Trumps hole card

Trump isnt smart enough to figure this one out so politicians do it for him - and Graham is a pissant politician

Republican Senator Graham: Trump should use emergency powers to fund wall

heres how this plays out;

Graham knows full well it will go to court FOR MONTHS and be rejected - Trump blames the court, yammers about how he tried and he is the only one who cares about national security - his base gets a chubby - the GOP saves face for shutting down the wall in Congress and BADA BING BADA BOOM on to the next phase of RW anti Iimmigration bullshit ...

Um, no. Graham knows if TRUMP doesn't get the wall by way of emergency powers the full blame in 2020 will be on republicans in congress, not TRUMP.
The current law was written in 1976, long after Truman.


the Constitution was written long before that AND HASNT BEEN AMENDED !!

What you fail to understand is the President was authorized by congress to move funds around in an emergency. They also gave only the President the power to declare an emergency. He has the authority, given to him by Congress, so far he has chosen not to exercise that authority.


What you fail to understand is he can move money around but he cannot spend it without Congressional authorization. And certainly not $5 billion.

Read the damn law and stop pulling crap out of your ass. Also 5 billion is pocket change in a 4.4 trillion dollar budget.

Call it whatever you like but it`s still a waste off money. El Chapo isn`t the only Mexican who knows how to dig a tunnel. 3 tunnels have been found in the last month in Arizona.
Amid border-wall debate, third drug tunnel found in less than a month in Nogales

Isn't the whole point of a wall to force people to use alternative, more expensive methods to cross? Also seismic sensors and other electronic monitoring devices are planned. They are also planning on using drones and satellites to detect unusual activities along the border like too much human traffic in and out of buildings the might indicate digging or the existence of a tunnel.

So you little people can keep pretending the wall is the only component of border security that's being proposed and as usual you'll be wrong of just plain lying.

the Constitution was written long before that AND HASNT BEEN AMENDED !!

What you fail to understand is the President was authorized by congress to move funds around in an emergency. They also gave only the President the power to declare an emergency. He has the authority, given to him by Congress, so far he has chosen not to exercise that authority.


What you fail to understand is he can move money around but he cannot spend it without Congressional authorization. And certainly not $5 billion.

Read the damn law and stop pulling crap out of your ass. Also 5 billion is pocket change in a 4.4 trillion dollar budget.

Call it whatever you like but it`s still a waste off money. El Chapo isn`t the only Mexican who knows how to dig a tunnel. 3 tunnels have been found in the last month in Arizona.
Amid border-wall debate, third drug tunnel found in less than a month in Nogales

Isn't the whole point of a wall to force people to use alternative, more expensive methods to cross? Also seismic sensors and other electronic monitoring devices are planned. They are also planning on using drones and satellites to detect unusual activities along the border like too much human traffic in and out of buildings the might indicate digging or the existence of a tunnel.

So you little people can keep pretending the wall is the only component of border security that's being proposed and as usual you'll be wrong of just plain lying.


hey moron -

the dems have already agreed to fund high tech and more boots on the border ... try and keep up
What you fail to understand is the President was authorized by congress to move funds around in an emergency. They also gave only the President the power to declare an emergency. He has the authority, given to him by Congress, so far he has chosen not to exercise that authority.


What you fail to understand is he can move money around but he cannot spend it without Congressional authorization. And certainly not $5 billion.

Read the damn law and stop pulling crap out of your ass. Also 5 billion is pocket change in a 4.4 trillion dollar budget.

Call it whatever you like but it`s still a waste off money. El Chapo isn`t the only Mexican who knows how to dig a tunnel. 3 tunnels have been found in the last month in Arizona.
Amid border-wall debate, third drug tunnel found in less than a month in Nogales

Isn't the whole point of a wall to force people to use alternative, more expensive methods to cross? Also seismic sensors and other electronic monitoring devices are planned. They are also planning on using drones and satellites to detect unusual activities along the border like too much human traffic in and out of buildings the might indicate digging or the existence of a tunnel.

So you little people can keep pretending the wall is the only component of border security that's being proposed and as usual you'll be wrong of just plain lying.


hey moron -

the dems have already agreed to fund high tech and more boots on the border ... try and keep up

Hey moron, high tech doesn't prevent one person form crossing any better than they prevent armed robberies in banks and businesses. As with banks and businesses, locked doors and strong walls are deterrents for burglars.

Once a border crosser is caught, it takes almost $12,000 each to detain, process and deport them, it costs a lot more to deport failed asylum claims, which are about 92% of them, and that's IF we can find them. So cry and moan all you want, barriers are a necessary part of comprehensive border security.

What you fail to understand is he can move money around but he cannot spend it without Congressional authorization. And certainly not $5 billion.

Read the damn law and stop pulling crap out of your ass. Also 5 billion is pocket change in a 4.4 trillion dollar budget.

Call it whatever you like but it`s still a waste off money. El Chapo isn`t the only Mexican who knows how to dig a tunnel. 3 tunnels have been found in the last month in Arizona.
Amid border-wall debate, third drug tunnel found in less than a month in Nogales

Isn't the whole point of a wall to force people to use alternative, more expensive methods to cross? Also seismic sensors and other electronic monitoring devices are planned. They are also planning on using drones and satellites to detect unusual activities along the border like too much human traffic in and out of buildings the might indicate digging or the existence of a tunnel.

