Trump’s lawyers kicking butt so far in this first hour, pointing out Dem lies and hypocrisy

You probably meant to say Pelosi and McConnell. Because claiming Trump "controlled" the Capitol police
is an outright lie. Or at best, a massive failure to understand.

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

Now run off and try not to lie so blatantly.
Trump controls 1/3rd of the capitol police board. McConnel controls 1/3rd of the capitol police board.
Together they have majority control of the capitol police. And half the oversight of the capitol police.

You funny!!!

Re: Philly Antifa Activist Tom Keenan Charged in Assault on ... › News

View attachment 456342
580 × 320 · Nov 27, 2018 — y. Last week, we told you that the Philadelphia Police Department was asking for the public's help to identify a group of people who allegedly ...

You're pulling up bullshit from two years, claiming they attacked the capitol

You are pathetic.
These are people identified as ANTIFA AND WERE PRESENT IN THE CAPITOL... you cant even get your lies straight...
These are people identified as ANTIFA AND WERE PRESENT IN THE CAPITOL... you cant even get your lies straight...
They were identified inside the peaceful crowd. And the only one identified or arrested inside the capitol building was taking video of the mayhem, not participating in it.
Just google the capitol police organizational structure. The board which has 2/3rds of it's members appointed by republicans. Chose the police chief.
What Trump showed to everyone in that the term "republican" often has no meaning.
Especially in Washington DC. Look at the Lincoln Project scum.
They are virulently anti Trump and virulently anti populist. They are a curse on the nation.

Anti populist is a good thing.

The Populist Club:
Muamar Gaddafi
Abdel El Sisi
Idi Amin
Juan Peron
Fidel Castro
Hugo Chavez
Nicolas Maduro
Narenda Modi
Recep Erdogan
Adolf Hitler

Populists aren't always bad...but when they are they are horrific. Down with press freedom, minority rights (or even lives), individual rights, free and fair elections. We don't need another populist. Good bye Trump.
Trump also told the Sec of State in Georgia that if he didn't find 11,780 votes, he might face legal consequences.
Trump speaks like a mafia don, knowing not to say what he wants in clearly illegal language, but to as Michael Cohen said, include ex-culpable language in his threats.
IOW, you need the XB-215 foil helmet, fitted by a professional decoder, to get the real message that no one else gets.
Trumps longtime lawyer Michael Cohen, who understood Trump when he wanted Stormy Daniels silenced, told congress how Trump did so in "code" like a mafia don, in case he was being recorded, he would have plausible deniability.
Is that a charge in the impeachment?
Trump also told the Sec of State in Georgia that if he didn't find 11,780 votes, he might face legal consequences.
Trump speaks like a mafia don, knowing not to say what he wants in clearly illegal language, but to as Michael Cohen said, include ex-culpable language in his threats.
IOW, you need the XB-215 foil helmet, fitted by a professional decoder, to get the real message that no one else gets.
Trumps longtime lawyer Michael Cohen, who understood Trump when he wanted Stormy Daniels silenced, told congress how Trump did so in "code" like a mafia don, in case he was being recorded, he would have plausible deniability.
I see, and were thousands of ordinary citizens mailed their magical decoder rings synchronized with command central to be sure that when they heard TRUMP! say "peaceful" they were supposed to hear "violent"? IOW, code only works when the person you're trying to send the code to understands it, and there was no mass mailing telling people how to decipher the code. When TRUMP! said "fight", did he really mean "stay home and mutter at the TV"? Obviously, we were supposed to hear "violent" when he said "peaceful". When he said, "Go down to the capitol and cheer them on", was he really saying, "Broccoli is good"? Help me out here, I never got the decoder ring so I don't know what the code means.

Or are you just saying "code" when TRUMP! says something that inconveniently counters the narrative and claiming he wasn't using code when he says something you think helps the narrative? Was that part of the decoder ring mailing, instructions on when to use the ring and when to not use it?
Trumps longtime lawyer Michael Cohen, who understood Trump when he wanted Stormy Daniels silenced, told congress how Trump did so in "code" like a mafia don, in case he was being recorded, he would have plausible deniability.
Is that a charge in the impeachment?
That explained how Trump would incite the crowd, as Cohen explained to congress almost two years ago. And low and behold, that's just what Trump did on January 6th.

Michael "Nostradamus" Cohen.
Why would he be talking about overthrowing the government when he was president?
Because Trump didn't accept that the people of the US threw him out of office because of his botching the coronavirus response.

