Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

I always enjoy educating the Trump cult because they’re the dumbest humans on earth.

Germany’s High-Priced Energy Revolution

After being educated they will retain NOTHING and go back to their ignorant POV’s again.

After being educated

View attachment 168240

Thanks for the lignite education.....DERP!
Fossil fuels trending downward.
Alternative energy trending upward. Thanks for making my point for me.
Well done.

The transformation is placing a heavy burden on its citizens. Germany spent 25 billion euros ($26 billion) on renewable energy in 2016, most of which—23 billion euros—consumers paid through a surcharge on their electricity bills. The rise in that surcharge is the single biggest reason that the amount the average German household spent on electricity rose to 1,060 euros in 2016, up 50% from 2007.

Making matters worse for Germany’s traditional energy industry and for the villages and towns that rely on it is that, costs be damned, Germany is upping the ante in its renewable-energy wager yet again. It is shutting down its fleet of nuclear-power plants, which last year provided 13% of the country’s electricity, because of worries about safety. And it is starting to phase out coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power, because of global-warming concerns.

Thanks for making my point for me.

coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power,

My pleasure.
Another great move by Germany phasing out its coal industry.
Coal is one of the highest fuels in climate change producing carbon dioxide.
EVERY country is moving forward in alternative energy research and production except the USA. We are thelaughing stocks ofthe world
This backward fossil fuels prez is stuck inthe past
Every American should reject this type of insanity.

Another great move by Germany phasing out its coal industry.

coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power,

40% is "phasing out coal"? And how much of that is lignite....the really dirty coal?
40% is even more than the US uses.
And we're not screwing our consumers by hiking the cost of electricity, like Germany does.
No we're screwing the planet by putting fossil fuel CEO's in charge of the EPA instead of scientists which Pruitt has dismissed.
Imagine still pimping for the dirtiest fuel on earth and one that is becoming extinct.
Do you know Trump called coal from West Virginia and Pa " clean coal?"
Which of course doesn't exist.
He actually thinks it can be washed.
Yes he is that stupid.
Yes you support a buffoon.
After being educated

View attachment 168240

Thanks for the lignite education.....DERP!
Fossil fuels trending downward.
Alternative energy trending upward. Thanks for making my point for me.
Well done.

The transformation is placing a heavy burden on its citizens. Germany spent 25 billion euros ($26 billion) on renewable energy in 2016, most of which—23 billion euros—consumers paid through a surcharge on their electricity bills. The rise in that surcharge is the single biggest reason that the amount the average German household spent on electricity rose to 1,060 euros in 2016, up 50% from 2007.

Making matters worse for Germany’s traditional energy industry and for the villages and towns that rely on it is that, costs be damned, Germany is upping the ante in its renewable-energy wager yet again. It is shutting down its fleet of nuclear-power plants, which last year provided 13% of the country’s electricity, because of worries about safety. And it is starting to phase out coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power, because of global-warming concerns.

Thanks for making my point for me.

coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power,

My pleasure.
Another great move by Germany phasing out its coal industry.
Coal is one of the highest fuels in climate change producing carbon dioxide.
EVERY country is moving forward in alternative energy research and production except the USA. We are thelaughing stocks ofthe world
This backward fossil fuels prez is stuck inthe past
Every American should reject this type of insanity.

Another great move by Germany phasing out its coal industry.

coal, which last year generated 40% of the nation’s power,

40% is "phasing out coal"? And how much of that is lignite....the really dirty coal?
40% is even more than the US uses.
And we're not screwing our consumers by hiking the cost of electricity, like Germany does.
No we're screwing the planet by putting fossil fuel CEO's in charge of the EPA instead of scientists which Pruitt has dismissed.
Imagine still pimping for the dirtiest fuel on earth and one that is becoming extinct.
Do you know Trump called coal from West Virginia and Pa " clean coal?"
Which of course doesn't exist.
He actually thinks it can be washed.
Yes he is that stupid.
Yes you support a buffoon.

Imagine still pimping for the dirtiest fuel on earth and one that is becoming extinct.

No kidding!!!


Look at all that filthy lignite.
You are a total fucking idiot.

The Great Recession

2009 budget with 1.3 trillion deficit was proposed by Bush's administration in Sept of 2008 - did Obama spend that too?

No source, no link.

