Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Keeping repeating that to yourself if it gives you comfort. You're wrong, but you do get 10 Points for Consistency!

I have facts that support me, particularly on the GDP Quarterly growth and the number of jobs created.

As for ISIS, what did Trump do differently from what Obama was already doing?

I suggest you read up on how Trump is not micromanaging the war. The military is free to make decisions on the field of battle.

Seriously, to you read any hard news?
In reality, we have an improving economy, less regulations, more freedom, and the defeat of ISIS in 98% of the area is controlled when Obabble left office.

Improving economy? Quarterly economic growth is nearly identical to Obama's last two years.
Less regulations and more freedom that resulted in the fewest number of jobs created since 2012
Defeat of ISIS? Trump didn't change one single iota of Obama's ISIS strategy. Not one.
In reality, we have an improving economy, less regulations, more freedom, and the defeat of ISIS in 98% of the area is controlled when Obabble left office.

Improving economy? Quarterly economic growth is nearly identical to Obama's last two years.
Less regulations and more freedom that resulted in the fewest number of jobs created since 2012
Defeat of ISIS? Trump didn't change one single iota of Obama's ISIS strategy. Not one.
Obama is a jihadist, who colluded with Baghdadi (ISIS). After setting the stage for the Fort Hood attack, and purging FBI and Pentagon manuals of anti-jihad words, he pulled US troops out of Iraq, paving the way for ISIS to move in.

Then, in collusion with Baghdadi, he gave ISIS the green light to invade and massacre. The ISIS convoys traveled on open, desert roads where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none.

Also, in 2017 US military special forces went to work helping Kurds and Iraq military, retaking cities that had fallen to ISIS during the Obama neglect/collusion years.
In reality, we have an improving economy, less regulations, more freedom, and the defeat of ISIS in 98% of the area is controlled when Obabble left office.

Improving economy? Quarterly economic growth is nearly identical to Obama's last two years.
Less regulations and more freedom that resulted in the fewest number of jobs created since 2012
Defeat of ISIS? Trump didn't change one single iota of Obama's ISIS strategy. Not one.
In reality, we have an improving economy, less regulations, more freedom, and the defeat of ISIS in 98% of the area is controlled when Obabble left office.

Improving economy? Quarterly economic growth is nearly identical to Obama's last two years.
Less regulations and more freedom that resulted in the fewest number of jobs created since 2012
Defeat of ISIS? Trump didn't change one single iota of Obama's ISIS strategy. Not one.
Obama is a jihadist, who colluded with Baghdadi (ISIS). After setting the stage for the Fort Hood attack, and purging FBI and Pentagon manuals of anti-jihad words, he pulled US troops out of Iraq, paving the way for ISIS to move in.

Then, in collusion with Baghdadi, he gave ISIS the green light to invade and massacre. The ISIS convoys traveled on open, desert roads where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none.

Also, in 2017 US military special forces went to work helping Kurds and Iraq military, retaking cities that had fallen to ISIS during the Obama neglect/collusion years.

Indeed. If the SAD lil DERP had any intellectual curiosity and honesty, XYR would have easily found articles like this:

U.S. forces are no longer bound by requirements to be in contact with enemy forces in Afghanistan before opening fire, thanks to a change in rules of engagement orchestrated by Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.

Mattis, appearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday alongside Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joe Dunford, told a pair of congressional hearings that the White House gave him a free hand to reconsider the rules of engagement and alter them to speed the battle against the Taliban if need be.

Over the last several years, many top officials in Washington have advocated for a loosening of the rules of engagement that dictate how troops conduct combat operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

Changes could allow the U.S. military to move more quickly to defeat terrorist organizations. Rules of engagement are classified, and military officials generally do not discuss them....

Mattis reveals new rules of engagement
Obama is a jihadist, who colluded with Baghdadi (ISIS). After setting the stage for the Fort Hood attack, and purging FBI and Pentagon manuals of anti-jihad words, he pulled US troops out of Iraq, paving the way for ISIS to move in.

ISIS was already there, they were called Ba'athists. And you're the ones who spent $30B arming and training the New Iraqi Army that dropped their weapons and ran away from ISIS coming through Syria.

In fact, ISIS is entirely of your creation:

1. You invaded Iraq with no plan for occupation, destabilizing the region
2. You disbanded the Iraqi Army
3. You criminalized the Ba'athists
4. You supported pro-Iranian Maliki who cleansed Sunnis and Ba'athists out of Iraq and into Syria
5. You spent $30B arming and training a New Iraqi Army that dropped its weapons for ISIS to pick up
6. You opposed the Arab Spring, and supported Assad when he cracked down on those protesters.

