Trump’s “I’m not a crook” moment

No we didn't. And your commitment to ignore all of this:

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime. well noted.

Keep your eyes screwed shut and pretend none of it exists. It really won't matter.

don't understand the phrase, go away,


No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.

Translation: You're committed to ignoring the evidence.

Cool. But the evidence doesn't change just because you are commited to ignoring it. The only thing that changes with your post is the *reason* you'll ignore the evidence.

First, it was that there was no evidence available. When I shredded that nonsense, you changed it to the evidence provided was from 'media' sources and couldn't be trusted. When I demonstrated that what I had provided was part of the public record in either court documents or public statements....

.....Your new excuse for ignoring the evidence is that 'dems did'. So you will to.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.
don't understand the phrase, go away,


No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.

Translation: You're committed to ignoring the evidence.

Cool. But the evidence doesn't change just because you are commited to ignoring it. The only thing that changes with your post is the *reason* you'll ignore the evidence.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

so sayeth the blind man

No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.

Translation: You're committed to ignoring the evidence.

Cool. But the evidence doesn't change just because you are commited to ignoring it. The only thing that changes with your post is the *reason* you'll ignore the evidence.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

so sayeth the blind man

Oh, my eyes are wide open.

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

But you have to ignore all of that and pretend none of it exists.

Alas, the world does not disappear just because you close your eyes.
No we didn't. And your commitment to ignore all of this:

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime. well noted.

Keep your eyes screwed shut and pretend none of it exists. It really won't matter.

don't understand the phrase, go away,


No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.
This thread is not about either Bill or Hillary. If you don't want to discuss this thread topic, why are you here?
Had more on Bill and Hillary, and it went away.

Stop bothering the adults

No we didn't. And your commitment to ignore all of this:

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime. well noted.

Keep your eyes screwed shut and pretend none of it exists. It really won't matter.

don't understand the phrase, go away,


No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Its just so fascinating. Trumpies are so emotionally invested in ignoring the evidence.

Wilt being a text book example. All that changes with his posts is the reason for ignoring the evidence.

The first excuse for ignoring the evidence: was because we couldn't know what Mueller had. I showed him what was publicly known.

The second excuse for ignoring the evidence: it came from media sources, and couldn't be trusted. I showed him that virtually everything I'd posted on the matter was from named sources, publicly released documents, or court filings.

The third excuse for ignoring the evidence: the dems did it. And if its good for the goose, its good for the gander.

You can't use evidence to convince they have no use for evidence. They're running on pure emotion. It is emotionally impossible for them to do anything but ignore whatever contradicts what Trump has told them to think.
don't understand the phrase, go away,


No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.
This thread is not about either Bill or Hillary. If you don't want to discuss this thread topic, why are you here?

Generic 'whataboutry'. Its pretty much the only tool they have left to avoid talking about the indictments, guilty pleas as Mueller works his way up the ladder of the Trump Team.
Had to be communicated via twitter, of course


How did the inexperienced, narcissistic, intellectually challenged Trump get elected? Despite all his follies, horrible decisions his fans can't support, his moronic statements his fans can't support, why is it he maintains approximately 40% support among American voters? The answer may lie in the education of these supporters. The base of Trump's support is the South, farmers, rural areas, counties and states with low population.

Here is the ranking by state of the quality of education. Please note that every southern state except Virginia is located in the bottom 15.

35 Tennessee 46.90 39 15
36 Texas 46.90 35 41
37 California 46.33 38 21
38 Georgia 45.67 37 42
39 Hawaii 45.09 41 13
40 South Carolina 42.24 40 46
41 Arkansas 42.18 34 50
42 West Virginia 39.91 44 31
43 Oregon 39.79 42 49
44 Alabama 38.98 43 45
45 Mississippi 38.87 45 43
46 Nevada 38.54 47 36
47 Arizona 37.53 48 30
48 Alaska 35.87 50 33
49 District of Columbia 33.62 49 48
50 Louisiana 32.50

States with the Best & Worst School Systems

Please note that each of these states have the same number of Senators as the larger, more educationally successful states. Every state has two Senators. Also, in the Electoral College a farmer in these rural areas have 1 1/2 to two times the representation as a lawyer, doctor, or professor in New York.

