Trump's "illegals"

again, from YOUR link:
although there is no evidence Mr Trump or Trump Organisation executives knew of her or their status

You missed this:

Sandra Diaz, 46, a native of Costa Rica who is now a legal resident of the United States, said she, too, was undocumented when she worked at Bedminster between 2010 and 2013. The two women said they worked for years as part of a group of housekeeping, maintenance and landscaping employees at the golf club that included a number of undocumented workers, though they could not say precisely how many....

So there were a number of undocumented workers at the club in housekeeping, maintenance an landscaping and they did not know. Only sheeple believe that argument.
it says in your link and you CAN'T deny it:
although there is no evidence Mr Trump or Trump Organisation executives knew of her or their status.
you are trying to deny what it says in YOUR own link
you fked up this time, pal
An undocumented migrant who has been working at Donald Trump's golf course since 2013 says she's sick of the "abuse", "insults" and "humiliation" from her boss.

Victorina Morales - who has cleaned the President's toilet, made his bed and dusted his crystal golf trophies - told the New York Times she was hired at Mr Trump's Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey with "phony" papers.

Trump paid "illegal" $10 an hour to clean his toilet

You can't make up Trump's hypocrisy and how he makes fools of his supporters. Now, we understand why so many illegals want to come to this country, because of people like Trump. We all know that Trump despises the rule of law, here is just more proof.

See also: Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers
Considering that she should never have been allowed to stay in this country / should have been deported years ago and never should have been able to legally get a job, she should be thankful she was able to get a job and stay.

Now that she has publicly self-identified as an illegal unhappy being in the US, perhaps she should be sent back home / deported?!

(I guess this means there are some jobs ILLEGALS just won't do...anymore?! :p)
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An undocumented migrant who has been working at Donald Trump's golf course since 2013 says she's sick of the "abuse", "insults" and "humiliation" from her boss.

Victorina Morales - who has cleaned the President's toilet, made his bed and dusted his crystal golf trophies - told the New York Times she was hired at Mr Trump's Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey with "phony" papers.

Trump paid "illegal" $10 an hour to clean his toilet

You can't make up Trump's hypocrisy and how he makes fools of his supporters. Now, we understand why so many illegals want to come to this country, because of people like Trump. We all know that Trump despises the rule of law, here is just more proof.

See also: Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers
She entered our country illegally and subsequently obtained a job by producing phony documents, meaning right out of the chute she was lying to the company she sought employment from. And it’s all Trump’s fault to deranged lefty stooge Jlaw. What else is new?
dumbshit again
Trump did hot hire her

So your argument is Trump does not know who his organization hires to work directly for Trump?Didn't Trump run on a platform that he was a hands on manager? Are you really that stupid? Well, you are a Trumper, so that question was rhetorical.

Of course not you stupid shit.

His company has thousands of employees. HR hires them. Not Trump.

God What an idiot you are.
dumbshit again
Trump did hot hire her

So your argument is Trump does not know who his organization hires to work directly for Trump?Didn't Trump run on a platform that he was a hands on manager? Are you really that stupid? Well, you are a Trumper, so that question was rhetorical.

Of course not you stupid shit.

His company has thousands of employees. HR hires them. Not Trump.

God What an idiot you are.
Hey dumbass, those illegals worked in his residence at the club. So, you admit Trump is so ignorant of his business operations that he did not know there were illegals working in his own house. The same illegals that he saw, tipped and talked tp on are regular basis. Sounds like Trumpist stupidity.
dumbshit again
Trump did hot hire her

So your argument is Trump does not know who his organization hires to work directly for Trump?Didn't Trump run on a platform that he was a hands on manager? Are you really that stupid? Well, you are a Trumper, so that question was rhetorical.

Of course not you stupid shit.

His company has thousands of employees. HR hires them. Not Trump.

God What an idiot you are.
Hey dumbass, those illegals worked in his residence at the club. So, you admit Trump is so ignorant of his business operations that he did not there were illegals working in his own house. The same illegals that he saw, tipped and talked tp on are regular basis. Sounds like Trumpist stupidity

Hey dipshit. He didn't hire them. HR did. I'm sure he spoke with them and tipped them. Doesn't mean he knew they were illegals.

Sounds like JohnLaw stupidity to me.
dumbshit again
Trump did hot hire her

So your argument is Trump does not know who his organization hires to work directly for Trump?Didn't Trump run on a platform that he was a hands on manager? Are you really that stupid? Well, you are a Trumper, so that question was rhetorical.

Of course not you stupid shit.

His company has thousands of employees. HR hires them. Not Trump.

God What an idiot you are.
Hey dumbass, those illegals worked in his residence at the club. So, you admit Trump is so ignorant of his business operations that he did not there were illegals working in his own house. The same illegals that he saw, tipped and talked tp on are regular basis. Sounds like Trumpist stupidity

Hey dipshit. He didn't hire them. HR did. I'm sure he spoke with them and tipped them. Doesn't mean he knew they were illegals.

Sounds like JohnLaw stupidity to me.
I can't believe you are really that stupid. Well, yes really... His club was full of illegals. There was not one, or two , there were a number of them. Hell, they had a driver pick up the illegals because they could not get drivers licenses. Many of these country clubs hires illegal, so Trump was doing what every other club was doing. Furthermore, FYI that even a simpleton like yourself may understand, is that Trump has a history of hiring illegals. He was fined for hiring Polish illegals.
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