Trump's Infrastructure Proposals Could Unite America

Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

The single reason such projects were rejected by the Congress was that the were proposed by Obama. I have no doubt the GOP Controlled Congress will do everything in their power to create jobs now that they hold the White House, The Congress and soon the Supreme Court. That fact isn't a good thing for democracy, but it will create jobs.

The question in waiting is will these jobs pay union wages, and have good benefits, or will they fill the pockets of the plutocrats? Will labor unions be undercut by such promises, will consent decrees be honored and will OSHA be eliminated and worker safety ignored?
So. you are saying that after all these years of effort to demonize socialism and socialist-tinged projects Republicans will now embrace them?

Yep! Maybe not the Tea Party Caucus (oops, The Freedom Party, lol); but pragmatic members of Congress will act, let's call them Eisenhower Republicans: sensible, pragmatic and cautious. First lets' kill the careers of McConnell and Ryan and get real patriots not self serving as is McConnell and Ideologues like Ryan out of the picture.

Then pass legislation getting money out of Federal Elections, and or making the names of the individuals known who bribe - and that word describes exactly what campaign donations are - out of the game. We can forget the Supreme Court doing the right thing now that trump is potus.
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

The single reason such projects were rejected by the Congress was that the were proposed by Obama. I have no doubt the GOP Controlled Congress will do everything in their power to create jobs now that they hold the White House, The Congress and soon the Supreme Court. That fact isn't a good thing for democracy, but it will create jobs.

The question in waiting is will these jobs pay union wages, and have good benefits, or will they fill the pockets of the plutocrats? Will labor unions be undercut by such promises, will consent decrees be honored and will OSHA be eliminated and worker safety ignored?
No, the Republicans know that when they gave obie money he passed it along to his buddies and shit didn't get done. Where's all those shovel ready jobs?

You're in desperate need of a reality check. You're not smart enough to be a beneficiary of a plutocrat or the power elite - that observation is made from you posts and the fact that you have no concern at all for the people Trump chose to nominate for his cabinet. Only a fool is unconcerned, and you fit that mold.
You foamed over and couldn't answer the post so you came up with that?
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…
You have no concept or grasp of the subject at hand. While the New Deal was building such landmarks as the Lincoln Tunnel, Grand Coulee, and Hoover Dam, all the Dams built for the TVA, and other huge projects, it built or refurbished 1,500 small town post offices, employing workers all across small town America with decent paying jobs.
Your proposal is to do what, cut Social Security and Medicare? How much would you have to cut them to pay for those kinds of projects?
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…

A pure Plutocracy? Every job, every project, every thing run by business, unregulated by The People? Is that you goal\s Rustic?

I bet with your skill and intellect you believe could sell pencils on he sidewalk and be free to do so. The fact is in the society you seek, your job would last until the business owner in front of whose store you set up your business kicked your ass and told you to move on.
Of course they will, why wouldn't big government spending bring people together? It's not like rightwing Trumpsters know what consistency is.
Look who's talking. I guess we can simply tax our way into prosperity?
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…

A pure Plutocracy? Every job, every project, every thing run by business, unregulated by The People? Is that you goal\s Rustic?

I bet with your skill and intellect you believe could sell pencils on he sidewalk and be free to do so. The fact is in the society you seek, your job would last until the business owner in front of whose store you set up your business kicked your ass and told you to move on.
or started selling pencils for less.
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…
You have no concept or grasp of the subject at hand. While the New Deal was building such landmarks as the Lincoln Tunnel, Grand Coulee, and Hoover Dam, all the Dams built for the TVA, and other huge projects, it built or refurbished 1,500 small town post offices, employing workers all across small town America with decent paying jobs.
Your proposal is to do what, cut Social Security and Medicare? How much would you have to cut them to pay for those kinds of projects?
...and extended the depression by years. We can't tax and spend out way into wealth.
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

The single reason such projects were rejected by the Congress was that the were proposed by Obama. I have no doubt the GOP Controlled Congress will do everything in their power to create jobs now that they hold the White House, The Congress and soon the Supreme Court. That fact isn't a good thing for democracy, but it will create jobs.

