Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

I can see how a non-Christian already pre-disposted to hate any Republican in the WH would be upset that Christians support trump in spite of his multiple marriage, and reputed affairs. I'll see if I can explain it:

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner. They believe in forgiveness and renewal. If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also. If Trump is lying about being a Christian, then he will be judged by the only judge, not by Christians.

Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs.

You don't have to agree or even understand this Christian attitude. People vote how they vote.

According to the Bible, God casts the sinner with his sin into the lake of fire, not just his sins. You greasy grace gospelers support Trump, because he's against abortion, open borders, and all of the transgender nonsense, not because you love Trump due to supposedly converting to Christianity. That's a silly argument. I can respect you supporting Trump because of the aforementioned policies, not because he "converted" to Christianity and can now supposedly be a fornicator, and an adulterer..etc.

As a Christian, you need to be consistent and not pretend your "salvation package" comes with a "sin option". There's no "sin option" for the disciples of Jesus Christ, according to the Bible. You must die with Christ and only then do you enjoy the privilege of rising and ruling with Him. You will never be a member of His royal family until you climb on the cross with Jesus and die with Him.

Luk_9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

Luk 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Luk 14:27 And whoever does not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
Luk 14:28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
Luk 14:29 Lest at any time, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,
Luk 14:30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.
Luk 14:31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?
Luk 14:32 Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace.

Luk 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
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Of course it is, until it gets in the way of your desire to drive fast. Then you happily accept tens of thousands of deaths every year because you don't like being forced to drive slowly. Think of all those lives out of the womb that could be saved if you simply couldn't drive any faster than 35mph.

IOW, we place varying values on life, and as long as that life doesn't impact us directly, it gets less value placed on it. Does a self-destructive drug addict in an alley have the same value to you as a clean, productive, hard-working young person? Does the value rise any higher than, "Someone should do something about that, now what's the next episode about"? Many times, people believe that they are being more virtuous than others because they demand that the government should spend a lot of money on something.

A lot of words to avoid the point I made.
Not being a Christian or even a believer in God its not something you would understand

But Christians believe in redemption

Yes, Trump used to be a typical lib

But not anymore

Why invent a bio for him?

He was groomed by Roy Cohn.

And when we have an honest acknowledgement that we are destroying a human life, we can then talk about the relative value placed on that life. Apparently, it's worth nothing until the Lawyer Fairy sprinkles the new-born baby with his legal dust after getting consent from the mother, then a miracle occurs and the baby assumes great value.
When you acknowledge this has nothing to do with "we", we can begin to talk "honestly".
I can see how a non-Christian already pre-disposted to hate any Republican in the WH would be upset that Christians support trump in spite of his multiple marriage, and reputed affairs. I'll see if I can explain it:

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner. They believe in forgiveness and renewal. If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also. If Trump is lying about being a Christian, then he will be judged by the only judge, not by Christians.

Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs.

You don't have to agree or even understand this Christian attitude. People vote how they vote.
Sorry but I am a Christian...

To gain forgiveness you have to first admit fault and ask for it... Trump has not done that...

What I see in the support of trump is tribalism... Christianity in US is retail... Don't like what your pastor says, get a new one.. Pastors tell the flock what they want to hear, it is retail... This is much like Fox News, they want to be told what they already believe.
Speaking against this it to show disloyalty to the tribe. To do this would mean a drop in standing within the tribe.
Ultimate loyalty is rewarded without question in some areas... Look at MTG, she has said embarrassing things at times but it doesn't matter, she is hyper loyal. She has no integrity to honesty... They are very clear about this, they say it is a war and they justify their actions using that...
According to the Bible, God casts the sinner with his sin into the lake of fire, not just his sins.
Yes, God does, not other sinners. We are commanded to love one another, and we are told that all have sinned. We cannot love sin, so we must love the sinner and hate the sin.
You greasy grace gospelers support Trump, because he's against abortion, open borders, and all of the transgender nonsense, not because you love Trump due to supposedly converting to Christianity.

Whether his conversion to Christianity is sincere or not, is between him and God. If a Jew, a Hindu, or a Rastafarian loved America as much as Trump and made it their mission to improve the lives of Americans instead of focusin on helping foreign countries, foreigners who sneak in, and narrow demographic groups, they'd get my vote.
That's a silly argument. I can respect you supporting Trump because of the aforementioned policies, not because he "converted" to Christianity and can now supposedly be a fornicator, and an adulterer..etc.
I've never heard anyone say that they support Trump because of his conversion to Christianity, nor that said conversion gives him license to be an adulterer.
As a Christian, you need to be consistent and not pretend your "salvation package" comes with a "sin option". There's no "sin option" for the disciples of Jesus Christ, according to the Bible. You must die with Christ and only then do you enjoy the privilege of rising and ruling with Him. You will never be a member of His royal family until you climb on the cross with Jesus and die with Him.
I love that you know so much more about Christianity than Christians.
Sorry but I am a Christian...

To gain forgiveness you have to first admit fault and ask for it... Trump has not done that...

