Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

you continue to confirm my opinion of you. Ignorant, arrogant, and full of hate. Pretty sad.

I'm not ignorant at all. You're the ones who posture and preen about putting people on ignore or not reading their posts, or stopping reading at a certain word. That is literally textbook ignorance and you exercise it daily.

And you confirm my opinion of you; lazy, entitled, good-for-nothing, and cognitively dissonant.
Trump’s lying again today.
He keeps repeating he signed the most bills of any president.
CNN showed the graphic that he’s 11th.
10 other president signed more bills.

The cult: crickets
The Democrat response to the tax cuts is going to be "Oh ho you like It now, but just wait until 2027." Is that about it?

Oh, the shit is going to hit the fan much sooner. In fact, we will probably be in a recession by the mid-terms next year. Pumping and priming the stock market by increasing corporate profits is a one time thing that is going to run out of steam quickly. And because the tax cut adds so much to the deficit, automatic cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and SS will start in 2019. The only reason it didn't start in 2018 is because Trump waived the PayGo rules. But he can only do that once. So by this time next year, we will most likely be in a recession, there will most likely be job loss, and starting January 1st, 2019, Medicare, Medicaid, and SS will face benefit cuts.

And you should be concerning yourself with 2027 since your shitty tax plan raises taxes on most middle-class workers by then.
Edward Baiamonte knows more than you about economics.

Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012 in this year.

Imagine: if Trump had Obama's first year economy, Trump would be in the low twenties.
where do you get this BS? do your handlers send you talking point lies every morning?
What I wrote is true, and that you dislike it means nothing.

wrong, from your left wing friends at CNN

So as usual, you're obfuscating the truth by using outdated articles. That link is from August 2017, it's December 2017 and we have 4 additional months of job data to examine. Doing so shows Trump's created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama created in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, and barely 2012.
Just another example of why I no longer try to communicate with zealots.. posturing about it doesn't mean you actually do it.

What a fucking fraud.
Look at your posts on this thread.

Are they the posts of a reasonable adult?

I'm going to guess you think they are. Which is my point.

They're the posts of someone who put in the effort to know what they're talking about. You all don't put in any effort because you're a bunch of sloppy, lazy, entitled nobodies.

Shit, look at how garbage-y that post of yours is. You don't add anything to the don't even add cherry-picked stuff to this debate. You exist in this debate purely to posture to everyone how you don't participate in the debate.

That's why your posts are always un-sourced, or the sources you do use are questionable.
Just another example of why I no longer try to communicate with zealots.. posturing about it doesn't mean you actually do it.

What a fucking fraud.
Look at your posts on this thread.

Are they the posts of a reasonable adult?

I'm going to guess you think they are. Which is my point.

They're the posts of someone who put in the effort to know what they're talking about. You all don't put in any effort because you're a bunch of sloppy, lazy, entitled nobodies.
Got it, thanks.

The funniest part here is that you clearly don't know my politics, but your standard zealous anger is amusing.
And Trump created the lowest number of jobs since 2012.

This should lead off any post to any Trumpanzee. Even if the subject isn't about jobs, this fact should be repeated. Just like repeating the fact that Clinton got 3 million more votes.
The funniest part here is that you clearly don't know my politics, but your standard zealous anger is amusing..

Here's what I know about you:

You have crippling insecurities, so much so that you have to take to anonymous message boards on the internet to feel better about your insecurities. You posture and preen that, despite any evidence or facts or data, those attacking your slap-dash, crackerjack, juvenile beliefs are the unreasonable ones, and that by ignoring them you somehow come out looking better. So it's all about you, and how you feel about things. And that is entitlement. Unearned entitlement because you put in no effort to have the positions you have; you didn't bother to do any research, you don't trust in the institutions like the press and education and science to tell you what's true and what isn't, and your posts largely are devoid of any sourced links or credible data. You just exist in this space to look down on those who put in the effort to actually know what they're talking about. And it's not just you; most right-wing losers do this. Then they pretend to be above the fray by feigning independence, yet somehow always seem to come down on the side of the racist, fascist authoritarian conmen and charlatans. So you're repping yourself as an independent that coincidentally finds himself on the side of the right-wing in most every argument, so you try to then say that you're representative of independents and that by citing facts, I'm somehow driving them away.