The question in waiting is will these jobs pay union wages, and have good benefits, or will they fill the pockets of the plutocrats? Will labor unions be undercut by such promises, will consent decrees be honored and will OSHA be eliminated and worker safety ignored?
No, the Republicans know that when they gave obie money he passed it along to his buddies and shit didn't get done. Where's all those shovel ready jobs?

You're in desperate need of a reality check. You're not smart enough to be a beneficiary of a plutocrat or the power elite - that observation is made from you posts and the fact that you have no concern at all for the people Trump chose to nominate for his cabinet. Only a fool is unconcerned, and you fit that mold.
You foamed over and couldn't answer the post so you came up with that?

You posted a meme, an echo of what you've been brainwashed to believe. You might as well as yelled out "SOLYNDRA" as other simple minded fools like you do. That's my response to your idiocy.

I'll ask you a question. Has Trump nominated qualified persons to be in his cabinet, or has Trump nominated cronies, sycophants and members of the power elite? If you claim he has hired the best and the brightest you will prove two things: You're dumb and a liar.
Republican's "Fuck America" agenda took off under Bush. Trump wants to finish the job.

Name something Republicans have done for the majority of Americans in the last 50 years, something good.

Tax cuts for millionaires and corporations don't count.

Abolishing clean air and clean water regulations don't count.

Fighting equal pay for equal work doesn't count.

Voter suppression doesn't count.
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…
You have no concept or grasp of the subject at hand. While the New Deal was building such landmarks as the Lincoln Tunnel, Grand Coulee, and Hoover Dam, all the Dams built for the TVA, and other huge projects, it built or refurbished 1,500 small town post offices, employing workers all across small town America with decent paying jobs.
Your proposal is to do what, cut Social Security and Medicare? How much would you have to cut them to pay for those kinds of projects?
...and extended the depression by years. We can't tax and spend out way into wealth.

Gee, what a surprise, iceweasel responded with an idiot-gram. More evidence that he is dumb and mendacious.
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…
You have no concept or grasp of the subject at hand. While the New Deal was building such landmarks as the Lincoln Tunnel, Grand Coulee, and Hoover Dam, all the Dams built for the TVA, and other huge projects, it built or refurbished 1,500 small town post offices, employing workers all across small town America with decent paying jobs.
Your proposal is to do what, cut Social Security and Medicare? How much would you have to cut them to pay for those kinds of projects?
...and extended the depression by years. We can't tax and spend out way into wealth.
Whether the Depression was extended or not is a controversial debate and has nothing to do with whether Trump can obtain funding of any kind for his proposal without resorting to a socialistic-tinged program. One way or the other, the government is going to have to control the means of production of any infrastructure programs. That is socialism. Hence, Trump's proposals will rely on those governing the funding and willingness to endorse socialist programs. Therein lies Trump's dilemma.
The single reason such projects were rejected by the Congress was that the were proposed by Obama.

Bullshit. He got a trillion dollar stimulus package passed that didn't do jack shit for anyone but the very plutocrats you're talking about. Where were all the shovel ready jobs he mentioned?
He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…
You have no concept or grasp of the subject at hand. While the New Deal was building such landmarks as the Lincoln Tunnel, Grand Coulee, and Hoover Dam, all the Dams built for the TVA, and other huge projects, it built or refurbished 1,500 small town post offices, employing workers all across small town America with decent paying jobs.
Your proposal is to do what, cut Social Security and Medicare? How much would you have to cut them to pay for those kinds of projects?
...and extended the depression by years. We can't tax and spend out way into wealth.
Whether the Depression was extended or not is a controversial debate and has nothing to do with whether Trump can obtain funding of any kind for his proposal without resorting to a socialistic-tinged program. One way or the other, the government is going to have to control the means of production of any infrastructure programs. That is socialism. Hence, Trump's proposals will rely on those governing the funding and willingness to endorse socialist programs. Therein lies Trump's dilemma.
No, in socialism government OWNS the means of production. This is a common lie leftists use to manipulate the masses.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…
You have no concept or grasp of the subject at hand. While the New Deal was building such landmarks as the Lincoln Tunnel, Grand Coulee, and Hoover Dam, all the Dams built for the TVA, and other huge projects, it built or refurbished 1,500 small town post offices, employing workers all across small town America with decent paying jobs.
Your proposal is to do what, cut Social Security and Medicare? How much would you have to cut them to pay for those kinds of projects?
...and extended the depression by years. We can't tax and spend out way into wealth.
Whether the Depression was extended or not is a controversial debate and has nothing to do with whether Trump can obtain funding of any kind for his proposal without resorting to a socialistic-tinged program. One way or the other, the government is going to have to control the means of production of any infrastructure programs. That is socialism. Hence, Trump's proposals will rely on those governing the funding and willingness to endorse socialist programs. Therein lies Trump's dilemma.
No, in socialism government OWNS the means of production. This is a common lie leftists use to manipulate the masses.

