Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.
All she ever said was that she had a Native American grandmother of some degree of greats. And she did.

This lie being circulated that most Americans have Native American DNA is FALSE.
The White American average genetic makeup is 98.6% European, 0.19% African, and 0.18% Native American.

These low numbers illustrate that the contribution of Native Americans to the White and Black population is minuscule. But, you also have to understand that this is based on aggregate figures. Most families would have no Native ancestry at all. A smaller number would have slightly higher degrees, which would then give an extremely low number to the entire population as an average. In other words, pull a random American, and they would not have that result by some kind of default.’-DNA

It also makes no difference if North or South American Native DNA was used for comparison, because the DNA of Native Americans in the Americas (north or south makes no difference) because it is easily distinguishable from any other populations.

I don't know why the Cherokee tribe is so upset with Elizabeth Warren--she is not claiming tribal membership, which seems to be his beef. It is Republicans who are taking this fairly simple "gotcha" by Warren and trying (without success) to turn it into some sort of lie.
She gotcha, boys. Eat it.

What you don't seem to realize in the statistics you posted in your own thread is that one fifth of 1%.... (.18%. ) is the standard marker for the entire population of nearly 400 million North Americans. According to Warren's test she doesn't even meet that standard.So the word "gotcha " doesn't really apply here if you know what I mean.

Why is the Cherokee Nation upset? They're tired of having to expose Pretenders who want to piggyback on their Heritage for Advantage.

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Anyone else think it is funny how the Native Americans actually made a Republican an honorary member of their tribe?

Liberals are such ignorant losers.
Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.
All she ever said was that she had a Native American grandmother of some degree of greats. And she did.

This lie being circulated that most Americans have Native American DNA is FALSE.
The White American average genetic makeup is 98.6% European, 0.19% African, and 0.18% Native American.

These low numbers illustrate that the contribution of Native Americans to the White and Black population is minuscule. But, you also have to understand that this is based on aggregate figures. Most families would have no Native ancestry at all. A smaller number would have slightly higher degrees, which would then give an extremely low number to the entire population as an average. In other words, pull a random American, and they would not have that result by some kind of default.’-DNA

It also makes no difference if North or South American Native DNA was used for comparison, because the DNA of Native Americans in the Americas (north or south makes no difference) because it is easily distinguishable from any other populations.

I don't know why the Cherokee tribe is so upset with Elizabeth Warren--she is not claiming tribal membership, which seems to be his beef. It is Republicans who are taking this fairly simple "gotcha" by Warren and trying (without success) to turn it into some sort of lie.
She gotcha, boys. Eat it.
no it is not. no american dna was used because the indians won't allow it. mexican / colombian / peruvian dna was used and even then she's .097% - not enough to say she's a part of that or any race at all.

but you just insist on being your hard headed self as usual and not admitting facts when they pretty much lick you in the face. if she was found to have been 1/32nd indian then i'd say her story had some legs even though it wouldn't be enough to be classified as indian BY indians.

so - eat it yourself cause at this point you're just sounding more stupidly desperate than usual and for you that ain't easy.

Yeah I guess the progressives here aren't very good at math. All her geneticist friend did is prove that she was a part of larger grouping of modern homo sapiens.... And that's about it.

Justin Wingerter on Twitter

The Cherokee Nation called Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s use of a DNA test to justify her claim of Native American ancestry “inappropriate” on Monday.

“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship,” the Cherokee Nation said in a statement released Monday. “Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation.”

Cherokee Nation: Elizabeth Warren’s Claim To Tribe Is ‘Inappropriate’

Do you know the left believe the 1/1,024th means she is a Native American????

Do we all realize how pathetic and how racist the left is? You think they will care for one second what actual Native Americans have to say?

We all know how much they hate minorities that do not play along with their little games. They literally hate them more than they hate white Christians.
Cherokees do not like DNA tests because they are the one tribe that can not prove their heritage, definitively...

They mixed and had children with Europeans from almost when the Europeans first arrived.... they simply choose who belongs in their tribe.

