Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

This is a Christian nation and all laws were based on God's word. The fact that both Biden and Pelosi were denied communion by a Catholic priest, should say something to you.
Actually, we are not a Christian nation. The Founders made sure of it.

Also, our Constitution was based on the writings of John Locke, among others.
Tststststststststs ... verbally this sentence is 100% wrong ... so do you really think you are in harmony with god?

You know nothing about America. We have had over 50 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade, and yes, the majority of them were not white.
So your position is that people should not pay attention to what he does, but only what he says or what he says he supports, whether he does by deed or not. That is how you think his repeated provable history of fucking anything that will let him or that he can coerce should be countered, don't believe what you see, but listen to the words? You sir, are a politician's dream. As long as they talk the talk, it is totally unnecessary to walk the walk.
So,I take it since Democrats claim to not be Christians it’s okay that they support immorality and ignore the Biden’s depravity?
Your TDS makes you type venom without any proof. Trump looks like a good father to me. His kids are ALL well cared for.

Now look at Hunter Biden's little orphan bastard. See the difference?

Nor did Trump ever shower with his own daughter to the point that she had to use pills to forget.

That was Joe Biden who did that.
Most Christians don’t have the first clue of what it means to be a Christian

Who cares? Discuss dolphins whether they have a first clue to be dolphins? They are not sharks even if they believe in a shark who tells them they do not need oxygen. One day they will have to come back to the light of the son - or they will die and will fall directly in the hands of god.
This is hilarious to see non-Christians demanding that conservatives and Christians seek a holy candidate…

Trump can do all of his sinful adultery, etc. Christians don’t support it, but that’s a personal issue for Trump, and he doesn’t enforce it onto anyone.

Under Trump/Semi-Conservatism Christians are free to practice their faith without being persecuted by massive establishments such as the MSM, Big Tech, Hollywood, Academia, Wall Street, etc. It’s these establishments, along with the Democrats/leftists, that are pushing to make Christian values outcast, vilified, and even illegal.

Oh, and then there’s the Democrats celebrating abortion, encouraging Gender dysphoria, knowingly supporting suicide/murder deaths in the name of ideology, etc.

As a Christian it’s an easy choice. There’s no perfect candidate, but again Christian’s aren’t to seek a religious leader in their politicians. That’s what priests, bishops, and popes are for, along with a primary focus on God.

You leftists are hilarious here, and just foolish. You’re way out in left field, and let’s not act like your desire to hold Christian values at all as a weapon is genuine.. you mostly hate or oppose Christianity.. so your demand for others to perfectly follow in all areas you decide is a common farce by angry, activist, Chistophobes through and through

The church will continue to love, seek grace, and perform charity more than anyone in the world.. and you will continue to be seethingly angry at it.
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Your denial of Trump's depravity is simply astounding.
A billionaire who hires a beautiful hooker (or two) for sex in not "depravity". Its garden variety adultery. Straight sex. No biggie.

If you want to see "depravity" let me give you a few examples.



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Most Christians don’t have the first clue of what it means to be a Christian

Most left-wing hippie-dippie feel-good Christians don't know that Jesus is going to be a warrior when He returns too. They were too busy incorporating cultural Marxism, homosexual weddings, and social justice into their Churches, and forgot all about the judgment God told them was going to happen.
This is hilarious to see non-Christians demanding that conservatives and Christians seek a holy candidate…

Trump can do all of his sinful adultery, etc. Christians don’t support it, but that’s a personal issue for Trump, and he doesn’t enforce it onto anyone.

Under Trump/Semi-Conservatism Christians are free to practice their faith without being persecuted by massive establishments such as the MSM, Big Tech, Hollywood, Academia, Wall Street, etc. It’s these establishments, along with the Democrats/leftists, that are pushing to make Christian values outcast, vilified, and even illegal.

Oh, and then there’s the Democrats celebrating abortion, encouraging Gender dysphoria, knowingly supporting suicide/murder deaths in the name of ideology, etc.

As a Christian it’s an easy choice
As a faux Christian, you mean..

Why does he enjoy license to sin, while some high school kid with dysphoria doesn't have the right to determine who they are?
A billionaire who hires a beautiful hooker (or two) for sex in not "depravity". Its garden variety adultery. Straight sex. No biggie.

If you want to see "depravity" let me give you a few examples.
View attachment 768122

He was MARRIED, faux christian ...
Does it really? Which part does that?

Was for more than half my life.

Trump is of the two do you people not know this?

Did you ever ask one of them how they feel about Hillary?

Don't fucking kid yourself, man.
Difference is that Trump professes to be a Christian. Maybe he’s a terrible Christian in God’s eyes, but most Christians they leave such judgements to God. Or claim to, anyway. I don’t judge what is in their hearts. Or at least I claim not to.

Hillary is completely unrepentant and only regrets that she will not live long enough to be president and continue her hateful actions from a position of power. That’s what her actions tell me.

There was not a hint of sexual scandal or murder while Trump was in the WH, which cannot be said of the Clintons.

Yeah, Hillary ”stood by her man” when he took advantage of a young chubby intern after Hillary had insisted for years that man-woman relationships at work were by definition predatory. He also lied about it under oath. Hillary stood by him, not in the sense of forgiveness and wifely stoicism, but in the sense of participating in the lies and insulting those who questioned the lies.

So, you can’t really expect Christians or any decent people for that matter to respect her.
A billionaire who hires a beautiful hooker (or two) for sex in not "depravity". Its garden variety adultery. Straight sex. No biggie.
Adultery is in the Top Ten, fool!

So is theft.

So is bearing false witness. Something you and Trump do almost every day.

"No biggie." My oh my how far the righteous have fallen, led far astray by a deceiver.

"If Ivanka wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her."

No biggie. Holy shit!

But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

For those who guide this people are leading them astray;
And those who are guided by them are brought to confusion.
As a Christian..
A. I don’t seek spiritual guidance from the presidency
B. Trumps policy was infinitely of higher morality than Biden.
A. So it is. Nevertheless Biden is a Catholic and he as well as his wife are part of an ecumenical movement.
B. This I doubt.


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