Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

"a few links to it were scrubbed".....that's right, the internet was out to get you! :71: . It's not that you are mentally's because there's this internet/social media- wide conspiracy.
You're a piece of shit.
I can tell you are upset. The odd thing is what you are upset about.....that trump got his bluff called and now you are freaking out over it. One might call that being mentally unstable.
Once again you saw proof and once again you flat out denied it. You're a piece of shit. Ask me again some day to prove something. Never again.
I saw the video where Warren tells the story that her fraternal grandparents didn't want their son marrying her mother because they THOUGHT she had Indian blood. That bolsters Warren's claim that it was a family understanding. So...tell me how such a video proves that Warren made it all up?
Warren never said they THOUGHT her mother had Indian blood. They said she was
"a few links to it were scrubbed".....that's right, the internet was out to get you! :71: . It's not that you are mentally's because there's this internet/social media- wide conspiracy.
You're a piece of shit.
I can tell you are upset. The odd thing is what you are upset about.....that trump got his bluff called and now you are freaking out over it. One might call that being mentally unstable.
Once again you saw proof and once again you flat out denied it. You're a piece of shit. Ask me again some day to prove something. Never again.
I saw the video where Warren tells the story that her fraternal grandparents didn't want their son marrying her mother because they THOUGHT she had Indian blood. That bolsters Warren's claim that it was a family understanding. So...tell me how such a video proves that Warren made it all up?
Lie. I saw the video and Warren said: "you can't marry her because she's part Cherokee and part Delaware". You're just a habitual liar.
Sigh.....I'm so sorry for your disability....I truly am.

I paraphrased that Warren's fraternal grandparents weren't going to let their son marry her mother because they THOUGHT (to the point of certainty) Warren's mom had NA blood. Isn't that what I said?
trump said he'd pay $1 million to her favorite charity if she took a DNA test and it found "Indian".

Warren took a DNA test and it found Native American...not a lot...but she never claimed a lot.

And now trump welches and all his little trumpanzees are throwing poo.

Sorry kiddo -- 0.1% on a "group" match is just noise. Go ask 23&me or Ancestry. Says nothing. That's why it has a RANGE of values attached to it MORE than a factor of 10..
You will have to show me that part where a set amount of Native American was set when trump made his bet with Warren. Got that for us?

So you're saying that every person in America has won the bet.

The answer to that would be "Yes" if trump had made that bet with every person in America.......WITH the caveate that we would all show NA DNA. I know personally that that isn't the case. Both my wife and I have had ours done......NO percentage of NA blood at all for either of us.
Your don't have a wife.

I most certainly do have a wife....and a beautiful daughter. Odd thing is, my wife's family in Kansas also believed there was some NA blood but it didn't show....but then again mitochondrial DNA tests only go mother to mother to mother to mother.....down that line.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

"Doctor" Ford deserved to be Mocked, she was a lousy Lying Douche-Bag, most likely paid and bough buy the democratic party to stop the President from nominating another Conservative Justice.
So when you talk about "disgusting piece's of shit", look to Corry Booker, Dick Durbin, Diane Feinstine, Richard Bloomenthal, and Chuckie Shumer
It didn't "just happen" that the DNA test matches her story. The test matched her story, because she wasn't lying, which is what you idiots have claimed all along. Warren has never claimed any more than on old family story about her grandfather marrying a Native American woman and the family strongly disapproving at the time.

It didn't "just happen" that the DNA test matches her story.

Right. Harvard claimed she was American Indian because she claimed she was.

Saying she never claimed it to get hired is BULLSHIT.

Now, if you think 0.1% should get you an Affirmative Action job...……..
You DO know that she claimed white and Native American both, right?

And they bragged about their new white hire...….right?
Well, what DID they brag about and when? And that would be on THEM, wouldn't it?

They bragged about their new minority hire.

