Trumps mastermind plan continues to work

Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.

Ya...he's just replaced the native species with invasive species. Kleptocracy.
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

View attachment 401883

Thanks for that demonstration of kaz's law. See sig.

Your whataboutism aside, That isn't the view of Trump supporters. Those are a few nuts who have nothing to do with it and your hate filled Democrat delusions and projections.

If they came here legally, they are welcome despite your partisan driven hatred and lies.

You couldn't more clearly demonstrate what I said.

So seriously, Coyote. Do you consider it the appropriate role of a mod who is tasked with mediating conversation to be pushing the harshest bigoted portrayal of the side you oppose? Is that really leading to more constructive conversation? You believe that?

The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not immigrants. And you know that
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He doesn't have anything
He is just a contrarian -
He doesn't like our system, he has no interest in working to make things better
He just sits on the sidelines and flings shit at the system.
So now you know how it feels.
Suck it up buttercup.
Trump is the mastermind, and your new Daddy.
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

The debt is a huge problem. May I ask what democrats have planned for that? It was the democrat savior Obongo who doubled it in 8 years, and democrats who keep pushing massive spending programs.

The answer to poverty is a better economy. More and better paying jobs, not welfare.
That has been trumps position. He grew the economy, and has been fighting to bring by industry that has been lost over decades of malfeasance. Perhaps if we would stop importing 3rd world workers and illegals which undercut American jobs and wages (again, liberal policies), and creating regulations which promote outsourcing, the American worker would do better?

Student loan doesn’t exploded when the government started giving loans to everybody and everybody who wanted one to go to school. You do understand how that distorted the market, don’t you?

As for the war machine, Trump has not involved us in a single overseas conflict. In fact he has sidestepped several of them. Peace deals are being signed in the Middle East and Troops are being withdrawn.
Trump is the anti war candidate the left has been praying for.

Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

The debt is a huge problem. May I ask what democrats have planned for that? It was the democrat savior Obongo who doubled it in 8 years, and democrats who keep pushing massive spending programs.

The answer to poverty is a better economy. More and better paying jobs, not welfare.
That has been trumps position. He grew the economy, and has been fighting to bring by industry that has been lost over decades of malfeasance. Perhaps if we would stop importing 3rd world workers and illegals which undercut American jobs and wages (again, liberal policies), and creating regulations which promote outsourcing, the American worker would do better?

Student loan doesn’t exploded when the government started giving loans to everybody and everybody who wanted one to go to school. You do understand how that distorted the market, don’t you?

As for the war machine, Trump has not involved us in a single overseas conflict. In fact he has sidestepped several of them. Peace deals are being signed in the Middle East and Troops are being withdrawn.
Trump is the anti war candidate the left has been praying for.


Thank you.
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.
Most of the poverty you can lay at the feet of Democrats and their Draconian lockdowns
And Trump isn't responsible for student debt.
That is what happens when you get government involved in the student loan program. Thanks to Obama for that mess
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.
Most of the poverty you can lay at the feet of Democrats and their Draconian lockdowns
And Trump isn't responsible for student debt.
That is what happens when you get government involved in the student loan program. Thanks to Obama for that mess

No no. Don’t point out that government involvement is student loans created a problem, and then liberals swooped in to solve the problem and made it far more expensive and widespread of a problem.

They will somehow say that Trump went to school once, and was mean to Obama, and stole all the money and that’s the reason for the student loan debt.
Or something equally as stupid and nonsensical.
if they bother to address that at all.
Master mind? master plan? most powerful man in USA? he could not even protect his wife & young son from being exposed & then getting the virus?
Master mind? master plan? most powerful man in USA? he could not even protect his wife & young son from being exposed & then getting the virus?
Well that's just plain dumb.
How do you protect yourself from an invisible bio-agent with a piece of cloth over your mouth?
Any NBC Warfare expert can tell you that using a doctors mask is like using a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes.
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.

Ya...he's just replaced the native species with invasive species. Kleptocracy.

