Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 228,000 in November, and the unemployment rate
was unchanged at 4.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment
continued to trend up in professional and business services, manufacturing, and health care.

Again, Trump's created the fewest jobs since 2012...and just barely more.

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)
Series Id:
CES0500000001, Seasonally Adjusted
Series Title: All employees, thousands, total private, seasonally adjusted
Super Sector: Total private
Industry: Total private
NAICS Code: -

Trump - 2017
February 2017: 123,452,000
November 2017: 124,900,000

Obama - 2016
February 2016: 121,318,000
November 2016: 122,876,000

Obama - 2015
February 2015: 118,875,000
November 2015: 120,770,000

Obama - 2014
February 2014: 115,898,000
November 2014: 118,186,000

Obama - 2013
February 2013: 113,678,000
November 2013: 115,482,000

Obama - 2012
February 2012: 111,578,000
November 2012: 112,945,000

Obama - 2011
February 2011: 108,856,000
November 2011: 110,750,000
the Bush tax cuts expired, but Obama continued them.

NO! Obama didn't continue all the Bush Tax Cuts. He let the cuts on the wealthy expire at the end of 2012. We remember this because at the time, you all predicted that if those cuts on the rich were to expire, there would be a market collapse, job loss, recession, and the sky would fall.


So since you were so wrong about what would happen if the Bush Tax Cuts on the wealthy expired at the end of 2012, why the fuck would you be right about anything you say today?
I continue to hope for the best and cheer all good news, even though I voted against Trump.

Apparently, I'm one of the few who is doing that.

I would love nothing more than to be wrong and right-wing Conservative fascist policies produced prosperity and equality for everyone.

But the experience of it in practice over the last 37 years seems to indicate right-wing Conservative fascist policies don't produce prosperity or equality, and in fact harm prosperity and equality. So we already know what the result of these policies is going to be because we have historical and empirical data that tells us.
I continue to hope for the best and cheer all good news, even though I voted against Trump.

Apparently, I'm one of the few who is doing that.

I would love nothing more than to be wrong and right-wing Conservative fascist policies produced prosperity and equality for everyone.

But the experience of it in practice over the last 37 years seems to indicate right-wing Conservative fascist policies don't produce prosperity or equality, and in fact harm prosperity and equality. So we already know what the result of these policies is going to be because we have historical and empirical data that tells us.
I stopped at "fascist".

Not into partisan hyperbole, thanks.
Redfish is easily rebutted by Antontoo, me, and others. He probably thinks Obama was not born in Hawaii as well.

LOL, that's funny coming from the leader of the left wing clown brigade. I don't give a flying crap where obozo the Kenyan messiah was born. I also don't give a shit that you and your buddy antontoo don't know that the media and the dems have been lying to you.

I fully understand the definition of a recession that you fools keep putting up, and I understand that the stats support that definition. BUT, where you miss the boat is when you claim that those negative quarters hurt the country, the economy, or the population in general.

Call the 08 economy whatever makes you feel good. It was not that bad, in fact, for most it was pretty good.
Yeah, it was the bad, and fucks who deny the pain that a good portion went through are not worth the time of day. Step off.

It was not a "great" recession. Those things happen normally as markets fluctuate and legislatures enact stupid laws.

What specifically happened to you personally in the 08 timeframe that was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad?
Yes, it was a Great Recession. You are not the economist here, Redfish. Even Edward Baiamonte knows more than you. And that is sad.

Yeah OK, and the depression of the 1930s was the end of the civilized world.

2008 was a definitional recession, not a "great" recession. You libs need to call it that to defend obama's terrible economic record. Everyone with working brain cells understands that. But I am still waiting for you to tell us how you were personally damaged during that time.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this his first year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.
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the Bush tax cuts expired, but Obama continued them.

NO! Obama didn't continue all the Bush Tax Cuts. He let the cuts on the wealthy expire at the end of 2012. We remember this because at the time, you all predicted that if those cuts on the rich were to expire, there would be a market collapse, job loss, recession, and the sky would fall.


So since you were so wrong about what would happen if the Bush Tax Cuts on the wealthy expired at the end of 2012, why the fuck would you be right about anything you say today?

yes, the rich pay taxes. the poor pay zero. the middle class got the bush/Obama cuts and they will get the trump cuts.

Obama continued the majority of the Bush tax cuts--------------which you idiots at the time claimed would destroy the economy.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.
where do you get this BS? do your handlers send you talking point lies every morning?
I stopped at "fascist".Not into partisan hyperbole, thanks..
Well, you can't spell ignorance without ignore.
Well, find yourself a nice right winger who will call you a commie, and then you two can go back and forth for a while, seeing which one of you can compare the other to Hitler more frequently.

I believe the rule is first to ten wins.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.


"shovel ready"
"will save the average family $2500 per year"
"increasing the debt is a failure of leadership"

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