Trump's lying to Boy Scouts! What POTUS prevaricates politically to minors? Has he no shame?

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Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
  • U.S. exports of Petroleum
  • The Booming Influence of U.S. Energy Exports, At Home and Abroad -- This is from the conservative press
  • U.S. Energy Exports: First Comes Crude, Then Comes LNG
  • U.S. Energy Exports

    • The United States has exported natural gas for almost a century, primarily through pipelines to Canada and Mexico, and also through a relatively small LNG plant in Alaska that operated from 1969 to 2012, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS).
    • Oil export restrictions began in the 1970s when price controls on U.S. oil prompted domestic producers to seek more lucrative foreign markets. The 1973 Arab oil embargo, which led to widespread shortages in the United States, led Congress to pass the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, prohibiting the export of oil unless the president determined that certain exports are in the national interest. (A series of subsequent federal statutes regulating oil exports are detailed in this 2014 CRS report on crude oil export policy.)
    • "I believe that the question of whether the United States should have a substantially more permissive policy with respect to the export of crude oil and with respect to the export of natural gas is easy. The answer is affirmative," former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers said in September 2014.
    • U.S. energy security and its ability to project power have been enhanced by the shale revolution, but predictions of the United States becoming a "Saudi America" are overblown. Pundits and officials have floated arguments that the United States can flood the market with oil or deliver LNG to Ukraine as a response to Russian pressure, but experts see these ideas as fanciful.
    • Tangible benefits of increased energy production and potential exports are more limited. They include, in the short run, a reduction in the U.S. trade deficit, promotion of freer international trade policies, and the development of spare oil and gas capacity that can stabilize prices in the event of disruptions due to sanctions or conflicts. These benefits diminish in the long run.
  • U.S. Coal Exports


  • U.S. propane exports increasing, reaching more distant markets


We are not a net energy exporter you stupid fuck but we should be.

No, of course, we aren't. I made up all that data provided above. NOT!!!

None of that data says we are a net energy exporter you illiterate faggot:

United States on track to hit energy milestone it has not seen since 1953, EIA reports

United States may become net energy exporter by 2026, EIA reports

The last time I checked it's not 2026 yet and we import more energy than we export, now do the gene pool a favor and fucking kill yourself retard.
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Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!

We are not a net energy exporter you stupid fuck but we should be.

No, of course, we aren't. I made up all that data provided above. NOT!!!

None of that data says we are a net energy exporter you illiterate faggot:

United States on track to hit energy milestone it has not seen since 1953, EIA reports

United States may become net energy exporter by 2026, EIA reports

The last time I checked it's not 2026 yet and we import more energy than we export, now do the gene pool a favor and fucking kill yourself retard.
None of that data says we are a net energy exporter you illiterate faggot:

Being a net energy exporter isn't what I wrote in the OP, and it's not the assertion Trump made in his speech, you chromosome deficient consequence of bestiality. I am well aware of the difference between and energy exporter and a net energy exporter and how the word "net" distinguishes those two things.

And very soon, Rick, we will be an energy exporter. Isn't that nice? An energy exporter. In other words, we'll be selling our energy instead of buying it from everybody all over the globe. So that's good.
-- Donald Trump, 2017 Boy Scout Jamboree, WVa

Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!

So, before the leach-covered blob of quivering slime that is you casts aspersions about another's illiteracy, check your own. You'll want commence with making sure you comprehend what the f*ck you read instead of assuming you read something you did not.
Only a deranged pervert would try to spread NaziCon propaganda at a Boy Scout Jamboree. Really sick. Reminds me of Hitler youth and Jesus Camp.
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!

We are not a net energy exporter you stupid fuck but we should be.

No, of course, we aren't. I made up all that data provided above. NOT!!!

