Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

Difference is that Trump professes to be a Christian. Maybe he’s a terrible Christian in God’s eyes, but most Christians they leave such judgements to God. Or claim to, anyway. I don’t judge what is in their hearts. Or at least I claim not to.

Hillary is completely unrepentant and only regrets that she will not live long enough to her president and continue her hateful actions from a position of power. That’s what her actions tell me.

There was not a hint of sexual scandal or murder while Trump was in the WH, which cannot be said of the Clintons.

Yeah, Hillary ”stood by her man” when he took advantage of a young chubby intern after she had insisted for years that man-woman relationships at work were by definition predatory. He also lied about it under oath. Hillary stood by him, not in the sense of forgiveness and stoicism, but in the sense of participating in the lies and insulting those who questioned the lies.

So, you can’t really expect Christians or any decent people for that matter to respect her.
You have proven my point, hypocrite.
I'm not Christian but I still hate soulless shitlibs. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. They're fucking animals.... parasites.... a stain on the planet.

And they need to live in their own shithole. They can't procreate, so they'll just die off if left to their own means. Without sucking the life out of productive people they'll look like this in short order:

As a faux Christian, you mean..

Why does he enjoy license to sin, while some high school kid with dysphoria doesn't have the right to determine who they are?
Because Trump is old enough to consent while the kid isn’t.

You’re the massively immoral one for pushing a permanent ideology to impressionable kids, which exponentially increases their likelihood of depression and suicide due to the confusion and dysphoria you boost..

You’re the monster, I/we actually care about their long term wellbeing, as nearly all confused youth, when not intervened with, grow out of it. You largely support chemical or physical permanent castration that so many detransitioners are coming out and exposing.

Shame on you. Stop selfishly pressing your ideology and consider the child’s life. It’s as if you use them as a tool like a garden shovel for political reasons to attack those you disagree with/hate. Have some compassion and long-term wisdom for these kids, and don’t support acting against their ability to consent
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So does Hillary. She used to run a bible study in Arkansas.

At least she has read the bible.
Well, there you go. I have never attacked Hillary as a bad Christian, no matter how many times I attack her as a bad politician. Not my role to judge her Christian beliefs, nor Trumps.
So as you can see, when the charlatans talk about forgiveness for the thoroughly depraved and unrepentant Trump, all you have to do is ask them about Hillary to expose their sky high stinking hypocrisy.
If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also.
Trump has never repented. He lies and lies and steals and steals and bears false witness every day.
That is the key
Trump lies. He tells Christians what they want to hear.

He claims the Bible is his favorite book but can’t quote a single verse.
Trump does not go to church, never has.

The key to forgiveness is to admit you sinned and change your ways……Trump will never do that
When we elect th pope, you might have a point.

Remember "separation of church and state?
A billionaire who hires a beautiful hooker (or two) for sex in not "depravity". Its garden variety adultery. Straight sex. No biggie.

This says a great deal about you. What could be more depraved than breaking your marriage vows? The fact you think that adultery is no biggie speaks louder than any other words you will be able to post on here.
When we elect th pope, you might have a point.

Remember "separation of church and state?
This is the most damage Trump has done to the GOP. He has convinced them moral character no longer has a place in American politics.

Now they have to convince themselves that a man who can't stay faithful to his vows to his wife somehow will stay faithful to his voters.

Trump proved them fools.
So how many married people cheat on their spouses? Is it rare? No it is not rare, its very common. Your "faux Christian" comment is moronic.

Of course it is common, there are too many people like you that think it is no biggie.

I sure hope you are not married.
Every single depraved thing the New Right has projected onto the Left has been found in their inventory.

Every. Last. Thing.

The New Right amputated their moral legs. They have nothing to stand on when pointing their filthy fingers at their opponents.

And why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye, but not notice the beam in your own eye?

A plague on both your houses!
This says a great deal about you. What could be more depraved than breaking your marriage vows? The fact you think that adultery is no biggie speaks louder than any other words you will be able to post on here.
The Biden’s ties to sex trafficking,drug abuse,extortion ,child abuse,rape etc…
This says a great deal about you. What could be more depraved than breaking your marriage vows? The fact you think that adultery is no biggie speaks louder than any other words you will be able to post on here.
See posts #173 & #193. You obviously have no clue what depraved means. It means "perverted". Democrats are the perverts.
The same bigots who erroneously try to lay claim to Lincoln's legacy will one day proudly boast their party was the first party to elect a drag queen. :lol:


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