Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

3. I'm saying that the alternative to Trump is decadence and depravity

Because this is not decadent nor depraved...being married 3 times, cheating on all 3 wives, including cheating on the 1st one with the 2nd one and fucking a porn star while you wife is recovering from child birth
Every president since Carter has piled on new debt. Try again, unless you're willing to say that no president since then has been effective.

That would depend on if someone is fiscally conservative or not. If they are, then none since has been effective.

Sadly, there seems to be maybe 1000 people left in the country that are fiscally conservative.

Trump's immorality and his support by Christians​

they are hypocrites of the highest order when it comes to reCONciling their 'faith' & donny for 2 reasons:

1) overturning roe v wade

2) getting the embassy moved to jerusalem that somehow will lead to the end of days.

donny has committed all 7 deadly sins & broke most of the commandments to which they have embraced & made him their chosen one.
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And yet Jesus said this...“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

The "Law" was the Ten Commandments, and yes, there were many prophecies.

But Christians are not required to follow the Old Testament rules about crimes and punishments, warfare, slavery, diet, circumcision, sacrifices, feast days, Sabbath observance, tithing, ritual cleanness, etc
That is the key
Trump lies. He tells Christians what they want to hear.

He claims the Bible is his favorite book but can’t quote a single verse.
Trump does not go to church, never has.

The key to forgiveness is to admit you sinned and change your ways……Trump will never do that

My favorite book in the Bible is Chapter 11.

Did you ever ask one of them how they feel about Hillary?

Don't fucking kid yourself, man.

damn right. i have an evangelistical sister & ya... just wow hearing her talk about hillary was stunning.
Sure they could. Like I posted, Ron Paul once said "Why shouldn't Iran have nukes? Everyone else has them."

No thanks. You can keep your lunatic fringe third-party candidates. We already have enough wackos on the left.
And Jo Jorgensen supported the Marxist CRT. Another no thanks.

The faux Libertarians love to preach and offer nothing.
Because this is not decadent nor depraved...being married 3 times, cheating on all 3 wives, including cheating on the 1st one with the 2nd one and fucking a porn star while you wife is recovering from child birth
1. That does not affect me, my children or my grandchildren does it? No it does not.
2. As president Trump's actions do affect my family, in a good way.
3. The alternative to Trump, decadence and depravity, affect me and my family in a very negative way.

See the difference? The simple choice between good and evil.
LOL! Christian support for Trump has NOTHING to do with Trump.

Look at the alternative. Its a simple choice between Traditional Family Values and decadence/depravity.
Traditional Family Values. Three marriages, infidelity in every one. Sleeping with porn stars. Stealing the retirement nest eggs of senior citizens at a fake university. Building a fortune by exploiting every human weakness at his gambling dens and contests of the flesh and a game show.

Yeah. Just how fucking blind and stupid are you?

There were 18 better alternatives in the Republican primary, dipshit.

Republicans these days care more about winning earthly power for personal profit than sticking to their principles.
That would depend on if someone is fiscally conservative or not. If they are, then none since has been effective.

Sadly, there seems to be maybe 1000 people left in the country that are fiscally conservative.
Once the morality goes, so does prosperity.
Traditional Family Values. Three marriages, infidelity in every one. Sleeping with porn stars. Stealing the retirement nest eggs of senior citizens at a fake university. Building a fortune by exploiting every human weakness at his gambling dens and contests of the flesh and a game show.
Yeah. Just how fucking blind and stupid are you?
There were 18 better alternatives in the Republican primary, dipshit.
The choice was between a Trump presidency and depravity. A very simple choice.
He did, but before running for President.

He then paid Stormy to keep quiet because he was running for President.

Those are the facts.

Yeah....he was still cheating but he didn't want people to know.

You must be so proud of him.

He's still cheating. Maybe not with porn stars but cheating is something he will never be able to stop.

Be in in business, his taxes, golf, whatever.
Wow, talk about irony. You are showing your ignorance by not knowing that it is all part of the same Bible. Have you never been in a church that preached from the OT?
You don't understand something very vital about the Bible, and obviously have never read parts of it.

I certainly have been in a church that preaches from the Old Testament as well as the New. It illustrates very clearly what God's standards are, but the Mosaic Law has been completed. When you went to school, the teachers and administrators gave you and your parents a student handbook with a set of rules that you were expected to follow while you were in school. You were told what clothes you could wear, what you could bring with you to school, when you had to be in the classroom, when you could eat, when and how you could play and when you had to do schoolwork. You were given instructions on how you had to behave toward your fellow students. Failure to follow these instructions resulted in discipline, ranging from a reprimand to expulsion from school.

After you graduated, did any of your teachers come over to your house and check out what you were doing, what you were wearing, when you ate, when you went to work, how you behaved towards other people? No. They expected that you learned important lessons from your stay in school about prioritizing work and play and how to behave towards others. It is such with the Mosaic Law and Jesus Christ. He didn't lower the standards of behavior, He raised them. The Law says, don't commit adultery. Jesus said you commit adultery when you so much as look and desire. The Law says don't murder. Jesus says don't even hate. The difference is, the Law provided penalties for violations while Jesus paid the penalties Himself. We're not under the Law anymore, so when you insist we should be stoning people for wrongdoing, you're simply wrong. In fact, if we expect following the Law to do us any good, we have to follow ALL the law, not just the parts that condemn homosexuality but the parts that specify how many types of fabric can be in our clothes and how to trim our beards.

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