Trump’s List: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

Did it ever occur to people that there doesn't need to be so many government employees? Yeah, I think we need less people going to luncheons and eating finger sandwiches on the taxpayer backs, sorry. There's less czars, too! :eek:

Trump is a real American and knows what certain things are about. True story.

ambassadorships aren't rank & file fed workers, marion. you do realize trump is the biggest welfare whore when it comes to sucking off taxpayers, don't you?

No ma'am, why don't you go ahead and enlighten me!

If he's a bigger welfare whore than that one girl with 14 kids, I'll be damn surprised.

Personally, I don't think he has that many kids, or collects welfare.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes
By David Barstow, Mike McIntire, Patricia Cohen, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettne
Oct 31,2016

But newly obtained documents show that in the early 1990s, as he scrambled to stave off financial ruin, Mr. Trump avoided reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in taxable income by using a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the Internal Revenue Service would most likely declare it improper if he were audited.

Thanks to this one maneuver, which was later outlawed by Congress, Mr. Trump potentially escaped paying tens of millions of dollars in federal personal income taxes. It is impossible to know for sure because Mr. Trump has declined to release his tax returns, or even a summary of his returns, breaking a practice followed by every Republican and Democratic presidential candidate for more than four decades.

Tax experts who reviewed the newly obtained documents for The New York Times said Mr. Trump’s tax avoidance maneuver, conjured from ambiguous provisions of highly technical tax court rulings, clearly pushed the edge of the envelope of what tax laws permitted at the time. “Whatever loophole existed was not ‘exploited’ here, but stretched beyond any recognition,” said Steven M. Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center who helped draft tax legislation in the early 1990s.

Moreover, the tax experts said the maneuver trampled a core tenet of American tax policy by conferring enormous tax benefits on Mr. Trump for losing vast amounts of other people’s money — in this case, money investors and banks had entrusted to him to build a casino empire in Atlantic City.

As that empire floundered in the early 1990s, Mr. Trump pressured his financial backers to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars in debt he could not repay.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes

you're welcome a 3rd time, marion...

The bottom line is that the IRS needs to collect all taxes that are due. If there are loopholes the IRS needs to tell Congress so they can fix the Tax Code. Whining about Trump's taxes that used loopholes that "congress later outlawed" shows nothing illegal. But thanks for playing.

uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!
ambassadorships aren't rank & file fed workers, marion. you do realize trump is the biggest welfare whore when it comes to sucking off taxpayers, don't you?

No ma'am, why don't you go ahead and enlighten me!

If he's a bigger welfare whore than that one girl with 14 kids, I'll be damn surprised.

Personally, I don't think he has that many kids, or collects welfare.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes
By David Barstow, Mike McIntire, Patricia Cohen, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettne
Oct 31,2016

But newly obtained documents show that in the early 1990s, as he scrambled to stave off financial ruin, Mr. Trump avoided reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in taxable income by using a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the Internal Revenue Service would most likely declare it improper if he were audited.

Thanks to this one maneuver, which was later outlawed by Congress, Mr. Trump potentially escaped paying tens of millions of dollars in federal personal income taxes. It is impossible to know for sure because Mr. Trump has declined to release his tax returns, or even a summary of his returns, breaking a practice followed by every Republican and Democratic presidential candidate for more than four decades.

Tax experts who reviewed the newly obtained documents for The New York Times said Mr. Trump’s tax avoidance maneuver, conjured from ambiguous provisions of highly technical tax court rulings, clearly pushed the edge of the envelope of what tax laws permitted at the time. “Whatever loophole existed was not ‘exploited’ here, but stretched beyond any recognition,” said Steven M. Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center who helped draft tax legislation in the early 1990s.

Moreover, the tax experts said the maneuver trampled a core tenet of American tax policy by conferring enormous tax benefits on Mr. Trump for losing vast amounts of other people’s money — in this case, money investors and banks had entrusted to him to build a casino empire in Atlantic City.

As that empire floundered in the early 1990s, Mr. Trump pressured his financial backers to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars in debt he could not repay.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes

you're welcome a 3rd time, marion...

The bottom line is that the IRS needs to collect all taxes that are due. If there are loopholes the IRS needs to tell Congress so they can fix the Tax Code. Whining about Trump's taxes that used loopholes that "congress later outlawed" shows nothing illegal. But thanks for playing.

uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!

lol... you pay taxes right? & what do you get for it compared to trump et al? & you can't seriously think that his tax cuts actually benefit you in the long run either compared to the 'legal' tax breaks they get to take. think about that.

It looks like they LEFT OUT the Trump accomplishment of increasing the deficit within a year time frame to DOUBLE any previous record.

