Trump's future hangs in the balance: Possible charges as Classified Documents Probe may be announced after Memorial Day

Marener that's it?... that's all you got?... maybe its because I'm right.... you libtards are going down... because you can't defend your stupid ideas when put into practice.... and I'm gonna love every second of your downfall.....
I know when someone is pulling something out their ass.

Or do you expect me to believe you all have some deep knowledge of the fine details of how Senators do their job?
To have access to classified documents you have training. So you're saying Biden didn't receive the trading?
Sure. How does that matter if he didn't know he had them?

Remember. This "likely" is not about possession of classified documents. It will "likely" be about obstruction.

Maybe you will be right. We will have to wait for Jack's determination and the subsequent display of evidence.
Sure. How does that matter if he didn't know he had them?

Remember. This "likely" is not about possession of classified documents. It will "likely" be about obstruction.

Maybe you will be right. We will have to wait for Jack's determination and the subsequent display of evidence.
Stop showing your ignorence
Hi Oddball. Do you think Trump will be charged in this case? And if so when.
Absolutely, he will be. If there is any way they can arrange it, he'll be tried by a DC jury (guaranteed conviction). The DA in Atlanta will also bring charges. There are likely to be others. The whole point is to keep a steady news cycle of accusations against him and a conviction or two in the hopes that he will either drop out of the race or be damaged enough not to win.

As for DeSantis... he'll likely not be stupid enough to overtly pile-on but he'll use the situation to point out he's a better bet to win.
Hmmmm. Trump declassified the documents.
Americans not insane from TDS know that and also are aware that Biden did much worse as Veep. He NEVER had the authority to declassify what he took home - and left in a garage.
HRC's crimes make Trump's actions look like parking violations. If he is charged (and HRC remains at large), there will be hell to pay.
Americans not insane from TDS know that and also are aware that Biden did much worse as Veep. He NEVER had the authority to declassify what he took home - and left in a garage.
But those documents grew legs and walked them selves into Biden’s possession without his knowledge
No... sorry... I don't think you do....
You don’t even realize you’re doing it.

You’re going to have a hard time convincing me that we have assembled several experts on classified document handling for senators in one little thread here.
HRC's crimes make Trump's actions look like parking violations. If he is charged (and HRC remains at large), there will be hell to pay.
Why didn't you threaten "hell to pay" when Trump didn't charge Hillary?
Do you have some sort of mental disorder that blocks your memory of Trump not charging Hillary?
Do you guys think Ron DeSantis will take advantage of the situation and paint Trump as a criminal if Trump is charged?
Bloomberg News has the development:

"Special Counsel Jack Smith is wrapping up his investigation into former president Donald Trump’s refusal to return classified documents after his election defeat and is poised to announce possible criminal charges in the days or weeks after Memorial Day, according to people familiar with the matter.

As Smith’s team winds down the classified documents probe, a separate inquiry into efforts by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election continues, according to four people familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified discussing a confidential inquiry.

Trump’s associates believe the Justice Department’s investigation into documents taken from the White House after he left office is close to the end, said one of the people, but they don’t know if charges will be brought against the former president or anyone else.

Any indictments resulting from the roughly year-long investigation must be approved by Attorney General Merrick Garland and a federal grand jury.
I find it rather amusing that they are slapping Texas Jack on the wrists for actually posting very damaging classified info which hurt the US but want to hang Trump for a bunch of boxes which were NOT posted anywhere and Democrats refuse to even tell Republicans on the intelligence committee what documents Trump even had in his possession.
You don’t even realize you’re doing it.

You’re going to have a hard time convincing me that we have assembled several experts on classified document handling for senators in one little thread here.
I never claimed to be an expert but I have had classified documents in my possession from time to time while serving in the Marine Corps. in Afghanistan.... the only reason why biden would remove them and hide them at his home is to stay out of trouble and cover up his and Obama's crimes....
Its that simple... Trump's documents all added up to nothing but memorable items like letters from world leaders and photographs....

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