None of that data says we are a net energy exporter you illiterate faggot:

United States on track to hit energy milestone it has not seen since 1953, EIA reports

United States may become net energy exporter by 2026, EIA reports

The last time I checked it's not 2026 yet and we import more energy than we export, now do the gene pool a favor and fucking kill yourself retard.
None of that data says we are a net energy exporter you illiterate faggot:

Being a net energy exporter isn't what I wrote in the OP, and it's not the assertion Trump made in his speech, you chromosome deficient consequence of bestiality. I am well aware of the difference between and energy exporter and a net energy exporter and how the word "net" distinguishes those two things.

And very soon, Rick, we will be an energy exporter. Isn't that nice? An energy exporter. In other words, we'll be selling our energy instead of buying it from everybody all over the globe. So that's good.
-- Donald Trump, 2017 Boy Scout Jamboree, WVa

Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!

So, before the leach-covered blob of quivering slime that is you casts aspersions about another's illiteracy, check your own. You'll want commence with making sure you comprehend what the f*ck you read instead of assuming you read something you did not.

God you're a fucking moron, if you're an energy exporter that means net exporter you fucking joke of a human being, kill yourself.
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!

We are not a net energy exporter you stupid fuck but we should be.

No, of course, we aren't. I made up all that data provided above. NOT!!!

None of that data says we are a net energy exporter you illiterate faggot:

United States on track to hit energy milestone it has not seen since 1953, EIA reports

United States may become net energy exporter by 2026, EIA reports

The last time I checked it's not 2026 yet and we import more energy than we export, now do the gene pool a favor and fucking kill yourself retard.
None of that data says we are a net energy exporter you illiterate faggot:

Being a net energy exporter isn't what I wrote in the OP, and it's not the assertion Trump made in his speech, you chromosome deficient consequence of bestiality. I am well aware of the difference between and energy exporter and a net energy exporter and how the word "net" distinguishes those two things.

And very soon, Rick, we will be an energy exporter. Isn't that nice? An energy exporter. In other words, we'll be selling our energy instead of buying it from everybody all over the globe. So that's good.
-- Donald Trump, 2017 Boy Scout Jamboree, WVa

Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!

So, before the leach-covered blob of quivering slime that is you casts aspersions about another's illiteracy, check your own. You'll want commence with making sure you comprehend what the f*ck you read instead of assuming you read something you did not.

God you're a fucking moron, if you're an energy exporter that means net exporter you fucking joke of a human being, kill yourself.

As I told you before, you should check yourself, your math knowledge, and your perceptions of the world in which we all ruefully find you existing, you myopically sub-literate waste of skin.

Quite simply, you're just f*cking wrong! YOU think that's what the term "energy exporter" means. People who actually know what they are talking about do not. Being an energy exporter means a nation exports energy products, most typically oil, gas, and coal, although some countries export electricity.
Net exports represents a difference figure, hence the word "net." Every measure of net imports or exports requires there be both a minuend and a subtrahend. Absent either one, the figure/metric cited is not a net one. (See meaning 3 here.)

Being an energy exporter means a country exports energy and/or energy products. Period.

Being an energy exporter and being a net energy exporter are not mutually exclusive statuses. An energy exporter may or may not be a net energy exporter. When people who know what they are talking about, and who are literate enough to communicate precisely and clearly their thoughts on the matter, mean "net energy exporter," they say/write "net exporter" of such and such or "net energy exporter." When the topic changes to imports, the presence or absence of the word "net" is
You're welcome, you vacuous simple-minded troglodyte. I'll thank you in advance for having the self-respect to realize I have nothing further to say to you. and not respond to me insofar as you no longer rate my awareness of your existence or remarks.
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
What an odd topic to discuss with the Boy Scouts. I can't imagine it's something high on their interest list. Wonder if he'll have some s'mores with them and tell ghost stories by the fire.
Boy Scouts have the option one day, if they choose, to go and become dedicated Oilfield workers.

By the time preteen boys grow up with the present technology there will be very few hiring in Oil Fields...

