Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Obama in his first year, far outshined the puppet, Benedict Trump, as a President.


Kneeling is not a form of disrespect.

You claim it is without any justification, only emotional pleading.

Depends on the circumstances and the venue doesn't it? I kneel in prayer every day and in church. A form of respect.

Players refusing to stand during our National Anthem is a sign of disrespect for our police and military. Shameful.
The intent is not disrespect toward our flag, just politics as usual for the right wing.

The intent is unimportant, irrelevant, and immaterial. The result is that it became a sign of disrespect toward our flag, police and military. Period.
politics, dear. Kneeling is not a form of disrespect.

Right wingers love to compete with totalitarian regimes, for monoculturalism.

Cute try.

Progressives made it a form of disrespect for our police, firemen, and military.

The kneelers, who do they think pay their huge salaries and bonuses?
Says who? Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.

Depends on intent. Standing can be a form of disrespect, just as turning ones back on a person can be a form of disrespect.
The intent is not disrespect toward our flag, just politics as usual for the right wing.

I didn’t say it was. I said, you said, “Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.” I said it depended on intent and now you agree. Thanks.
Not to the flag, just the disingenuous, monocultural right wing.
Kneeling is not a form of disrespect.

You claim it is without any justification, only emotional pleading.

When the ritual they are attending is to stand to show respect, it is.

Your lie is so stupid as to be an insult to the intelligence of the people you are telling it to.

You are being an asshole.

Fuck you.
Only monoculturalists have a problem with it. We have a First Amendment. It is our National Anthem.

So if you call a black person a derogatory name, it’s not disrespectful because of the First Amendment?
Ad hominems are fallacies. Only the right uses fallacies and claim they have a "superior argument".

So you admit you are wrong, thanks.
Nothing but right wing projection? Whatever shall your argument be, for St. Pete.
politics, dear. Kneeling is not a form of disrespect.

Right wingers love to compete with totalitarian regimes, for monoculturalism.

Cute try.

Progressives made it a form of disrespect for our police, firemen, and military.

The kneelers, who do they think pay their huge salaries and bonuses?
Says who? Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.

Depends on intent. Standing can be a form of disrespect, just as turning ones back on a person can be a form of disrespect.

the intent of the NFL kneelers was very clear, disrespect of the nation that allowed them to become millionaires for playing a game.
The flag isn't complaining, just right wing, monoculturalists.
politics, dear. Kneeling is not a form of disrespect.

Right wingers love to compete with totalitarian regimes, for monoculturalism.

Cute try.

Progressives made it a form of disrespect for our police, firemen, and military.

The kneelers, who do they think pay their huge salaries and bonuses?
Says who? Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.

Depends on intent. Standing can be a form of disrespect, just as turning ones back on a person can be a form of disrespect.

the intent of the NFL kneelers was very clear, disrespect of the nation that allowed them to become millionaires for playing a game.

Not disputing that, the idiot claims that kneeling cannot be disrespectful in any form, I proved it can be.
You have nothing but fallacy.
Kneeling is not a form of disrespect.

You claim it is without any justification, only emotional pleading.

When the ritual they are attending is to stand to show respect, it is.

Your lie is so stupid as to be an insult to the intelligence of the people you are telling it to.

You are being an asshole.

Fuck you.
Only monoculturalists have a problem with it. We have a First Amendment. It is our National Anthem.

THe act of taking offense from being disrespected does not make one a "monoculturalist" nor, an opponent of the FIrst Amendment.

Your lies are still fucking stupid.

Yes, it is our National Anthem and those who show disrespect to it, are disrespecting the nation and all it's citizens.
You claim it is offensive, yet, kneeling is not usually considered a form of offense.

During a ritual where the people stand to show respect, it obviously is

Listen, dumbass. NO ONE, is believing that you don't know that this is about showing disrespect to America and Americans.

Stop your lying.

You are being a complete asshole.
I disagree. Only monoculturalists believe what you do. We have a First Amendment.
Cute try.

Progressives made it a form of disrespect for our police, firemen, and military.

The kneelers, who do they think pay their huge salaries and bonuses?
Says who? Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.

Depends on intent. Standing can be a form of disrespect, just as turning ones back on a person can be a form of disrespect.
The intent is not disrespect toward our flag, just politics as usual for the right wing.

I didn’t say it was. I said, you said, “Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.” I said it depended on intent and now you agree. Thanks.
Not to the flag, just the disingenuous, monocultural right wing.

Again, you already admitted it could be, silly little guy. Please quit being dishonest. Your game trapped you again, you would think one would learn. Lol!
Cute try.

Progressives made it a form of disrespect for our police, firemen, and military.

The kneelers, who do they think pay their huge salaries and bonuses?
Says who? Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.

Depends on intent. Standing can be a form of disrespect, just as turning ones back on a person can be a form of disrespect.

the intent of the NFL kneelers was very clear, disrespect of the nation that allowed them to become millionaires for playing a game.

Not disputing that, the idiot claims that kneeling cannot be disrespectful in any form, I proved it can be.
You have nothing but fallacy.

You have nothing but BS, your one liners are your way of trying to control the conversation all you do is lot like a fool. Thanks fool.
Says who? Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.

Depends on intent. Standing can be a form of disrespect, just as turning ones back on a person can be a form of disrespect.

the intent of the NFL kneelers was very clear, disrespect of the nation that allowed them to become millionaires for playing a game.

Not disputing that, the idiot claims that kneeling cannot be disrespectful in any form, I proved it can be.
You have nothing but fallacy.

You have nothing but BS, your one liners are your way of trying to control the conversation all you do is lot like a fool. Thanks fool.

if you don't hit the reply button, no one knows who you are talking to.
Says who? Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.

