Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared


Ignoramus it wasn't 1.2 trillion because of Obama, it was because WERE IN THE GREAT RECESSION, our revenues fell through the floor and the 200 billion Obama DID spend that year for stimulus was to help a faltering economy.

If we exclude extension of Bush's tax-cuts Obama pretty much had no choice but to sign, his ENTIRE policy contribution to deficit was less than 1.5 Trillion.

first of all there was no "great recession" in 08. It was a market correction driven by bed mortgage policy. Secondly, Obama added almost 10 trillion to the debt in 8 years. It went from 10 trillion to 19 trillion under his 8 years of terrible management.

finally, do you know the difference between annual deficit and national debt? You use the term interchangeably, so you obviously don't know the difference.

You are a total fucking idiot.

The Great Recession

2009 budget with 1.3 trillion deficit was proposed by Bush's administration in Sept of 2008 - did Obama spend that too? :lol:

I lived through it, moron. It was not a recession. I actually made a lot of money in the market in those years. Your handlers are lying to you.

Do you know what a RECESSION is? It is NOT someone making or not making money.

  1. 1.
    a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
So lets look at GDP:


SO we have straight 4 Qs of contracting GDP easily meeting the definition of the word Recession.

Stop opening your mouth, you are totally out to lunch.
I believe he was referring that it wasn't a "great" recession. just saying.

don't confuse the clowns with facts. It makes their little heads hurt
As an imbecile, you probably do not realize that to run a government, money must be spent, no matter what the deficit left by the last person in charge. However, this Admin has plans to reduce it. But like the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money.

The previous administration had already reduced the deficit by 2/3 from where your guy, Bush the Dumber, left it. Secondly, Trump's tax plan increases the deficit beginning with the next one. Why? Because it reduces revenue. That's why everyone says it will add at least $1.5T to the debt -and that's if you use the very generous dynamic scoring the GOP used for the Bush Tax Cuts, that also cost over a trillion.

"Spend money to make money"? What is he spending the money on, because all I hear from you is that he cut spending. So he's not spending while he's spending? huh?
"you gotta spend money to make money" is a classic scam line. 1.5 trillion may result in banking/investment services pushing gnp growth to 3%, but not only is that NOT going to bring in 1.5trillion in taxes (the dynamic scoring bs), but selling equities and bonds is not a job creator. LOL
hopefully they will, because they will be making more. See how that works?

No, I mean their rate goes up beginning in 2025.

And Trump's created the fewest jobs since 2012. So removing all those Obama-era regulations and rules resulted in the fewest jobs created in 5 years.
As an imbecile, you probably do not realize that to run a government, money must be spent, no matter what the deficit left by the last person in charge. However, this Admin has plans to reduce it. But like the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money.

The previous administration had already reduced the deficit by 2/3 from where your guy, Bush the Dumber, left it. Secondly, Trump's tax plan increases the deficit beginning with the next one. Why? Because it reduces revenue. That's why everyone says it will add at least $1.5T to the debt -and that's if you use the very generous dynamic scoring the GOP used for the Bush Tax Cuts, that also cost over a trillion.

"Spend money to make money"? What is he spending the money on, because all I hear from you is that he cut spending. So he's not spending while he's spending? huh?
"you gotta spend money to make money" is a classic scam line. 1.5 trillion may result in banking/investment services pushing gnp growth to 3%, but not only is that NOT going to bring in 1.5trillion in taxes (the dynamic scoring bs), but selling equities and bonds is not a job creator. LOL
I heard upwards to 4% and that would.
hopefully they will, because they will be making more. See how that works?

No, I mean their rate goes up beginning in 2025.

And Trump's created the fewest jobs since 2012. So removing all those Obama-era regulations and rules resulted in the fewest jobs created in 5 years.

horseshit. pure unadulterated horseshit.

how the fuck do you know what the tax rate will be in 2025? Can you see the future 8 years out? Even if you are correct, so what? When people make more their taxes usually go up.
There are those that think pissing in the wind pays dividends. I for one welcome the change of course, at least the ship of state has a rudder and keel.
Call the 08 economy whatever makes you feel good. It was not that bad, in fact, for most it was pretty good.

Only a troll would post something as stupid as this.

I assume you are referring to your post. But if not, what exactly was so bad about the 08 economy? how were you hurt personally? Who besides big mortgage companies was hurt when those bad mortgages defaulted?
horseshit. pure unadulterated horseshit.

It's in the tax bill, dude. The cuts literally expire in 2025, and then the rate goes up by 2027. Something like 80-90 million workers will be paying more in taxes by 2027 than they do now, while the wealthy pay much less.

how the fuck do you know what the tax rate will be in 2025? Can you see the future 8 years out? .


Even if you are correct, so what? When people make more their taxes usually go up.

The bill you're defending but haven't bothered to read because you're too fucking lazy. The bill's got a sunset provision for this "tax cut" that expires in 2025, and then the rates go up. So you're here arguing that it's somehow a good thing for the middle class to end up paying more in taxes (with fewer benefits because the tax bill also forces PayGo cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security that Trump waived for 2018, but can't for 2019).

