Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Wow, he destroyed a few million high paying manufacturing, full time jobs, and replaced them with low paying, part time jobs. Great trade there!
How did President Obama “ destroy jobs.”
Your hyperbole is just plain bullshit.

Oh jeebus. ^^^ Fish in a barrel ^^^

In The Won's own words:

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”...

Uttered in 2008, still haunting Obama

His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.
ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.
You are not qualified to educate anybody. You are totally full of feces.
JakeStarkey - Once you start evidencing your assertions, asaritis, you can expect the favor in return. Just step off.

Asaritis - It is not my burden to prove anyone's assertion false. It is theirs to prove it true. You are a dunce. Proof of that assertion lies within many posts that regularly make public here.

JakeStarkey - Thank you for agreeing with me that you must evidence your assertion before anyone need to rebut it. So get to it.

You believe in birtherism, don't you?
I believe Obama's version of his birth record is a forgery. I don't know where he was actually born. I suspect it was in Kenya as his publicist claimed on a flyer touting his writing skills.

Read this entire article before coming back with denials.

From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate?
Another birther. Lmao
Your timing shows that you didn't bother reading the article posted.
The material cited reeks on guesses and hopes, not sustainable evidence.

The fact remains that Obama was born in Hawaii, and he is far more a true American than those who question his birth place.

End of story.
The material cited includes photographic evidence of its claims. You are in denial. Denial is not a river in Egypt. It is a state of bliss brought on by a closed mind.
JakeStarkey - Once you start evidencing your assertions, asaritis, you can expect the favor in return. Just step off.

Asaritis - It is not my burden to prove anyone's assertion false. It is theirs to prove it true. You are a dunce. Proof of that assertion lies within many posts that regularly make public here.

JakeStarkey - Thank you for agreeing with me that you must evidence your assertion before anyone need to rebut it. So get to it.

You believe in birtherism, don't you?
I believe Obama's version of his birth record is a forgery. I don't know where he was actually born. I suspect it was in Kenya as his publicist claimed on a flyer touting his writing skills.

Read this entire article before coming back with denials.

From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate?
Another birther. Lmao
Your timing shows that you didn't bother reading the article posted.
By world Nut Daily? Surely you jest.
Birthers! Ha
JakeStarkey - Once you start evidencing your assertions, asaritis, you can expect the favor in return. Just step off.

Asaritis - It is not my burden to prove anyone's assertion false. It is theirs to prove it true. You are a dunce. Proof of that assertion lies within many posts that regularly make public here.

JakeStarkey - Thank you for agreeing with me that you must evidence your assertion before anyone need to rebut it. So get to it.

You believe in birtherism, don't you?
I believe Obama's version of his birth record is a forgery. I don't know where he was actually born. I suspect it was in Kenya as his publicist claimed on a flyer touting his writing skills.

Read this entire article before coming back with denials.

From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate?
Another birther. Lmao
Your timing shows that you didn't bother reading the article posted.
By world Nut Daily? Surely you jest.
Birthers! Ha
The source is not as important as the content. If an idiot tells you that water is wet, trust the idiot.
Wow, he destroyed a few million high paying manufacturing, full time jobs, and replaced them with low paying, part time jobs. Great trade there!
How did President Obama “ destroy jobs.”
Your hyperbole is just plain bullshit.

Oh jeebus. ^^^ Fish in a barrel ^^^

In The Won's own words:

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”...

Uttered in 2008, still haunting Obama

His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.
ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

Actually, it appears it is you who didn't bother to read your own link.

A 50% INCREASE in energy costs is hurting those on a fixed income. But never let a good bit of propaganda go to waste eh?

"But all that ambition is bleeding Germany. The mounting costs are testing its resolve. Leading politicians, even those with strong environmental credibility, are racing to rein in spending. If they can’t achieve that, then Germany’s near miracle may be remembered as the environmental equivalent of, say, heart-transplant surgery: a worthy endeavor, undoubtedly, but one that remains unattainable for all but the very wealthiest."
How did President Obama “ destroy jobs.”
Your hyperbole is just plain bullshit.

Oh jeebus. ^^^ Fish in a barrel ^^^

In The Won's own words:

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”...

Uttered in 2008, still haunting Obama

His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.
ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

Actually, it appears it is you who didn't bother to read your own link.

A 50% INCREASE in energy costs is hurting those on a fixed income. But never let a good bit of propaganda go to waste eh?

"But all that ambition is bleeding Germany. The mounting costs are testing its resolve. Leading politicians, even those with strong environmental credibility, are racing to rein in spending. If they can’t achieve that, then Germany’s near miracle may be remembered as the environmental equivalent of, say, heart-transplant surgery: a worthy endeavor, undoubtedly, but one that remains unattainable for all but the very wealthiest."
look at you pretending you care about those on a fixed income. That’s hilarious.
Your job is to pimp for the 1%.
Stay in your lane.
Every industrial nation is moving forward on alternative energy. Except the USA.
We have a prez totally in bed with the fossil fuel CEO’s. That’s why he replaced scientists with them in the EPA.
This prez is setting this country back decades.
JakeStarkey - Once you start evidencing your assertions, asaritis, you can expect the favor in return. Just step off.

