Trump’s “I’m not a crook” moment


Gold Member
Apr 22, 2014
Had to be communicated via twitter, of course

Trump surrounds himself with crooks to take the heat off of him.
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At this point, the only reason I suspect Mueller hasn’t taken down the Trump syndicate yet is that Trump’s army of lawyers have stymied and slowed things as much as possible. That and defendants have been in communication trying to get their lies straight, and it’s taken a while to sort them out as is happening now with Corsi.
Crooked Deep State wants Americans to believe their president is a crook and to distract their attention from themselves and their crooked puppets like Hillary, Obama, Comey and Soros, of course. It's as easy to understand as to add 2 and 2.
Damn it didn’t matter when Carter kept selling peanuts. Didn’t matter when Washington kept selling produce from his farm. Didn’t matter when Kerry kept selling ketchup. Didn’t matter when oshitass sold guns, sold uranium. Didn’t matter when almost half of the Presidents including both Bush’s stayed in the oil business. So eat shit and die smelling better.
You shitheads are just pumping shit the Sam thing in a thousand different threads. Just kill yourselves and save everyone from your boring repetitive back slapping. Ha.
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Crooked Deep State wants Americans to believe their president is a crook and to distract their attention from themselves and their crooked puppets like Hillary, Obama, Comey and Soros, of course. It's as easy to understand as to add 2 and 2.
You mean to tell me there’s no way the casino mogul who has settled for millions for completely defrauding people, and who’s closest advisers have all been exposed as criminals can’t possibly be a criminal himself? It’s all whatever the hell some “deep state” is?! :eek:
Damn it didn’t matter when Carter kept selling peanuts. Didn’t matter when Washington kept selling produce from his farm. Didn’t matter when Kerry kept selling ketchup. Didn’t matter when oshitass sold guns, sold uranium. Didn’t matter when almost half of the Presidents including both Bush’s stayed in the oil business. So eat shit and die smelling better.
What did those things have to do with soliciting foreign saboteurs to aid in attacking our election system?
Damn it didn’t matter when Carter kept selling peanuts. Didn’t matter when Washington kept selling produce from his farm. Didn’t matter when Kerry kept selling ketchup. Didn’t matter when oshitass sold guns, sold uranium. Didn’t matter when almost half of the Presidents including both Bush’s stayed in the oil business. So eat shit and die smelling better.
What did those things have to do with soliciting foreign saboteurs to aid in attacking our election system?
/---/ Yeah --- why did Hildabeast do that?
Damn it didn’t matter when Carter kept selling peanuts. Didn’t matter when Washington kept selling produce from his farm. Didn’t matter when Kerry kept selling ketchup. Didn’t matter when oshitass sold guns, sold uranium. Didn’t matter when almost half of the Presidents including both Bush’s stayed in the oil business. So eat shit and die smelling better.
What did those things have to do with soliciting foreign saboteurs to aid in attacking our election system?
/---/ Yeah --- why did Hildabeast do that?
^ :cuckoo:
At this point, the only reason I suspect Mueller hasn’t taken down the Trump syndicate yet is that Trump’s army of lawyers have stymied and slowed things as much as possible. That and defendants have been in communication trying to get their lies straight, and it’s taken a while to sort them out as is happening now with Corsi.

Maybe tomorrow, eh? :auiqs.jpg:
At this point, the only reason I suspect Mueller hasn’t taken down the Trump syndicate yet is that Trump’s army of lawyers have stymied and slowed things as much as possible. That and defendants have been in communication trying to get their lies straight, and it’s taken a while to sort them out as is happening now with Corsi.

Maybe tomorrow, eh? :auiqs.jpg:
Unrealistic. Depending on what the songbirds give up, next spring at the earliest.
Had to be communicated via twitter, of course


So Trump's first story was that he had no deals nor contacts in Russia after January 2016.

Then Cohen says that yes, Trump did. With deals running into the Spring.

Then Trump insistst that Cohen is lying.

Then Trump's lawyers admit that Cohen's account is accurate.

The answer, at least according to the president’s lawyers and people close to his family, is no. Although Mr. Trump’s lawyers have long worried that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, is trying to catch Mr. Trump in a lie, they said Mr. Cohen’s new account of the Trump Organization’s abortive hotel project in Moscow essentially matches what Mr. Trump himself stated in written answers delivered to prosecutors just nine days ago.

Trump’s Recall of Moscow Deal Matches Cohen’s, President’s Lawyers Say

And my favorite part of this whole scenario?

Even with Trump's lawyers ADMITTING that Cohen's account is correct.......Trumpies will still insist that Cohen is lying about the Trump Moscow project.

You can't fix stupid.
At this point, the only reason I suspect Mueller hasn’t taken down the Trump syndicate yet is that Trump’s army of lawyers have stymied and slowed things as much as possible. That and defendants have been in communication trying to get their lies straight, and it’s taken a while to sort them out as is happening now with Corsi.

Naw....its just, well, mueller has no evidence except process crimes and perjury traps. Any half brained prosecutor can work that type of magic.
At this point, the only reason I suspect Mueller hasn’t taken down the Trump syndicate yet is that Trump’s army of lawyers have stymied and slowed things as much as possible. That and defendants have been in communication trying to get their lies straight, and it’s taken a while to sort them out as is happening now with Corsi.

Naw....its just, well, mueller has no evidence except process crimes and perjury traps. Any half brained prosecutor can work that type of magic.
Lol okay buddy :itsok:
At this point, the only reason I suspect Mueller hasn’t taken down the Trump syndicate yet is that Trump’s army of lawyers have stymied and slowed things as much as possible. That and defendants have been in communication trying to get their lies straight, and it’s taken a while to sort them out as is happening now with Corsi.

Naw....its just, well, mueller has no evidence except process crimes and perjury traps. Any half brained prosecutor can work that type of magic.

Show us Mueller's report saying this. Specifically, show us Manafort and Comey's testimony to Mueller's investigators. As well as cite the documents that Mueller seized in Cohen's office. No, go ahead. I'll wait.





Wait, you don't have Mueller's final report, access to the testimony of his witnesses or even know who all of his witnesses are? Nor do you have access to the documents that Mueller seized from Cohen, Manafort, Gates, and others? have no idea what evidence Mueller has. And you're citing your imagination.

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