Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

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So how many married people cheat on their spouses? Is it rare? No it is not rare, its very common. Your "faux Christian" comment is moronic.

What a difference a day makes...

WASHINGTON — On the eve of the House debate to impeach President Clinton for lying about sex with Monica Lewinsky, House Speaker-elect Bob Livingston told his Republican colleagues Thursday night that he had strayed from his marriage and had adulterous affairs.


The wiki definition of deviate sex includes oral. I disagree with that if its between a male & female. I call it foreplay.

So, now we are back to just personal definitions, which makes the word pretty much meaningless.

You think that gay people are icky so you add them in your definition, while leaving out those that cheat on their spouse. To me cheating on your spouse is far worse than being gay, which I do not find bad or depraved at all.
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You know nothing about America.

It's a continent named "America" from Martin Waldseemüller's team to honor the Italian sailor Amerigo Vespucchi.

We have had over 50 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade, and yes, the majority of them were not white.

This I know. Nevertheless your sentence about Biden and Pelosi was verbally wrong - and also your first sentence here was verbally wrong - how I showed to you. I know what is America - but what I know is not your America.
His problem is that he thinks supporting the murder of unborn children is a sin.

How un-priestly of him. I wonder where he ever got that wacky idea?

You are "great" in knowing nothing concrete but to be the king of the universe the same time. Give me the name of the priest and where and when this had happened. As far as I know Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi never had been excommunicated. And I am by the way on my own not sure wether I am excommmunicated from clerics of my church or not excommunicated from clerics of my church - what's for me personally totally unimportant. This changes nothing in the fact to be a Catholic.
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That's what?

You are right: Christians never stoned someone. But ... and this is a big "but" now ... "to stone someone" means to bury someone alive ... and how many people do you bury in your soul alive? ... For example all Jews because of your anti-Semitism? ... In the New Testament exists no moral rule which did not also exist in the Old Testament ...

You are obviously mistaken. What gave you the idea that I harbor any kind of "anti-Semitism"? I feel nothing less than high regard for Israel. It is their land and was given to them from the start. They are also our best ally in the Middle East.
It's a continent named "America" from Martin Waldseemüller's team to honor the Italian sailor Amerigo Vespucchi.

This I know. Nevertheless your sentence about Biden and Pelosi was verbally wrong - and also your first sentence here was verbally wrong - how I showed to you. I know what is America - but what I know is not your America.

Don't try to gaslight me, ya fuckin' German kraut. You know what I meant by "America" - The United States of America, not some Dago mapmaker.

And both Biden and Pelosi were refused communion by a Catholic priest, because of their stance on abortion. Those are facts, look it up.
What a difference a day makes...
WASHINGTON — On the eve of the House debate to impeach President Clinton for lying about sex with Monica Lewinsky, House Speaker-elect Bob Livingston told his Republican colleagues Thursday night that he had strayed from his marriage and had adulterous affairs.
The difference with Bill Clinton is that Monica was an intern.
Any other manager in the country that dallied with an intern would have been fired on the spot.
Maybe you can see the difference between the Bubba and DJT sex:
1. Bubba's sex (in office) was consensual, no problem.
2. DJT's sex (before office) was an abomination.

See the double standard?
I'll start:

1. If you protested the shutdowns, went to a Trump rally, or went to Sturgis bike rally, you're automatically a problem and are killing Grandma.
If you protested/Rioted in the name of George Floyd by the hundreds of thousands to millions, celebrated Joe Biden's victory in the streets by the tens to hundreds of thousands, went to Barack Obama's Birthday or the Emmy Awards... it's okay that a bunch of unmasked people get together.. because of the cause, or because it's a "sophisticated" crowd (COVID will be able to tell)

2. Democrats in 2016: Trump is illegitimate, the election was stolen
Democrats in 2020: If you question an American election you are an enemy to democracy!!!

3. Democrats in 2020: The filibuster is a racist Jim Crow relic
Democrats during Trump's presidency: *Filibustered Tim Scotts police reform bill, among many other items

4. Democrats: "George's voting bill is racist"
... as other states that the Democrats support have stricter voting standards, such as Colorado and Biden's New Hampshire.

5. Leftists: "We need to expose and shame all non-vaxxed and non-masking Trump voters and Conservatives"
As far as the minority groups that are the most unvaxxed? we will not name or lecture. Only Conservative Un-vaxxed people are the problem

Please add.
Confirming what?

Confirming that Ashley Biden's father is a disgusting pedophile. The same man piece of shit you support and defend.

Ashley Biden chronicled her father's pedophilia on page 25 of her diary..

"I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age;
showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate); Being turned on when I wasn't suppose[sic] to be."

President Joe Biden’s daughter reportedly writes of alleged abuse in diary

There are also Ashley's emails found on Hunter's laptop, which recount how she was taking pills to forget about her sexual abuse from her father.

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