Trump's management style


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump's management style mirrors that of drug lord. It is based on fear and thuggery. It is not based on having a particular skill. It is based on what you do not have. To be an effective leader using fear and thuggery you cannot have ethics, morality or compassion. You have to be able to take pleasure in another's pain. It takes a special individual to be a cold hearted thug who spreads fear and never blinks.

Trump is one of those special people.
Trump's management style mirrors that of drug lord. It is based on fear and thuggery. It is not based on having a particular skill. It is based on what you do not have. To be an effective leader using fear and thuggery you cannot have ethics, morality or compassion. You have to be able to take pleasure in another's pain. It takes a special individual to be a cold hearted thug who spreads fear and never blinks.

Trump is one of those special people.

So when does he start decapitating people who disagree with him?

I'm patiently waiting.
Trump's management style mirrors that of drug lord. It is based on fear and thuggery. It is not based on having a particular skill. It is based on what you do not have. To be an effective leader using fear and thuggery you cannot have ethics, morality or compassion. You have to be able to take pleasure in another's pain. It takes a special individual to be a cold hearted thug who spreads fear and never blinks.

Trump is one of those special people.

So when does he start decapitating people who disagree with him?

I'm patiently waiting.
Once he is able to change the law to give the President the authority to do so, he will be doing it.
Trump's management style mirrors that of drug lord. It is based on fear and thuggery. It is not based on having a particular skill. It is based on what you do not have. To be an effective leader using fear and thuggery you cannot have ethics, morality or compassion. You have to be able to take pleasure in another's pain. It takes a special individual to be a cold hearted thug who spreads fear and never blinks.

Trump is one of those special people.

Well, let's face it. He's a jerk. He is an alpha male with a serious case of narcissism. He must be the star. It is why he is his own communications directory. It is why he is the leading diplomat, almost as if he had no state department. He does not wish to share the spotlight with his SecState.

Trump does all the talking. When he is not visiting Pyongyang, Pompeo is as quiet as a church mouse. Is John Kelly still the chief of staff? The last time we heard for him was months ago, and that was to tell us he wasn't going to be fired. James Mattis is the most silent SecDef in U.S. history. But then, Trump's entire cabinet is a collection of mutes.

What if Trump used standard diplomatic and political rhetoric? What if he didn't go out of his way to piss off our friends and allies? He would be an ordinary President. Trump can't tolerate ordinary. How do you make a name for yourself if you are President? How do you draw attention to yourself? I already answered the question. The answer is, be a total jerk.

So that is the reason for his moronic rhetoric at the NATO summit. No doubt it is working. There is very little doubt he is the lead jerk at the summit and he attracting a lot of attention.

In Trump's view, that is the perfect scenario.
we must never manage in hate or malice. we must not become bitter and oppress people and trample people and kick them about and make them bitter and indulge in hate campaigns. we must meet hate with love. we must meet physical force with soul force.
Obama's management style...non-existence the fool never led anything in his life :21:
I notice there is very little push back from Trump supporters on Trump's thuggish management style.
Very few Trump supporters lack the ethics, morality, compassion and find pleasure in other's pain like Trump does but they have no problem facilitating Trump.
If Trump can push through their pet issues, who cares how he does it.
Obama's management style...non-existence the fool never led anything in his life :21:
I notice there is very little push back from Trump supporters on Trump's thuggish management style.
Very few Trump supporters lack the ethics, morality, compassion and find pleasure in other's pain like Trump does but they have no problem facilitating Trump.
If Trump can push through their pet issues, who cares how he does it.

I have noticed there is not much push back from Trump's fans on anything. When they read something they don't like, rather than defend their decision, they are too busy tearing into the writer with language that would make a sailor blush. They don't talk about the issues. They talk about the source of their angst, the writer.
Obama's management style...non-existence the fool never led anything in his life :21:
I notice there is very little push back from Trump supporters on Trump's thuggish management style.
Very few Trump supporters lack the ethics, morality, compassion and find pleasure in other's pain like Trump does but they have no problem facilitating Trump.
If Trump can push through their pet issues, who cares how he does it.

I have noticed there is not much push back from Trump's fans on anything. When they read something they don't like, rather than defend their decision, they are too busy tearing into the writer with language that would make a sailor blush. They don't talk about the issues. They talk about the source of their angst, the writer.
The Trump supporters admire Trump's style but none are as good or I should say as bad as Trump.
On this web site if you insult a Trump supporter you can have your post banned but they can rip into the anti-Trump posters as much as they want..
Trumpism is closer to a cult than it is a political movement.
Obama's management style...non-existence the fool never led anything in his life :21:
I notice there is very little push back from Trump supporters on Trump's thuggish management style.
Very few Trump supporters lack the ethics, morality, compassion and find pleasure in other's pain like Trump does but they have no problem facilitating Trump.
If Trump can push through their pet issues, who cares how he does it.

