Trump’s Military Parade Planned For Veterans Day — Without Tanks

Wonder if there will be a large contingent of homeless veterans pushing shopping carts. A $30 million dollar parade is just what veterans need.
I am sure his rank and file chickenhawk armchair general, peckerwoods will be waving their flags
Consider the resultant product.

It's one thing to say it needs to be done more efficiently, but we absolutely do need the Department of Education.


What did we do before Jimmy Carter invented the thing? Why were American students in the top rung of global scholarship before there was an ED, and why have scores been inexorably plummeting ever since?

Some organization needs to facilitate the funding of public schools. Another reason we need the DoE is so we don't have schools using precious learning time to teach kids the Bible and other such nonsense. I do have a lot of beef with the DoE, though. Part of the reason quality of education has gone down so much is the focus on standardized testing. Teachers are forced to spend way too much time preparing kids for fucking tests so the three companies that control them can continue to make billions of dollars. Meanwhile you have Scandinavian countries giving their people better educations with almost no tests and less time in school. The DoE needs to be recalibrated, not removed.
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Some organization needs to facilitate the funding of public schools.

Why? Send it back to the states.

Another reason we need the DoE is so we don't have schools using precious learning time to teach kids the Bible and other such nonsense.

Nonsense? Is the Bible not both history and literature, and the primary driving force behind the development of Western Civilization?

I do have a lot of beef with the DoE, though. Part of the reason quality of education has gone down so much is the focus on standardized testing. Teachers are forced to spend way too much time preparing kids for fucking tests

When students are prepared for tests (I took hundreds, I'm sure), do not all but the slowest students learn the material covered in the test?

so the three companies that control them can continue to make billions of dollars.


Meanwhile you have Scandinavian countries giving their people better educations with almost no tests and less time in school. The DoE needs to be recalibrated, not removed.

As an example, I'd wager Sweden does not teach Finnish history or multiculturalism, as Texas is teaching Mexican history and multiculturalism.
Why? Send it back to the states.

I question whether or not states can be trusted to uphold certain standards that I find to be rather important. After some thought I'm not entirely closed off to this idea, but I think certain safeguards would have to be in place first. I am all about snatching power and authority from the Fed when/if it is reasonable to do so.

Nonsense? Is the Bible not both history and literature, and the primary driving force behind the development of Western Civilization?

No, the enlightenment was. The separation of religion from public education is extremely important to me.

When students are prepared for tests (I took hundreds, I'm sure), do not all but the slowest students learn the material covered in the test?

Not everybody does well with tests, and no, those that don't do well are not necessarily slow. I also believe that even those that do well would learn more efficiently if so much effort and energy wasn't put into learning how to take and pass these tests. Putting so much emphasis and importance on standardized tests diminishes the quality of learning in schools. It's without a doubt a large part of the reason why our schools suck now.

Eh? Ultimately the standardized tests are about making money. Surprising, I know.

As an example, I'd wager Sweden does not teach Finnish history or multiculturalism, as Texas is teaching Mexican history and multiculturalism.

I don't really have an issue with what you're suggesting here. We definitely use precious time to teach kids some largely useless shit.
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Why? Send it back to the states.

I question whether or not states can be trusted to uphold certain standards that I find to be rather important. After some thought I'm not entirely closed off to this idea, but I think certain safeguards would have to be in place first. I am all about snatching power and authority from the Fed when/if it is reasonable to do so.

Agreed, though technically those standards are the venue of the states, not the federal government.

Nonsense? Is the Bible not both history and literature, and the primary driving force behind the development of Western Civilization?

No, the enlightenment was. The separation of religion from public education is extremely important to me.

The march of Christianity into the West was the initial catalyst. The Church was more totalitarian political entity than preacher for a time, setting up machinery the opposition to which ultimately drove the scientific and societal revolutions that led to the Age of Reason.

I agree religion should not itself be taught, but knowledge of the history behind it is extremely important.

When students are prepared for tests (I took hundreds, I'm sure), do not all but the slowest students learn the material covered in the test?

Not everybody does well with tests, and no, those that don't do well are not necessarily slow. I also believe that even those that do well would learn more efficiently if so much effort and energy wasn't put into learning how to take and pass these tests. Putting so much emphasis and importance on standardized tests diminishes the quality of learning in schools. It's without a doubt a large part of the reason why our schools suck now.

I far prefer the Socratic Method to rote memorization, but one must agree that in order to think critically, there must be something in the students' heads about which to critically think.

Eh? Ultimately the standardized tests are about making money. Surprising, I know.

There is little in modern society that is NOT about making money.

As an example, I'd wager Sweden does not teach Finnish history or multiculturalism, as Texas is teaching Mexican history and multiculturalism.

I don't really have an issue with what you're suggesting here. We definitely use precious time to teach kids some largely useless shit.

There is little in modern society that is NOT about making money.

Maybe that needs to change. Maybe how we approach education should revolve around what is best for the students and what is ideal for learning rather than what makes money. I think standardized testing is a huge problem. Another big problem is the size of classrooms and teachers having very limited ability to teach kids on an individual level. There are better ways to learn and we have real world examples to prove it. Education is the key to America staying ahead of the curve. If we don't change the way we approach it we're going to fall behind.
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There is little in modern society that is NOT about making money.

Maybe that needs to change. Maybe how we approach education should revolve around what is best for the students and what is ideal for learning rather than what makes money. I think standardized testing is the main problem. There are better ways to learn and we have real world examples to prove it. Education is the key to America staying ahead of the curve.

Curriculum should be top bar, and teachers should be paid as professionals recognizing their work as essential to society. A degree in their chosen subject should be the absolute minimum requirement.

Dissolve all tenured positions.

Those who don't cut it should be fired without fanfare.

Also suggest resurrecting on a large scale the vocational education system for those students not academically inclined.

Special needs students (psychos, bullies, thugs etc.) should be in separate systems to deal with special needs students.

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