Depends on intent. Standing can be a form of disrespect, just as turning ones back on a person can be a form of disrespect.
The intent is not disrespect toward our flag, just politics as usual for the right wing.

I didn’t say it was. I said, you said, “Kneeling cannot be any form of disrespect.” I said it depended on intent and now you agree. Thanks.
Not to the flag, just the disingenuous, monocultural right wing.

Again, you already admitted it could be, silly little guy. Please quit being dishonest. Your game trapped you again, you would think one would learn. Lol!
It is politically incorrect?
The example I was referring to, ie the underreporting of economic growth during the final phases of the campaign, was all done by career government officials..


Who just happened to undermine Bush's odds of winning by reporting false data to the voters, that did not get "corrected" until after the election.

So you're saying the Great Bush Recession never happened?

Your crazy talk is irrelevant in light of that issue. Try to be less crazy.

What's crazy is pretending the government folks who report economic data deliberately underreported the thriving Bush economy in the midst of the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression.
The poor state of the US military coming out of Vietnam and Carter, is not a subjective opinion. It is historical fact.

Poor state, how?

The need for defense against the Soviet Union, during the 80s, is also backed up by documented history.

Turns out we didn't need to triple the debt to defeat the Soviets. What did was perestroika and Afghanistan. Two things we had very little to do with.
The kneelers stood for God Save the Queen when they were in England. Why?

Because England's police aren't murdering them, and the English people are aware of institutionalized racism and aren't scared to confront it like you Conservative whiners are here.

To show respect to their hosts.
They kneeled during the US anthem to show disrespect to America and Americans.

You're just a Russian troll, so WTF do you know about anything?

So you think kneeling during an anthem shows disrespect to the nation? Since when? That's a standard you completely just made up on the spot for the benefit of this argument. What's disrespectful of our nation is accepting Russian help to win an election you can't win based on the merits of your ideas.
You are foolishly defining yourself as a traitor to the USA. The national anthem is much more than a song. It represents the USA itself, and hundreds of thousands of military people who died in wars to protect your narrowminded butt. without them you wouldn't be here now, ad certainly not spouting off freely on a political computer board.

Gotta love it when a Russian troll trollsplains patriotism to an American. No, the anthem doesn't represent anything other than being a song. So take your Russian trollishness, and fuck off.

It, and the flag, represents not only those thousands who sacrificed their lives in World War II, but also those who died in wars more recently, fighting the international jihad, who would chop your hear off in a blink of any eye.

It's more likely I will be murdered by a right-wing Christian terrorist in the USA than a muslim.
1. A small part of ISIS was already there, and they were not the Bathists. They were known as Al Qaeda in Iraq and were political decendants of Al Zarqawi (assassinated in 2006). Another small part of ISIS was already in Iraq, and were mostly children whom ISIS recruited. Both of these were relatively small and insignificant compared to the ISIS forces that (AS I SAID) traveled from Syria.

ISIS and AL Qaeda were not and are not allies. They are fundamentally opposed to one another because their ideologies are wildly different. So whoever told you they were the same lied to you because they knew you'd be dumb enough to buy it.

The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

ISIS came about because you shitheads kicked the ba'athists out of Iraq and ethnically cleansed Sunnis from Baghdad. To where do you think they went? Syria. Then, while in Syria, they hooked up with rich Saudis, building up their army against Assad, and then invading Iraq to reclaim their Caliphate.

2. The Iraqis who dropped their weapons and ran, did so because of the Obama supported Shiite govt in Iraq, under Malaki. The Iraqi soldiers were Sunnis (as was ISIS) Get it ?

NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT KNOW-NOTHING, the New Iraqi Army was made up of Shi'ites because there was a shi'ite Prime Minister. We were training shi'ites because the Sunnis refused to go along with the Shi'ite government in Baghdad. That's why we had to bribe all those Sunni tribes in Anbar during "the Surge".

3. The region WAS stablized, with many cities (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc) liberated from the jihadists. It was after Obama's 2011 withdrawl of US troops, that these formerly liberated cities fell to ISIS. (and because of that withdrawl)

Iraq was never stabilized, where are you getting this shit!? The jihadis of Al Qaeda were fighting us, not ISIS. Al Qaeda =/= ISIS, they were enemies.

4. Of course we oppose the Arab Spring. It was a Muslim Brotherhood engineered project, that even took power in Egypt, and was supported by US Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Obama and Hillary Clinton.

For fuck's sake, the entire reason you fucking clowns invaded Iraq was to being democracy to the middle east. So now you're saying pre-emptive war doesn't lead to democratization? Gee, could've used that wonderful insight before you fucking invaded Iraq.

5. Nice try, Bush-basher, but this is about jihadist-Obama and US patriot Trump..

Well hold on, the New Iraqi Army you spent $30B and 5 years arming and training was supposed to stop ISIS from even entering the country. So that was just a waste, then.

6. Are you nuts ? EVERYBODY knows airstrikes were "pinpricks" as Air Force ex- LT General MacInerney and ex Army 4 star general Jack Keane called them. The were few or none. Who do you think THESE GUYSare ? If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ? Is there a doctor in the house ? :rolleyes:McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing'US Generals on Iraq: Obama Must Do More Than 'Pinprick' AirstrikesThe Pinprick PresidentU.S. won’t provide airstrikes for Iraqi offensive against Islamic State: Pentagon

Trump hasn't changed Obama's ISIS plan at all.
Plenty of other countries available for him to go to >> North Korea, Haiti, Cuba, Syria. Bon Voyage.

All those countries force their people to stand for anthems, just like you're demanding we do here.

So fuck you, troll.

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