We're not talking about hiden biden here.
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

View attachment 401883

Thanks for that demonstration of kaz's law. See sig.

Your whataboutism aside, That isn't the view of Trump supporters. Those are a few nuts who have nothing to do with it and your hate filled Democrat delusions and projections.

If they came here legally, they are welcome despite your partisan driven hatred and lies.

You couldn't more clearly demonstrate what I said.

So seriously, Coyote. Do you consider it the appropriate role of a mod who is tasked with mediating conversation to be pushing the harshest bigoted portrayal of the side you oppose? Is that really leading to more constructive conversation? You believe that?

The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not immigrants. And you know that
she has a long history of trolling threads to derail them,,,

Yes, she does. What percentage of Trump supporters would even Coyote claim actually talk to people the way that her cartoon says that we all do? My wife is a woman of color and a legal immigrant. She followed the laws of our country to come here. No Trump supporter has ever been rude to either of us or our children as she portrays as common behavior.

Portraying a few nuts out who aren't even connected to Trump as being typical Trump supporters is PURE thread derailment. What constructive discussion would EVER be raised by such hyperbolic hate?
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

View attachment 401883

Thanks for that demonstration of kaz's law. See sig.

Your whataboutism aside, That isn't the view of Trump supporters. Those are a few nuts who have nothing to do with it and your hate filled Democrat delusions and projections.

If they came here legally, they are welcome despite your partisan driven hatred and lies.

You couldn't more clearly demonstrate what I said.

So seriously, Coyote. Do you consider it the appropriate role of a mod who is tasked with mediating conversation to be pushing the harshest bigoted portrayal of the side you oppose? Is that really leading to more constructive conversation? You believe that?

The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not immigrants. And you know that
she has a long history of trolling threads to derail them,,,

Yes, she does. What percentage of Trump supporters would even Coyote claim actually talk to people the way that her cartoon says that we all do? My wife is a woman of color and a legal immigrant. She followed the laws of our country to come here. No Trump supporter has ever been rude to either of us or our children as she portrays as common behavior.

Portraying a few nuts out who aren't even connected to Trump as being typical Trump supporters is PURE thread derailment. What constructive discussion would EVER be raised by such hyperbolic hate?

You mean like you do to the left...all the time? Spare us the whining and faux rage until you apply your standards to yourself.
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

View attachment 401883

Thanks for that demonstration of kaz's law. See sig.

Your whataboutism aside, That isn't the view of Trump supporters. Those are a few nuts who have nothing to do with it and your hate filled Democrat delusions and projections.

If they came here legally, they are welcome despite your partisan driven hatred and lies.

You couldn't more clearly demonstrate what I said.

So seriously, Coyote. Do you consider it the appropriate role of a mod who is tasked with mediating conversation to be pushing the harshest bigoted portrayal of the side you oppose? Is that really leading to more constructive conversation? You believe that?

The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not immigrants. And you know that
she has a long history of trolling threads to derail them,,,

Yes, she does. What percentage of Trump supporters would even Coyote claim actually talk to people the way that her cartoon says that we all do? My wife is a woman of color and a legal immigrant. She followed the laws of our country to come here. No Trump supporter has ever been rude to either of us or our children as she portrays as common behavior.

Portraying a few nuts out who aren't even connected to Trump as being typical Trump supporters is PURE thread derailment. What constructive discussion would EVER be raised by such hyperbolic hate?

You mean like you do to the left...all the time? Spare us the whining and faux rage until you apply your standards to yourself.
we dont have to makes stuff up about the left,, just give them a minute and they always provide,,,
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

View attachment 401883

Thanks for that demonstration of kaz's law. See sig.

Your whataboutism aside, That isn't the view of Trump supporters. Those are a few nuts who have nothing to do with it and your hate filled Democrat delusions and projections.

If they came here legally, they are welcome despite your partisan driven hatred and lies.

You couldn't more clearly demonstrate what I said.