But this is all Obama's fault...for Obama should have had the foresight to physically stop Bush from invading Iraq 5 years before Obama was elected President. LOL! Fuck you. Eat shit.

Then, in collusion with Baghdadi, he gave ISIS the green light to invade and massacre. The ISIS convoys traveled on open, desert roads where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none.

Incorrect. Obama launched more airstrikes against ISIS than Bush did against Saddam. In fact, Obama dropped about 24,000 bombs on ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Also, in 2017 US military special forces went to work helping Kurds and Iraq military, retaking cities that had fallen to ISIS during the Obama neglect/collusion years.

Sorry dumbass, but those Special Forces were already there doing that before Trump was even a candidate.
I suggest you read up on how Trump is not micromanaging the war. The military is free to make decisions on the field of battle.

So he's abdicating his role as Commander-in-Chief. Which is exactly what I said he was doing that you had a little hissy fit over.

ISeriously, to you read any hard news?

Trump created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama did in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2011.
The hypocrite is you sunshine. The 8 trillion that obummer added to the debt did nothing but weaken us as a nation. The debt that trump is adding is already boosting the economy, and that will pay the debt that trump added, and even some of the waste that obummer added, down.

Obama inherited a economy in the deepest recession in history. He cut deficits by 60% and saved the american economy. Trump is riding Obamas economic coat-tails, evidenced by a 24% rise in the DOW in Trumps first 11 months, that is actually pitiful against Obama's 29% rise over his first 11 months.

Obama inherited a economy in the deepest recession in history.

The recession was over by June 2009.

What did he do between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 to end the "deepest recession in history"?
(quote) who said the recession was over by June 20O9 ? what made you think that?
toddster has trouble with time and events, always has. The recession went right into 2010 and 2011 in many part of Texas and Utah.
I suggest you read up on how Trump is not micromanaging the war. The military is free to make decisions on the field of battle.

So he's abdicating his role as Commander-in-Chief. Which is exactly what I said he was doing that you had a little hissy fit over.

ISeriously, to you read any hard news?

Trump created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama did in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2011.

Obabble created only 1.2M jobs in his first four years. Trump will beat that in his first year.
The hypocrite is you sunshine. The 8 trillion that obummer added to the debt did nothing but weaken us as a nation. The debt that trump is adding is already boosting the economy, and that will pay the debt that trump added, and even some of the waste that obummer added, down.

Obama inherited a economy in the deepest recession in history. He cut deficits by 60% and saved the american economy. Trump is riding Obamas economic coat-tails, evidenced by a 24% rise in the DOW in Trumps first 11 months, that is actually pitiful against Obama's 29% rise over his first 11 months.

Obama inherited a economy in the deepest recession in history.

The recession was over by June 2009.

What did he do between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 to end the "deepest recession in history"?
(quote) who said the recession was over by June 20O9 ? what made you think that?

Obabble created only 1.2M jobs in his first four years.

Then created 10,000,000 in his next four.

AND he was handed a recession

AND he was handed a job market losing 750,000 a month

AND he had Conservatives who didn't want to recover the economy because Obama would get credit and because it would be a tacit admission the policies they supported caused the economy to be in a state where it needed recovery.

Trump will beat that in his first year.

It sure is nice when you're handed a vibrant, growing economy in a bull market that had 75+ straight months of positive job creation dating back to the month the ACA was signed into law.
Toddster is using outdate error-filled material, so that can be ignored.
In fact, Trump is riding Obama's numbers. The quarterly reports are quite like Obama's of his final two years.

Trump's ending of regulations has created less jobs in a year since 2012.

Trump followed the Obama game plan on ISIS, changed nothing.

Boedicca shows her ignorance in comparing Obama (terrible Bush recession year) with Trump (good Obama recovery year) for their first years.

Boedicca has no integrity.
Trump's ending of regulations has created less jobs in a year since 2012..

This is an important point that should lead off any post to a Trump supporter;

Trump's tiny hands created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama did in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2011.
Obabble created only 1.2M jobs in his first four years.

Then created 10,000,000 in his next four.

AND he was handed a recession

AND he was handed a job market losing 750,000 a month

AND he had Conservatives who didn't want to recover the economy because Obama would get credit and because it would be a tacit admission the policies they supported caused the economy to be in a state where it needed recovery.