As it turns out nobody botched the Covid response more than the leftists covid expert that old folk murdering Gumba Andrew Cuomo. Do you believe these leftist morons gave this murdering POS an Emmy? It's almost as pathetic as when the tingling leftists gave the full time war mongering Community Organiser the NPP because of the color of his skin. What a horribly racist thing to do.
And where did she said that? Did she tweet it? Or was that just a private comment, not for the general public.
TV interview. They played it today, Dummy.
Funny, you didn't say what show it was? Some public TV show that nobody watches?

You said Hillary was saying it for public consumption. And so far you haven't proved it.
You must enjoy getting your ass kicked, Dumbass.

Ever heard of Jane Paulie? CBS Sunday Morning?

In a real court, prosecutors not providing proper context and exculpatory evidence that exonerates a defendant is a crime. I've seen lawyers disbarred for this behavior and charged criminally... This is a kangaroo court and is a sham.
The prosecutors gave Trumps lawyers every piece of evidence they had, even the videos they didn't use. Trumps lawyers were given full disclosure of all videos, affidavits, and briefs, according to the impeachment rules.

This is verified by the press reviewing the disclosure lists.
You still have not proven that. Got a link?

(No PBS stations, per your rules)
I see, and were thousands of ordinary citizens mailed their magical decoder rings synchronized with command central to be sure that when they heard TRUMP! say "peaceful" they were supposed to hear "violent"? IOW, code only works when the person you're trying to send the code to understands it, and there was no mass mailing telling people how to decipher the code.
Trump had been tweeting constantly since before the November election how there was fraud (unproven) illegal votes (unproven) and voting machines that changed votes (unproven).

Hundreds of tweets told his followers his growing frustration that every legal challenge was shot down. And that January 6th would be the last chance (short of overthrowing the inauguration) to "stop the steal"

They were planning it well in advance, and all they needed was Trumps instruction to go to the capitol to execute their plans.
The are showing a ton of
Video proving what lying scumbags and hypocritical traitors the Dems are. It has almost been a solid hour of providing video and social media evidence of Dem lies.

Don’t you have the video?
Trump also told the Sec of State in Georgia that if he didn't find 11,780 votes, he might face legal consequences.
Trump speaks like a mafia don, knowing not to say what he wants in clearly illegal language, but to as Michael Cohen said, include ex-culpable language in his threats.
IOW, you need the XB-215 foil helmet, fitted by a professional decoder, to get the real message that no one else gets.
Trumps longtime lawyer Michael Cohen, who understood Trump when he wanted Stormy Daniels silenced, told congress how Trump did so in "code" like a mafia don, in case he was being recorded, he would have plausible deniability.
I see, and were thousands of ordinary citizens mailed their magical decoder rings synchronized with command central to be sure that when they heard TRUMP! say "peaceful" they were supposed to hear "violent"? IOW, code only works when the person you're trying to send the code to understands it, and there was no mass mailing telling people how to decipher the code. When TRUMP! said "fight", did he really mean "stay home and mutter at the TV"? Obviously, we were supposed to hear "violent" when he said "peaceful". When he said, "Go down to the capitol and cheer them on", was he really saying, "Broccoli is good"? Help me out here, I never got the decoder ring so I don't know what the code means.

Or are you just saying "code" when TRUMP! says something that inconveniently counters the narrative and claiming he wasn't using code when he says something you think helps the narrative? Was that part of the decoder ring mailing, instructions on when to use the ring and when to not use it?

Take it easy on Gene. He's only trying to make a nickle a post and his leftist hero Quid.Pro pedo Finger Raping Dementia Riddled Joe just unknowingly signed an EO that will ensure the guy that's only skill is drying your car when it comes out of the car wash is going to be making 20 grand more a year than he is.
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You must enjoy getting your ass kicked, Dumbass.

Ever heard of Jane Paulie? CBS Sunday Morning?

In this excerpt from an interview with "Sunday Morning" host Jane Pauley, former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton talks about life after her election defeat,

From your video, Pauley explains how Hillarys name isn't mentioned in any political venue, except for Trump rallys saying "lock her up"
Trump has been talking about overthrowing the government since he said he said he wouldn't say whether he would accept the results of the election in 2016.
Why would he be talking about overthrowing the government when he was president?
Gee, Pudge. I guess you were never taught the the President isn't the complete government.
How in the wide wide world of sports can you overthrow a government without taking out the head? You creatures are desperate.

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