So you little people can keep pretending the wall is the only component of border security that's being proposed and as usual you'll be wrong of just plain lying.


hey moron -

the dems have already agreed to fund high tech and more boots on the border ... try and keep up

Hey moron, high tech doesn't prevent one person form crossing any better than they prevent armed robberies in banks and businesses. As with banks and businesses, locked doors and strong walls are deterrents for burglars.

Once a border crosser is caught, it takes almost $12,000 each to detain, process and deport them, it costs a lot more to deport failed asylum claims, which are about 92% of them, and that's IF we can find them. So cry and moan all you want, barriers are a necessary part of comprehensive border security.


got em already ...

Donald J. Trump


Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work. $5.6 Billion Dollars that House has approved is very little in comparison to the benefits of National Security. Quick payback!


7:35 AM - Jan 2, 2019
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barrier boi says so. ^^^^^^^^^^

30ft concrete wall
steel slat wall
metal fence


Trump isnt smart enough to figure this one out so politicians do it for him - and Graham is a pissant politician

Republican Senator Graham: Trump should use emergency powers to fund wall

heres how this plays out;

Graham knows full well it will go to court FOR MONTHS and be rejected - Trump blames the court, yammers about how he tried and he is the only one who cares about national security - his base gets a chubby - the GOP saves face for shutting down the wall in Congress and BADA BING BADA BOOM on to the next phase of RW anti Iimmigration bullshit ...

"I have the absolute right to declare a national emergency,” Trump told reporters outside the White House on Thursday. “The lawyers have so advised me. I'm not prepared to do that yet, but if I have to, I will. I have no doubt about it. I will."

There is no question Trump has the "right" to declare a national emergency. The issue is, is there a national emergency? If there is, what exactly is it? Also, notice the change in terminology. When all this began, Trump referred to the problem at our border as national security crisis. That has pretty much been debunked, so he changed it to a "national emergency," which can mean anything from forest fires to flooding to damage caused by a hurricane.

Is there a "national emergency" at our border? Trump visited the border today at McAllen, TX. It was pretty quiet. Nothing much happening. What exactly is the emergency? Trump himself called the problem a "humanitarian crisis" when he spoke to the nation Tuesday evening. A border wall is a very curious solution to a humanitarian crisis.

But there is a much bigger question. If Trump actually declares a national emergency and he uses funds meant for military use to build his wall, then what?

There is no doubt that his order will be challenged in the courts. How long will it take for the judicial process to play out? Will our government remained shuttered until Trump gets his money, if he gets his money? Or, will Trump use this as an excuse for backing down and allowing our government to function again?

If Trump declares a national emergency, bypassing Congress for funding and oversight, what if he wins the court battle? The answer to that question places our form of government at risk, which is exactly why Trump wanted to be President and why his base voted for him. Now he get his opportunity and Putin will be waiting for the results.

If the President wins the court battle, that would mean anytime he doesn't get his way, he can declare a national emergency and get whatever he wants. Is this what Republicans want Trump to do? What if he declares a national emergency, and cancels the 2020 election? If Trump wins this battle, do Republicans think there will never be a Democratic President?

Actually, if Trump wins this battle, that becomes a very real possibility. All a Republican President has to do is declare a national emergency.

Is this what McConnell wants?

Fareed Zakaria writes, "Watching the struggle over funding for a border wall, I am struck by the way in which, in one sense, President Trump has already achieved success. He has been able to conjure up a crisis out of thin air, elevate this manufactured emergency to national attention, paralyze the government and perhaps even invoke warlike authority and bypass Congress. He may still fail, but it should worry us that a president — any president — can do what Trump has done.

Let’s be clear: There is no crisis. The number of undocumented immigrants in the United States has been declining for a decade. The number of people caught trying to sneak across the southern border has been on a downward trend for almost 20 years and is lower than it was in 1973.

As has often been pointed out, far more people are coming to the U.S. legally and then overstaying their visas than are crossing the southern border illegally. But it’s important to put these numbers in context. More than 52 million foreigners entered the U.S. legally in fiscal year 2017. Of this cohort, 98.7 percent left on time and in accordance with their visas. A large portion of those remaining left after a brief overstay, and the best government estimate is that maybe 0.8 percent of those who entered the country in 2017 had stayed on by mid-2018."

Mueller is closing in on Trump. Recently there have been new developments very hazardous to Trump's tenure. We have learned Trump's campaign manager revealed polling data to a Russian agent during the election campaign. After Comey was fired, the FBI opened an investigation to determine if Trump, by design or inadvertently, was assisting the Russian government in its interference in our election. Trump's personal lawyer for ten years, Michael Cohen will testify before House Oversight Committee in an open session.

It is no wonder Trump wants to change the subject just as he has always done. He manufactures a fake crisis. It is a tired old tactic and it never works.

Trump has only two choices, resign or create a Constitution crisis.

There is only one problem. Out of pure revenge, it is Trump's nature to create a Constitutional crisis. He will be a star again.

Moreover, that is what is fans want him to do. They did not vote for Trump to provide good governance. They voted for Trump to create chaos in Washington. Want proof? Read their posts.

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