So seriously, Coyote. Do you consider it the appropriate role of a mod who is tasked with mediating conversation to be pushing the harshest bigoted portrayal of the side you oppose? Is that really leading to more constructive conversation? You believe that?

The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not immigrants. And you know that
she has a long history of trolling threads to derail them,,,

Yes, she does. What percentage of Trump supporters would even Coyote claim actually talk to people the way that her cartoon says that we all do? My wife is a woman of color and a legal immigrant. She followed the laws of our country to come here. No Trump supporter has ever been rude to either of us or our children as she portrays as common behavior.

Portraying a few nuts out who aren't even connected to Trump as being typical Trump supporters is PURE thread derailment. What constructive discussion would EVER be raised by such hyperbolic hate?

You mean like you do to the left...all the time? Spare us the whining and faux rage until you apply your standards to yourself.

I'm not a mod and would never be one. I also don't go tell people they are derailing threads then go derail a thread.

Seriously, that cartoon is EXTREMELY nasty. It's not just off topic. You should hold yourself to your own standard.

Read that cartoon and who are you appealing to?

- Leftists filled with hate? Check

- Trump supporters? No. We aren't like that.

I've been married to a woman of color over 30 years, if that's how Trump supporters are, how come none of them ever mention it to us? I haven't seen a single Biden sign anywhere near where I live, I see Trump signs everywhere
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

View attachment 401883

Thanks for that demonstration of kaz's law. See sig.

Your whataboutism aside, That isn't the view of Trump supporters. Those are a few nuts who have nothing to do with it and your hate filled Democrat delusions and projections.

If they came here legally, they are welcome despite your partisan driven hatred and lies.

You couldn't more clearly demonstrate what I said.

So seriously, Coyote. Do you consider it the appropriate role of a mod who is tasked with mediating conversation to be pushing the harshest bigoted portrayal of the side you oppose? Is that really leading to more constructive conversation? You believe that?

The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not immigrants. And you know that
she has a long history of trolling threads to derail them,,,

Yes, she does. What percentage of Trump supporters would even Coyote claim actually talk to people the way that her cartoon says that we all do? My wife is a woman of color and a legal immigrant. She followed the laws of our country to come here. No Trump supporter has ever been rude to either of us or our children as she portrays as common behavior.

Portraying a few nuts out who aren't even connected to Trump as being typical Trump supporters is PURE thread derailment. What constructive discussion would EVER be raised by such hyperbolic hate?
You mean to tell me you don’t go around screaming slurs at minorities?
What’s next, you’re going to claim that you don’t have weekly family meetings to discuss and plan how you are going to hold the black man down?
I’d love to discuss this further, but I have a lunch date. A couple of my buddies and I have to drop off some crack in the hood, then stop by the local ghetto school and stop the black kids from learning.
After that I get my white privilege payment deposited in my “white people only” bank

All in a days work, ya know?
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

View attachment 401883

Thanks for that demonstration of kaz's law. See sig.

Your whataboutism aside, That isn't the view of Trump supporters. Those are a few nuts who have nothing to do with it and your hate filled Democrat delusions and projections.

If they came here legally, they are welcome despite your partisan driven hatred and lies.

You couldn't more clearly demonstrate what I said.

So seriously, Coyote. Do you consider it the appropriate role of a mod who is tasked with mediating conversation to be pushing the harshest bigoted portrayal of the side you oppose? Is that really leading to more constructive conversation? You believe that?

The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not immigrants. And you know that

So seriously Kaz. The only reason you say this is that I am a leftwing mod in a forum that is 90% rightwing Trumpists like you. You certainly don't complain when other mods do the same, so I'm not even going to go there with you. However I will point out that we mods, ALL OF US, are allowed to post as posters, just LIKE YOU DO. Comprehende?

