Trump's immorality and his support by Christians


Can you describe how any of those are lies?

Are you confusing a possible difference in perspective with lying? That’d be a junior high error on your part.

All of those were absolutely pertinent examples of differing narratives and using 180 degree logic from Democrats based on the issue at hand. I don’t see how you could deny they exist, but by all means pick one
Where has Biden proposed open borders ? Show the source. Are you just making up shit again ?

Are you really that stupid?

Here he was calling for illegal aliens to be released into the US and get taxpayer money:

2/x In December 2019, Biden promised health care for illegal aliens.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 11, 2021

Here was Joe Biden vowing to not deport anyone for the first 100 days of his presidency as well as promising to end illegal alien detention forever. This means doing what his Leftist street rioters demand, getting rid of ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency:

4/x In February 2020, Biden said, “Nobody is going to be deported in my first 100 days.”
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 11, 2021

And here was candidate Biden promising again to end deportations and detentions:

6/x In April 2020, Biden called for a suspension of deportations.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 11, 2021

Here was candidate Biden promising all benefits accorded to citizens, and amnesty to all the illegal aliens sneaking across the border:

8/x And in September 2020, Biden promised amnesty.
We’re seeing a surge of illegal immigration (in just the past month, authorities have arrested and encountered more than 100,000 migrants) because illegal aliens know Biden will not enforce the law.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 11, 2021

The above is what you might call evidence that he has encouraged this illegal activity currently overwhelming the U.S. border. And the following is what you call the smoking gun:

Here’s Joe Biden in a Democratic debate, calling for a “SURGE TO THE BORDER” if he becomes president:

I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard, that’s who we are, we are nation that says if you want to flee and you are fleeing oppression you should come.

In the first Democratic primary debate, Biden says when he’s president, illegal immigrants should “immediately surge to the border”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 17, 2021

And what a surge that was. The New York Post reported that Biden’s own DHS director called it the worst wave of humanity at the border in 20 years, but wouldn't call it a “crisis.”

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday disclosed that the migration surge at the US-Mexico border is likely the worst the situation has been in 20 years.
Mayorkas, who has refused to call the situation a “crisis,” said in a statement that “[w]e are on pace to encounter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years.”
Sure. Let's go there. That's part of the argument is it not?
Effectiveness in a leader is not simply "he made this one aspect better or worse", it's how effective he was in getting the things done that need to be done. How
Read it front to back probably a dozen times. Studied it a good 10,000 hours or more. Minored in Biblical History while doing my bachelors as a Christian University. Was a lay leader at multiple churches for 20 plus years.
That's cool. That means you know what's in it, which is far more than most can say.
Interesting that you bring this up since the OT is always what is used in regards to homosexuality
That's where the prohibition against it is most explicitly laid out, but the error comes in when someone wants to apply the Mosaic Law to today's Christians who are not under the law, but under Grace.
And then there are those of us who would never vote for either. One in no way makes the other any better.

Why do people who are not involved in the political process spend so much time in a political group telling us that they are not involved in the political process?

Can you describe how any of those are lies?

Are you confusing a possible difference in perspective with lying? That’d be a junior high error on your part.

All of those were absolutely pertinent examples of differing narratives and using 180 degree logic from Democrats based on the issue at hand. I don’t see how you could deny they exist, but by all means pick one
You used quotations as if you were quoting people. Something any Jr high school student knows is not truthful.
Why do people who are not involved in the political process spend so much time in a political group telling us that they are not involved in the political process?
For the same reason folks who spend every waking moment on this board defending the blob swear they didn’t vote for him
Wow, talk about irony. You are showing your ignorance by not knowing that it is all part of the same Bible. Have you never been in a church that preached from the OT?

He's correct, you are showing Biblical ignorance.
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For the same reason folks who spend every waking moment on this board defending the blob swear they didn’t vote for him

That doesn't happen.

But it could because even folks that didn't vote for him are easily able to see what a spectacular job he did.

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