Whereas, other Native American tribes kept more pure and did not mate with the Europeans and a DNA test is not objectionable,but used, to verify tribe members, from what I've read and watched in a Documentary recently.

Elizabeth Warren never asked to be accepted in to their tribe or to be given their native tribe status...

Nah, she just used her Indian "heritage" to make her bulletproof as a liberal professor! Little did she know it would come back to bite her bony white ass when she wanted to run for President!
Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.
All she ever said was that she had a Native American grandmother of some degree of greats. And she did.

This lie being circulated that most Americans have Native American DNA is FALSE.
The White American average genetic makeup is 98.6% European, 0.19% African, and 0.18% Native American.

These low numbers illustrate that the contribution of Native Americans to the White and Black population is minuscule. But, you also have to understand that this is based on aggregate figures. Most families would have no Native ancestry at all. A smaller number would have slightly higher degrees, which would then give an extremely low number to the entire population as an average. In other words, pull a random American, and they would not have that result by some kind of default.’-DNA

It also makes no difference if North or South American Native DNA was used for comparison, because the DNA of Native Americans in the Americas (north or south makes no difference) because it is easily distinguishable from any other populations.

I don't know why the Cherokee tribe is so upset with Elizabeth Warren--she is not claiming tribal membership, which seems to be his beef. It is Republicans who are taking this fairly simple "gotcha" by Warren and trying (without success) to turn it into some sort of lie.
She gotcha, boys. Eat it.
do you even research the stupid shit you say?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia
indicates SHE said cherokee. here is their reference:

Elizabeth Warren’s family has mixed memories about heritage |
David Herring of Norman, Okla., one of Warren’s three brothers, said in an interview that even when he was a child his relatives were reluctant to talk about the family’s Native American heritage because “it was not popular in my family.’’ Only when he begged his grandparents, said Herring, did they finally explain to him: “Your grandfather is part Delaware, a little bitty bit, way back, and your grandmother is part Cherokee. It was not the most popular thing to do in Oklahoma. [Indians] were degraded, looked down on.’’

you really should look shit up before making claims.

so - gotcha. eat it.
Mapes, a mother of four who volunteers in a clothing bank, is a second cousin to US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren. The two women, who have never met, share more DNA than most second cousins: Not only were their grandmothers sisters, their grandfathers were brothers. Those brothers — a team of carpenters named Harry and Everett Reed who plied their trade in the Indian Territory that would become the state of Oklahoma — are believed by some family members to have roots in the Delaware tribe. Mapes, who said she was unaware of her cousin’s candidacy until contacted by a reporter, said she does not doubt her heritage.

Elizabeth Warren’s family has mixed memories about heritage - The Boston Globe
Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.

What it tells is everybody is how scared of her you rightsrds are. The sheer number of posts by you clowns on the subject shows everybody she is living rent free in your heads.
Mapes, a mother of four who volunteers in a clothing bank, is a second cousin to US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren. The two women, who have never met, share more DNA than most second cousins: Not only were their grandmothers sisters, their grandfathers were brothers. Those brothers — a team of carpenters named Harry and Everett Reed who plied their trade in the Indian Territory that would become the state of Oklahoma — are believed by some family members to have roots in the Delaware tribe. Mapes, who said she was unaware of her cousin’s candidacy until contacted by a reporter, said she does not doubt her heritage.

Elizabeth Warren’s family has mixed memories about heritage - The Boston Globe
and? my own family thought we had indian blood in it in the not too distant past but could find nothing to substantiate it. so we don't. end of story.

"feeling" things true is the hallmark of the left. the rest want proof.
dimocraps are lying scum Part 1024

Here’s a video of Elizabeth Warren saying her parents were “oppressed” because her mom was “Cherokee Indian”

Caleb SkHull on Twitter
Boy, her Dad's family was a bunch of Boston brahmins, weren't they? What snobs, believing in the one drop rule in this day and age. I hope she doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to THAT side of the family.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

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