Trumps home raided by fbi

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Ahh the old, lets just call the other side pedophiles with no proof or shit we just made up...
you see if call the other side pedophiles then you don't have to listen or discus with them...
These are tactics taken from Hitler and the NAZIs... they like to act like NAZIs and then be horrified when they are called out on it..
Ashley's diary is the proof. The diary that she left to be found. The diary that the FBI broke into Project Veritas looking for...

How's that for PROOF? Call me a Nazi? You lose again, calling Godwin's Law.
Joe Biden and his Storm Troopers are Desperate after Jan 6th Kangaroo Court flopped as bad as Russian Collusion.
Need a tissue? As far as I am concerned they all need to be replaced because they have waged war against the US population, I have zero fucks to give for Trump or any politician.
You might, but I do not live my life based on emotions.

I need actual data and information
As do I.

We have a history of FBI abuses
We know RUSSIA was invented against trump
We know they lied to get warrants before
We know we have 2 failed impeachment attampts with very flimsy eviden
we know the left is actively trying to bar Trump from running again.

All that data and info you dismiss as if a sentence or two why something unprecedented could be ok.

But that's fine. You keep telling people unemotionally Trump is their God and mock their reaction.

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There is a correct legal process, and it wasn't followed in this case. Banana Republic.
It wasn't followed because after a year and a half of negotiating with Trump to return the documents...he never turned them over,

and they had to show the judge why the subpoena would not work to get back the government property he took, thus the search warrant, vs just a subpoena was justified, by the judge....

The Judge had to determine a subpoena vs. a search warrant. The judge, based on the DOJ affadavit, determined the search warrant, was needed.I

All perfectly legal...and above board.
As do I.

We have a history of FBI abuses
We know RUSSIA was invented against trump
We know they lied to get warrants before
We know we gave 2 failed impeachment attampts with very flimsy evidencwe know the left is actively trying to bar Trump from running again.

All that data and info you dismiss as if a sentence or two why something unprecedented could be ok.

But that's fine. You keep telling people unemotionally Trump is their God and mock their reaction.

Need a tissue? As far as I am concerned they all need to be replaced because they have waged war against the US population, I have zero fucks to give for Trump or any politician.
Maybe we need to mask you hold you down and forcibly inject you with an Anti-TDS vaccine.

You knew you were voting for Nazis when you went to the polls.

Now you have no way to defend these inhuman pieces of filth because you are one of them.

Can't wait until Joe unleashes his private Gestapo on America now that he added 87,000 IRS goons to an already Totalitarian Dictatorship.

But Hey, Heil Shitler! Long live EmperorShitzHizPantz!

I just don't want my toilet audited.
You have seen this diary and read it?
Read it if you want to...I'm not into child molestation...
It wasn't followed because after a year and a half of negotiating with Trump to return the documents...he never turned them over,

and they had to show the judge why the subpoena would not work to get back the government property he took, thus the search warrant, vs just a subpoena was justified, by the judge....

The Judge had to determine a subpoena vs. a search warrant. The judge, based on the DOJ affadavit, determined the search warrant, was needed.I

All perfectly legal...and above board.
Sure, whatever you say the spin is Putin....or is it Xi or Charles Schwab or Soros running the show and EmperorShitzHizPantz central command aka Joe's Hitler Bunker.

Heil Shitler!

Read it if you want to...I'm not into child molestation...

That's how sick they are. It's scary and dangerous.
Pelosi destroyed government documents too, at a Trump SOTU address.

Why hasn't she been charged?

View attachment 679665

no she did not!

she ripped up her COPY of the speech, not president Trump's official copy that he is responsible for, to turn over to the National archives!

You're news sucks and intentionally misinforms you, just to make you angry, it seems?
It wasn't followed because after a year and a half of negotiating with Trump to return the documents...he never turned them over,
and they had to show the judge why the subpoena would not work to get back the government property he took, thus the search warrant, vs just a subpoena was justified, by the judge....
The Judge had to determine a subpoena vs. a search warrant. The judge, based on the DOJ affadavit, determined the search warrant, was needed.I
All perfectly legal...and above board.
All legal and totally outside the norm.
Sandy Berger got caught stealing classified documents
Comey got caught stealing classified documents
Hillary deleted 33,000 emails, some of which were classified

Its the double standard that pisses us off. Look at Hunter's laptop and obvious crimes. Look at the FBI invading offices looking for Ashley's diary, as another example.
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