Trumps lies

Here they are. All the Trump lies. This is how low America has gotten. Electing a man for president who shows such contempt for the American people that he believes he cab lie to the about everything and that the people can't do anything about it. That or he knows hat he will have a certain number people who will believe him no matter how much he lies. Either way this shows just how pathetic this nation has become.

They all lie, including Barak the Magic Negro, Bitchlery, Reagan, the Bush's, all of them. Grow up kid.

Not as much as Trump has. Grow up kid.
You lie when the truth sounds better.

No, that would be you.
Go back to Africa. This is a horrible place.

What does this have to do with Trumps lies?
What truly PATHETIC responses from right wingers......

They actually ADMIT that Trump is a consummate, blatant LIAR, but they then "excuse" their own screwing over by saying,"well, everyone does it....."
All for the sake of moronically, shouting, "we won, we won" without realizing that they TOO lost.

When talk about people desperate to have power, you say one word: conservatives. Donald Trump is a liar, but conservatives excuse his lies and defend them because they are just that desperate to have power.

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
He is working around with Liars. And so he has to speak the language that they only knows how to speak.

He been a liar his entire life.
Well, that just shows how long he has been around Liars.

His whole life. He's been around liars his whole lie.

Maybe that's because he is a liar.
Why would we be desperate for power? We have power. If we were desperate for it, it would be because we didn't.

Hillary and Obama lied more. Why was their lying acceptable?
Why would we be desperate for power? We have power. If we were desperate for it, it would be because we didn't.

Hillary and Obama lied more. Why was their lying acceptable?

They only has love for their own kind. But the President wants to really help this nation, but while Hillary's disciples wants to corrupt this country as the way their minds are corrupted.
Here they are. All the Trump lies. This is how low America has gotten. Electing a man for president who shows such contempt for the American people that he believes he cab lie to the about everything and that the people can't do anything about it. That or he knows hat he will have a certain number people who will believe him no matter how much he lies. Either way this shows just how pathetic this nation has become.

They all lie, including Barak the Magic Negro, Bitchlery, Reagan, the Bush's, all of them. Grow up kid.

Not as much as Trump has. Grow up kid.

Poor leftists no longer know what truth looks like.

I've been around a long time, and watched a lot of politicians. Trump is pretty honest. He overstates a little, that's just his use of the vernacular. But he's doing what he said he would do, and he has been vindicated every single time the press has gone after him for made up shit.
Here they are. All the Trump lies. This is how low America has gotten. Electing a man for president who shows such contempt for the American people that he believes he cab lie to the about everything and that the people can't do anything about it. That or he knows hat he will have a certain number people who will believe him no matter how much he lies. Either way this shows just how pathetic this nation has become.

They all lie, including Barak the Magic Negro, Bitchlery, Reagan, the Bush's, all of them. Grow up kid.

Not as much as Trump has. Grow up kid.

Poor leftists no longer know what truth looks like.

I've been around a long time, and watched a lot of politicians. Trump is pretty honest. He overstates a little, that's just his use of the vernacular. But he's doing what he said he would do, and he has been vindicated every single time the press has gone after him for made up shit.

Been here a while myself. Seen plenty of politicians too.Trump is not honest. So you excuse his lies by saing he overstates. And just what exactly has he been vindicated for?
Why would we be desperate for power? We have power. If we were desperate for it, it would be because we didn't.

Hillary and Obama lied more. Why was their lying acceptable?

They only has love for their own kind. But the President wants to really help this nation, but while Hillary's disciples wants to corrupt this country as the way their minds are corrupted.

Trump is screwing this nation up. There are no Hillary disciples. Not any more than there are members of the Trump cult.
Why would we be desperate for power? We have power. If we were desperate for it, it would be because we didn't.

Hillary and Obama lied more. Why was their lying acceptable?