Yes, it's on them for hiring whitey and calling her American Indian.
Well, yes it IS on them since the link given us by Tiny Dancer clearly shows she also marked C for Caucasian.
I can tell you are upset. The odd thing is what you are upset about.....that trump got his bluff called and now you are freaking out over it. One might call that being mentally unstable.
Once again you saw proof and once again you flat out denied it. You're a piece of shit. Ask me again some day to prove something. Never again.
I saw the video where Warren tells the story that her fraternal grandparents didn't want their son marrying her mother because they THOUGHT she had Indian blood. That bolsters Warren's claim that it was a family understanding. So...tell me how such a video proves that Warren made it all up?
Warren never said they THOUGHT her mother had Indian blood. They said she was
I can tell you are upset. The odd thing is what you are upset about.....that trump got his bluff called and now you are freaking out over it. One might call that being mentally unstable.
Once again you saw proof and once again you flat out denied it. You're a piece of shit. Ask me again some day to prove something. Never again.
I saw the video where Warren tells the story that her fraternal grandparents didn't want their son marrying her mother because they THOUGHT she had Indian blood. That bolsters Warren's claim that it was a family understanding. So...tell me how such a video proves that Warren made it all up?
Lie. I saw the video and Warren said: "you can't marry her because she's part Cherokee and part Delaware". You're just a habitual liar.
Sigh.....I'm so sorry for your disability....I truly am.

I paraphrased that Warren's fraternal grandparents weren't going to let their son marry her mother because they THOUGHT (to the point of certainty) Warren's mom had NA blood. Isn't that what I said?
You're a liar. You're very ill.
Ok, where did I lie? Point out what the lie is.
You will have to show me that part where a set amount of Native American was set when trump made his bet with Warren. Got that for us?

So you're saying that every person in America has won the bet.

The answer to that would be "Yes" if trump had made that bet with every person in America.......WITH the caveate that we would all show NA DNA. I know personally that that isn't the case. Both my wife and I have had ours done......NO percentage of NA blood at all for either of us.
Your don't have a wife.

I most certainly do have a wife....and a beautiful daughter. Odd thing is, my wife's family in Kansas also believed there was some NA blood but it didn't show....but then again mitochondrial DNA tests only go mother to mother to mother to mother.....down that line.
Liar. You don't have a wife or a daughter. You're a lonely drunk posting in some library in some big city.
So.....having failed to provide us with any evidence to back your claims you are reduced....yes attacking my family. Well, that certainly is typical trumpanzee behavior, isn't it?
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

She's proved nothing. So you still gonna rant about welching on a deal? Why don't you go check the 8 other threads on her new DNA test and understand it's nothing but noise.
trump said he'd pay $1 million to her favorite charity if she took a DNA test and it found "Indian".

Warren took a DNA test and it found Native American...not a lot...but she never claimed a lot.

And now trump welches and all his little trumpanzees are throwing poo.

Sorry kiddo -- 0.1% on a "group" match is just noise. Go ask 23&me or Ancestry. Says nothing. That's why it has a RANGE of values attached to it MORE than a factor of 10..
You will have to show me that part where a set amount of Native American was set when trump made his bet with Warren. Got that for us?

Don't think you're understanding statistical processes and the "confidence" values of the data. It's pure crap.

A confidence range of 1/64th to 1024th means it's NOISE. THERE IS NO MEASUREMENT.

Moreover -- a university and academics need permission to use the LARGER group bases for ethnicity, race, origin that they've invested $mill into -- and this hired white coat did not use them. He put together his OWN "group references" for CUSTOM STUDY that he was urged to do to PROVE her case.

If she wanted accuracy and less variance in the confidence, she should have just gone to the commercial testing sites.

In HER favor --- the commercial sites go ALL OVER THE WORLD to build their reference "group bases".. It's a HUGE investment. But the most difficult samples are from Native Americans. There is little cooperation in supplying their ancestral DNA because a lot of them fear EXPULSION from the tribe.

Since the casinos opened and they became "Big Gambling", there's been a lot of roudy confrontations about belonging to a particular tribe. And very FEW of them want to have their tribal association testing with DNA techniques.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

She's proved nothing. So you still gonna rant about welching on a deal? Why don't you go check the 8 other threads on her new DNA test and understand it's nothing but noise.
trump said he'd pay $1 million to her favorite charity if she took a DNA test and it found "Indian".

Warren took a DNA test and it found Native American...not a lot...but she never claimed a lot.

And now trump welches and all his little trumpanzees are throwing poo.

Sorry kiddo -- 0.1% on a "group" match is just noise. Go ask 23&me or Ancestry. Says nothing. That's why it has a RANGE of values attached to it MORE than a factor of 10..
You will have to show me that part where a set amount of Native American was set when trump made his bet with Warren. Got that for us?

