Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

As Catholics in public office they understand that our laws take precedence over their faith
They go much further than that. Simply following the law would not have them protesting when that law is changed in favor of their faith, nor would it have them agitating to have that law violate their faith. Bad argument there. In fact, Pence would be closer to your ideal of a man of faith understanding that he can't impose his personal beliefs on others.
This is the key....and now sees himself as a non-denominational Christian.

People see themselves as lots of things.

Did he accept Christ into his heart and ask for forgiveness for his sins?

Does he attend church as the Bible tells him to?
He is identifying as a cristian today ! Got a problem with that.
And he is correct. Who the fuck is the United States, the only country to ever use a nuke, to tell other countries what they can and cannot have?

Classy. That's the same rhetoric that allowed Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran to have them too.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg would have been proud of you.
I don't see Trump or Christians coming out here and proclaiming adultery with whores is good. That is why Trump paid her money to keep quiet. He is ashamed of it.

But we do see Democrats coming out saying that Jesus loves abortion and mutilating the genitals of children.


They are proud of it and are spreading the new gospel of Marx.
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Classy. That's the same rhetoric that allowed Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran to have them too.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg would have been proud of you.

I notice you could not answer the question.
I just re-read it. You are still falsely claiming Dirty Donny as the family values guy, when everybody knows better. His family values that he actually lives by are shit.
You still can't get past your stupid talking point.

Show me where I claim DJT is the family values guy. That's a LIE.

Here is my post #8 again. Maybe the third time's the charm. Read it slowly out loud. Try to understand what I said before spewing your talking point.
Christian support for Trump has NOTHING to do with Trump.
Look at the alternative. Its a simple choice between Traditional Family Values and decadence/depravity.

Trump pandered to Christians for their votes.
They knew how un-Christianlike his actions and behavior was….they were willing to look the other way
How far are you willing to take this? It sounds like you're condemning those who vote for someone who does not share all their beliefs. I will state unequivocally that no one you've ever voted for matches all your beliefs, but you've been willing to look the other way and vote for them anyway. It sounds like you have a set of beliefs to which you think Christians should adhere and don't like it when they think for themselves.
You still can't get past your stupid talking point.

Show me where I claim DJT is the family values guy. That's a LIE.

Here is my post again. Maybe the third time's the charm. Read it slowly out loud. Try to understand what I said before spewing your talking point.
Christian support for Trump has NOTHING to do with Trump.
Look at the alternative. Its a simple choice between Traditional Family Values and decadence/depravity.

Why does your own post confuse you? It clearly says that Trump was the choice for Traditional Family Values
"Christians" sold their soul to this con man, twisting themselves in knots to justify backing him. They even pretend they think HE is a Christian.

They donate money to him instead of their Church. They tithe when he asks for it.

My suspicion is that they grew tired of waiting for Jesus to return, and changed their allegiance.
You're showing your ignorance of Christianity. Stoning is a Jewish tradition, not Christian. That's Old Testament shit, not New Testament.
I wonder why it is that non-Christians insist that Christians are supposed to follow the Mosaic Law in all respects? It's like they always stop reading at the end of Malichi.
"Christians" sold their soul to this con man, twisting themselves in knots to justify backing him. They even pretend they think HE is a Christian.

They donate money to him instead of their Church. They tithe when he asks for it.

My suspicion is that they grew tired of waiting for Jesus to return, and changed their allegiance.
As we all know, the true Christians are Warnock, Biden, Kamala, yada, yada, yada.

You know Christians like Mac.

To the best of my knowledge, no one degrades Jimmy Carter's character. See, here's a very good contrast. Carter is an honorable man of faith and good character who was not an effective president. TRUMP!, OTOH, is a scoundrel, a bully, apparently hard to work for or to live with and probably wears white after Labor Day but was an effective president. Of the two, I would prefer to build a house with Carter and have TRUMP! in the White House.
By important criteria the Carter economy was better than the Reagan economy. Carter was not responsible for the Iranian Revolution. President Eisenhower was.


"Listen, you’ve got a president right now, he wants full credit for an economy that he inherited, he wants zero blame for the pandemic he ignored," Obama said.

Christians are expected to have morals, and as such, they are told they should not be voting for people who are not as moral as they are. In which case, they should never vote.
Some don't, specifically for that reason. They don't want to be even partially responsible for voting into office someone who then does something wrong. I grew up with some of them, and in fact they debated that issue in church when I was a child.
... Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs. ...

Hmm ... and what means this for me? That I have to travel to Jerusalem if I like to take a look at the US-American embassy of Israel? ... Hmm Hmm ... I will for sure not visit Berlin for to see the embassy of the USA there. A very unsightly building. ...
You're showing your ignorance of Christianity. Stoning is a Jewish tradition, not Christian. That's Old Testament shit, not New Testament.

Wow, talk about irony. You are showing your ignorance by not knowing that it is all part of the same Bible. Have you never been in a church that preached from the OT?

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