Trump's Hurricane

Blame for trump may come when FEMA runs out of funds. Trump has failed to fill vacant positions at FEMA and that is slowly having an impact. If the funding is not forthcoming quickly and the vacancies not filled the FEMA programs will begin to fail. Hence, trump will get the blame because those failures will be his fault.
No, they will be the fault of people like you who obstruct and lie and cheat daily to impede the government.
Where is the lie and how does my posting about unfilled vacancies at FEMA obstruct or impede? FEMA low on funds, down to about 3 billion and the cost of Harvey is being estimated at 60 million or more.
It was a simple statement of fact. if you can't understand it, go to school.
It was a subjective opinion with no relation to fact. You're just a bullshyter who can't back up his bullshyt.
No matter if i can back it up or not, no matter what I post as fact regressives will lie and smoke and spin over it.
In other words, no one should take you seriously or give you any credibility. You are OK being known as a liar and a fraud. If it is OK with you it is OK with me.
No, they will be the fault of people like you who obstruct and lie and cheat daily to impede the government.
Where is the lie and how does my posting about unfilled vacancies at FEMA obstruct or impede? FEMA low on funds, down to about 3 billion and the cost of Harvey is being estimated at 60 million or more.
It was a simple statement of fact. if you can't understand it, go to school.
It was a subjective opinion with no relation to fact. You're just a bullshyter who can't back up his bullshyt.
No matter if i can back it up or not, no matter what I post as fact regressives will lie and smoke and spin over it.
In other words, no one should take you seriously or give you any credibility. You are OK being known as a liar and a fraud. If it is OK with you it is OK with me.
Why are you calling me a regressive libtard?
Really, at least the help is real man made. So is the global warming. Vs godly belief of stupidly.


Well, the hooker was dressed for the job. Sadly, real pumps would have been more helpful.
btw. The Great Orange Douche seems to be blocking AID from Mexico.
If you blame global warming for Harvey then you have to credit global warming for years of zero hurricanes, dipshit.

Wrong. Warm water is the fuel that powers the hurricanes. The warmer the water, the more intense the storm.
Except the oceans are not hotter, dispshit.
The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed measurably since 2005, according to a new NASA study, leaving unsolved the mystery of why global warming appears to have slowed in recent years.

Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, analyzed satellite and direct ocean temperature data from 2005 to 2013 and found the ocean abyss below 1.24 miles (1,995 meters) has not warmed measurably.

Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has Not Warmed | Science Mission Directorate
For all you people that are believing that global warming caused the hurricane.

Hate to tell you, it didn't. Hurricanes have been a natural weather occurrence since the world started and the seas were formed. It's natures way of cooling down the oceans.


Due to the increased warmth of the ocean waters, there is more fuel to feed the hurricanes, resulting in bigger and more devastating storms.

That is total bullshit for which you have zero evidence.
Really, at least the help is real man made. So is the global warming. Vs godly belief of stupidly.


Well, the hooker was dressed for the job. Sadly, real pumps would have been more helpful.
btw. The Great Orange Douche seems to be blocking AID from Mexico.
If you blame global warming for Harvey then you have to credit global warming for years of zero hurricanes, dipshit.

Wrong. Warm water is the fuel that powers the hurricanes. The warmer the water, the more intense the storm.

So you should have unimpeachable data that the extreme western Gulf of Mexico was unusually warm!


So, you don't have that data?
The liberal media is in a quandary over how to blame Pres. Trump for the hurricane and its after affects on the city of Houston?
Trumps denial of global warming can't get any traction because there isn't any scientific proof it caused the hurricane. And of course the media's fall back position of Russian collusion doesn't apply to this situation. Neither does confederate statues and alt right Nazis.
Trump as been on top of the event since day one, and things are going smooth.
So all the liberal media has left to zero in on is Melania's shoes and Trump's choice of hat.
What a miserable pack of losers...... :cool:

Blame Trump for lack of common science principles in denial of global warming where if the Artic ice shelves are melting in a closed system, where else does one calculate where waters will go? It's the same with denials of the Catholic Church Fourth Reich Crusade starting off with 9/11 in a patriot act for a Fifth Reich Crusade.
The liberal media is in a quandary over how to blame Pres. Trump for the hurricane and its after affects on the city of Houston?
Trumps denial of global warming can't get any traction because there isn't any scientific proof it caused the hurricane. And of course the media's fall back position of Russian collusion doesn't apply to this situation. Neither does confederate statues and alt right Nazis.
Trump as been on top of the event since day one, and things are going smooth.
So all the liberal media has left to zero in on is Melania's shoes and Trump's choice of hat.
What a miserable pack of losers...... :cool:

Blame Trump for lack of common science principles in denial of global warming where if the Artic ice shelves are melting in a closed system, where else does one calculate where waters will go? It's the same with denials of the Catholic Church Fourth Reich Crusade starting off with 9/11 in a patriot act for a Fifth Reich Crusade.
Trump is GOD and can control melting ice caps?

