Former DOJ national security chief says that Trump likely violated the Espionage Act and a separate federal statute

If this is over documents, your party is sunk. You better pray that he sold information to our enemies because, thats the only kind of thing people are going to accept as a good enough reason to raid his home.

Garland debated over doing this for some time. If you have a former president selling secrets to our enemies, you do not hesitate. You go in at the earliest opportunity.

This is a clusterfark of the highest order.
Your beloved armed bureaucracies did this, because people figure at least people they ELECT are somewhat accountable, whereas the unelected bureaucracy can do whatever they want.


Lol right Trump is completely devoid of any responsibility of this whatsoever. It’s such non sense bullshit.
Lol right Trump is completely devoid of any responsibility of this whatsoever. It’s such non sense bullshit.

I will concede this. If proven true, he is responsible for exactly the same oversight that Hillary Clinton was.
There wasn't anything that was bullshit about the impeachments (other than Repub senators ignoring the overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt) or the 1/6 committee's stunning revelations of Trump's attempted coup.
You're wasting your time trying to talk to these people. Remember when Trump said he could murder someone and broad daylight and New York City and get away with it. They weren't convict him even if he did that. They are a cult. Blind to everything but their own beliefs.
Garland debated over doing this for some time. If you have a former president selling secrets to our enemies, you do not hesitate. You go in at the earliest opportunity.

This is a clusterfark of the highest order.
I think we all know that Trump isnt giving secrets to our enemies, even democrats. They are seriously fucked.
I think we all know that Trump isnt giving secrets to our enemies, even democrats. They are seriously fucked.
Why would he have those specific documents then when he wasn't supposed to. Wake up and smell the roses.
Why would he have those specific documents then when he wasn't supposed to. Wake up and smell the roses.
We should all be thinking about what Trump's next step is. Will he flee the country. Will he say he didn't know those documents were in with all the others. Will he blame the people who packed the documents, and use them escape goats; a usual proceeding with him. I'm sure he will entertain you guys, and continue to disgust the rest of the people in America.
You mean like storing over 500 classified documents on a personal server illegally then bleach bitting them and on multiple handheld devices illegally then destroying the devices and evidence? OH Hillary SNAP!! :auiqs.jpg:
Your HDS seems to have blinded you.
We should all be thinking about what Trump's next step is. Will he flee the country. Will he say he didn't know those documents were in with all the others. Will he blame the people who packed the documents, and use them escape goats; a usual proceeding with him. I'm sure he will entertain you guys, and continue to disgust the rest of the people in America.
Scape-goat is my guess. It worked before.
Your HDS seems to have blinded you.
All of this really isn't worth it. There are little over a thousand people on this site, and the few that are on here on a regular basis are mostly far-right individuals. So at most we're talking about 0.00000303% of the US population. I'm going to be on here less and less, it's just not worth it. Good luck to you.
Why would he have those specific documents then when he wasn't supposed to. Wake up and smell the roses.
Dont know, dont care. For some reason ALL presidents keep files after they leave office. You arent going to convince me that an ex president cant have secret documents in his house. Anything he was allowed to see before, which is EVERYTHING, is ok to have when he leaves office, otherwise we are just punishing him just because we can, not because its right.

Not all crimes should be punishable. For example, if you J-walk across the street to save a man who is choking, you could technically be charged with j-walking, but any cop who does that is an asshole. Trumps situation is no different. There is no fear of the information falling into the wrong hands, so what the fuck is the problem? Oh, thats right. He is Trump and he can beat democrats in 2024. THATS why.
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The Espionage Act has a specific provision that relates to gross negligence of handling of documents.

The full interview has a lot of interesting insights.

“There's a variety of different possible crimes, but I think the two that are probably worth focusing the most on are 18 USC 2071. This really applies to any federal government employee who, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys public records, right? Records that are public records. Another potential crime is actually under the Espionage Act, which is 18 USC 793. And that actually has provisions that apply to essentially the mishandling through gross negligence, permitting documents to be removed from their proper place, or to be lost, stolen, or destroyed. There's also conspiracy provisions within that 18 USC 793. But certainly gross negligence could be proved by willfulness, because that would be even beyond gross negligence.”

One other important point she makes is that the FBI would have good reason to believe evidence is still there.

“It's a very overt step for the FBI to actually execute a search warrant that signals to the whole world that they had probable cause — that a federal judge agreed with — to believe that the evidence of a crime would be located in the premises to be searched at the time it was searched. So it couldn't be, "We thought the stuff was there a year ago, but not now." It would have to be probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime exists in that location at that time. And that means that the Department of Justice, probably at the highest levels, probably all the way up to the attorney general, agreed that this was a step that was not only legally supportable, but also important to take.”

/——-/ Oh we got him this time —- we really really mean it this time #7,655
Dont know, dont care. For some reason ALL presidents keep files after they leave office. You arent going to convince me that an ex president cant have secret documents in his house. Anything he was allowed to see before, which is EVERYTHING, is ok to have when he leaves office, otherwise we are just punishing him just because we can, not because its right.

Not all crimes should be punishable. For example, if you J-walk across the street to save a man who is choking, you could technically be charged with j-walking, but any cop who does that is an asshole. Trumps situation is no different. There is no fear of the information falling into the wrong hands, so what the fuck is the problem? Oh, thats right. He is Trump and he can beat democrats in 2024. THATS why.
Trump is the first one to keep top secret documents and other highly classified ones. Every other president only took declassified information. There's a reason, it's because of the law against taking classified and top secret information. It's all covered under the treason act if you want to read about it and be really informed.
Trump is the first one to keep top secret documents and other highly classified ones. Every other president only took declassified information. There's a reason, it's because of the law against taking classified and top secret information. It's all covered under the treason act if you want to read about it and be really informed.
Bullshit! Where the fuck did you get that false information? Obama STILL hasnt put his classified documents in his library. Its all missing, every single page. Bush signed an executive order to keep his documents. Hillary dumped acid on hers once the negotiations for them failed and she was subpoenaed.

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