Asaritis - It is not my burden to prove anyone's assertion false. It is theirs to prove it true. You are a dunce. Proof of that assertion lies within many posts that regularly make public here.

JakeStarkey - Thank you for agreeing with me that you must evidence your assertion before anyone need to rebut it. So get to it.

You believe in birtherism, don't you?
I believe Obama's version of his birth record is a forgery. I don't know where he was actually born. I suspect it was in Kenya as his publicist claimed on a flyer touting his writing skills.

Read this entire article before coming back with denials.

From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate?
Another birther. Lmao
Your timing shows that you didn't bother reading the article posted.
The material cited reeks on guesses and hopes, not sustainable evidence.

The fact remains that Obama was born in Hawaii, and he is far more a true American than those who question his birth place.

End of story.
The material cited includes photographic evidence of its claims. You are in denial. Denial is not a river in Egypt. It is a state of bliss brought on by a closed mind.
Nope, asaritis, all of that nonsense was exploded by careful objective evaluation of the claims.
Wow, he destroyed a few million high paying manufacturing, full time jobs, and replaced them with low paying, part time jobs. Great trade there!
How did President Obama “ destroy jobs.”
Your hyperbole is just plain bullshit.

Oh jeebus. ^^^ Fish in a barrel ^^^

In The Won's own words:

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”...

Uttered in 2008, still haunting Obama

His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.
ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

After being educated


Thanks for the lignite education.....DERP!
I believe Obama's version of his birth record is a forgery. I don't know where he was actually born. I suspect it was in Kenya as his publicist claimed on a flyer touting his writing skills.

Read this entire article before coming back with denials.

From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate?
Another birther. Lmao
Your timing shows that you didn't bother reading the article posted.
The material cited reeks on guesses and hopes, not sustainable evidence.

The fact remains that Obama was born in Hawaii, and he is far more a true American than those who question his birth place.

End of story.
The material cited includes photographic evidence of its claims. You are in denial. Denial is not a river in Egypt. It is a state of bliss brought on by a closed mind.
Nope, asaritis, all of that nonsense was exploded by careful objective evaluation of the claims.
Provide links and I might believe you.
Yes trump’s first year was even worse than feared.

People HOPED trump would grow into the job, try to learn at least a bit about how government is run and stop acting like a delinquent 13 year old. None of that happened.
He’s gotten worse.
He knows no details about any of the issues he pushes, doesn’t care to learn and then blames others like the press that point out all of his erroneous points.

He continues to wake up each morning picking petty fights with world leaders, allies and citizens alike.

There’s never been a man less presidential than this nimrod in Chief.
Last edited:
How did President Obama “ destroy jobs.”
Your hyperbole is just plain bullshit.

Oh jeebus. ^^^ Fish in a barrel ^^^

In The Won's own words:

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”...

Uttered in 2008, still haunting Obama

His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.
ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

After being educated

View attachment 168240

Thanks for the lignite education.....DERP!
Fossil fuels trending downward.
Alternative energy trending upward. Thanks for making my point for me.
Well done.
Oh jeebus. ^^^ Fish in a barrel ^^^

In The Won's own words:

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”...

Uttered in 2008, still haunting Obama

His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.
ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

Actually, it appears it is you who didn't bother to read your own link.

A 50% INCREASE in energy costs is hurting those on a fixed income. But never let a good bit of propaganda go to waste eh?

"But all that ambition is bleeding Germany. The mounting costs are testing its resolve. Leading politicians, even those with strong environmental credibility, are racing to rein in spending. If they can’t achieve that, then Germany’s near miracle may be remembered as the environmental equivalent of, say, heart-transplant surgery: a worthy endeavor, undoubtedly, but one that remains unattainable for all but the very wealthiest."
look at you pretending you care about those on a fixed income. That’s hilarious.
Your job is to pimp for the 1%.
Stay in your lane.
Every industrial nation is moving forward on alternative energy. Except the USA.
We have a prez totally in bed with the fossil fuel CEO’s. That’s why he replaced scientists with them in the EPA.
This prez is setting this country back decades.

And you are the one who is raping the middle class. I actually care about them. You don't. You wish to harvest body parts to sell to the affluent so they can continue to leech off of the poor. Pretty much every thing you say, and advocate is a direct attack on the middle class. Feel free to point to any post I have ever made that was not a defense of the poor and middle class.
Oh jeebus. ^^^ Fish in a barrel ^^^

In The Won's own words:

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”...

Uttered in 2008, still haunting Obama

His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.
ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

After being educated

View attachment 168240

Thanks for the lignite education.....DERP!
Fossil fuels trending downward.
Alternative energy trending upward. Thanks for making my point for me.
Well done.

The transformation is placing a heavy burden on its citizens. Germany spent 25 billion euros ($26 billion) on renewable energy in 2016, most of which—23 billion euros—consumers paid through a surcharge on their electricity bills. The rise in that surcharge is the single biggest reason that the amount the average German household spent on electricity rose to 1,060 euros in 2016, up 50% from 2007.