Here is what was proposed by President Bush. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi never allowed it to come to a vote.

Bush's Budget Projects Deficits


Bush on 2009 Budget
President Bush discusses the 2009 budget following a cabinet meeting Monday at the White House.Video by AP

By Michael Abramowitz and Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

President Bush yesterday unveiled a $3.1 trillion budget plan for fiscal 2009 that will leave deficits of more than $400 billion this year and next, forcing his successor to grapple with a range of unpalatable choices to close the gap, according to lawmakers and budget experts.


Bush's Budget Projects Deficits


From NBC


updated 3/11/2009 7:57:29 PM ET

WASHINGTON — Calling it an "imperfect" bill, President Barack Obama signed a $410 billion spending package Wednesday that includes billions in earmarks like those he promised to curb in last year's campaign. He insisted the bill must signal an "end to the old way of doing business."

The massive measure supporting federal agencies through the fall contains nearly 8,000 pet projects, earmarked by sponsors though denounced by critics.

Obama defended earmarks when they're "done right," allowing lawmakers to direct money to worthy projects in their districts. But he said they've been abused, and he promised to work with Congress to curb them.

"I am signing an imperfect omnibus bill because it's necessary for the ongoing functions of government," Obama declared. "But I also view this as a departure point for more far-reaching change."


Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill

There was never a budget signed for 2009. We went through the year with continuing resolutions.
2. How come the Conservatives made middle class tax breaks temporary but made upper class and corporate tax cuts permanent?

Because Democrats refused to make them permanent by voting for the bill.

In order to make the cuts permanent, according to Congressional rules mandate that the Senate have 60 votes. Democrats demand that people who think they should be able to keep their own money be punished.
magine still pimping for the dirtiest fuel on earth and one that is becoming extinct.


New coal power plants are extremely clean and require high quality, low sulfur Anthracite coal. By far our largest reserve of this coal is in the center of the Grand Staircase-Escalante monument. A payoff to the Chinese by President Bill Clinton. China controls the only other such massive source for such coal.

How many billion people in the world still use animal dung for fuel? In many parts of the world, the people go into the fields where they keep their animals and collect the dung in baskets. They then add straw and water and mix by hand. Next is to spread the mixture by hand onto the grass to dry in the sunshine. The sheets about 18" square, are then stacked for use in cooking and heating. This is done in huge parts of China who are building every form of energy production imaginable. Of course, it is very common in countless other parts of the world. In your opinion, which is the least polluting?

China learned from us that cheap, plentiful energy is necessary for robust, economic growth. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama intended to do the opposite to America. I'm sure you recall that President Obama told us that he intended for our energy prices to "NECESSARILY SKYROCKET". He was thwarted in his efforts by the massive fracking on PRIVATE AND STATE owned land especially in North Dakota.
t is lower than when he got it and certainly hasn't improved at all.

Patience my boy, patience.

We will see.

U.S. Consumer Confidence Falls in December From 17-Year High

From your source:

Key Takeaways
Even with the latest cooling off, Americans remain upbeat -- this month was the strongest December since 2000. While expectations about business conditions and job availability declined, the share of respondents who expected their incomes to rise in the next six months increased to the highest since March.

The data corroborate other measures showing people remain sanguine about the economy and their own situation. While the University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index fell in December, it is also still elevated by historical standards.
Future of Energy | Renewable Energy | Solar | Wind | Geothermal

And this last year we've gotten further and further behind other industrial nations in the alternative energy sweepstakes.
There's a hundred times more jobs in alternative energy than coal.
So why has this fraudulent president pushed coal?
He owes a lot to the swamp that helped elect him.

Our worst fears are being realized with this president.
I assume you are referring to your post. But if not, what exactly was so bad about the 08 economy? how were you hurt personally? Who besides big mortgage companies was hurt when those bad mortgages defaulted?

Every single person that bought a house in the previous ten years were severely hurt and for many years after. Anyone who had money in the stock market was severely hurt as well. Thousands of people committed suicide. I personally know of two.

I'm a rabid Conservative who has been a Realtor for over 40 years. Regardless of what anyone says, those were painful, tough times. THEN we had SEVEN YEARS of malaise from the first President in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.