It's the psychology of an abuser, is what it is.
Try comparing Reagan's job creation with Obabble's and get back to us.

Reagan only created 3 million more private sector jobs than Obama did, while growing the debt by far, far more...more than any President before him and more than all the previous Presidents combined:

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)
Series Id:
CES0500000001, Seasonally Adjusted
Series Title: All employees, thousands, total private, seasonally adjusted
Super Sector: Total private
Industry: Total private

January 1981: 74,677,000
January 1989: 89,394,000
Debt increased: 154%

January 2009: 111,474,000
January 2017: 123,230,000
Debt increased: 80%

How try converting the increase in percentage terms:

Reagan increased jobs by 19% compared to 10% for Obabble.

And then let's look at the $$:

Reagan added $1.9T to the debt vs. Obabble's $10T. IOW, Obabble added 5 times the debt and realized only about half the percentage increase in jobs.
Please show us where Conservatives increased taxes on most workers?

According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Trump tax bill you support increases taxes on 80-90 million workers by 2027:

Senate tax bill would cut taxes of wealthy and increase taxes on families earning less than $75,000 by 2027
The tax bill Senate Republicans are championing would give large tax cuts to the rich while raising taxes on American families earning $10,000 to $75,000 over the next decade, according to a report released Thursday by the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congress’s official nonpartisan analysts.
Furthermore, the corporate rate of 21% is still higher than the rates in those countries to whom businesses have relocated their HQ's. So what did lowering the corporate rate down to 21% solve if that rate is still higher than the countries where those HQ's are located!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Too bad the Dems didn't get on board to make the tax cuts permanent. On the bright side, Nickey Haley will be President in 2025 when they start to expire and can replace them with even lower rates.

Reagan increased jobs by 19% compared to 10% for Obabble..

Not that much different. And Reagan trails Clinton's job creation by about 8,000,000. Reagan is closer to Obama than he is to Clinton on jobs. I provided you those facts. You still refuse to accept them, why? Because you have a desperate compulsion to diminish Obama's legacy because your legacy is tied to Bush the Dumber and all the stupid shit he did.

Reagan added $1.9T to the debt vs. Obabble's $10T. IOW, Obabble added 5 times the debt and realized only about half the percentage increase in jobs.

At the time, no one added more debt than Reagan, who also added more than twice as much debt as any President before him. SO you're really hilarious because you switched from a percentage measurement to gross numbers in the same post.

Added five times the debt? Wha? Reagan nearly tripled the debt. Obama grew the debt by about 80%.

It's weird how you switch from gross numbers to percentage growth on jobs, but switch from percentage growth to gross numbers on the debt in the same fucking argument.

Are you trying to prove you're a doofus?
Too bad the Dems didn't get on board to make the tax cuts permanent. On the bright side, Nickey Haley will be President in 2025 when they start to expire and can replace them with even lower rates.WINNING!

So this post is just your attempt at diversion. It's not going to work.

Why the fuck should Democrats bail out bad Conservative ideas like raising taxes on the middle class?
Reagan increased jobs by 19% compared to 10% for Obabble..

Not that much different. And Reagan trails Clinton's job creation by about 8,000,000. Reagan is closer to Obama than he is to Clinton on jobs. I provided you those facts. You still refuse to accept them, why? Because you have a desperate compulsion to diminish Obama's legacy because your legacy is tied to Bush the Dumber and all the stupid shit he did.

Reagan added $1.9T to the debt vs. Obabble's $10T. IOW, Obabble added 5 times the debt and realized only about half the percentage increase in jobs.

At the time, no one added more debt than Reagan, who also added more than twice as much debt as any President before him. SO you're really hilarious because you switched from a percentage measurement to gross numbers in the same post.

Added five times the debt? Wha? Reagan nearly tripled the debt. Obama grew the debt by about 80%.

It's weird how you switch from gross numbers to percentage growth on jobs, but switch from percentage growth to gross numbers on the debt in the same fucking argument.

Are you trying to prove you're a doofus?

Reagan had to rebuild the military after Vietnam and Carter.

That was expensive. But worth it.
Reagan increased jobs by 19% compared to 10% for Obabble..

