Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

The choice was between a Trump presidency and depravity. A very simple choice.
The choice was between a Trump presidency and depravity. A very simple choice.

Like I said, there were 18 better Republican alternatives during the primaries. The Republican voters chose the most decadent piece of shit we have ever had in office.
Yeah....he was still cheating but he didn't want people to know.

You must be so proud of him.

He's still cheating. Maybe not with porn stars but cheating is something he will never be able to stop.

Be in in business, his taxes, golf, whatever.
So, why all the condemnation of a rich and powerful man while the excusing of the poor and powerless? I see those who tell men and women to avoid activities that result in pregnancy routinely condemned, mocked and impugned, yet it's perfectly acceptable to condemn TRUMP! in the harshest of terms for committing adultery.
1. That does not affect me, my children or my grandchildren does it? No it does not.
2. As president Trump's actions do affect my family, in a good way.
3. The alternative to Trump, decadence and depravity, affect me and my family in a very negative way.

See the difference? The simple choice between good and evil.

You have a very odd idea of "good".

But hey, to each their own
One of the requirements of forgiveness is penitence.

Not only is Trump thoroughly depraved, he is PROUD of it.

And he continues to violate the ten commandments on a daily basis.
You don't understand something very vital about the Bible, and obviously have never read parts of it.

Read it front to back probably a dozen times. Studied it a good 10,000 hours or more. Minored in Biblical History while doing my bachelors as a Christian University. Was a lay leader at multiple churches for 20 plus years.

In fact, if we expect following the Law to do us any good, we have to follow ALL the law, not just the parts that condemn homosexuality but the parts that specify how many types of fabric can be in our clothes and how to trim our beards.

Interesting that you bring this up since the OT is always what is used in regards to homosexuality
Like I said, there were 18 better Republican alternatives during the primaries. The Republican voters chose the most decadent piece of shit we have ever had in office.
The fact remains that Trump won the nomination and the alternative was depravity.

As for the most decadent POS ever in the WH I nominate two:
1. Joe Biden

2. Bubba Clinton:


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So, why all the condemnation of a rich and powerful man while the excusing of the poor and powerless? I see those who tell men and women to avoid activities that result in pregnancy routinely condemned, mocked and impugned, yet it's perfectly acceptable to condemn TRUMP! in the harshest of terms for committing adultery.

No idea what you are rambling about.
And Jo Jorgensen supported the Marxist CRT. Another no thanks.

The faux Libertarians love to preach and offer nothing.

They're wolves in sheep's clothing. The Democrats are bad enough and God bless 'em, so are the Republicans. But when you throw an unknown quantity into the mix, you don't know what you're going to get, and it could all blow up in your face.
1. I'm NOT saying Trump displays family values.
2. I'm saying Trump, as president, promotes family values
3. I'm saying that the alternative to Trump is decadence and depravity
So your position is that people should not pay attention to what he does, but only what he says or what he says he supports, whether he does by deed or not. That is how you think his repeated provable history of fucking anything that will let him or that he can coerce should be countered, don't believe what you see, but listen to the words? You sir, are a politician's dream. As long as they talk the talk, it is totally unnecessary to walk the walk.
Traditional Family Values. Three marriages, infidelity in every one. Sleeping with porn stars.

he rawdogged stormy a mere 4 months after his 5th child was born, putting both his newborn & 3rd wife at risk for all kindsa STDs.

Stealing the retirement nest eggs of senior citizens at a fake university.

not to mention trying to use eminent domain to try to steal the home of an old woman named vera coking for his own personal financial gain by bulldozing & paving her property over to make way for a limo parking lot to be used by his atlantic city casino patrons.

& also, let's not forget about how he used his 'charity' as his own personal piggy bank which also including using some funds to buy a portrait of himself.

Building a fortune by exploiting every human weakness at his gambling dens and contests of the flesh and a game show.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT

Yeah. Just how fucking blind and stupid are you?


There were 18 better alternatives in the Republican primary, dipshit.

Republicans these days care more about winning earthly power for personal profit than sticking to their principles.

dipshits like him are the RINOs
One of the requirements of forgiveness is penitence.
Not only is Trump thoroughly depraved, he is PROUD of it.
And he continues to violate the ten commandments on a daily basis.
Your TDS makes you type venom without any proof. Trump looks like a good father to me. His kids are ALL well cared for.

Now look at Hunter Biden's little orphan bastard. See the difference?

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