And doing that when the economy is being advertised as being so good: that makes it an even bigger accomplishment.

Time for a toast!!!


If you would have been paying attention to the fiscal news of the nation you would already know.
You would NOT believe me even if I posted the info here.
Instead of reading some rant in reply to real data, I suggest this: Google is your friend.
Happy searching.

IOW: You have nothing, talk in circles, and should probably STFU.

You make the claim = onus is on you to prove it. That's how debate works, boy.

There is no onus on him to prove something that any idiot is capable of proving or disproving with a simple google sentence. This has been so widely reported that one would have to be completely uninformed not to know it at this point. And while the world was focused on Kavenaugh, the House and Senate passed another $2 billion tax cut for billionaires. All on the government credit card.
No ma'am, why don't you go ahead and enlighten me!

If he's a bigger welfare whore than that one girl with 14 kids, I'll be damn surprised.

Personally, I don't think he has that many kids, or collects welfare.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes
By David Barstow, Mike McIntire, Patricia Cohen, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettne
Oct 31,2016

But newly obtained documents show that in the early 1990s, as he scrambled to stave off financial ruin, Mr. Trump avoided reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in taxable income by using a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the Internal Revenue Service would most likely declare it improper if he were audited.

Thanks to this one maneuver, which was later outlawed by Congress, Mr. Trump potentially escaped paying tens of millions of dollars in federal personal income taxes. It is impossible to know for sure because Mr. Trump has declined to release his tax returns, or even a summary of his returns, breaking a practice followed by every Republican and Democratic presidential candidate for more than four decades.

Tax experts who reviewed the newly obtained documents for The New York Times said Mr. Trump’s tax avoidance maneuver, conjured from ambiguous provisions of highly technical tax court rulings, clearly pushed the edge of the envelope of what tax laws permitted at the time. “Whatever loophole existed was not ‘exploited’ here, but stretched beyond any recognition,” said Steven M. Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center who helped draft tax legislation in the early 1990s.

Moreover, the tax experts said the maneuver trampled a core tenet of American tax policy by conferring enormous tax benefits on Mr. Trump for losing vast amounts of other people’s money — in this case, money investors and banks had entrusted to him to build a casino empire in Atlantic City.

As that empire floundered in the early 1990s, Mr. Trump pressured his financial backers to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars in debt he could not repay.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes

you're welcome a 3rd time, marion...

The bottom line is that the IRS needs to collect all taxes that are due. If there are loopholes the IRS needs to tell Congress so they can fix the Tax Code. Whining about Trump's taxes that used loopholes that "congress later outlawed" shows nothing illegal. But thanks for playing.

uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!

lol... you pay taxes right? & what do you get for it compared to trump et al? & you can't seriously think that his tax cuts actually benefit you in the long run either compared to the 'legal' tax breaks they get to take. think about that.

Well dude, you can always SEND BACK YOUR TAX CUT if you don't like it...
I KNOW I'm setting a small brush fire with the ABNORMALS in here, but having them burn is half the fun....watching them post idiotic shit, is the other half!

The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for reelection on.

As Trump nears the two-year mark of his historic election and conducts political rallies around the country during which he talks up his wins in hopes it will energize Republican voters, the administration has counted up 289 accomplishments in 18 categories, capped by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

They include 173 major wins like adding more than 4 million jobs and another 116 smaller victories, some with outsized importance such as the 83 percent one-year increase in arrests of MS-13 gang members.

The COMPLETE LIST Trump’s List: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
i make a motion for leniency if he flips leftward and promotes left wing policies and agendas.
There is no onus on him to prove something that any idiot is capable of proving or disproving with a simple google sentence. This has been so widely reported that one would have to be completely uninformed not to know it at this point. And while the world was focused on Kavenaugh, the House and Senate passed another $2 billion tax cut for billionaires. All on the government credit card.

"bandwagon fallacy: concluding that an idea has merit simply because many
people believe it "

"The Bandwagon Fallacy (also, Argument from Common Sense, Argumentum ad Populum): The fallacy of arguing that because "everyone," "the people," or "the majority" (or someone in power who has widespread backing) supposedly thinks or does something, it must therefore be true and right."

Wrong, sister.

Master List of Logical Fallacies

Common fallacies
Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes
By David Barstow, Mike McIntire, Patricia Cohen, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettne
Oct 31,2016

But newly obtained documents show that in the early 1990s, as he scrambled to stave off financial ruin, Mr. Trump avoided reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in taxable income by using a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the Internal Revenue Service would most likely declare it improper if he were audited.