If Trump has not asked for forgiveness, that is between him and God. If you are a Christian, you have been specifically instructed by Jesus to "judge not that ye be not judged." Why are you focusing on the mote in Trump's eye instead of the beam in your own?

What I see in the support of trump is tribalism... Christianity in US is retail... Don't like what your pastor says, get a new one.. Pastors tell the flock what they want to hear, it is retail... This is much like Fox News, they want to be told what they already believe.
I'd rather a network that tells me what I already believe than one that tells me what to believe.
Speaking against this it to show disloyalty to the tribe. To do this would mean a drop in standing within the tribe.
Ultimate loyalty is rewarded without question in some areas... Look at MTG, she has said embarrassing things at times but it doesn't matter, she is hyper loyal. She has no integrity to honesty... They are very clear about this, they say it is a war and they justify their actions using that...
You are very judgemental. But I'm just as wrong to judge your judgemental attitude.

Hm. Almost like all have sinned . . .
Yes, God does, not other sinners. We are commanded to love one another, and we are told that all have sinned. We cannot love sin, so we must love the sinner and hate the sin.


Whether his conversion to Christianity is sincere or not, is between him and God. If a Jew, a Hindu, or a Rastafarian loved America as much as Trump and made it their mission to improve the lives of Americans instead of focusin on helping foreign countries, foreigners who sneak in, and narrow demographic groups, they'd get my vote.

I've never heard anyone say that they support Trump because of his conversion to Christianity, nor that said conversion gives him license to be an adulterer.

I love that you know so much more about Christianity than Christians.

Yes, most Christians don't know much about true Christianity because they rely on their pastors and the woman with the purple wig and fake eyelashes to inform them about their faith. Just as the gospels say that we are to "hate" our father and mother to be a disciple of Jesus, it says that we should "love" our enemies, but that doesn't imply that we hate and love in its general, colloquial, fullest sense. There are different forms and degrees of hate and love, so it's the context of a verse that determines the type of hate and love that a Christian should have. The bible is full of hyperbolic language and if you're not aware of that you'll fall into error.

Believing that you must love those who hate God or maybe even the psychopath who violated and murdered your daughter, is sick and obscene. Seeing "Christian" parents who lost their young daughter to a Satan-worshiping psycho, forgive that unrepentant, arrogant murderer and even seek a friendly relationship with him after he's incarcerated, visiting him. Is truly disgusting and demonstrates how irrational and deluded some "Christians" are. These people are completely devoid of wisdom. They want to unburden themselves from the justified and required disdain, the hatred they should have for the unrepentant psycho who murdered their girl. It's false piety and self-serving, having nothing to do with Christ.

Jesus and His apostles taught that if a person sins against you and sincerely repents, you should forgive them, but if they're insolent and unrepentant, you should treat them like a tax collector. Paul writes that the perverts and apostates should be expelled from the congregation and a Christian shouldn't even eat with them. So this lovely-dove gobbledygook argument, that proposes that Christians support Trump because they"love him" even if he's an unrepentant adulterer, is false. Christians support him because he's anti-abortion ("pro-life"), anti-LGBTQA+ (pro-normie), anti-open borders (pro-USA), anti-warmongering (pro-peace through strength), anti-atheism, anti-communism..etc.
Honestly most of the people who support trump would be screaming a hail satan if he came out as the anti christ.

Their Christian Until being Christian gets Is in the way of supporting Trump
Just think. When The Worthless Negro was in the White House he was the wife to Big Mike, the Tranny.

That is just about as immoral as it gets.
Just think. When The Worthless Negro was in the White House he was the wife to Big Mike, the Tranny.

That is just about as immoral as it gets.

Flash exemplifies the other half of Trump's supporters. A bunch of white bigots who were more than happy, if not elated that they could elect a white guy into the White House after eight years of a black man being their president. A significant % of Trump's supporters are just a bunch of white bigots, who regularly use the N-word and use terms like "Negro" in forums like this, to avoid being banned.
Not in utero.

And certainly not while we insist they paddle their own boat once outside.
You're making some excellent points. These fake disciples of Jesus, claim to love fetuses in other people's wombs, then defund all government programs that help single mothers raise their children. They could care less about that fetus once it is born a Black or Latino baby, to an impoverished single mother living in the inner-city struggling to survive and improve her life and that of her child. They portray themselves as "pro-life", but most are actually pro-death.
You're making some excellent points. These fake disciples of Jesus, claim to love fetuses in other people's wombs, then defund all government programs that help single mothers raise their children. They could care less about that fetus once it is born a Black or Latino baby, to an impoverished single mother living in the inner-city struggling to survive and improve her life and that of her child. They portray themselves as "pro-life", but most are actually pro-death.

Hypocrisy is a target rich environment.

I had an arch conservative friend whose position I credited. He said it was idiotic not to extend full health care, INCLUDING dental, to ALL children under 18.
Just think. When The Worthless Negro was in the White House he was the wife to Big Mike, the Tranny.

That is just about as immoral as it gets.
Its stuff like this,
and the fake diary of Biden's daughter sold by an addict for 40 thousand dollars to an extreme propaganda master to discredit her father.
A little hate go's a long way.

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