Trump will beat that in his first year.

It sure is nice when you're handed a vibrant, growing economy in a bull market that had 75+ straight months of positive job creation dating back to the month the ACA was signed into law.

Wow, he destroyed a few million high paying manufacturing, full time jobs, and replaced them with low paying, part time jobs. Great trade there!
The hypocrite is you sunshine. The 8 trillion that obummer added to the debt did nothing but weaken us as a nation. The debt that trump is adding is already boosting the economy, and that will pay the debt that trump added, and even some of the waste that obummer added, down.

Obama inherited a economy in the deepest recession in history. He cut deficits by 60% and saved the american economy. Trump is riding Obamas economic coat-tails, evidenced by a 24% rise in the DOW in Trumps first 11 months, that is actually pitiful against Obama's 29% rise over his first 11 months.

Obama inherited a economy in the deepest recession in history.

The recession was over by June 2009.

What did he do between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 to end the "deepest recession in history"?
(quote) who said the recession was over by June 20O9 ? what made you think that?

View attachment 168188

Also, kinda throws cold water over your "the 2008 recession wasn't that bad" bullshit argument when you're here showing that the 18 month period of economic contraction was the longest since the Great Depression.

Whoopsie poopsie!
A president that says Son of a bitch publicly....Sometimes I think i'm dreaming. The US let its racist low lives decide its's a very low point for the US.
We had a VP who said to a large gathering at the White House, "this is a big FUCKING deal."

I don't suppose the DNCMSM inflamed you on that one.

I'm an independent....Trump is the lowest of them all. He is mentally disturbed and only his likes won't see that.
Not unlike most of our recent presidents, though a bit outspoken. Apparently this outspokenness triggers some Americans.
Most decent Americans...only the trashy ones are ok, with his arrogance, vulgarity and idiocy.
A president that says Son of a bitch publicly....Sometimes I think i'm dreaming. The US let its racist low lives decide its's a very low point for the US.
LBJ was a foul mouth bastard and overtly racist of course he's a Democratic Party icon.
An asshole is an asshole regardless of what party he belongs too. Trump is a low life and he will be remembered as one.
Only by worthless leftists as yourself.
I am not. Lefty. I can't stand trash.
Wow, he destroyed a few million high paying manufacturing, full time jobs, and replaced them with low paying, part time jobs. Great trade there!

1. Wages grew during Obama after shrinking during Bush the Dumber:

Median household income was down 4.2 percent on Bush’s watch and then another 4.9 percent during Obama’s first term. But median household income leaped 5.2 percent in 2015 (see Table H-5 on this Census Bureau page of household income data), giving Obama a net increase versus Bush’s net decrease.

2. The Bush Recession cost us millions of manufacturing jobs, and Obama recovered most of them:

3. Part time jobs? I thought it was "uniquely American" to have three jobs? Now you're saying it isn't. Well, OK. Obama only added about 1 million part time jobs.

Part-Time, usually employed
January 2009: 26,377,000
January 2017: 27,405,000

Full Time, usually works full time
January 2009: 115,818,000
January 2017: 124,705,000

So Obama added one part-time job for every 8 full time jobs.
A president that says Son of a bitch publicly....Sometimes I think i'm dreaming. The US let its racist low lives decide its's a very low point for the US.
LBJ was a foul mouth bastard and overtly racist of course he's a Democratic Party icon.
An asshole is an asshole regardless of what party he belongs too. Trump is a low life and he will be remembered as one.
who cares?
Most Americans that didnt for him do.
Toddster is using outdate error-filled material, so that can be ignored.
In fact, Trump is riding Obama's numbers. The quarterly reports are quite like Obama's of his final two years.

Trump's ending of regulations has created less jobs in a year since 2012.

Trump followed the Obama game plan on ISIS, changed nothing.

Boedicca shows her ignorance in comparing Obama (terrible Bush recession year) with Trump (good Obama recovery year) for their first years.

Boedicca has no integrity.

Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared

Your butt hurt whining is funny bro.

and your ass breath hypocrisy is sad ..

in typical RW fashion $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS got added on the deficit while Trumpdrones wiped off their chin with a big grin thanking Goldilocks.

If Clinton had done that in 11 months every dipshit RW'r would be shittin' bricks whining about how the country was doomed, and the end was near.

Nah after Obama, we're numb to it, might as well give tax cuts rather than more bullshit govt spending

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