Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner.
Unless the sinner is gay.

They believe in forgiveness and renewal.
But only if the sinner REPENTS, which Rapist Donald never has.

Whenever a fake Christian uses that line about forgiveness as an excuse for Trump, wait a few days and then ask them their thoughts on Hillary.

Then you will see their inner hypocrite come blasting forth.
Unless the sinner is gay.

But only if the sinner REPENTS, which Rapist Donald never has.

Whenever a fake Christian uses that line about forgiveness as an excuse for Trump, wait a few days and then ask them their thoughts on Hillary.

Then you will see their inner hypocrite come blasting forth.

Unless the sinner is gay.


Rump is not a Christian.
I can see how a non-Christian already pre-disposted to hate any Republican in the WH would be upset that Christians support trump in spite of his multiple marriage, and reputed affairs. I'll see if I can explain it:

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner. They believe in forgiveness and renewal. If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also. If Trump is lying about being a Christian, then he will be judged by the only judge, not by Christians.

Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs.

You don't have to agree or even understand this Christian attitude. People vote how they vote.
My Christianity is the reason I will not vote for Trump. I am against his continual immorality in how he treats other humans. It is not his politcal policies.

More and more Christians are looking to their religion as a reason to not support Trump. The evengelists have been his strongest supporters. Russell Moore, the Editor in Chief of Christianity Today, has pointed out the move against Trump. He has also pointed out how Trump has divided once united churches.
If you look to God, I feel you will find reasons to not vote for Trump.

Unless the sinner is gay.
I've never heard Trump say a single word against gays. Maybe I missed it.
But only if the sinner REPENTS, which Rapist Donald never has.
We don't have to repent of everything that we are accused of. Just the things that we actually did.
Whenever a fake Christian uses that line about forgiveness as an excuse for Trump, wait a few days and then ask them their thoughts on Hillary.
What about her? If Hillary had the same policies as Donald trump, and implemented them as well as he does or even better which wouldn't be that hard, I would vote for her. I wouldn't give a crap about her cattle futures her husband being a serial sexual harasser, or her ridiculing of people from arkansas. I would disagree with those things, but I was still vote for her.
Then you will see their inner hypocrite come blasting forth.
We had a Boy Scout type guy for president once. That didn't work out too well. In fact Biden has had to bust his butt to be a worse president than Jimmy Carter was.
My Christianity is the reason I will not vote for Trump. I am against his continual immorality in how he treats other humans. It is not his politcal policies.

More and more Christians are looking to their religion as a reason to not support Trump. The evengelists have been his strongest supporters. Russell Moore, the Editor in Chief of Christianity Today, has pointed out the move against Trump. He has also pointed out how Trump has divided once united churches.
If you look to God, I feel you will find reasons to not vote for Trump.

Interesting. So you only vote for moral people for president? Who was that in 2020, if I may ask?
I've never heard Trump say a single word against gays. Maybe I missed it.

We don't have to repent of everything that we are accused of. Just the things that we actually did.

What about her? If Hillary had the same policies as Donald trump, and implemented them as well as he does or even better which wouldn't be that hard, I would vote for her. I wouldn't give a crap about her cattle futures her husband being a serial sexual harasser, or her ridiculing of people from arkansas. I would disagree with those things, but I was still vote for her.

We had a Boy Scout type guy for president once. That didn't work out too well. In fact Biden has had to bust his butt to be a worse president than Jimmy Carter was.
That didn't work out too well. In fact Biden has had to bust his butt to be a worse president than Jimmy Carter was

American Presidents: Greatest and Worst – Siena College Research Institute
That is the key
Trump lies. He tells Christians what they want to hear.

He claims the Bible is his favorite book but can’t quote a single verse.
Trump does not go to church, never has.

The key to forgiveness is to admit you sinned and change your ways……Trump will never do that
I don’t believe Trump reads many books so it is possible that the Bible is his favorite book.

Going to church does not necessarily make you a Christian. Plus some churches teach a false version of Christianity.
I don’t believe Trump reads many books so it is possible that the Bible is his favorite book.

Going to church does not necessarily make you a Christian. Plus some churches teach a false version of Christianity.
So what's the real version of Christianity in your opinion?
As a Christian..
A. I don’t seek spiritual guidance from the presidency
B. Trumps policy was infinitely of higher morality than Biden.
Trump's kinda like David, except he can't play music for God.

And he probably never had the body, either.
That is the key
Trump lies. He tells Christians what they want to hear.

He claims the Bible is his favorite book but can’t quote a single verse.
Trump does not go to church, never has.

The key to forgiveness is to admit you sinned and change your ways……Trump will never do that
"beware of the leaven of herod"

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