Trump's lying to Boy Scouts! What POTUS prevaricates politically to minors? Has he no shame?

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Trump was a coward when it came to wearing the US military uniform and he never spent one day in a Boy Scout uniform and has no true concept of what loyalty is....Liars are not loyal to anything but their desire to serve their own interest...
He understands what true loyalty is. He understands what duty and honor is. He's a true patriotic American!

4-F rating at the draft board...I'd be ashamed....He must have had a defective asshole and couldn't qualify as anything but a ROTCY boy...
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Well he couldn't talk about honesty and integrity is a moral code for a scout , so he blabbed about oil...
LOL Perhaps so...LOL
Trump was a coward when it came to wearing the US military uniform and he never spent one day in a Boy Scout uniform and has no true concept of what loyalty is....Liars are not loyal to anything but their desire to serve their own interest...
He understands what true loyalty is. He understands what duty and honor is. He's a true patriotic American!

4-F rating at the draft board...I'd be ashamed....He must have had a defective asshole and couldn't qualify as anything but a ROTCY boy...

So, tell us about your time in the Scouts or the military.

Was your asshole deemed to be defective too because it was located on your face?
Liberals talk to Boy Scouts about homosexuality
Liberals try to keep gay children from killing themselves. I know you think that's a mistake. You should come out and admit your position.
Liberals talk to Boy Scouts about homosexuality
No you piece of almost shit but not high enough on the evolutionary scale to qualify, we do not....That is your fantasy.....

The hell they don't they try to force aberrant sexual behavior on every person in the world. And give homosexual men access to young boys to turn.
Trump is trying to create a cult with the young, dumb and redneck folks of this nation..

Eagle Scouts are some of the most intellectually superior people on the planet, proving how damn stupid you and your posts always are.
Poor Scoutmaster Steve. This imaginary character is the worst person in this thread right now. :lol:
Trump was a coward when it came to wearing the US military uniform and he never spent one day in a Boy Scout uniform and has no true concept of what loyalty is....Liars are not loyal to anything but their desire to serve their own interest...
He understands what true loyalty is. He understands what duty and honor is. He's a true patriotic American!

4-F rating at the draft board...I'd be ashamed....He must have had a defective asshole and couldn't qualify as anything but a ROTCY boy...

coming from a piece of shit like you, it is a compliment to hear you rant about ANYTHING ROTC SOB, My father taught military tactics, counter insurgency, PT and was a Marksmanship coach for ROTC. He was a member of Merrill's Marauders and fought in three wars. SO you piles of dogshit need to get some sense of reality before you fuck up one time too many. Dogshit like you have no idea what honor, truth or patriotisim are otherwise you wouldn't allow shit like oscumass or any clinton to be in our government. Quite a few commanding officers were in his classes and had been different grades of Scouts, They excel at almost any task because they are PREPARED to do what is the RIGHT and HONORABLE THING.
Trump was a coward when it came to wearing the US military uniform and he never spent one day in a Boy Scout uniform and has no true concept of what loyalty is....Liars are not loyal to anything but their desire to serve their own interest...
He understands what true loyalty is. He understands what duty and honor is. He's a true patriotic American!

4-F rating at the draft board...I'd be ashamed....He must have had a defective asshole and couldn't qualify as anything but a ROTCY boy...

coming from a piece of shit like you, it is a compliment to hear you rant about ANYTHING ROTC SOB, My father taught military tactics, counter insurgency, PT and was a Marksmanship coach for ROTC. He was a member of Merrill's Marauders and fought in three wars. SO you piles of dogshit need to get some sense of reality before you fuck up one time too many. Dogshit like you have no idea what honor, truth or patriotisim are otherwise you wouldn't allow shit like oscumass or any clinton to be in our government.

Awesome. You spent a paragraph on your father's accomplishments. What have you done, faggot?
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!

We are not a net energy exporter you stupid fuck but we should be.
Why do you think I have the nick 12icer dumbass. Your post is really funny you didn't even get the main idea behind the post, I don't suck dicks like liberal dogshit do I like women.

"4-F rating at the draft board...I'd be ashamed....He must have had a defective asshole and couldn't qualify as anything but a ROTCY boy..."

Rotc is a real military training course, Anyone who completes it knows what they have accomplished. As for MY military time, It is none of your fucking business but I was in green and black for six years in more ways than one. Just be glad I didn't see your punk ass.
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!

We are not a net energy exporter you stupid fuck but we should be.

No, of course, we aren't. I made up all that data provided above. NOT!!!
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
Your political correctness makes you look like a fucking pussy whipped bitch… Now go back to your mothers basement
Liberals talk to Boy Scouts about homosexuality
Liberals try to keep gay children from killing themselves. I know you think that's a mistake. You should come out and admit your position.

Why do liberal gay mayors keep getting caught having sex with underage boys?
I don't know, maybe you should ask Congressman Mark Foley or Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert? :rolleyes:
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