID.

  1. lacking refined worldly knowledge or tastes.
    synonyms: unworldly, naive, unrefined, simple, innocent, ignorant, green, immature, callow, inexperienced, childlike, artless, guileless, ingenuous, natural, unaffected, unassuming, unpretentious; More
    • not complicated or highly developed; basic.
      "unsophisticated computer software"
      synonyms: simple, crude, low-tech, basic, rudimentary, primitive, rough and ready, homespun, bush-league; More

    • not artificial.
      "the village has remained unspoiled and unsophisticated"

unsophisticated - Google Search
Yet Hillary is 1000 times smarter than your incompetent boob in the White House.
He hasn't learned a goddamn thing and doesn't want to learn. But you'd rather run to a dictionary instead of calling out your bogus president.

If she were so smart she would have won the election dumbass. She didn't so her competence, and her stupid, ignorant nature were well exposed.
Everyone knows Hillary was well in the lead until Comey came out saying she was under investigation WHEN SHE WASNT. Her lead quickly evaporated.
Comey also didn't tell the country Trump was under a federal investigation.
Two factors that put a racist incompetent demented fraud inthe White House.
Just think You voted for that.
Ha haha

she violated federal law regarding the protection and transmission of classified data. If you or I did what she did, we would be in jail.
Try comparing Reagan's job creation with Obabble's and get back to us.

Reagan only created 3 million more private sector jobs than Obama did, while growing the debt by far, far more...more than any President before him and more than all the previous Presidents combined:

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)
Series Id:
CES0500000001, Seasonally Adjusted
Series Title: All employees, thousands, total private, seasonally adjusted
Super Sector: Total private
Industry: Total private

January 1981: 74,677,000
January 1989: 89,394,000
Debt increased: 154%

January 2009: 111,474,000
January 2017: 123,230,000
Debt increased: 80%
Because Democrats refused to make them permanent by voting for the bill.

LOL! Republicans didn't need Democratic votes to pass the bill. They had 50 votes. Why would they need Democrats to pass this bill? Oh right, because you need 60 votes if the bill adds to the deficit. Which this one does. So the argument that tax cuts pay for themselves is invalidated by the sunset provision in the actual bill itself.

In order to make the cuts permanent, according to Congressional rules mandate that the Senate have 60 votes. Democrats demand that people who think they should be able to keep their own money be punished.

And why does it need 60 votes, according to the Congressional rules? Because it adds to the know, the thing you screeched about like a barnyard animal throughout Obama's term.
Try comparing Reagan's job creation with Obabble's and get back to us.

Reagan only created 3 million more private sector jobs than Obama did, while growing the debt by far, far more...more than any President before him and more than all the previous Presidents combined:

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)
Series Id:
CES0500000001, Seasonally Adjusted
Series Title: All employees, thousands, total private, seasonally adjusted
Super Sector: Total private
Industry: Total private

January 1981: 74,677,000
January 1989: 89,394,000
Debt increased: 154%

January 2009: 111,474,000
January 2017: 123,230,000
Debt increased: 80%[/QUOT
Please show us where Conservatives increased taxes on most workers?

According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Trump tax bill you support increases taxes on 80-90 million workers by 2027:

Senate tax bill would cut taxes of wealthy and increase taxes on families earning less than $75,000 by 2027
The tax bill Senate Republicans are championing would give large tax cuts to the rich while raising taxes on American families earning $10,000 to $75,000 over the next decade, according to a report released Thursday by the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congress’s official nonpartisan analysts.
Furthermore, the corporate rate of 21% is still higher than the rates in those countries to whom businesses have relocated their HQ's. So what did lowering the corporate rate down to 21% solve if that rate is still higher than the countries where those HQ's are located!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Redfish is easily rebutted by Antontoo, me, and others. He probably thinks Obama was not born in Hawaii as well.

LOL, that's funny coming from the leader of the left wing clown brigade. I don't give a flying crap where obozo the Kenyan messiah was born. I also don't give a shit that you and your buddy antontoo don't know that the media and the dems have been lying to you.

I fully understand the definition of a recession that you fools keep putting up, and I understand that the stats support that definition. BUT, where you miss the boat is when you claim that those negative quarters hurt the country, the economy, or the population in general.

Call the 08 economy whatever makes you feel good. It was not that bad, in fact, for most it was pretty good.
Yeah, it was the bad, and fucks who deny the pain that a good portion went through are not worth the time of day. Step off.

It was not a "great" recession. Those things happen normally as markets fluctuate and legislatures enact stupid laws.

What specifically happened to you personally in the 08 timeframe that was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad?
Yes, it was a Great Recession. You are not the economist here, Redfish. Even Edward Baiamonte knows more than you. And that is sad.
Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared
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Better tell your mommy to remove all the sharp objects from your bedroom in the basement asshole!!!!! HAAAAA HAAAAA!

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