That is how the incompetent Trump won the election and how he maintains his 40% support regardless of the quality of his decisions and statements. To the farmer in Mississippi or Alabama, they can equate to Trump.

Note: There are several other sources. They all say the same thing.
No we didn't. And your commitment to ignore all of this:

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime. well noted.

Keep your eyes screwed shut and pretend none of it exists. It really won't matter.

don't understand the phrase, go away,


No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Its just so fascinating. Trumpies are so emotionally invested in ignoring the evidence.

Wilt being a text book example. All that changes with his posts is the reason for ignoring the evidence.

The first excuse for ignoring the evidence: was because we couldn't know what Mueller had. I showed him what was publicly known.

The second excuse for ignoring the evidence: it came from media sources, and couldn't be trusted. I showed him that virtually everything I'd posted on the matter was from named sources, publicly released documents, or court filings.

The third excuse for ignoring the evidence: the dems did it. And if its good for the goose, its good for the gander.

You can't use evidence to convince they have no use for evidence. They're running on pure emotion. It is emotionally impossible for them to do anything but ignore anything that contradicts what Trump has told them to think.

Well now we see trump was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters …. because, well.... Bill & Hillary.
don't understand the phrase, go away,


No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Its just so fascinating. Trumpies are so emotionally invested in ignoring the evidence.

Wilt being a text book example. All that changes with his posts is the reason for ignoring the evidence.

The first excuse for ignoring the evidence: was because we couldn't know what Mueller had. I showed him what was publicly known.

The second excuse for ignoring the evidence: it came from media sources, and couldn't be trusted. I showed him that virtually everything I'd posted on the matter was from named sources, publicly released documents, or court filings.

The third excuse for ignoring the evidence: the dems did it. And if its good for the goose, its good for the gander.

You can't use evidence to convince they have no use for evidence. They're running on pure emotion. It is emotionally impossible for them to do anything but ignore anything that contradicts what Trump has told them to think.

Well now we see trump was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters …. because, well.... Bill & Hillary.

Trump knows his demo. They're that commited to believing *anything* Trump tells them to think.
No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.

Translation: You're committed to ignoring the evidence.

Cool. But the evidence doesn't change just because you are commited to ignoring it. The only thing that changes with your post is the *reason* you'll ignore the evidence.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

so sayeth the blind man

Oh, my eyes are wide open.

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

But you have to ignore all of that and pretend none of it exists.

Alas, the world does not disappear just because you close your eyes.
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.

Translation: You're committed to ignoring the evidence.

Cool. But the evidence doesn't change just because you are commited to ignoring it. The only thing that changes with your post is the *reason* you'll ignore the evidence.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

so sayeth the blind man

Oh, my eyes are wide open.

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

But you have to ignore all of that and pretend none of it exists.

Alas, the world does not disappear just because you close your eyes.

You're sitting there waiting to ignore any evidence of Russian influence. As demonstrated by your insistence on ignoring the evidence that is publicly available:

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.
This thread is not about either Bill or Hillary. If you don't want to discuss this thread topic, why are you here?

Generic 'whataboutry'. Its pretty much the only tool they have left to avoid talking about the indictments, guilty pleas as Mueller works his way up the ladder of the Trump Team.

Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it.

Bill, Hillary, Bush, Obama, Trump...

and nothing has changed
The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.

Translation: You're committed to ignoring the evidence.

Cool. But the evidence doesn't change just because you are commited to ignoring it. The only thing that changes with your post is the *reason* you'll ignore the evidence.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

so sayeth the blind man

Oh, my eyes are wide open.

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

But you have to ignore all of that and pretend none of it exists.

Alas, the world does not disappear just because you close your eyes.

You're sitting there waiting to ignore any evidence of Russian influence. As demonstrated by your insistence on ignoring the evidence that is publicly available:

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.
This thread is not about either Bill or Hillary. If you don't want to discuss this thread topic, why are you here?