So your state highway department, run by the state, funded with tax dollars, manned by government employees,

is socialism, eh?
Once the divisiveness and rhetoric of the many proposals being made by Trump are put aside, there is one proposal that goes beyond the ideological, partisan and emotional proposals. That is the pragmatic proposal of rebuilding American infrastructure. Few people no matter what their politics are will be opposed to seeing jobs created in their communities that improve the infrastructure and quality of life these improvements and projects will bring to both communities and individuals.

Whether Trump can bring his proposal to fruition is, of course, the big question. It will take tax payer funding and hence, government means of production. Government means of production is a socialist foundation and main definition of socialism. Is there any other way his proposal can be accomplished without government financing?

What Trump is proposing is the greatest building of America's infrastructure since the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The only other comparison is the Interstate Highway System done, or at least begun under President Eisenhower. Both relied on tax-payer funding and unique forms of guaranteed loans and grants to individual states. Both created infrastructure that has stood the test of time and continue to benefit America, FDR projects since the 30's and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System since the '50's, although the Interstate Highway System was continued by Presidents that followed Eisenhower into the late 70's and continue to be added to and improved.

So, perhaps the question is whether Trump and Republicans will be willing to implement socialist-tinged projects or whether some alternate form of financing these huge projects can be obtained of implemented.

He can't pay for it based on his other proposals. That's the core problem with it. If he passes a budget busting infrastructure plan,
with Republican support, one thing you'll know is, the GOP is right back where it was with Bush as president,

ie, happy to run up the deficits and debt when they're in power.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…

What are the socialist entitlement programs?
The single reason such projects were rejected by the Congress was that the were proposed by Obama.

Bullshit. He got a trillion dollar stimulus package passed that didn't do jack shit for anyone but the very plutocrats you're talking about. Where were all the shovel ready jobs he mentioned?

You too need a reality check. A large number of long awaited projects in the SF Bay Area received stimulus money, as did projects around the nation. Do some homework and stop posting what you've been told to believe. Keep in mind the Republicans voted in lockstep against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in both chambers of Congress, in Feb. 2009, a time when a world-wide Depression seemed eminent.

The Democrats acted and the rest is history, if the Republicans had worked with the D's, the Recovery would have been swifter and less people would have suffered. The fact is the GOP was so butt hurt by their loss in the election, they resented Obama and hoped he would fail no matter the consequences.
Trump is talking about New Deal sized projects. I doubt whether most Americans have any concept of the immensity of Trump's proposal or the immensity of the New Deal projects. Few Americans even realize how many of those projects they benefit and use today.
Cutback socialist entitlement programs and we'll have plenty of money to build anything we want…
You have no concept or grasp of the subject at hand. While the New Deal was building such landmarks as the Lincoln Tunnel, Grand Coulee, and Hoover Dam, all the Dams built for the TVA, and other huge projects, it built or refurbished 1,500 small town post offices, employing workers all across small town America with decent paying jobs.
Your proposal is to do what, cut Social Security and Medicare? How much would you have to cut them to pay for those kinds of projects?
...and extended the depression by years. We can't tax and spend out way into wealth.
Whether the Depression was extended or not is a controversial debate and has nothing to do with whether Trump can obtain funding of any kind for his proposal without resorting to a socialistic-tinged program. One way or the other, the government is going to have to control the means of production of any infrastructure programs. That is socialism. Hence, Trump's proposals will rely on those governing the funding and willingness to endorse socialist programs. Therein lies Trump's dilemma.
No, in socialism government OWNS the means of production. This is a common lie leftists use to manipulate the masses.
You need to educate yourself on what owning the means of production means. While your at it, write a letter to socialist countries like Sweden and let them know they have it all wrong and are not allowed to have private industry and business.

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