Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

See posts #173 & #193. You obviously have no clue what depraved means. It means "perverted". Democrats are the perverts.

I do have an idea what depraved means. You and I just have a very different view of what being married means.
See posts #173 & #193. You obviously have no clue what depraved means. It means "perverted". Democrats are the perverts.
And why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye, but not notice the beam in your own eye?

Adulterer and gay bathroom sex addict Larry "Wide Stance" Craig.

Serial adulterer and pussy grabber Pervert Donald Trump.

Child molester Denny Hastert.

Gay prostitute client Ed Schrock.

Adulterer Steven LaTourette

Adulterer and woman beater Don Sherwood.

Male escort Jeff Gannon.

Pedophile Mark Foley

Kinky diaper-wearing prostitute client David Vitter.

Adulterer Vito Fosella.

Adulterer John Ensign.

Adulterer Chip Pickering

Adulterer Mark Sanford (one of my favorite stories).

Adulterer Mark Souder.

Adulterer Scott DesJarlis.

Adulterer Vance McAllister.

Adulterer Blake Farenthold.

Adulterer Tim Murphy.

Sexual Harasser Pat Meehan.

Pedophilia Concealer Jim Jordan.

Child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz.

Adultress Marjorie Taylor Greene.

I never saw Fox News, Tucker Carlson, or any of their fellow travelers whacking these sickos with the Bible. Anyone?

A lot of these Republican pedophiles, adulterers and perverts ran on the Bible and restoring Family Values™.

Some of them tried to bribe their mistresses to stay quiet.

And most of them refused to resign when they were caught.
If only they showed this same love for the sinner when it comes to homosexuals or even Democrats.

By the way, when did Trump claim to be a Christian?

Why do Christians give a fuck about this?
See, you have no clue, we love Homosexuals and Democrats, so that is nonsense. I can not agree with a homosexuals lifestyle, and still love them enough to tell them that unrepentant sin will send them to hell. I hate democrat policies, and Democrats are unrepentant with their sin of supporting infanticide, and coveting, and lying!
See posts #173 & #193. You obviously have no clue what depraved means. It means "perverted". Democrats are the perverts.


Yet in your world there is nothing morally corrupt about adultery.

Sad, just sad.

The Bible speaks a great deal about adultery, I guess you skipped those parts.
This is a Christian nation and all laws were based on God's word. The fact that both Biden and Pelosi were denied communion by a Catholic priest, should say something to you.

It says to me that this priest had a very big problem - that's all. Why he had this problem is not clear to me.
And then there are those of us who would never vote for either. One in no way makes the other any better.
That‘s a great idea…that will stop ‘one’ from winning…you’re always better off to do nothing and make no difference if/when you can’t make all the difference….like the baseball player who can’t hit a home-run every at bat deciding not to bat at all…it makes perfect sense.
Golfing Gator
Hugo Furst
Most Christians don’t have the first clue of what it means to be a Christian
So please enlighten this Christian, just exactly what the Democrat party represents that I should be in favor of as a Christian, let's just start with Joe, he took inappropriate showers with his daughter who now requires medication to forget, sniffs women, fondles little girls right in front of their parents, please tell me I am supposed to be ok with that, what is Christian about that? What is worse, is if you are a Christian, you lie and say none of it happened, just so your party can stay in power.
I do have an idea what depraved means. You and I just have a very different view of what being married means.
We agree on what married means.
We disagree on what adultery means.
Is adultery depraved, yes or no?
IMHO it is NOT depraved of it is "straight" hetero sex.
IMHO it is depraved if it is deviate sex, sex with animals, sex with kids, etc.

See the difference?
It says to me that this priest had a very big problem - that's all. Why he had this problem is not clear to me.

His problem is that he thinks supporting the murder of unborn children is a sin.