Not that much different. And Reagan trails Clinton's job creation by about 8,000,000. Reagan is closer to Obama than he is to Clinton on jobs. I provided you those facts. You still refuse to accept them, why? Because you have a desperate compulsion to diminish Obama's legacy because your legacy is tied to Bush the Dumber and all the stupid shit he did.

Reagan added $1.9T to the debt vs. Obabble's $10T. IOW, Obabble added 5 times the debt and realized only about half the percentage increase in jobs.

At the time, no one added more debt than Reagan, who also added more than twice as much debt as any President before him. SO you're really hilarious because you switched from a percentage measurement to gross numbers in the same post.

Added five times the debt? Wha? Reagan nearly tripled the debt. Obama grew the debt by about 80%.

It's weird how you switch from gross numbers to percentage growth on jobs, but switch from percentage growth to gross numbers on the debt in the same fucking argument.

Are you trying to prove you're a doofus?

Clinton benefited from Reagan's policies and governed as a moderate. The Dems gave up being moderates after him.

So, you lose.
Too bad the Dems didn't get on board to make the tax cuts permanent. On the bright side, Nickey Haley will be President in 2025 when they start to expire and can replace them with even lower rates.WINNING!

So this post is just your attempt at diversion. It's not going to work.

Why the fuck should Democrats bail out bad Conservative ideas like raising taxes on the middle class?

Translation: WTF should Democrats vote in the interests of their constituents?
Reagan increased jobs by 19% compared to 10% for Obabble..

Not that much different. And Reagan trails Clinton's job creation by about 8,000,000. Reagan is closer to Obama than he is to Clinton on jobs. I provided you those facts. You still refuse to accept them, why? Because you have a desperate compulsion to diminish Obama's legacy because your legacy is tied to Bush the Dumber and all the stupid shit he did.

Reagan added $1.9T to the debt vs. Obabble's $10T. IOW, Obabble added 5 times the debt and realized only about half the percentage increase in jobs.

At the time, no one added more debt than Reagan, who also added more than twice as much debt as any President before him. SO you're really hilarious because you switched from a percentage measurement to gross numbers in the same post.

Added five times the debt? Wha? Reagan nearly tripled the debt. Obama grew the debt by about 80%.

It's weird how you switch from gross numbers to percentage growth on jobs, but switch from percentage growth to gross numbers on the debt in the same fucking argument.

Are you trying to prove you're a doofus?

Reagan had to rebuild the military after Vietnam and Carter.

That was expensive. But worth it.

And Trump is in the same situation today. Obabble did a lot of damage to the military that needs to be undone. Mattis is off to a great start.
Reagan increased jobs by 19% compared to 10% for Obabble..

Not that much different. And Reagan trails Clinton's job creation by about 8,000,000. Reagan is closer to Obama than he is to Clinton on jobs. I provided you those facts. You still refuse to accept them, why? Because you have a desperate compulsion to diminish Obama's legacy because your legacy is tied to Bush the Dumber and all the stupid shit he did.

Reagan added $1.9T to the debt vs. Obabble's $10T. IOW, Obabble added 5 times the debt and realized only about half the percentage increase in jobs.

At the time, no one added more debt than Reagan, who also added more than twice as much debt as any President before him. SO you're really hilarious because you switched from a percentage measurement to gross numbers in the same post.

Added five times the debt? Wha? Reagan nearly tripled the debt. Obama grew the debt by about 80%.

It's weird how you switch from gross numbers to percentage growth on jobs, but switch from percentage growth to gross numbers on the debt in the same fucking argument.

Are you trying to prove you're a doofus?

Clinton benefited from Reagan's policies and governed as a moderate. The Dems gave up being moderates after him.

So, you lose.

Yeah, the "Clinton" economic boom started when Bush was still President. Though the Deep State lied about it.
Clinton benefited from Reagan's policies and governed as a moderate. The Dems gave up being moderates after him.So, you lose.

Bullshit. Between Reagan and Clinton was Bush the Elder and the 1990-91 recession and the S&L crisis and subsequent taxpayer-funded bailout. Reagan didn't do shit to help Clinton. Clinton and Bush the Elder are the heroes there.

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