Don't think you're understanding statistical processes and the "confidence" values of the data. It's pure crap.

A confidence range of 1/64th to 1024th means it's NOISE. THERE IS NO MEASUREMENT.

Moreover -- a university and academics need permission to use the LARGER group bases for ethnicity, race, origin that they've invested $mill into -- and this hired white coat did not use them. He put together his OWN "group references" for CUSTOM STUDY that he was urged to do to PROVE her case.

If she wanted accuracy and less variance in the confidence, she should have just gone to the commercial testing sites.

In HER favor --- the commercial sites go ALL OVER THE WORLD to build their reference "group bases".. It's a HUGE investment. But the most difficult samples are from Native Americans. There is little cooperation in supplying their ancestral DNA because a lot of them fear EXPULSION from the tribe.

Since the casinos opened and they became "Big Gambling", there's been a lot of roudy confrontations about belonging to a particular tribe. And very FEW of them want to have their tribal association testing with DNA techniques.
Where did you gain your DNA expertise? What University? What degree?
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

President Trump was proven right, Lizzy Cheekbones is a fraud.
After she got the job and she didn't know the university did that.

Yeah, because they pulled it out of their ass.
Just happened that their claim matched her previous "family story".
She says she put it in her University file in order to meet others who had Indian ancestry, and there is no evidence she's lying. Carry on with your very exciting imaginary dupe world...

She says she put it in her University file in order to meet others who had Indian ancestry

Harvard didn't make it up? Thanks for admitting your earlier error.

She claimed A

She knew damn well what she was doing.

She's proved nothing. So you still gonna rant about welching on a deal? Why don't you go check the 8 other threads on her new DNA test and understand it's nothing but noise.
trump said he'd pay $1 million to her favorite charity if she took a DNA test and it found "Indian".

Warren took a DNA test and it found Native American...not a lot...but she never claimed a lot.

And now trump welches and all his little trumpanzees are throwing poo.

Sorry kiddo -- 0.1% on a "group" match is just noise. Go ask 23&me or Ancestry. Says nothing. That's why it has a RANGE of values attached to it MORE than a factor of 10..
You will have to show me that part where a set amount of Native American was set when trump made his bet with Warren. Got that for us?

Don't think you're understanding statistical processes and the "confidence" values of the data. It's pure crap.

A confidence range of 1/64th to 1024th means it's NOISE. THERE IS NO MEASUREMENT.

Moreover -- a university and academics need permission to use the LARGER group bases for ethnicity, race, origin that they've invested $mill into -- and this hired white coat did not use them. He put together his OWN "group references" for CUSTOM STUDY that he was urged to do to PROVE her case.

If she wanted accuracy and less variance in the confidence, she should have just gone to the commercial testing sites.

In HER favor --- the commercial sites go ALL OVER THE WORLD to build their reference "group bases".. It's a HUGE investment. But the most difficult samples are from Native Americans. There is little cooperation in supplying their ancestral DNA because a lot of them fear EXPULSION from the tribe.

Since the casinos opened and they became "Big Gambling", there's been a lot of roudy confrontations about belonging to a particular tribe. And very FEW of them want to have their tribal association testing with DNA techniques.
Where did you gain your DNA expertise? What University? What degree?
Same place where Warren claimed she was Native.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

President Trump was proven right, Lizzy Cheekbones is a fraud.
And up is down and left is right and war is peace.......:71:

Congratulations for reaching the true bottom when it comes to denial.
trump said he'd pay $1 million to her favorite charity if she took a DNA test and it found "Indian".

Warren took a DNA test and it found Native American...not a lot...but she never claimed a lot.

And now trump welches and all his little trumpanzees are throwing poo.

Sorry kiddo -- 0.1% on a "group" match is just noise. Go ask 23&me or Ancestry. Says nothing. That's why it has a RANGE of values attached to it MORE than a factor of 10..
You will have to show me that part where a set amount of Native American was set when trump made his bet with Warren. Got that for us?

Don't think you're understanding statistical processes and the "confidence" values of the data. It's pure crap.

A confidence range of 1/64th to 1024th means it's NOISE. THERE IS NO MEASUREMENT.

Moreover -- a university and academics need permission to use the LARGER group bases for ethnicity, race, origin that they've invested $mill into -- and this hired white coat did not use them. He put together his OWN "group references" for CUSTOM STUDY that he was urged to do to PROVE her case.

