Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

Immoral behavior is fine for democrats but we expect more from republicans. Fair enough. The current president didn't even reach out to the families of the victims of the trannie terrorist who planned an attack on a Christian school and killed four kids and four adults. Apparently he considered the shooter to be the real victim.
What did either of them have to do with a single one of these abortions?
They didn't stand up for unborn Americans and future citizens. They used their powers to benefit their power narcissism, not to benefit the American people to do the right thing. People are in a phase of life beginning at the time they are a two-cell being with a dna that is distinguishing from all other human beings, until they die when they're a hundred and twenty years old, give or take a few years.
They didn't stand up for unborn Americans and future citizens. They used their powers to benefit their power narcissism, not to benefit the American people to do the right thing. People are in a phase of life beginning at the time they are a two-cell being with a dna that is distinguishing from all other human beings, until they die when they're a hundred and twenty years old, give or take a few years.
They stand for the right of women to choose. They stand against the idea that The State can mandate parturition.
I can see how a non-Christian already pre-disposted to hate any Republican in the WH would be upset that Christians support trump in spite of his multiple marriage, and reputed affairs. I'll see if I can explain it:

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner. They believe in forgiveness and renewal. If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also. If Trump is lying about being a Christian, then he will be judged by the only judge, not by Christians.

Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs.

You don't have to agree or even understand this Christian attitude. People vote how they vote.
I think there's another possibility...

These Public Fundies see in Grifty the embodiment of their own nauseating hypocrisy. He is at once their Sin Eater and messiah.
I think there's another possibility...

These Public Fundies see in Grifty the embodiment of their own nauseating hypocrisy. He is at once their Sin Eater and messiah.
The trouble with calling oneself a horsemen and disabled with handling equine like calling Donald Trump some kind of messiah as an insult to religion are pretty similar, mr. goofball.
The trouble with calling oneself a horsemen and disabled with handling equine like calling Donald Trump some kind of messiah as an insult to religion are pretty similar, mr. goofball.
Did you take a lot of acid in your youth?
I think there's another possibility...

These Public Fundies see in Grifty the embodiment of their own nauseating hypocrisy. He is at once their Sin Eater and messiah.
I'm sure that is true for some of them, except for the sin eater and messiah part. Maybe many of them. Humans are imperfect, and by Christian standards 100% of us are sinful.

I saw something similar with the strong support Democrat men who proudly proclaimed themselves feminists showed Bill Clinton in the wake of his proven serial sexual harrassment and alleged rapes.

Not sure what you mean by "sin eater" other than that you are an avid Harry Potter reader. Or that you were until the writer was cancelled.
They stand for the right of women to choose. They stand against the idea that The State can mandate parturition.
Two days before giving birth, a woman can have her baby torn to pieces and be applauded for it. Two days after giving birth, if she allows her baby to die from neglect, she's put in prison for a long time.

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