Trump's Hurricane

Ohhhh that phony data! Yes. The EPA! Brudda, the EPA lies about driveway puddles being navigable waters.

If the Pacific was warmer, I'd know about it. California would be in an El Nino. We had ONE rainy season in years and years.
The Atlantic waters are warmer. It's affected the movement of the lobsters and the shedding season.

The liberal media is in a quandary over how to blame Pres. Trump for the hurricane and its after affects on the city of Houston?
Trumps denial of global warming can't get any traction because there isn't any scientific proof it caused the hurricane. And of course the media's fall back position of Russian collusion doesn't apply to this situation. Neither does confederate statues and alt right Nazis.
Trump as been on top of the event since day one, and things are going smooth.
So all the liberal media has left to zero in on is Melania's shoes and Trump's choice of hat.
What a miserable pack of losers...... :cool:

Blame Trump for lack of common science principles in denial of global warming where if the Artic ice shelves are melting in a closed system, where else does one calculate where waters will go? It's the same with denials of the Catholic Church Fourth Reich Crusade starting off with 9/11 in a patriot act for a Fifth Reich Crusade.

WTF are you babbling about?

Why the face as bubbling some world wide flooding in South Asia, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Sierra Leone & Africa isn't anywhere near US flooding & deaths; but then again when the requiem for SCOTUS pseudo science math with the class of an immaculate drug trafficking conception prior to ones even being conceived is on less than a high school level leaves little reason to calculate a Christian Nation trying to control weather in a closed system bubble or anything else.
Why the face as bubbling some world wide flooding in South Asia, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Sierra Leone & Africa isn't anywhere near US flooding & deaths; but then again when the requiem for SCOTUS pseudo science math with the class of an immaculate drug trafficking conception prior to ones even being conceived is on less than a high school level leaves little reason to calculate a Christian Nation trying to control weather in a closed system bubble or anything else.
Seriously, put the bong down and see a mental health professional. ..... :cuckoo:
Why the face as bubbling some world wide flooding in South Asia, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Sierra Leone & Africa isn't anywhere near US flooding & deaths; but then again when the requiem for SCOTUS pseudo science math with the class of an immaculate drug trafficking conception prior to ones even being conceived is on less than a high school level leaves little reason to calculate a Christian Nation trying to control weather in a closed system bubble or anything else.
Seriously, put the bong down and see a mental health professional. ..... :cuckoo:

Looks as if that serve the "Pope or die" national religion of immaculate drug conceptions isn't only limited to KKK churchstate cops or a Chief Justice of SCOTUS, but then again my math of how many copies of an original tape recording of a Christian Nation immaculate drug trafficking conception exist is almost as good as some fabricated misnomer sermon of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality gospel; which pollutes civilization more than all the runoff into the Gulf from the hurricane.
The liberal media is in a quandary over how to blame Pres. Trump for the hurricane and its after affects on the city of Houston?

Trumps denial of global warming can't get any traction because there isn't any scientific proof it caused the hurricane. And of course the media's fall back position of Russian collusion doesn't apply to this situation. Neither does confederate statues and alt right nazis.

Trump as been on top of the event since day one, and things are going smooth.

So all the liberal media has left to zero in on is Melania's shoes and Trump's choice of hat.

What a miserable pack of losers...... :cool:

Next chance they get, they will name one Hurricane Donald.
Why the face as bubbling some world wide flooding in South Asia, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Sierra Leone & Africa isn't anywhere near US flooding & deaths; but then again when the requiem for SCOTUS pseudo science math with the class of an immaculate drug trafficking conception prior to ones even being conceived is on less than a high school level leaves little reason to calculate a Christian Nation trying to control weather in a closed system bubble or anything else.
Seriously, put the bong down and see a mental health professional. ..... :cuckoo:

Looks as if that serve the "Pope or die" national religion of immaculate drug conceptions isn't only limited to KKK churchstate cops or a Chief Justice of SCOTUS, but then again my math of how many copies of an original tape recording of a Christian Nation immaculate drug trafficking conception exist is almost as good as some fabricated misnomer sermon of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality gospel; which pollutes civilization more than all the runoff into the Gulf from the hurricane.

Welcome to USMessageboard.

I predict you will be the subject of a whole lot of well-earned and well-deserved ridicule.
Why the face as bubbling some world wide flooding in South Asia, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Sierra Leone & Africa isn't anywhere near US flooding & deaths; but then again when the requiem for SCOTUS pseudo science math with the class of an immaculate drug trafficking conception prior to ones even being conceived is on less than a high school level leaves little reason to calculate a Christian Nation trying to control weather in a closed system bubble or anything else.
Seriously, put the bong down and see a mental health professional. ..... :cuckoo:

Looks as if that serve the "Pope or die" national religion of immaculate drug conceptions isn't only limited to KKK churchstate cops or a Chief Justice of SCOTUS, but then again my math of how many copies of an original tape recording of a Christian Nation immaculate drug trafficking conception exist is almost as good as some fabricated misnomer sermon of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality gospel; which pollutes civilization more than all the runoff into the Gulf from the hurricane.

Welcome to USMessageboard.

I predict you will be the subject of a whole lot of well-earned and well-deserved ridicule.

What else could be expected out of the norm from cross conditioned way beyond therapy compulsive-obsessive homicidal sociopsychopathic suicidal Islam ChristHitlers?

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