I thought that is why we elected Barack Obama.
The liberal media is in a quandary over how to blame Pres. Trump for the hurricane and its after affects on the city of Houston?
Trumps denial of global warming can't get any traction because there isn't any scientific proof it caused the hurricane. And of course the media's fall back position of Russian collusion doesn't apply to this situation. Neither does confederate statues and alt right Nazis.
Trump as been on top of the event since day one, and things are going smooth.
So all the liberal media has left to zero in on is Melania's shoes and Trump's choice of hat.
What a miserable pack of losers...... :cool:

Blame Trump for lack of common science principles in denial of global warming where if the Artic ice shelves are melting in a closed system, where else does one calculate where waters will go? It's the same with denials of the Catholic Church Fourth Reich Crusade starting off with 9/11 in a patriot act for a Fifth Reich Crusade.
Trump is GOD and can control melting ice caps?

I thought that is why we elected Barack Obama.

Obama was the elected as a 21st century Muhammed after the burning Bush's patriot act of God speaking to the world as the second coming of Christ thru more Catholic Church destruction kept them all walking on water, which now has Trump preaching pseudo science in rebuttal to global warming.
View attachment 146833

Notice anything ................... hmmm lol

and then there is this which is separate from the meme

Bizarre Radar Anomaly Over Corpus Christi Texas 2 Days Before Harvey Landfall Indicates Mass Weather Modification Took Place
Bizarre Radar Anomaly Over Corpus Christi Texas 2 Days Before Harvey Landfall Indicates Mass Weather Modification Took Place

the only ones who don't know about weather manipulation are the idiots who can't even get past high school science class.

Sounds just like SCOTUS Chief Justice Rehnquist back in the mid 1970's declaring himself God with an immaculate drug trafficking conception prior to my being conceived in this world, but then again there's so many that have followed goosestepping with that "man is God" complex can't keep track of all the alternative pseudo science as if it's equivalent to high school science with class.
View attachment 146833

Notice anything ................... hmmm lol

and then there is this which is separate from the meme

Bizarre Radar Anomaly Over Corpus Christi Texas 2 Days Before Harvey Landfall Indicates Mass Weather Modification Took Place
Bizarre Radar Anomaly Over Corpus Christi Texas 2 Days Before Harvey Landfall Indicates Mass Weather Modification Took Place

the only ones who don't know about weather manipulation are the idiots who can't even get past high school science class.

Sounds just like SCOTUS Chief Justice Rehnquist back in the mid 1970's declaring himself God with an immaculate drug trafficking conception prior to my being conceived in this world, but then again there's so many that have followed goosestepping with that "man is God" complex can't keep track of all the alternative pseudo science as if it's equivalent to high school science with class.

Uh huh.
View attachment 146833

Notice anything ................... hmmm lol

and then there is this which is separate from the meme

Bizarre Radar Anomaly Over Corpus Christi Texas 2 Days Before Harvey Landfall Indicates Mass Weather Modification Took Place
Bizarre Radar Anomaly Over Corpus Christi Texas 2 Days Before Harvey Landfall Indicates Mass Weather Modification Took Place

the only ones who don't know about weather manipulation are the idiots who can't even get past high school science class.

Weather manipulation is what caused Harvey? Really? Quick question there genius,WHY would we run a weather attack against our own country? Especially in the area where most of our energy infrastructure is located? Are you this stupid in real life?
View attachment 146833

Notice anything ................... hmmm lol

and then there is this which is separate from the meme

Bizarre Radar Anomaly Over Corpus Christi Texas 2 Days Before Harvey Landfall Indicates Mass Weather Modification Took Place
Bizarre Radar Anomaly Over Corpus Christi Texas 2 Days Before Harvey Landfall Indicates Mass Weather Modification Took Place

the only ones who don't know about weather manipulation are the idiots who can't even get past high school science class.

Have to wait as it's going to be another 6 years before the next big catastrophic hurricane or 8/29 is a very good birth date of weather manipulations.....
The liberal media is in a quandary over how to blame Pres. Trump for the hurricane and its after affects on the city of Houston?
Trumps denial of global warming can't get any traction because there isn't any scientific proof it caused the hurricane. And of course the media's fall back position of Russian collusion doesn't apply to this situation. Neither does confederate statues and alt right Nazis.
Trump as been on top of the event since day one, and things are going smooth.
So all the liberal media has left to zero in on is Melania's shoes and Trump's choice of hat.
What a miserable pack of losers...... :cool:

Blame Trump for lack of common science principles in denial of global warming where if the Artic ice shelves are melting in a closed system, where else does one calculate where waters will go? It's the same with denials of the Catholic Church Fourth Reich Crusade starting off with 9/11 in a patriot act for a Fifth Reich Crusade.

WTF are you babbling about?

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