Making matters worse for Germany’s traditional energy industry and for the villages and towns that rely on it is that, costs be damned, Germany is upping the ante in its renewable-energy wager yet again. It is shutting down its fleet of nuclear-power plants, which last year provided 13% of the country’s electricity, because of worries about safety. And it is starting to phase out coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power, because of global-warming concerns.

Thanks for making my point for me.

coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power,

My pleasure.
Wow, he destroyed a few million high paying manufacturing, full time jobs, and replaced them with low paying, part time jobs. Great trade there!
How did President Obama “ destroy jobs.”
Your hyperbole is just plain bullshit.

Oh jeebus. ^^^ Fish in a barrel ^^^

In The Won's own words:

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”...

Uttered in 2008, still haunting Obama

His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.
ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
A good part of their energy needs is alternative energy. They , like China, are weaning themselves off fossil fuels. Trump has done NOTHING. He’s an 1850 type prez.
How much does the USA government subsidize the energy industries?

Which ones? Federal and state governments hoover up tons of gasoline taxes, more than offsetting the fake subsidies you progs claim the oil industry receives. In reality, these "subsidies" mostly consist of the tax treatment for depreciating capital assets, which is a tax feature available to all corporate filers.
boedicca is no more a real con than I am a prog.

She is a booster for energy subsidies to the coal and oil industries.
The Washington Post is reporting today that the Trump Administration is planning a full fledged assault on Mike Flynn.
You remember him... the guy Trump said is a great American?
They're planning to depict Flynn as a liar so when he incriminates Trump withRussia they'll claim no one should believe him.

With this I ask... if Trump is innocent why has he continually tried to derail this investigation and now planning to discredit his former national security adviser?

BobWoodward : Trump doesn't act like an innocent man.

ANYone with a lick of sense knows that coal is a dying industry.
All the major countries in the world are advancing with alternative energy. This Neanderthal President thinks coal is the wave of the future. He’s dumber than shit.
When he pushed this nonsense at an energy conference in Asia all the world leaders walked out on him. He’s an embarrassment wherever he goes.

Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

After being educated

View attachment 168240

Thanks for the lignite education.....DERP!
Fossil fuels trending downward.
Alternative energy trending upward. Thanks for making my point for me.
Well done.

The transformation is placing a heavy burden on its citizens. Germany spent 25 billion euros ($26 billion) on renewable energy in 2016, most of which—23 billion euros—consumers paid through a surcharge on their electricity bills. The rise in that surcharge is the single biggest reason that the amount the average German household spent on electricity rose to 1,060 euros in 2016, up 50% from 2007.

Making matters worse for Germany’s traditional energy industry and for the villages and towns that rely on it is that, costs be damned, Germany is upping the ante in its renewable-energy wager yet again. It is shutting down its fleet of nuclear-power plants, which last year provided 13% of the country’s electricity, because of worries about safety. And it is starting to phase out coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power, because of global-warming concerns.

Thanks for making my point for me.

coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power,

My pleasure.
Another great move by Germany phasing out its coal industry.
Coal is one of the highest fuels in climate change producing carbon dioxide.
EVERY country is moving forward in alternative energy research and production except the USA. We are thelaughing stocks ofthe world
This backward fossil fuels prez is stuck inthe past
Every American should reject this type of insanity.
Oh Jeebus. Your Prog Bubble is thoroughly opaque.

Ask Germany about how that "alternative energy" is working out for them.
I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

After being educated

View attachment 168240

Thanks for the lignite education.....DERP!
Fossil fuels trending downward.
Alternative energy trending upward. Thanks for making my point for me.
Well done.

The transformation is placing a heavy burden on its citizens. Germany spent 25 billion euros ($26 billion) on renewable energy in 2016, most of which—23 billion euros—consumers paid through a surcharge on their electricity bills. The rise in that surcharge is the single biggest reason that the amount the average German household spent on electricity rose to 1,060 euros in 2016, up 50% from 2007.

Making matters worse for Germany’s traditional energy industry and for the villages and towns that rely on it is that, costs be damned, Germany is upping the ante in its renewable-energy wager yet again. It is shutting down its fleet of nuclear-power plants, which last year provided 13% of the country’s electricity, because of worries about safety. And it is starting to phase out coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power, because of global-warming concerns.

Thanks for making my point for me.

coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power,

My pleasure.
Another great move by Germany phasing out its coal industry.
Coal is one of the highest fuels in climate change producing carbon dioxide.
EVERY country is moving forward in alternative energy research and production except the USA. We are thelaughing stocks ofthe world
This backward fossil fuels prez is stuck inthe past
Every American should reject this type of insanity.

Another great move by Germany phasing out its coal industry.

coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power,

40% is "phasing out coal"? And how much of that is lignite....the really dirty coal?
40% is even more than the US uses.
And we're not screwing our consumers by hiking the cost of electricity, like Germany does.

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