And you argue that because you're a fucking idiot, or a Russian troll paid to argue nonsense.

I don't think the Oranguton's embrace of White Supremacy has led to greater freedom, but so far he has not done anything to tank the economy. He's pursued basically and gop establishment econ policy. When that 1.5 trillion in debt is tacked on and interest rates eventually rise, it could be a different story.

Terrorism is no more defeated than it was when Obama ordered the killing of bin laden. And we are killing civilians at at least the rate Obama was killing them with his drone war.

In short, the sky ain't fallin' ... but it might.
what exactly was so bad about the 08 economy?

1. Consumer credit was frozen, so there was no consumer lending happening...and Bush's economy was built entirely on debt and lending, so when those credit streams get frozen, a recession is inevitable.

2. Housing prices were dropping like a rock, resulting in many middle-class workers with sound non-ARM mortgages defaulting or going underwater because of the job loss as a result of the recession.

3. We were losing 750,000 jobs a month...the worst job loss since the last Conservative-led recession (1990-1) as a result of the last Conservative-led deregulation (S&L's).

4. The S&P 500 lost 40% of its value and was declining by the time Obama took office. The DJIA fell 20% and was in a 24-month long bear market.

That's just four off the top of my head that I could recall.

how were you hurt personally? Who besides big mortgage companies was hurt when those bad mortgages defaulted?

Read my list again you stupid fucking asshole.
Redfish is easily rebutted by Antontoo, me, and others. He probably thinks Obama was not born in Hawaii as well.

LOL, that's funny coming from the leader of the left wing clown brigade. I don't give a flying crap where obozo the Kenyan messiah was born. I also don't give a shit that you and your buddy antontoo don't know that the media and the dems have been lying to you.

I fully understand the definition of a recession that you fools keep putting up, and I understand that the stats support that definition. BUT, where you miss the boat is when you claim that those negative quarters hurt the country, the economy, or the population in general.

Call the 08 economy whatever makes you feel good. It was not that bad, in fact, for most it was pretty good.
Yeah, it was the bad, and fucks who deny the pain that a good portion went through are not worth the time of day. Step off.
In reality, we have an improving economy, less regulations, more freedom, and the defeat of ISIS in 98% of the area is controlled when Obabble left office.

Improving economy? Quarterly economic growth is nearly identical to Obama's last two years.
Less regulations and more freedom that resulted in the fewest number of jobs created since 2012
Defeat of ISIS? Trump didn't change one single iota of Obama's ISIS strategy. Not one.
The hypocrite is you sunshine. The 8 trillion that obummer added to the debt did nothing but weaken us as a nation. The debt that trump is adding is already boosting the economy, and that will pay the debt that trump added, and even some of the waste that obummer added, down.

Obama inherited a economy in the deepest recession in history. He cut deficits by 60% and saved the american economy. Trump is riding Obamas economic coat-tails, evidenced by a 24% rise in the DOW in Trumps first 11 months, that is actually pitiful against Obama's 29% rise over his first 11 months.

Obama inherited a economy in the deepest recession in history.

The recession was over by June 2009.

What did he do between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 to end the "deepest recession in history"?
(quote) who said the recession was over by June 20O9 ? what made you think that?
In reality, we have an improving economy, less regulations, more freedom, and the defeat of ISIS in 98% of the area is controlled when Obabble left office.

Improving economy? Quarterly economic growth is nearly identical to Obama's last two years.
Less regulations and more freedom that resulted in the fewest number of jobs created since 2012
Defeat of ISIS? Trump didn't change one single iota of Obama's ISIS strategy. Not one.

Keeping repeating that to yourself if it gives you comfort. You're wrong, but you do get 10 Points for Consistency!
Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared
This dumb article is a relentless attack on truth, in a naive attempt to deligitimize Trump's presidency. GREAT first year.

Making America great again already, after the disgrace of the Obama years.
Yesindeedy This first year of fat boy’s was a relentless attack on truth.
5.5 lies per day. Every day. All documented.
However Eugene Robinson’s article was 100% factual.
All widely reported incidents.
Kinda funny you didn’t know about them.
Oh, I'm quite aware of all the fooltalk about Trump, constantly babbled by the left and their fake news mouthpieces.

Every once in a while I even take the time to educate gullible liberals on stuff they've been brainwashed. Like those lying Hillary TV ads we were bludgeoned with in 2016.

Care for a free deprogramming ? :biggrin:
Keeping repeating that to yourself if it gives you comfort. You're wrong, but you do get 10 Points for Consistency!

I have facts that support me, particularly on the GDP Quarterly growth and the number of jobs created.

As for ISIS, what did Trump do differently from what Obama was already doing?
Nothing showing that could be damaging on the economic side, don't expect to see much in the next year or more on that front.
if honest none of us knows the future.
there are many signs that look very bad in terms of who owns the government.
it sure doesn't look like it's us.
to an extent its always been that way. yet it seems to be getting worse not better. I am very uncomfortable with many if not most of the people put in powerful places, they seem to have an agenda that is not in the best interest of most of the population.

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