Thanks to this one maneuver, which was later outlawed by Congress, Mr. Trump potentially escaped paying tens of millions of dollars in federal personal income taxes. It is impossible to know for sure because Mr. Trump has declined to release his tax returns, or even a summary of his returns, breaking a practice followed by every Republican and Democratic presidential candidate for more than four decades.

Tax experts who reviewed the newly obtained documents for The New York Times said Mr. Trump’s tax avoidance maneuver, conjured from ambiguous provisions of highly technical tax court rulings, clearly pushed the edge of the envelope of what tax laws permitted at the time. “Whatever loophole existed was not ‘exploited’ here, but stretched beyond any recognition,” said Steven M. Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center who helped draft tax legislation in the early 1990s.

Moreover, the tax experts said the maneuver trampled a core tenet of American tax policy by conferring enormous tax benefits on Mr. Trump for losing vast amounts of other people’s money — in this case, money investors and banks had entrusted to him to build a casino empire in Atlantic City.

As that empire floundered in the early 1990s, Mr. Trump pressured his financial backers to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars in debt he could not repay.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes

you're welcome a 3rd time, marion...

The bottom line is that the IRS needs to collect all taxes that are due. If there are loopholes the IRS needs to tell Congress so they can fix the Tax Code. Whining about Trump's taxes that used loopholes that "congress later outlawed" shows nothing illegal. But thanks for playing.

uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!

lol... you pay taxes right? & what do you get for it compared to trump et al? & you can't seriously think that his tax cuts actually benefit you in the long run either compared to the 'legal' tax breaks they get to take. think about that.

Well dude, you can always SEND BACK YOUR TAX CUT if you don't like it...

& as prices go up both at the pumps & due to the tariffs & that tax cut of yours dwindles in size by being eaten up by those rising costs.....& then when your little tax cut drys up - cause after all it IS temporary whilst big corp has a permanent cut....

you can thank trump & the swamp for it.

Last edited:
The bottom line is that the IRS needs to collect all taxes that are due. If there are loopholes the IRS needs to tell Congress so they can fix the Tax Code. Whining about Trump's taxes that used loopholes that "congress later outlawed" shows nothing illegal. But thanks for playing.

uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!

lol... you pay taxes right? & what do you get for it compared to trump et al? & you can't seriously think that his tax cuts actually benefit you in the long run either compared to the 'legal' tax breaks they get to take. think about that.

Well dude, you can always SEND BACK YOUR TAX CUT if you don't like it...

& as prices go up both both at the pumps & due to the tariffs & that tax cut of yours dwindles in size by being eaten up by those rising costs.....& then when your little tax cut drys up - cause after all it IS temporary whilst big corp has a permanant cut....

you can thank trump & the swamp for it.


You, me, no one can talk sense to the Trumpians. They are brain washed beyond repair.
They are all giddy about a tax cut for themselves that amounts to little to nothing; as you say it's temporary in real nature.
And just as you state the wealthiest 0.001% and the corporations aka the GOP donor class are the ones actually benefiting from this tax cut madness that will add exponetial deficits.
The rank & file GOP voter have pretty much sold their souls and the country over party allegiance for one, or two things:
1. to allow more wealth in this nation to go to the wealthiest individuals & corporations at the expense of their own progeny.
2. to retain 'power'
Throwing your own family under the bus just to retain 'power' is the demonstration of a soulless demographic, at best.
uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!

lol... you pay taxes right? & what do you get for it compared to trump et al? & you can't seriously think that his tax cuts actually benefit you in the long run either compared to the 'legal' tax breaks they get to take. think about that.

Well dude, you can always SEND BACK YOUR TAX CUT if you don't like it...

& as prices go up both both at the pumps & due to the tariffs & that tax cut of yours dwindles in size by being eaten up by those rising costs.....& then when your little tax cut drys up - cause after all it IS temporary whilst big corp has a permanant cut....

you can thank trump & the swamp for it.


You, me, no one can talk sense to the Trumpians. They are brain washed beyond repair.
They are all giddy about a tax cut for themselves that amounts to little to nothing; as you say it's temporary in real nature.
And just as you state the wealthiest 0.001% and the corporations aka the GOP donor class are the ones actually benefiting from this tax cut madness that will add exponetial deficits.
The rank & file GOP voter have pretty much sold their souls and the country over party allegiance for one, or two things:
1. to allow more wealth in this nation to go to the wealthiest individuals & corporations at the expense of their own progeny.
2. to retain 'power'
Throwing your own family under the bus just to retain 'power' is the demonstration of a soulless demographic, at best.

yep. & them thar shitty as hell junk health ins policies are welcomed back with open arms because the carnival barker overturned some protections & duped them again into wanting to go against their best interests. WOO HOO!!!! a $100 premium is dirt cheap 'praise trump' but when it's time to use it- that's when reality hits them right between the eyes, but it might be too late cause their home get foreclosed on . all that is coming back.
The bottom line is that the IRS needs to collect all taxes that are due. If there are loopholes the IRS needs to tell Congress so they can fix the Tax Code. Whining about Trump's taxes that used loopholes that "congress later outlawed" shows nothing illegal. But thanks for playing.

uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!

lol... you pay taxes right? & what do you get for it compared to trump et al? & you can't seriously think that his tax cuts actually benefit you in the long run either compared to the 'legal' tax breaks they get to take. think about that.

