Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

And they bragged about their new white hire...….right?
Well, what DID they brag about and when? And that would be on THEM, wouldn't it?

They bragged about their new minority hire.

Yes, it's on them for hiring whitey and calling her American Indian.
Well, yes it IS on them since the link given us by Tiny Dancer clearly shows she also marked C for Caucasian.

Well, yes it IS on them

Since they believed her claim.
You mean where she marked down C for caucasian and then Native American?

Yeah, where she claimed she was American Indian.
And then they hired her, and said she was American Indian.
Cherokee woman


White European woman


The Indian woman’s face shows character and beauty…..

The libtards face makes me want to puke,

Lying no character left wing nutty Bitch………….
No misogyny here, eh?

Do you own a dictionary Dumb Ass?

You could also use the internet...…….

You may want to look up the definition.

I love Women…

I just don’t care for Bat Shit crazy lying hypocritical libtards….

Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
The Indian woman’s face shows character and beauty…..

The libtards face makes me want to puke,

Lying no character left wing nutty Bitch………….
No misogyny here, eh?

Do you own a dictionary Dumb Ass?

You could also use the internet...…….

You may want to look up the definition.

I love Women…

I just don’t care for Bat Shit crazy lying hypocritical libtards….

Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?
The Indian woman’s face shows character and beauty…..

The libtards face makes me want to puke,

Lying no character left wing nutty Bitch………….
No misogyny here, eh?

You dare even speak the word misogyny after what your party did to Hillary in the 2008 primary? The Dem misogyny was off the charts, even SNL mocked you.
Yes....misogyny. "Grab em by the pussy" escape

Lib please half your party was engaged in misogyny :eusa_hand:
Fat Chance. The GOP is the party of screwing everyone but the rich especially minorities and women with policy. That is policy something you dupes know nothing about. Just phony scandals and character assassination from bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJ pundits, super duper.

LOL the GOP party is screwing everyone but the rich? Okie dokie Franco.
Checked the polls. Last one in MA was months ago. Warren was at 56%

Since then we’ve had Kavanaugh and her implosion. I’m not sure it’s enough to persuade MA to choose the right but it might depress some of her support
No misogyny here, eh?

Do you own a dictionary Dumb Ass?

You could also use the internet...…….

You may want to look up the definition.

I love Women…

I just don’t care for Bat Shit crazy lying hypocritical libtards….

Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
The Indian woman’s face shows character and beauty…..

The libtards face makes me want to puke,

Lying no character left wing nutty Bitch………….
No misogyny here, eh?

Do you own a dictionary Dumb Ass?

You could also use the internet...…….

You may want to look up the definition.

I love Women…

I just don’t care for Bat Shit crazy lying hypocritical libtards….

Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
And let's see that legal directory.
No misogyny here, eh?

You dare even speak the word misogyny after what your party did to Hillary in the 2008 primary? The Dem misogyny was off the charts, even SNL mocked you.
Yes....misogyny. "Grab em by the pussy" escape

Lib please half your party was engaged in misogyny :eusa_hand:
Fat Chance. The GOP is the party of screwing everyone but the rich especially minorities and women with policy. That is policy something you dupes know nothing about. Just phony scandals and character assassination from bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJ pundits, super duper.

LOL the GOP party is screwing everyone but the rich? Okie dokie Franco.

That’s why the GOP controls half the country. We are screwing everyone. So much that they love us
No misogyny here, eh?

Do you own a dictionary Dumb Ass?

You could also use the internet...…….

You may want to look up the definition.

I love Women…

I just don’t care for Bat Shit crazy lying hypocritical libtards….

Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
And let's see that legal directory.

Why can't liberals just admit to lying? Liberals are creepy, embrace your creepy openly.
You dare even speak the word misogyny after what your party did to Hillary in the 2008 primary? The Dem misogyny was off the charts, even SNL mocked you.
Yes....misogyny. "Grab em by the pussy" escape

Lib please half your party was engaged in misogyny :eusa_hand:
Fat Chance. The GOP is the party of screwing everyone but the rich especially minorities and women with policy. That is policy something you dupes know nothing about. Just phony scandals and character assassination from bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJ pundits, super duper.

LOL the GOP party is screwing everyone but the rich? Okie dokie Franco.

That’s why the GOP controls half the country. We are screwing everyone. So much that they love us

Dem policies are so popular voters haven't trusted them with control of the House in 8 years, took control of the Senate away from them, then the White House. Holy shit Dem policies are popular.
Do you own a dictionary Dumb Ass?

You could also use the internet...…….

You may want to look up the definition.

I love Women…

I just don’t care for Bat Shit crazy lying hypocritical libtards….

Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
For the billionth time, she claimed some Indian blood, not to be a minority. Family Laura said she had a great great great great grandmother who was Cherokee Etc. The blood test proves it. Everything else you know is garbage, all discredited.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

President Trump was proven right, Lizzy Cheekbones is a fraud.
And up is down and left is right and war is peace.......:71:

Congratulations for reaching the true bottom when it comes to denial.

The test proved she is less than 1% victim and 99% oppressor.

Do you own a dictionary Dumb Ass?

You could also use the internet...…….

You may want to look up the definition.

I love Women…

I just don’t care for Bat Shit crazy lying hypocritical libtards….

Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
Where did she claim to be a minority?
Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
Where did she claim to be a minority?

If she wasn't claiming it why did she take a DNA test to prove it?

You may go now
Elizabeth Warren Melts Down in Wake of DNA Disaster | Breitbart

"Warren is obviously looking for a way to regain her footing after the disastrous rollout of her DNA test, which not only proved she has no claim whatsoever to any sort of Indian ancestry, but that she lacks the judgment and poise to run for president.

Warren’s rollout was such a debacle, she has now been disavowed by the Cherokee Nation, and a number of high profile Democrats are publicly questioning the judgment of her timing — just three weeks before the midterm elections. "


She may have no more 1/1024 Indian--much less than the average White American.

Warren asked that she no longer be referred to as Pocahantas.

She indicated that she would now prefer to be known as Snow White.

Who is melting down? I love how the trumpanzees are freaking out over her calling trump's he is welching on the $1,000,000 he owes her.
She is not an American Indian, the average Caucasian in this country can claim a better ratio. So shut the fuck up

with leftards willful ignorance is bliss
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
Where did she claim to be a minority?

If she wasn't claiming it why did she take a DNA test to prove it?

You may go now
To win $1 million dollars for her charity. I could have told her that she'd never get the money from trump....he's a crook.
No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
Where did she claim to be a minority?

If she wasn't claiming it why did she take a DNA test to prove it?

You may go now
To win $1 million dollars for her charity. I could have told her that she'd never get the money from trump....he's a crook.

She lied about being an injun. Through her lie she took a job as the first “woman of color” at Harverd law school. So some dump pro lager wire bitch fakes being a minority to get a job as a minority? Tell us, would the ecquimos up north put up with that?
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

Our POTUS did not lie about Warren-Wampum. She is no more Native American than a Quechua princess. Warren on the other hand welded her entire career and political ascendance to what she assumed was the most victimized American identity group of them all: the American Indian. Only too late for the salvation of everything she was has she realized what a grave error she made.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

A pathetic attempt to move the goalposts.

Trump specifically said, "Those little kits they sell on television". So you can't drop some new requirement now that she's done that, fuckwit.

Warren did that. It proved she has Indian heritage.

Trump said, "I will give you a million dollars if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian."

Trump owes a million dollars.
Move the goal posts? That’s been the law for over a century, Dufus. Which makes you Leftards the ones trying to move goalposts which has pissed off REAL Cherokees. Like my wife.

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