This is the President again backing the wrong industry, he should have been talking about Battery Research and other technology innovations..
I found his whole speech bizarre. I use to be a girl scout and the things he talked about have nothing to do with being a scout. He turned a jamboree into a Trump Rally.

I was getting mad Nazi youth vibes from Trump. It was like he was trying to indoctrinate those boys.
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
What an odd topic to discuss with the Boy Scouts. I can't imagine it's something high on their interest list. Wonder if he'll have some s'mores with them and tell ghost stories by the fire.

I agree. Why he broached any policy matter with minors is indeed strange.

What's most annoying, though it's typical for Trump, is that, once again, voiced untruths that didn't need to be uttered at all because as you've noted, Boy Scouts don't give a damn about U.S. energy exports.

Liberals talk to Boy Scouts about homosexuality
If you'd like to discuss what individuals other than Trump say to the Boy Scouts, you can address that in a thread having that as the topic and that you create.
Trump is trying to create a cult with the young, dumb and redneck folks of this nation..
you are trying to create division with bullshit lies.
Only a deranged pervert would try to spread NaziCon propaganda at a Boy Scout Jamboree. Really sick. Reminds me of Hitler youth and Jesus Camp.
The hypocrisy of you progs knows no bounds...

Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
he's a degenerate liar ,,just called McCain a great american hero ,,,maybe he forgot what he called him before No hero his heroes don't get captured
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
What an odd topic to discuss with the Boy Scouts. I can't imagine it's something high on their interest list. Wonder if he'll have some s'mores with them and tell ghost stories by the fire.

I agree. Why he broached any policy matter with minors is indeed strange.

What's most annoying, though it's typical for Trump, is that, once again, voiced untruths that didn't need to be uttered at all because as you've noted, Boy Scouts don't give a damn about U.S. energy exports.

Liberals talk to Boy Scouts about homosexuality
If you'd like to discuss what individuals other than Trump say to the Boy Scouts, you can address that in a thread having that as the topic and that you create.
Trump is trying to create a cult with the young, dumb and redneck folks of this nation..
you are trying to create division with bullshit lies.
read his tweets this morning nothing to help a hc bill nothing about tax reform ,,,,just get hillary as he badmouths his friend sessions
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
What an odd topic to discuss with the Boy Scouts. I can't imagine it's something high on their interest list. Wonder if he'll have some s'mores with them and tell ghost stories by the fire.

I agree. Why he broached any policy matter with minors is indeed strange.

What's most annoying, though it's typical for Trump, is that, once again, voiced untruths that didn't need to be uttered at all because as you've noted, Boy Scouts don't give a damn about U.S. energy exports.

Liberals talk to Boy Scouts about homosexuality
If you'd like to discuss what individuals other than Trump say to the Boy Scouts, you can address that in a thread having that as the topic and that you create.
Trump is trying to create a cult with the young, dumb and redneck folks of this nation..
you are trying to create division with bullshit lies.
read his tweets this morning nothing to help a hc bill nothing about tax reform ,,,,just get hillary as he badmouths his friend sessions
If Sessions was his "friend," he wouldn't have recused himself so quickly. If Sessions was his "friend," he'd UNrecuse himself immediately and start investigating the painfully obvious corrupt Hitlery Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. If Sessions was his "friend," after he unrecused himself he'd either reign in the Mueller witch hunt or just shut it down.

President Trump needs to fire Sessions, and appoint a real AG, one with a pair of brass balls, like Ted Cruz.
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
What an odd topic to discuss with the Boy Scouts. I can't imagine it's something high on their interest list. Wonder if he'll have some s'mores with them and tell ghost stories by the fire.

I agree. Why he broached any policy matter with minors is indeed strange.

What's most annoying, though it's typical for Trump, is that, once again, voiced untruths that didn't need to be uttered at all because as you've noted, Boy Scouts don't give a damn about U.S. energy exports.