Well dude, you can always SEND BACK YOUR TAX CUT if you don't like it...

& as prices go up both at the pumps & due to the tariffs & that tax cut of yours dwindles in size by being eaten up by those rising costs.....& then when your little tax cut drys up - cause after all it IS temporary whilst big corp has a permanent cut....

you can thank trump & the swamp for it.

No problem gas prices, now that WE are the top producer, make MORE GAS available to Americans instead of export... and wait until the tariff's do what they are supposed to. WE can now control oil prices, and watch OPEC fall in line, as we threaten them with LOWER oil prices...I know you ABNORMALS cantc think that far in the future!
uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!

lol... you pay taxes right? & what do you get for it compared to trump et al? & you can't seriously think that his tax cuts actually benefit you in the long run either compared to the 'legal' tax breaks they get to take. think about that.

Well dude, you can always SEND BACK YOUR TAX CUT if you don't like it...

& as prices go up both at the pumps & due to the tariffs & that tax cut of yours dwindles in size by being eaten up by those rising costs.....& then when your little tax cut drys up - cause after all it IS temporary whilst big corp has a permanent cut....

you can thank trump & the swamp for it.

No problem gas prices, now that WE are the top producer, make MORE GAS available to Americans instead of export... and wait until the tariff's do what they are supposed to. WE can now control oil prices, and watch OPEC fall in line, as we threaten them with LOWER oil prices...I know you ABNORMALS cantc think that far in the future!

is that why IQ45 is grabbing his ankles for a killer saudi prince?
Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes
By David Barstow, Mike McIntire, Patricia Cohen, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettne
Oct 31,2016

But newly obtained documents show that in the early 1990s, as he scrambled to stave off financial ruin, Mr. Trump avoided reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in taxable income by using a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the Internal Revenue Service would most likely declare it improper if he were audited.

Thanks to this one maneuver, which was later outlawed by Congress, Mr. Trump potentially escaped paying tens of millions of dollars in federal personal income taxes. It is impossible to know for sure because Mr. Trump has declined to release his tax returns, or even a summary of his returns, breaking a practice followed by every Republican and Democratic presidential candidate for more than four decades.

Tax experts who reviewed the newly obtained documents for The New York Times said Mr. Trump’s tax avoidance maneuver, conjured from ambiguous provisions of highly technical tax court rulings, clearly pushed the edge of the envelope of what tax laws permitted at the time. “Whatever loophole existed was not ‘exploited’ here, but stretched beyond any recognition,” said Steven M. Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center who helped draft tax legislation in the early 1990s.

Moreover, the tax experts said the maneuver trampled a core tenet of American tax policy by conferring enormous tax benefits on Mr. Trump for losing vast amounts of other people’s money — in this case, money investors and banks had entrusted to him to build a casino empire in Atlantic City.

As that empire floundered in the early 1990s, Mr. Trump pressured his financial backers to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars in debt he could not repay.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes

you're welcome a 3rd time, marion...

The bottom line is that the IRS needs to collect all taxes that are due. If there are loopholes the IRS needs to tell Congress so they can fix the Tax Code. Whining about Trump's taxes that used loopholes that "congress later outlawed" shows nothing illegal. But thanks for playing.

uh-huh. so why hasn't he shown them to the public? could there be a problem with some of them taxes getting mixed up that shows nefarious people giving trump some rubles? we shall see. you keep on thinking trump is on the up & up, jr. oh & thank YOU for playing. btw, the trump organization's account - mr weiselberg has been granted immunity to tell any little factoids about donny's taxes. lol....

Did I see the word LEGALLY prominently displayed in your bullshit....perhaps you are the one dopey bastard that wants to pay MORE taxes than legally required.. moron!

lol... you pay taxes right? & what do you get for it compared to trump et al? & you can't seriously think that his tax cuts actually benefit you in the long run either compared to the 'legal' tax breaks they get to take. think about that.

Well dude, you can always SEND BACK YOUR TAX CUT if you don't like it...

pay close attention to how your darling mango has duped & screwed you royally.


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