That is all I'm going to say on this. You can take it up via PM if you want to go further.
Its so interesting to see Trumps mastermind plan unfolding. How he has taken the lefts tactics and used it against them, including taking on China and restructured the worlds trade. Such a long list of accomplishments to benefit all Americans. He knew the cards were stacked against him when he ran in 2016, but it has been amazing to watch him slowly drain the swamp. Its so refreshing to know we will all be the beneficiaries of an America, that will be in such great shape after 4 more years of Trump.
LOL!!! Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's restocked it.
So true. Amazingly Trumpers can’t see it. He’s exploded the debt, yet millions of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Millions lack HC and are saddled with enormous student loan debt. The war machine continues to grow unabated.

I am really hoping that President Jorgensen fixes all of that.
The two party duopoly is much too strong and crooked to allow that.

I was making fun of you.
I suspected as much. If you think dumb Don and Senile Joe are better choices than Jorgensen, you aren’t thinking straight.

Jorgensen is not running for President.

But just for shits and giggles -

What do you like about her?
What qualifies her to be a better choice?
What makes her electable?

Her run for a house seat where she got less than 3% of the vote?

It appears that for the majority of her life she has been in academia.
Just about any American would better than Joe or Don.

I will bite... I think Joe is a solid candidate. Not perfect but he is electable (kind of important) and wants to at least bring some normality back...

Have we any proof that he isn't a decent guy trying to get things done... I will agree he some times takes the attainable good rather than the unattainable perfect...

Joe Biden: Disagree with me you're a racist! A Nazi! A misogynist! You aint's black! You're a homophobe! You hate people and the poor and you love the rich and corporations! I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Ted the dumbass: Wow, what a decent guy. That's what we need more of in this country

View attachment 401883

Thanks for that demonstration of kaz's law. See sig.

Your whataboutism aside, That isn't the view of Trump supporters. Those are a few nuts who have nothing to do with it and your hate filled Democrat delusions and projections.

If they came here legally, they are welcome despite your partisan driven hatred and lies.

You couldn't more clearly demonstrate what I said.

So seriously, Coyote. Do you consider it the appropriate role of a mod who is tasked with mediating conversation to be pushing the harshest bigoted portrayal of the side you oppose? Is that really leading to more constructive conversation? You believe that?

The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not immigrants. And you know that
she has a long history of trolling threads to derail them,,,

Yes, she does. What percentage of Trump supporters would even Coyote claim actually talk to people the way that her cartoon says that we all do? My wife is a woman of color and a legal immigrant. She followed the laws of our country to come here. No Trump supporter has ever been rude to either of us or our children as she portrays as common behavior.

Portraying a few nuts out who aren't even connected to Trump as being typical Trump supporters is PURE thread derailment. What constructive discussion would EVER be raised by such hyperbolic hate?

You mean like you do to the left...all the time? Spare us the whining and faux rage until you apply your standards to yourself.

I'm not a mod and would never be one. I also don't go tell people they are derailing threads then go derail a thread.

Seriously, that cartoon is EXTREMELY nasty. It's not just off topic. You should hold yourself to your own standard.

Read that cartoon and who are you appealing to?

- Leftists filled with hate? Check

- Trump supporters? No. We aren't like that.

I've been married to a woman of color over 30 years, if that's how Trump supporters are, how come none of them ever mention it to us? I haven't seen a single Biden sign anywhere near where I live, I see Trump signs everywhere


Now, I know I won't take you seriously. I see plenty of nasty memes and cartoons about the left from you guys all the time. Sometimes, it's simply the best answer to a low grade post. But guys are the only guys that whine about it.

And a a generic thread about Trump's America and Trump's policies - the cartoon is spot on. If you don't like, ignore it. If it hits a nerve, maybe a little self examination is in order.

Immigration is a huge Trump talking point. And no...despite all the excuses, it really isn't just illegal immigrants. It's about the "right type" of immigrants...about who to include and who to exclude based on religion, ethnicity, country of origin, race. It's about those we don't want from "shit hole countries" and those we do want ...which, given attempts to sharply curtail visa's, send immigrants here legally under TPS back, tell American citizens in public office to "go back where they came from" a very diminished group.

Don't like the cartoon? Do some soul searching instead of blaming.

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