Trump’s lawyers kicking butt so far in this first hour, pointing out Dem lies and hypocrisy

Just google the capitol police organizational structure. The board which has 2/3rds of it's members appointed by republicans. Chose the police chief.
What Trump showed to everyone in that the term "republican" often has no meaning.
Especially in Washington DC. Look at the Lincoln Project scum.
They are virulently anti Trump and virulently anti populist. They are a curse on the nation.

Anti populist is a good thing.

The Populist Club:
Muamar Gaddafi
Abdel El Sisi
Idi Amin
Juan Peron
Fidel Castro
Hugo Chavez
Nicolas Maduro
Narenda Modi
Recep Erdogan
Adolf Hitler

Populists aren't always bad...but when they are they are horrific. Down with press freedom, minority rights (or even lives), individual rights, free and fair elections. We don't need another populist. Good bye Trump.
Actually I should have said "Trump supporter", as Trump and Mitch McConnel picked two of the boards members, who by majority control everything the capitol police do.
So? Blame the cops then.
Trump and McConnell controlled the capitol police. Trump controlled the DOD through his appointed acting Sec of Def.
That might explain why both the capitol police, and the national guard were told to "stand down" leading to January 6th.
There is no Democrats do it too in impeachment of trump. The rump has no defense.
So democrats and their followers are OK to say whatever they want and threaten to kill whomever they want any time... Your fucks are major hypocrites...
They just showed how a house manager COMPLETELY took a statement from Trump’s Jan 6 sppech out of context.

“You have to get your people to fight.”

Lying scum Dems cut there.

They edited out: “Or vote them out of office”.

Trump was referring to ELECTED OFFICIALS when he said YOUR PEOPLE.

Wow, the Dems just lie lie lie.

There should be criminal repercussions for shit like that.
Trump told his followers to "stop the steal"

Can anyone explain how they were to do that by mere protest?

Of course you can't. The only way to "stop the steal" was by use of force. Because every legal means that was tried up until that point failed i the courts, in the EC, and was able to fail in the congress.
Trump told them to make their voices heard peacefully and Patriotically. Not our fault you're too damn stupid to understand that. Everyone is responsible for their own behavior.
They apparently think they have mindreading capabilities. That means when TRUMP! says "peacefully", they hear "violently", and think everyone else does too.
Actually I should have said "Trump supporter", as Trump and Mitch McConnel picked two of the boards members, who by majority control everything the capitol police do.
So? Blame the cops then.
Trump and McConnell controlled the capitol police. Trump controlled the DOD through his appointed acting Sec of Def.
That might explain why both the capitol police, and the national guard were told to "stand down" leading to January 6th.
The Bull shit is deep with you...

The SAA (Sergeant At Arms) of the HOR (House of Representatives) is responsible for the Capitol hill complex security. As an ELECTED official his chain of command is to Nancy Pelosi... I suggest you read the Web site on his duties. This means that everything that occurs is Nancy Pelosi's purview and responsibility.

From The .GOV site:
As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms reviews and implements all issues relating to the safety and security of Members of Congress and the Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms also coordinates extensively with the U.S. Capitol Police and various intelligence agencies to assess threats against Members of Congress and the Capitol complex.

Duties include overseeing the House floor and galleries, the House Appointments Desk, the House garages and parking lots, as well as administering all staff identification badges.

The following divisions comprise the Office of the Sergeant at Arms:

  • Immediate Office/Member Support
  • Protocol and Chamber Operations
  • House Garages & Parking Security
  • Information Services
  • Identification Services
  • Police Services/Law Enforcement
  • House Security
  • Emergency Management

Pelosi was warned by the FBI five days in advance that there was a credible threat to the Capitol Hill Complex and she denied them manpower or appropriate protections. ON January 5 A pipe Bomb was found on the Capitol Hill Steps further exastrobating the threat level. Again she was asked for help from the Capitol Hill Police and she refused to allow them to secure the area... WHY?

Blaming Trump for something that is Nancy Pelosi's responsibility is dishonest and an outright lie. As ANTIFA was the primary agitators arrested we know Pelosi's affiliation and support of their terrorist organization is solid. This has the total appearance of a set up (Black Flag Event).

“You have to get your people to fight.”

Lying scum Dems cut there.

They edited out: “Or vote them out of office”.
And the republicans added ominous background music to their video. They not only edited the words, but added a mood altering background.
No, I'm saying it's extremely hypocritical of congresscritters that have openly incited their followers to do violence and have even bailed them out of jail when they did it to stand in judgement of a defendant accused of inciting violence.
Actually they did not incite their followers to do violence. Their followers like those of Martin Luther King Jr. were inspired to protest for their rights, and the rights of others.

Compare to those who took over the capitol who weren't there to fight for anyone's rights, but instead to overthrow the result of a free and fair election, by violently waging war on the legislature of the government.
That's a false assumption.
We've shown over and over that not only was ANTIFA there to incite violence....but so was an army of journalists and photographers to record the riots that they caused.
Some of the people that were allowed into the Capital were the same folks that caused riots in cities around the country.
The only difference was they wore MAGA hats so they could blame it all on Trump supporters.....who were still half a mile away listening to his speech.
Trump told them to make their voices heard peacefully and Patriotically. Not our fault you're too damn stupid to understand that. Everyone is responsible for their own behavior.
Trump also told the Sec of State in Georgia that if he didn't find 11,780 votes, he might face legal consequences.
Trump speaks like a mafia don, knowing not to say what he wants in clearly illegal language, but to as Michael Cohen said, include ex-culpable language in his threats.
IOW, you need the XB-215 foil helmet, fitted by a professional decoder, to get the real message that no one else gets.
Trump and McConnell controlled the capitol police. Trump controlled the DOD through his appointed acting Sec of Def.
That might explain why both the capitol police, and the national guard were told to "stand down" leading to January 6th.
The Bull shit is deep with you...

The SAA (Sergeant At Arms) of the HOR (House of Representatives) is responsible for the Capitol hill complex security. As an ELECTED official his chain of command is to Nancy Pelosi... I suggest you read the Web site on his duties. This means that everything that occurs is Nancy Pelosi's purview and responsibility.

From The .GOV site:

As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex.

True the house sgt at arms control the house side, but you left out the senate sgt at arms controls the senate side. And by a 2/3rds majority the Trump/McConnell appointed capitol police board controls the capitol police.

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