I have noticed there is not much push back from Trump's fans on anything. When they read something they don't like, rather than defend their decision, they are too busy tearing into the writer with language that would make a sailor blush. They don't talk about the issues. They talk about the source of their angst, the writer.

^^^ load of crap alert.
Obama's management style...non-existence the fool never led anything in his life :21:
I notice there is very little push back from Trump supporters on Trump's thuggish management style.
Very few Trump supporters lack the ethics, morality, compassion and find pleasure in other's pain like Trump does but they have no problem facilitating Trump.
If Trump can push through their pet issues, who cares how he does it.

I have noticed there is not much push back from Trump's fans on anything. When they read something they don't like, rather than defend their decision, they are too busy tearing into the writer with language that would make a sailor blush. They don't talk about the issues. They talk about the source of their angst, the writer.
The Trump supporters admire Trump's style but none are as good or I should say as bad as Trump.
On this web site if you insult a Trump supporter you can have your post banned but they can rip into the anti-Trump posters as much as they want..
Trumpism is closer to a cult than it is a political movement.

:206: if libs knew how to make a rational argument vs trolling they wouldn't be such crybabies.
Trump's management style mirrors that of drug lord. It is based on fear and thuggery. It is not based on having a particular skill. It is based on what you do not have. To be an effective leader using fear and thuggery you cannot have ethics, morality or compassion. You have to be able to take pleasure in another's pain. It takes a special individual to be a cold hearted thug who spreads fear and never blinks.

Trump is one of those special people.

Give us an example of this bull shit you spew.....
Right after former community activist Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama took office he made the infamous statement that was generally ignored by the fawning media "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back of the bus". How's that for thuggery? Barry went on to use the IRS to punish political enemies and he used a rare procedural trick to keep the IRS chief from testifying before a congressional committee. Under Barry's peculiar management style a federal law enforcement agency shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Nobody was indicted or even fired when one of the weapons was used to murder a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Barry went on to a convoluted agreement with Iran where the U.S. would shower the country with two freaking billion dollars in exchange for a lame promise that they wouldn't make nuclear weapons. Americans died in Benghazi when they ran out of ammunition while Barry was eating freaking pizza and never lifted a finger. If President Trump's management skills are based on the sissie left's concept of "fear and thuggery" I'll take it any day compared to the amateur show in the last administration.
Right after former community activist Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama took office he made the infamous statement that was generally ignored by the fawning media "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back of the bus". How's that for thuggery? Barry went on to use the IRS to punish political enemies and he used a rare procedural trick to keep the IRS chief from testifying before a congressional committee. Under Barry's peculiar management style a federal law enforcement agency shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Nobody was indicted or even fired when one of the weapons was used to murder a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Barry went on to a convoluted agreement with Iran where the U.S. would shower the country with two freaking billion dollars in exchange for a lame promise that they wouldn't make nuclear weapons. Americans died in Benghazi when they ran out of ammunition while Barry was eating freaking pizza and never lifted a finger. If President Trump's management skills are based on the sissie left's concept of "fear and thuggery" I'll take it any day compared to the amateur show in the last administration.
At least he said they could ride bitch instead of no ride at all..
Right after former community activist Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama took office he made the infamous statement that was generally ignored by the fawning media "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back of the bus". How's that for thuggery? Barry went on to use the IRS to punish political enemies and he used a rare procedural trick to keep the IRS chief from testifying before a congressional committee. Under Barry's peculiar management style a federal law enforcement agency shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Nobody was indicted or even fired when one of the weapons was used to murder a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Barry went on to a convoluted agreement with Iran where the U.S. would shower the country with two freaking billion dollars in exchange for a lame promise that they wouldn't make nuclear weapons. Americans died in Benghazi when they ran out of ammunition while Barry was eating freaking pizza and never lifted a finger. If President Trump's management skills are based on the sissie left's concept of "fear and thuggery" I'll take it any day compared to the amateur show in the last administration.
That is a nonsensical bunch of gibberish. You are an idiot.
Right after former community activist Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama took office he made the infamous statement that was generally ignored by the fawning media "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back of the bus". How's that for thuggery? Barry went on to use the IRS to punish political enemies and he used a rare procedural trick to keep the IRS chief from testifying before a congressional committee. Under Barry's peculiar management style a federal law enforcement agency shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Nobody was indicted or even fired when one of the weapons was used to murder a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Barry went on to a convoluted agreement with Iran where the U.S. would shower the country with two freaking billion dollars in exchange for a lame promise that they wouldn't make nuclear weapons. Americans died in Benghazi when they ran out of ammunition while Barry was eating freaking pizza and never lifted a finger. If President Trump's management skills are based on the sissie left's concept of "fear and thuggery" I'll take it any day compared to the amateur show in the last administration.
That is a nonsensical bunch of gibberish. You are an idiot.

What, you'd prefer smaller words, maybe a few pictures?

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