Liberals talk to Boy Scouts about homosexuality
If you'd like to discuss what individuals other than Trump say to the Boy Scouts, you can address that in a thread having that as the topic and that you create.
Trump is trying to create a cult with the young, dumb and redneck folks of this nation..
you are trying to create division with bullshit lies.
read his tweets this morning nothing to help a hc bill nothing about tax reform ,,,,just get hillary as he badmouths his friend sessions
If Sessions was his "friend," he wouldn't have recused himself so quickly. If Sessions was his "friend," he'd UNrecuse himself immediately and start investigating the painfully obvious corrupt Hitlery Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. If Sessions was his "friend," after he unrecused himself he'd either reign in the Mueller witch hunt or just shut it down.

President Trump needs to fire Sessions, and appoint a real AG, one with a pair of brass balls, like Ted Cruz.
If Sessions was his "friend," he wouldn't have recused himself so quickly.

Of course he would have because showing fealty and maintaining a friendship with Trump is more important than maintaining the sanctity of jurisprudential independence.
I don't know whether you are just ignorant, a sycophant, or profoundly stupid. You may even be all three....they aren't mutually exclusive qualities.
I agree. Why he broached any policy matter with minors is indeed strange.

What's most annoying, though it's typical for Trump, is that, once again, voiced untruths that didn't need to be uttered at all because as you've noted, Boy Scouts don't give a damn about U.S. energy exports.

If you'd like to discuss what individuals other than Trump say to the Boy Scouts, you can address that in a thread having that as the topic and that you create.
Trump is trying to create a cult with the young, dumb and redneck folks of this nation..
you are trying to create division with bullshit lies.
read his tweets this morning nothing to help a hc bill nothing about tax reform ,,,,just get hillary as he badmouths his friend sessions
If Sessions was his "friend," he wouldn't have recused himself so quickly. If Sessions was his "friend," he'd UNrecuse himself immediately and start investigating the painfully obvious corrupt Hitlery Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. If Sessions was his "friend," after he unrecused himself he'd either reign in the Mueller witch hunt or just shut it down.

President Trump needs to fire Sessions, and appoint a real AG, one with a pair of brass balls, like Ted Cruz.
If Sessions was his "friend," he wouldn't have recused himself so quickly.

Of course he would have because showing fealty and maintaining a friendship with Trump is more important than maintaining the sanctity of jurisprudential independence.
I don't know whether you are just ignorant, a sycophant, or profoundly stupid. You may even be all three....they aren't mutually exclusive qualities.
Keep up the good work of losing your mind, because of Trump. Say it, president Trump! Lol
Donald Trump just represented to the Boy Scouts at a jamboree in WVa that the U.S. is not an energy exporter!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
What an odd topic to discuss with the Boy Scouts. I can't imagine it's something high on their interest list. Wonder if he'll have some s'mores with them and tell ghost stories by the fire.

I agree. Why he broached any policy matter with minors is indeed strange.

What's most annoying, though it's typical for Trump, is that, once again, voiced untruths that didn't need to be uttered at all because as you've noted, Boy Scouts don't give a damn about U.S. energy exports.

Liberals talk to Boy Scouts about homosexuality
If you'd like to discuss what individuals other than Trump say to the Boy Scouts, you can address that in a thread having that as the topic and that you create.
Trump is trying to create a cult with the young, dumb and redneck folks of this nation..
you are trying to create division with bullshit lies.
read his tweets this morning nothing to help a hc bill nothing about tax reform ,,,,just get hillary as he badmouths his friend sessions

don't really care what he does any more than i really cared what obama did on a day to day basis. rest assured i am NO obama fan but i didn't let myself get all tied up in him like you people do to trump. i don't give a shit-turd about any "reason" you're about to spout out to justify it - you'd dog on people doing it to your side then justify turning around and doing the very same thing.

at this point i don't know if you don't see it or are just too deep in "the game" to care. but all this hate, what do you hope comes of it on a day to day basis in how it affects you?

like i said - not an obama fan, but i didn't follow his every move around like a lost puppy looking for stray bits of food. now THAT is pathetic.
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