If she wanted accuracy and less variance in the confidence, she should have just gone to the commercial testing sites.

In HER favor --- the commercial sites go ALL OVER THE WORLD to build their reference "group bases".. It's a HUGE investment. But the most difficult samples are from Native Americans. There is little cooperation in supplying their ancestral DNA because a lot of them fear EXPULSION from the tribe.

Since the casinos opened and they became "Big Gambling", there's been a lot of roudy confrontations about belonging to a particular tribe. And very FEW of them want to have their tribal association testing with DNA techniques.
Where did you gain your DNA expertise? What University? What degree?
Same place where Warren claimed she was Native.
Now see? Words mean something. Warren said she had some NA blood....she did not say she WAS Native. the sane adult work, words have meaning.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

President Trump was proven right, Lizzy Cheekbones is a fraud.
And up is down and left is right and war is peace.......:71:
And you're a piece of shit.
You keep saying if it makes you feel better about being a liar over all this, saying that Warren herself claimed she was Cherokee....and then crying that the internet got scrubbed.
She's proved nothing. So you still gonna rant about welching on a deal? Why don't you go check the 8 other threads on her new DNA test and understand it's nothing but noise.
trump said he'd pay $1 million to her favorite charity if she took a DNA test and it found "Indian".

Warren took a DNA test and it found Native American...not a lot...but she never claimed a lot.

And now trump welches and all his little trumpanzees are throwing poo.

Sorry kiddo -- 0.1% on a "group" match is just noise. Go ask 23&me or Ancestry. Says nothing. That's why it has a RANGE of values attached to it MORE than a factor of 10..
You will have to show me that part where a set amount of Native American was set when trump made his bet with Warren. Got that for us?

Don't think you're understanding statistical processes and the "confidence" values of the data. It's pure crap.

A confidence range of 1/64th to 1024th means it's NOISE. THERE IS NO MEASUREMENT.

Moreover -- a university and academics need permission to use the LARGER group bases for ethnicity, race, origin that they've invested $mill into -- and this hired white coat did not use them. He put together his OWN "group references" for CUSTOM STUDY that he was urged to do to PROVE her case.

If she wanted accuracy and less variance in the confidence, she should have just gone to the commercial testing sites.

In HER favor --- the commercial sites go ALL OVER THE WORLD to build their reference "group bases".. It's a HUGE investment. But the most difficult samples are from Native Americans. There is little cooperation in supplying their ancestral DNA because a lot of them fear EXPULSION from the tribe.

Since the casinos opened and they became "Big Gambling", there's been a lot of roudy confrontations about belonging to a particular tribe. And very FEW of them want to have their tribal association testing with DNA techniques.
Where did you gain your DNA expertise? What University? What degree?

Was Pre-Med in a dual Medicine/Biomedical Engineering program. Have a couple advanced degrees and a lifetime of taking academics and giving papers. My engineering group has put about FIVE pieces of DNA equipment into MOST hospitals, cytology labs, even zoos. Probably been used on you.

BUT -- I get the most from my wife and daughter. Daughter is currently in Med research at Vanderbilt. And the wife is a coach for people tracing their family trees with DNA evidence. I KNOW statistical methods and data prep and I've put them into instruments for the medical field.

Any other questions?
Warren's political career is over. Bodecea will continue to defend the lying jackal because liars hang together.
Cherokee woman


White European woman


The Indian woman’s face shows character and beauty…..

The libtards face makes me want to puke,

Lying no character left wing nutty Bitch………….
It didn't "just happen" that the DNA test matches her story.

Right. Harvard claimed she was American Indian because she claimed she was.

Saying she never claimed it to get hired is BULLSHIT.

Now, if you think 0.1% should get you an Affirmative Action job...……..
You DO know that she claimed white and Native American both, right?

And they bragged about their new white hire...….right?
Well, what DID they brag about and when? And that would be on THEM, wouldn't it?

They bragged about their new minority hire.

Yes, it's on them for hiring whitey and calling her American Indian.
Well, yes it IS on them since the link given us by Tiny Dancer clearly shows she also marked C for Caucasian.

Well, yes it IS on them

Since they believed her claim.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.
Shit for brains, Pinocchio Pocahontas has no American Indian heritage.
Her little test just proved it
We are at war with Eastasia...We have ALWAYS been at war with Eastasia.

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