Generic 'whataboutry'. Its pretty much the only tool they have left to avoid talking about the indictments, guilty pleas as Mueller works his way up the ladder of the Trump Team.

Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it.

Bill, Hillary, Bush, Obama, Trump...

and nothing has changed

Laughing.....says the man that is commited to ignoring any evidence of Russian influence. You're literally ignoring history while lamenting about how people ignore history.

You're kinda sitting in a puddle of irony there, buddy. You probably want to put some club soda on that before it stains.
don't understand the phrase, go away,


No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.
This thread is not about either Bill or Hillary. If you don't want to discuss this thread topic, why are you here?

the thread is "i'm not a crook"

that goes back to Nixon.

I haven't gone that far back yet.

Should I

No, there's far more liberals on the board than those 3.

The parrot was directed to the poster that kept repeating the same information, over, and over again.

Just like a parrot
Because you refused to address any of it; and instead, retreated to bland rightwing talking points. . Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

Ignoring reality, like those 3 monkeys, doesn't actually make it go away.

The same as y'all did with both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Good for the Goose. good for the Gander.
This thread is not about either Bill or Hillary. If you don't want to discuss this thread topic, why are you here?

the thread is "i'm not a crook"

that goes back to Nixon.

I haven't gone that far back yet.

Should I

You're asking if you should keep running terrified from the topic of the thread?

Um, you've never stopped running.
Translation: You're committed to ignoring the evidence.

Cool. But the evidence doesn't change just because you are commited to ignoring it. The only thing that changes with your post is the *reason* you'll ignore the evidence.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

Good luck with that. Your willful ignorance only blinds you.

so sayeth the blind man

Oh, my eyes are wide open.

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

But you have to ignore all of that and pretend none of it exists.

Alas, the world does not disappear just because you close your eyes.

You're sitting there waiting to ignore any evidence of Russian influence. As demonstrated by your insistence on ignoring the evidence that is publicly available:

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

You've confessed you don't care what evidence there is. Aside from ignoring evidence shown to you, you willfully don't care … because, well... Bill & Hillary.
so sayeth the blind man

Oh, my eyes are wide open.

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

But you have to ignore all of that and pretend none of it exists.

Alas, the world does not disappear just because you close your eyes.

You're sitting there waiting to ignore any evidence of Russian influence. As demonstrated by your insistence on ignoring the evidence that is publicly available:

Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with the Russian Operative was to collect dirt on Hillary? Trump admitted that on Twitter. This after lying for months about it being only about Adoption.

That Trump compelled others to lie about it? Trump's lawyers admitted in court filings that Trump personally dictated the public statement that Don Jr. made about the meeting. And the public statement that Trump personally dictated lied.....citing the bullshit 'only adoption' narrative that Trump would later abandon.

The information being from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump? That's from Don Jr's own emails, which he publicly released.

The Russian Lawyer they met being a Russian Operative? That's how she described herself in a public interview.

That Trump tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting? Again, Trump's public twitter demand that Sessions end the Mueller investigation.

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to go easy on Flynn after Flynn lied to federal investigators to try and cover up contacts....public testimony before congress.

Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' guilty plea for lying to the FBI while trying to cover up contacts between the Trump team and Russia? Public record.

Papodapolous' testimony that he was told by high level Trump campaign officials to go to Russia and collect information including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....all in his indictment which is public record.

Alexander Torshin being a russian intelligence handler, public record in the Maria Butina indictment.

Trump's claim that he had no business ties in russia after January 2016? Trump publicly tweeted it.

Cohen contradicting that time line, admitting that those contacts continued well into 2016? Public record in Cohen's guilty plea.

Trump's lawyers admitting that Cohen's account is accurate? That public statements by Trump's own attorneys.

The Spanish Authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr and Alexander Torshin? That's a public statement by a named Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda who spearheaded Spanish investigations into Organized Crime.

Virtually every claim I've made is from public statements and direct, named sources.

You've confessed you don't care what evidence there is. Aside from ignoring evidence shown to you, you willfully don't care … because, well... Bill & Hillary.

Wilt is commited to ignoring evidence of Russian Influence. Just keeping his head in the sand.

Anyone else want to try?

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