We have a tremendous amount of pent-up growth waiting to be unleashed.
Last edited:
I assume you are referring to your post. But if not, what exactly was so bad about the 08 economy? how were you hurt personally? Who besides big mortgage companies was hurt when those bad mortgages defaulted?

Every single person that bought a house in the previous ten years were severely hurt and for many years after. Anyone who had money in the stock market was severely hurt as well. Thousands of people committed suicide. I personally know of two.

I'm a rabid Conservative who has been a Realtor for over 40 years. Regardless of what anyone says, those were painful, tough times. THEN we had SEVEN YEARS of malaise from the first President in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.

We have a tremendous amount of pent-up growth waiting to be unleashed.
Why are you lying about that FBI quote?
They never said that.
Oh right you're a conservative.
Lying comes with the territory.
I assume you are referring to your post. But if not, what exactly was so bad about the 08 economy? how were you hurt personally? Who besides big mortgage companies was hurt when those bad mortgages defaulted?

Every single person that bought a house in the previous ten years were severely hurt and for many years after. Anyone who had money in the stock market was severely hurt as well. Thousands of people committed suicide. I personally know of two.

I'm a rabid Conservative who has been a Realtor for over 40 years. Regardless of what anyone says, those were painful, tough times. THEN we had SEVEN YEARS of malaise from the first President in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.

We have a tremendous amount of pent-up growth waiting to be unleashed.
Why are you lying about that FBI quote?
They never said that.
Oh right you're a conservative.
Lying comes with the territory.

There is no lie about the FBI quote. The video exchange is in the link. Watch it and learn instead of YOU being the lying person.
I assume you are referring to your post. But if not, what exactly was so bad about the 08 economy? how were you hurt personally? Who besides big mortgage companies was hurt when those bad mortgages defaulted?

Every single person that bought a house in the previous ten years were severely hurt and for many years after. Anyone who had money in the stock market was severely hurt as well. Thousands of people committed suicide. I personally know of two.

I'm a rabid Conservative who has been a Realtor for over 40 years. Regardless of what anyone says, those were painful, tough times. THEN we had SEVEN YEARS of malaise from the first President in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.

We have a tremendous amount of pent-up growth waiting to be unleashed.
Why are you lying about that FBI quote?
They never said that.
Oh right you're a conservative.
Lying comes with the territory.

There is no lie about the FBI quote. The video exchange is in the link. Watch it and learn instead of YOU being the lying person.
I saw it live liar. No one said Hillary is " too stupid."
But this is what I expect from atrump cult member. To lie thru your teeth.
I assume you are referring to your post. But if not, what exactly was so bad about the 08 economy? how were you hurt personally? Who besides big mortgage companies was hurt when those bad mortgages defaulted?

Every single person that bought a house in the previous ten years were severely hurt and for many years after. Anyone who had money in the stock market was severely hurt as well. Thousands of people committed suicide. I personally know of two.

I'm a rabid Conservative who has been a Realtor for over 40 years. Regardless of what anyone says, those were painful, tough times. THEN we had SEVEN YEARS of malaise from the first President in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.

We have a tremendous amount of pent-up growth waiting to be unleashed.
Why are you lying about that FBI quote?
They never said that.
Oh right you're a conservative.
Lying comes with the territory.

There is no lie about the FBI quote. The video exchange is in the link. Watch it and learn instead of YOU being the lying person.
I saw it live liar. No one said Hillary is " too stupid."
But this is what I expect from atrump cult member. To lie thru your teeth.

You are sort of correct, while comey didn't use the word "stupid" he did use the word "unsophisticated", which means the same thing in that context.
I assume you are referring to your post. But if not, what exactly was so bad about the 08 economy? how were you hurt personally? Who besides big mortgage companies was hurt when those bad mortgages defaulted?

Every single person that bought a house in the previous ten years were severely hurt and for many years after. Anyone who had money in the stock market was severely hurt as well. Thousands of people committed suicide. I personally know of two.

I'm a rabid Conservative who has been a Realtor for over 40 years. Regardless of what anyone says, those were painful, tough times. THEN we had SEVEN YEARS of malaise from the first President in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.

We have a tremendous amount of pent-up growth waiting to be unleashed.
Why are you lying about that FBI quote?
They never said that.
Oh right you're a conservative.
Lying comes with the territory.