How un-priestly of him. I wonder where he ever got that wacky idea?
That‘s a great idea…that will stop ‘one’ from winning…you’re always better off to do nothing and make no difference if/when you can’t make all the difference….like the baseball player who can’t hit a home-run every at bat deciding not to bat at all…it makes perfect sense.
Golfing Gator
Hugo Furst

Voting for the same people that are driving the country off the cliff is not "doing something"
We agree on what married means.
We disagree on what adultery means

Nope, if you agreed with me on marriage, you would never say adultery is no biggie.

Is adultery depraved, yes or no?


IMHO it is NOT depraved of it is "straight" hetero sex.

Which explains your view on marriage and adultery

IMHO it is depraved if it is deviate sex, sex with animals, sex with kids, etc.

Define deviate sex. According to more than one person on this forum oral sex between a male and a female is deviate sex. Do you agree?

Though I do agree with you on the rest.
And why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye, but not notice the beam in your own eye?

Adulterer and gay bathroom sex addict Larry "Wide Stance" Craig.
Serial adulterer and pussy grabber Pervert Donald Trump.
Child molester Denny Hastert.
Gay prostitute client Ed Schrock.
Adulterer Steven LaTourette
Adulterer and woman beater Don Sherwood.
Male escort Jeff Gannon.
Pedophile Mark Foley
Kinky diaper-wearing prostitute client David Vitter.
Adulterer Vito Fosella.
Adulterer John Ensign.
Adulterer Chip Pickering
Adulterer Mark Sanford (one of my favorite stories).
Adulterer Mark Souder.
Adulterer Scott DesJarlis.
Adulterer Vance McAllister.
Adulterer Blake Farenthold.
Adulterer Tim Murphy.
Sexual Harasser Pat Meehan.
Pedophilia Concealer Jim Jordan.
Child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz.
Adultress Marjorie Taylor Greene.
I never saw Fox News, Tucker Carlson, or any of their fellow travelers whacking these sickos with the Bible. Anyone?
A lot of these Republican pedophiles, adulterers and perverts ran on the Bible and restoring Family Values™.
Some of them tried to bribe their mistresses to stay quiet.
And most of them refused to resign when they were caught.
Very impressive list of adulterers. Not sure what your point was?
Matt Gaetz is NOT a child sex trafficker. Got an indictment?
"Pedophile concealer" Jim Jordan is BULLSHIT too. College wrestlers are grown men, dumbass. Jim Jordan was a wrestler not a head coach.

That list pales in comparison to the depravity democrats push for every day.
You're showing your ignorance of Christianity. Stoning is a Jewish tradition, not Christian. That's Old Testament shit,

That's what?

not New Testament.

You are right: Christians never stoned someone. But ... and this is a big "but" now ... "to stone someone" means to bury someone alive ... and how many people do you bury in your soul alive? ... For example all Jews because of your anti-Semitism? ... In the New Testament exists no moral rule which did not also exist in the Old Testament ...
That‘s a great idea…that will stop ‘one’ from winning…you’re always better off to do nothing and make no difference if/when you can’t make all the difference….like the baseball player who can’t hit a home-run every at bat deciding not to bat at all…it makes perfect sense.
Golfing Gator
Hugo Furst

I can sleep at night knowing the coming issues with our ever growing debt had nothing to do with me.
So please enlighten this Christian, just exactly what the Democrat party represents that I should be in favor of as a Christian, let's just start with Joe, he took inappropriate showers with his daughter who now requires medication to forget, sniffs women, fondles little girls right in front of their parents, please tell me I am supposed to be ok with that, what is Christian about that? What is worse, is if you are a Christian, you lie and say none of it happened, just so your party can stay in power.
I'm a religious agnostic.

PS: Stop bearing false witness. Actual Christians hate that stuff.
Define deviate sex. According to more than one person on this forum oral sex between a male and a female is deviate sex. Do you agree?
Though I do agree with you on the rest.

The wiki definition of deviate sex includes oral. I disagree with that if its between a male & female. I call it foreplay.

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