Hillary has not been president. She was not found guilty of all those lies you guys claim. Obama, I don't think lied more than Trump. Trump hasn't been in office 6 months while Obama was there for 8 years.
So folks are incapable of acknowledging breadth and scope of Trump's lies? Seriously? It's ok because it's "your" guy? :dunno: So instead of addressing you have to say but what about what about what about.

All politicians lie...all people lie. At one point or another. But I think Trump comes close to pathological. He even contradicts himself and then outright denies he said something that is right there on tape.

I don't know what world you guys live in but Trump is just bizarre. And just as bizarre are those claiming he has to lie because he's around liars....:cuckoo:

Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
All presidents lie. Richard Nixon said he was not a crook, yet he orchestrated the most shamelessly crooked act in the modern presidency. Ronald Reagan said he wasn’t aware of the Iran-Contra deal; there’s evidence he was. Bill Clinton said he did not have sex with that woman; he did, or close enough. Lying in politics transcends political party and era. It is, in some ways, an inherent part of the profession of politicking.

But Donald Trump is in a different category. The sheer frequency, spontaneity and seeming irrelevance of his lies have no precedent. Nixon, Reagan and Clinton were protecting their reputations; Trump seems to lie for the pure joy of it. A whopping 70 percent of Trump’s statements that PolitiFact checked during the campaign were false, while only 4 percent were completely true, and 11 percent mostly true. (Compare that to the politician Trump dubbed “crooked,” Hillary Clinton: Just 26 percent of her statements were deemed false.)

Those who have followed Trump’s career say his lying isn’t just a tactic, but an ingrained habit. New York tabloid writers who covered Trump as a mogul on the rise in the 1980s and ’90s found him categorically different from the other self-promoting celebrities in just how often, and pointlessly, he would lie to them. In his own autobiography, Trump used the phrase “truthful hyperbole,” a term coined by his ghostwriter referring to the flagrant truth-stretching that Trump employed, over and over, to help close sales. Trump apparently loved the wording, and went on to adopt it as his own.

What's bad is what this relentless barrage of lies eventually does to us...

Scarier still for those who have never supported Trump is that he just might colonize their brains, too. When we are in an environment headed by someone who lies, so often, something frightening happens: We stop reacting to the liar as a liar. His lying becomes normalized. We might even become more likely to lie ourselves. Trump is creating a highly politicized landscape where everyone is on the defensive: You’re either for me, or against me; if you win, I lose, and vice versa. Fiery Cushman, a moral psychologist at Harvard University, put it this way when I asked him about Trump: “Our moral intuitions are warped by the games we play.” Place us in an environment where it’s zero-sum, dog-eat-dog, party-eats-party, and we become, in game theory terms, “intuitive defectors,” meaning our first instinct is not to cooperate with others but to act in our own self-interest—which could mean disseminating lies ourselves.

The dynamic we are seeing unfurled in the United States is not merely hypothetical. We already have a model of this process—a country regressing when its leader goes from progressive to deceptive: Russia under Vladimir Putin. “This worldview”—a zero-sum, I win-you lose one—“is relatively more prevalent in Russia and other cultures with weak rule of law, high corruption and low generalized trust, as compared with Western democracies,” Cushman says. But when Western democracies start looking like those cultures, the norms can quickly shift.

The distressing reality is that our sense of truth is far more fragile than we would like to think it is—especially in the political arena, and especially when that sense of truth is twisted by a figure in power. As the 19th-century Scottish philosopher Alexander Bain put it, “The great master fallacy of the human mind is believing too much.” False beliefs, once established, are incredibly tricky to correct. A leader who lies constantly creates a new landscape, and a citizenry whose sense of reality may end up swaying far more than they think possible. It’s little wonder that authoritarian regimes with sophisticated propaganda operations can warp the worldviews of entire populations. “You are annihilated, exhausted, you can’t control yourself or remember what you said two minutes before. You feel that all is lost,” as one man who had been subject to Mao Zedong’s “reeducation” campaign in China put it to the psychiatrist Robert Lifton. “You accept anything he says.”

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