There is no lie about the FBI quote. The video exchange is in the link. Watch it and learn instead of YOU being the lying person.
I saw it live liar. No one said Hillary is " too stupid."
But this is what I expect from atrump cult member. To lie thru your teeth.

You are sort of correct, while comey didn't use the word "stupid" he did use the word "unsophisticated", which means the same thing in that context.
Of course I'm correct. Not SORT of correct. And unsophisticated is NOT a synonym for stupid. You lose all around.
Bottom line no charges brought against Hillary... meanwhile Trump WAS under a criminal investigation at the time which Comey never told th public about.
Every single person that bought a house in the previous ten years were severely hurt and for many years after. Anyone who had money in the stock market was severely hurt as well. Thousands of people committed suicide. I personally know of two.

I'm a rabid Conservative who has been a Realtor for over 40 years. Regardless of what anyone says, those were painful, tough times. THEN we had SEVEN YEARS of malaise from the first President in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.

We have a tremendous amount of pent-up growth waiting to be unleashed.
Why are you lying about that FBI quote?
They never said that.
Oh right you're a conservative.
Lying comes with the territory.

There is no lie about the FBI quote. The video exchange is in the link. Watch it and learn instead of YOU being the lying person.
I saw it live liar. No one said Hillary is " too stupid."
But this is what I expect from atrump cult member. To lie thru your teeth.

You are sort of correct, while comey didn't use the word "stupid" he did use the word "unsophisticated", which means the same thing in that context.
Of course I'm correct. Not SORT of correct. And unsophisticated is NOT a synonym for stupid. You lose all around.
Bottom line no charges brought against Hillary... meanwhile Trump WAS under a criminal investigation at the time which Comey never told th public about.

In that context it absolutely IS. Learn English.
Why are you lying about that FBI quote?
They never said that.
Oh right you're a conservative.
Lying comes with the territory.

There is no lie about the FBI quote. The video exchange is in the link. Watch it and learn instead of YOU being the lying person.
I saw it live liar. No one said Hillary is " too stupid."
But this is what I expect from atrump cult member. To lie thru your teeth.

You are sort of correct, while comey didn't use the word "stupid" he did use the word "unsophisticated", which means the same thing in that context.
Of course I'm correct. Not SORT of correct. And unsophisticated is NOT a synonym for stupid. You lose all around.
Bottom line no charges brought against Hillary... meanwhile Trump WAS under a criminal investigation at the time which Comey never told th public about.

In that context it absolutely IS. Learn English.
No one in their right mind would ever consider unsophisticated the same as stupid.
You're not in your right mind.
Meanwhile Trump doesn't even know how to use a computer. He has aides print out memoes for him. And he needs bullets. And only one page. He doesn't like to read.
I'm sorry man, supporting this incompetent, racist, misogynistic pig does not make you look good one bit.
There is no lie about the FBI quote. The video exchange is in the link. Watch it and learn instead of YOU being the lying person.
I saw it live liar. No one said Hillary is " too stupid."
But this is what I expect from atrump cult member. To lie thru your teeth.

You are sort of correct, while comey didn't use the word "stupid" he did use the word "unsophisticated", which means the same thing in that context.
Of course I'm correct. Not SORT of correct. And unsophisticated is NOT a synonym for stupid. You lose all around.
Bottom line no charges brought against Hillary... meanwhile Trump WAS under a criminal investigation at the time which Comey never told th public about.

In that context it absolutely IS. Learn English.
No one in their right mind would ever consider unsophisticated the same as stupid.
You're not in your right mind.
Meanwhile Trump doesn't even know how to use a computer. He has aides print out memoirs for him.
I'm sorry man, supporting this incompetent, racist, misogynistic pig does not make you look good one bit.

Here's a free English class for you. Read and learn something. I highlighted the relevant words for you. You can review their further meaning, most of which mean STUPID.

  1. lacking refined worldly knowledge or tastes.
    synonyms: unworldly, naive, unrefined, simple, innocent, ignorant, green, immature, callow, inexperienced, childlike, artless, guileless, ingenuous, natural, unaffected, unassuming, unpretentious; More

    • not complicated or highly developed; basic.
      "unsophisticated computer software"
      synonyms: simple, crude, low-tech, basic, rudimentary, primitive, rough and ready, homespun, bush-league; More

    • not artificial.
      "the village has remained unspoiled and unsophisticated"

unsophisticated - Google Search

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