Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President

The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.
The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Bringing his vast acumen as a failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer to governance was undoubtedly vital to fulfilling his primary campaign sales pitches for a "big, beautiful wall!" that he forced Mexico to pay for, his "immediate!" repeal of 'ObamaCare' and its replacement with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his rebuilding the nation's crumbling, infrastructure, resurrecting the coal mining industry, revitalizing the nation's steel manufacturing, and slashing the national debt to the point that it is now beyond the reach of even his Space Cadets, bloating it by over $7 trillion.

He has masterfully tweaked the eight years of rising employment he inherited, the Obama/Biden administration having achieved the 4.7% unemployment rate bequeathed to the Trump regime that he has now transformed to 6.7%.

(Some zealots, as an excuse for the employment collapse under Trumpery, cite the pandemic that has ravaged the nation, but that could not be because their Master had proclaimed that he had it "under control!", that there were "very few people with it!" and "Everybody's getting better! They're all getting better!")

Screen Shot 2020-12-18 at 11.02.55 AM.png

"My worshippers don't care about facts!
They think the old dude that kicked my ass
sprinkles dead babies on his pedophile pizzas!"
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The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.
View attachment 430717

No selfies.!!

We're the highest taxes nation in the world. We have nobody knows what the number is but I mean it used to be when we talked during the debate 2.5 trillion, right, when the most elegant person, right, I call him Mr. Elegant. - Stable Genius


You call places like Malaysia and Indonesia and you say, you know, "How many people do you have?" and it's pretty amazing how many people they have. - Stable Genius

How can one know so much? Must have a very good ....... uhbrain.
The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.
View attachment 430717

No selfies.!!
Why would any of my selfies have your name on them?

Think, McFly! Think!


And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful. - Stable Genius

The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.
Some legacy. Unemployment rates not seen since the Great Depression. 310,000 dead Americans. An attempted coup to overturn the election.


Yup. That's some legacy.
reasonable people do not blame Trump for the pandemic
The only thing people will know about Donald J. Trump in 50 years is that he was the third president to be impeached.
The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.
Some legacy. Unemployment rates not seen since the Great Depression. 310,000 dead Americans. An attempted coup to overturn the election.


Yup. That's some legacy.
reasonable people do not blame Trump for the pandemic
He's totally to blame for the US having the most deaths by Covid.

See my signature.

So I call, like, major major countries, and I'll be dealing with the Prime Minister or the President, and I'll say, "How're you doing?" - Stable Genius

"And by ze way, your wife she is in 'ow you say, ze good shape".
Huge deficits, giant bailouts, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth... giant failure. Even the supreme court didn't support the crazy claims of election cheating.

And liberals whining for more bailouts....go figure.
Can't deny the giant failures eh?
Did you vote for Biden for less spending? LMAO

Personally I voted for Biden for less RUMP.

And it worked.
The only thing people will know about Donald J. Trump in 50 years is that he was the third president to be impeached.

Can't agree there. He'll be forever known for trying to stage a coup, at the very least. What will flummox future history-readers will be that what he was impeached for ---- wasn't that.
The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.
Some legacy. Unemployment rates not seen since the Great Depression. 310,000 dead Americans. An attempted coup to overturn the election.


Yup. That's some legacy.
reasonable people do not blame Trump for the pandemic
He's totally to blame for the US having the most deaths by Covid.

See my signature.

The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.
Some legacy. Unemployment rates not seen since the Great Depression. 310,000 dead Americans. An attempted coup to overturn the election.


Yup. That's some legacy.
reasonable people do not blame Trump for the pandemic
He's totally to blame for the US having the most deaths by Covid.

See my signature.


Because it worked dumbass. When people interact less virus spreads less, DUH. Every place that shut down saw the infections rates drop. They then re-open, cold season sets in and the infections pick up again.

We have to ride out a few more months while people are getting vaccinated, then we can re-open and start getting back to normal.
Huge deficits, giant bailouts, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth... giant failure. Even the supreme court didn't support the crazy claims of election cheating.

And liberals whining for more bailouts....go figure.
Can't deny the giant failures eh?
Did you vote for Biden for less spending? LMAO

Personally I voted for Biden for less RUMP.

And it worked.

Congrats, you got less rump, ya got more ass....and it ain't the good kind.

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