Trump’s Former National Security Adviser Challenges The Mythos, By Laboring The Obvious...


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2022
"In fact, the exact opposite is true," he continued. "I have been in those rooms with him when he met with those leaders. I believe they think he's a laughing fool and the idea that somehow his presence in office would have deterred Putin is flatly wrong."

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton says world leaders saw Trump as a 'laughing fool' and disputes that the ex-president could have stopped Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Why would anyone believe Jeanine Pirro, Sean Hannity, or some blogger would know any better than his own appointees?
John Bolton hated Trump the moment Trump wanted to pull out of Syria.

John Bolton is a 911 Zionist Fascist from the W Administration, and was pushing hard for W/Rove to invade Iran over lies too...

John Bolton criticizing anyone is good for that anyone.

John Bolton is a TRAITOR deluxe...
Bolton then said that if Trump had won reelection in 2020, the former president's push to weaken NATO would have aided Russia in their quest to take over Ukraine.

"If anything, if Trump had won a second term and done what I think he intended to do which is get out of NATO, Putin would have just waited and let him do it," he said. "Even the weakening of NATO would have it made a lot easier for the Russians to have prevailed."


This is glaringly obvious.
Then I guess Trump has really shitty judgment, eh?

Couldn't pack enough Zionist Fascists in his Cabinet. Kept doing it.

Then had his landslide re-election stolen.

Trump = 486 when the job needed a Pentium

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